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Free speech / association Videos

Tucker on The Daily Stormer

Tucker Carlson of Fox News has just opened his evening TV statement criticising the tech firms that silenced The Daily Stormer: Google and Godaddy. “We should be very concerned by the prospect of big companies using their power to enforce ideological conformity.” Tucker mentioned twice the SPLC and invited Mark Steyn to the show, who commented: “PayPal for example kicked off VDARE.com.”


Update of Sunday 20, 2017: Yesterday Anglin, whose site is down again, complained “Strangely, neither Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux have contacted me to talk about this while my website was down and I had no voice. No one did. When I was in the hole, and all over the national media, not a single supposed free speech advocate with a reasonably-sized audience reached out to me and offered me a chance to tell my story.”

James Mason Videos

James Mason

What a discovery! Yesterday I watched this clip featuring James Nolan Mason:


The whole, three-part old interview by Tom Metzger can be watched: here. I haven’t read Mason’s Siege because it is out-of-print, and a single surviving copy can be purchased through Amazon at $1798 dollars.

On the other hand, a book packed with lots of illustrations like Siege cannot be read comfortably with the small letters of the available PDF, which today I uploaded to this site: here (postscript note: deleted – see the bottom of this entry).

After watching the whole Metzger interview of Mason the idea occurred to me to print at home the PDF of Siege. While the small letters make an uncomfortable reading both on screen and paper, it is possible to take the printed PDF to Office Depot and make photocopies of the whole text with amplified letters. It surely will be less expensive than purchasing rare surviving copies through Amazon.

Yes, we have Noontide Press and Arthur Kemp’s Ostara Publications. But we still need another publishing house. Recently I was shocked to learn that Pierce’s Who We Are, which (to my mind) is the most important book for racialists together with Hellstorm, is now unavailable from Amazon. Like Siege and other books, Who We Are should be available in printed form.

It is true that Johnson’s Counter-Currents has published several books. But like the mediocre Arktos Press, out of ten books Johnson publishes one good book for nine mediocre books. These two are not revolutionary but merely reactionary publishing houses.

It looks like Mason is still living but he seems to have disappeared from the public scene. Now that white nationalists are going to the streets for the first time, it could be great if a national socialist could investigate what happened to Mason.

P.S. I have now deleted the text of Siege because of this comment, and uploaded instead a better version:


The above PDF can certainly be printed at home and the printed page makes for a very comfortable reading.

Holocaust Videos

Holocaust, the ultimate taboo

See Swedish Henrik Palmgren’s intelligent interview in English of another Swede, Ingrid Carlqvist, on Red Ice TV.

It is magnificent!: a perfect link you can send to your friends who are not red-pilled about the Jewish Question.

After the first hour of the interview, Ingrid, who recently has lost many of her friends in Sweden, starts to raise elemental questions about the ultimate taboo in the West today:

“Scandal in Sweden When Ingrid Questions the Unquestionable”


AmRen 2016 keynote address


Best conference by Taylor to date, but in the Q & A section he still cannot see the forest!

Civil war Hate Justice / revenge Videos

Kai Murros’ speech

Of the London Forum speeches, the one by ‪Kai Murros I liked the most‬, especially his message for revolutionaries: talk to the farmers; talk to the working class! Blame the academia and the One Ring (materialism). He also speaks favourably of holy rage, something that I absolutely endorse, especially in the forthcoming revolutionary times!


“You will go to the extremes… You will commit those acts without remorse because too much is at stake. England is at stake. All wars and conflicts… will pale in comparison to what is coming. Soon history will be made again in this land… English people will love you… especially when you do the most cruel and horrible things. True love is eventually measured by your ability and your willingness to become a monster, in order to protect those you love. You will do the unthinkable… You will do what cannot be discussed later. What England most desperately needs now is a revolution… And this revolution is long overdue.”

Energy / peak oil Videos

Sebas’ speech

I won’t discuss Sebastian Ronin’s recent speech at London where he, while conceding that the genuine National Socialism “was perfect,” criticizes white nationalism. But since the YouTube comments have been disabled in the London Forum channel (Jez Turner’s forum is for real gentlemen by the way; I visited it last year), let’s host an open thread for all those who agree or disagree with Sebas.


Autobiography Music Obituaries Videos

C. T. (1925-2015)

C.T. Sr., my father, died tonight at ninety.


junto al padre Mtz

My father in Madrid, Spain with Father Martínez, a teacher of the Madrid Royal Conservatory, a music college (ca. 1949-1950).


con reina Isabel

My father with Queen Elizabeth (1975). This is a low-quality photo because it has been scanned from a newspaper.


Hazme llorar (literally, “Make me cry”) is a piece composed in 1962 by my father for a duet of soprano, contralto and harp. The above is a 2014 performance at the Palace of Fine Arts, a few months before my father’s liver cancer was detected.

Conspiracy theories Degenerate art Pseudoscience Videos

On 9/11 “truth”

part 1 of 7 – Free fall and how the towers collapsed

part 2 of 7 – Nano-thermite found in the WTC dust

part 3 of 7 – Thermate, thermite and glowing aluminium

part 4 of 7 – How did World Trade Center 7 collapse

part 5 of 7 – The BBC, Larry Silverstein and the Pentagon

part 6 of 7 – The psychology behind a 9/11 truther

part 7 of 7 – Flight 93 and my final thoughts.

This young Briton is neither Jewish nor Jew-wise. He uses anti-music by the end of his clips, but his videos about September 11 conspiracy theories are worth watching. It’s pathetic that quite a few white nationalists swallow this utter nonsense as “truth.”

Blacks Videos

Black perp

A disgruntled negro shoots and kills two co-workers on live television over racial slights. See e.g., today’s article at Occidental Dissent.



Originally I embedded a clip. The black man, who used to work on TV, filmed his killing! YouTube deleted it after the first incarnation of this entry. (The video that’s circulating now was filmed by one of the victims.) On the pic I’ve just added instead, the two journalists that would be murdered this morning.


Jared on Donald
