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Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Why Deschner

Why reproduce passages from Karlheinz Deschner’s book? When more than eight years ago I discovered the internet sites that claimed to defend the West from mass migration, I was delighted. The first of those places where I interacted with people was Gates of Vienna. It was the first time in my life that I encountered […]

Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Kriminalgeschichte, 14

Below, translated excerpts from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (“Criminal History of Christianity”) For centuries the crying against the heretics spread; not an objective polemic, but the demagogic of denigration. ‘In these circles to vilify was considered more important than a refutation’ (Walter Bauer). We can verify it in paleo-Christian literature. […]

Julian (novel) Literature Porphyry of Tyre

Julian, 12

Julian presiding at a conference of Sectarians (Edward Armitage, 1875)   But at that time I was hardly a philosopher. I studied what I was told to study. The deacon who gave me instruction was most complimentary. “You have an extraordinary gift for analysis,” he said one day when I was exploring with him John […]

Celsus Christendom Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) New Testament St Paul

Kriminalgeschichte, 13

Below, abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity)   ______ 卐 ______   Chapter 3: First malicious acts of Christians against Christians ‘No heretic is a Christian. But if he is not a Christian, every heretic is a devil.’ ‘Cattle for the slaughter of hell.’ —St […]

Ancient Greece Bible Day of Wrath (book) Homer Oracle of Delphi Philosophy of history Pre-Columbian America Psychohistory Psychology

Day of Wrath, 5

Julian Jaynes and the bicameral mind In recent decades several historians without any link to the deMausean school have written about thirty books on histories of childhood. I will mention only a couple of those published in 2005: When Children Became People by Odd Magne Bakke and Growing Up: The History of Childhood in a […]

Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Richard Wagner St Paul

Kriminalgeschichte, 11

Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, who in his epistles claims to be Jewish was the true creator of Christianity. In his book Deschner discusses how Paul strongly criticised his co-religionists and then writes: Unsurprisingly, the Jews counterattacked. This fact was very prominent by German Catholics in Hitler’s time, for example in Heilige deutsche […]

Child abuse Day of Wrath (book) Lloyd deMause Psychohistory Psychology

Day of Wrath, 4

The history of childhood and its Newton John Bowlby advanced the fundamentals for understanding attachment; Colin Ross did the same for mental disorders in human beings, and I will keep his class in mind to explain psychohistory. But Ross is a physician, not an historian. In the following pages I will show the deeper reasons […]

Axiology David Irving Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Final solution Heinrich Himmler Holocaust Turner Diaries (novel)

Strong meat

One of the advantages of rereading what one has written years ago is that the faults of the old manuscript become visible. Yesterday I reread my ‘Why I am not a neo-Nazi’ originally published in March of 2014, and I see that the text had an unnecessary tail in which I criticise Covington’s feminism, almost […]

Miscegenation Nordicism Racial studies Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Three-eyed raven, 5

Or: Ethnosuicidal Spencer   The future 3-Eyed Raven beside the Heart tree at Winterfell.   Generally white nationalists see me as a very rare fellow since, without being Aryan, I proclaim nordicism. They ignore that it is precisely because my ancestors lost their Aryan blood what motivates me to warn others not to lose it. […]

2nd World War Holocaust

Andy chats with Greggy

Today Andrew Anglin discussed with Greg Johnson on Tara McCarthy’s show. I heard the live show on YouTube but you can listen it on McCarthy’s BitChute account. The amiable discussion between Johnson and Anglin shows once again what I have said: that white nationalism is very far from National Socialism. Even Anglin, who on The […]