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Ukraine Videos

The Ukraine conflict

As I have said in other posts, which I don’t even want to link to, Gonzalo is a normie. In this video, for example, he mentions a certain German Chancellor’s moustaches in passing and errs terribly in claiming that the radical wings of the Ukrainians fighting the Russians are ‘real neo-Nazis’. As we shall see in Savitri’s book, which I am still editing, a true National Socialist is nothing like Zelenski’s militia groups. So ignore what Gonzalo says about so-called Ukrainian ‘neo-Nazis’.

Those errors aside, Gonzalo’s analysis of the Ukrainian war is quite accurate and contrasts radically not only with what you hear in the American media (Fox News included) but with the crazy things that Johnson and Spencer have said in racialist circles.

I prefer Gonzalo’s voice to those of Colonel Douglas Macgregor and John Mearsheimer for the simple fact that Gonzalo is living in Ukraine. He can see the situation more directly than them even when their approach differs radically from the story that the Western media have been telling us about the Ukraine conflict.


The West has lost


Green v. Jones

Adam Green vs E. Michael Jones – Is Christianity a Jewish Ploy?

Only ten minutes into this debate, I think Green’s point is so accurate that I’m adding this entry even though I still have more than an hour of listening to do…


Adam Green, 2

‘When you make a Jew God, then you make all Jews God.’ —Adam Green

Nick Fuentes and E. Michael Jones, heroes in some American racial right circles for their anti-Semitism, are exposed as the traitors they are to the West from the opening minutes of Green’s most recent video. If anyone watches that video, don’t miss what a rabbi said around the 36th minute (which reminds me of my Thursday post on Adam Green). And another orthodox rabbi says something similar around minute 44.

After minute 54 Green defends himself against Fuentes’ unfounded accusations of calling him a Jew. Even worse is to hear a Protestant pastor talk about the ‘debt we all owe the Jews’ after minute 58. This sermon by an influential pastor in the US shows why I say that Christians, traitors to their race, are more detrimental to our cause than Jews.

Best quote of the episode we hear at about 1: 12: ‘The real redpill is when you realise that Christianity is a Jewish trap, a Jewish deception.’ And at 1:34 Green says he will make another video about the anti-white campaign that is going on. Near 1:38 he responds to the chats and concludes that, if you don’t want a Jew-dominated West, you have to understand that Christianity is the cause of it.

Since I’m no longer visiting the racial right sites precisely because they don’t want to see the elephant in the room, I wonder if any of them has invited Green to any of their podcasts?

3-eyed crow Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Science Videos

Carl Sagan’s Library of Alexandria

In 1980, when I was much younger, my dad invited me to watch Cosmos, in his words, ‘the best television show’. And indeed, Cosmos really captivated me. I watched it again last month, but from the point of view of a mature César who has emerged from the cave of the three-eyed raven (cf. the final pages of The Grail).

I have already posted a couple of entries about Cosmos in 2012 and 2017 but now I would like to elaborate on a few points.

In the first episode Sagan introduces us to what will be this thirteen-episode series, and in the opening moments he tells us: ‘Our species [sic] is young and curious.’ So right from the opening moments we hear something that isn’t quite true, in that only the white race [1] has been truly curious, to the extent of having invented and/or discovered philosophy and science. What sense does it make to call sub-Saharan negroes ‘curious’ (Sagan uses the word ‘species’ as referring to all apterous bipeds)? Also, in those opening minutes, Sagan comments: ‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’

This is the crucial error I have detected in all science educators: from a writer of countless popular science books, Isaac Asimov (of whom I own several of his books), to Sagan’s predecessor Jacob Bronowski, and even the society of sceptical scientists CSICOP (now renamed CSI), at one of whose conferences I shook Sagan’s hand a couple of years before he died.

Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist and astrobiologist. His words (‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’) remind me of the anecdote of the Greek philosopher who, distracted by stargazing, fell into a hole. The reality is the opposite of what all the aforementioned popularisers of science believe: it is only by knowing ourselves (gnōthi seautón—inscription at the temple of Apollo at Delphi) that we will arrive at wisdom.

The hard sciences, that is, the objective study of the empirical world, can only be wise if we know beforehand who we are. I remind the regular visitor that The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour includes an article summarising National Socialism from its ‘esoteric POV’, to use the term from my last article.

I refer to ‘National Socialist worldview – SS pamphlet’. In just ten pages, perhaps dictated by Himmler himself, we are informed that, for our psyches, the revolution on racial issues will be far more cataclysmic than the Copernican revolution. It is a manifesto (pages 501-510 of The Fair Race) that admirably sums up National Socialism.

Hitler said so too, as we see in these words of Savitri Devi from the book I’m still proofreading: ‘Despite his political alliance with Mussolini’s Italy the Führer was perfectly aware of the gulf separating his biologically based Weltanschauung from fascism, which remained alien to the “stakes of the colossal struggle” that was about to begin, that is, the meaning of his mission. “It is only we National Socialists and we alone,” he said, “who have penetrated the secret of the gigantic revolutions that are coming”.’

It is the scientific study of human races, not cosmology, that will revolutionise the world. Thus, from the very beginning of Cosmos, Carl Sagan puts the cart before the horse. He died in 1996, two years before the first signs of the metastasis of what has now become the Woke monster: a state of mass psychosis suffered by all white nations except Russia, thanks to the warlike barrier that she has just put up (‘They shall not pass’) against the insane Homo-Globo agenda. Despite immense advances in the hard sciences, including astronomy, the egalitarian folie en mass that began with Christianity’s universalism, the founding of the US, the French Revolution ideals, and is culminating now is such that a huge number of whites can no longer even define what is a woman.

Back to Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. After the initial journey in which Sagan shows us the universe on its grandest scale, his ship of the imagination arrives on Earth and here we watch the first bad message of the series. When I was a kid, American popular science magazines only featured the white man in their illustrations. Here Sagan shows us, as he arrives with his ship on Earth, all races without distinction—and the TV producers did it with the first movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony as background music.

The first hero in Carl Sagan’s personal journey is Eratosthenes, the chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria, who was neither sandnigger nor Indian, gook or kike. In fact all the heroes of this series are whites: something Sagan cannot say openly out of political correctness. Then, this first episode shows us images of Alexandria, now the second largest city in Egypt, and acknowledges that the city has lost its glory, and that now there are only minarets. But ancient Alexandria was a white-dominated city (I remember a documentary that shocked me when I saw a reconstruction of a North African city in the Ancient World completely populated by whites).

Sagan fails to see the relationship between scientific flourishing and the white race. ‘Our race [instead of species] is young and curious’ he should have said. The scientist Sagan was unable to connect the simplest info of two of his neurons because he lived and died within the Christian Era in which even secular humanists, like him, subscribe to a universalist doctrine.

Sagan then talks about the Library of Alexandria and visits what is left of it since the Christians destroyed the classical world: a dark and dreary basement, without a single papyrus of course. Everything was destroyed! Shortly afterwards the producers of Cosmos reconstructed, with visual effects, the Library of Alexandria: the beacon of the Greco-Roman world. Sagan walks through this reconstructed library and talks about many other great whites who, like Eratosthenes, flourished in that city before the catastrophe that devastated the Ancient World. The scenes inside a reconstructed Library of Alexandria are the best of the series and Sagan will return there in the final episode of Cosmos:

What the celebrated communicator says resonates with the thesis of this site: the inconceivable tragedy for the white race of the destruction of the classical world. It is here, not in the stars, that any analysis of the West’s darkest hour should begin, which is why the masthead of this site remains the translated essay by Evropa Soberana (pages 33-123 of The Fair Race).

If you don’t want to watch the whole TV series, I recommend the first and last episodes of Cosmos as long as you pay special attention to what this guy says about the Library of Alexandria.


[1] I am referring to the pure Aryans. Regarding the hard sciences, this month we will publish a colleague’s article criticising the pseudo-scientific anti-Nordicism of the American racial right.

Miscegenation Racial right Videos

‘Taliban rule in America’ – Nick Fuentes

I agree with almost everything Nick Fuentes says in this clip that a lesbian Jewess put together for mainstream TV. But from the point of view of the 14 words, it would be toxic, as Fuentes suggests, to have the equivalent of a Taliban in America forcing women to wear veils and enter Catholic churches.

The problem with this POV is that all churches, not just Catholic, admit non-whites to the altar with white women. Tonight, I couldn’t watch even a very short YouTube clip of the recent results of the Soccer Cup matches being played earlier because, inside the stadium crowd, the cameras focused on pure Aryan women next to blacks: both wearing orange shirts, Dutch fans and even young Dutch mongrels between pure Aryan and black!

I know that Catholics like Fuentes will never, ever read Deschner’s book on the real history of Christianity, a revised edition that I’ll publish this week. But that’s exactly the kind of literature that racial political commentators and live streamers like Fuentes should read.

Remember: I have lived for more than half a century in a city where Jews and crypto-Jews were super-controlled throughout three centuries by the Spanish Inquisition, and yet, because the Catholic church accepted that Iberian whites (like me, Fuentes has Iberian blood) married Indians, whites became extinct here.

We don’t need the equivalent of Taliban rule in America but the equivalent of the Third Reich’s Nuremberg laws!

Democracy Francis Parker Yockey Videos

Midterm election

‘If voting mattered it would
be illegal.’ —Mark Twain.

Editor’s note:

The American racial right is made up of normies and semi-normies.

He who has already left Normieland and passed to the other side of the psychological Rubicon (NS) no longer believes in democracy. But the semi-normies of the racial right continue to vote for the Republican party! What a shame that a mestizo thinks better than these pretenders (see Gonzalo Lira’s latest video).

Americans: If you don’t want to listen to Lira, at least listen to another American. The following are a few excerpts from Francis Parker Yockey’s chapter about his country, the United States, in Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics:


______ 卐 ______


In the 20th century, when the Rationalist type of ideology had been discarded by the advancing Western Civilization, the American universalizing of ideology turned into messianism — the idea that America must save the world. The vehicle of the salvation is to be a materialistic religion with “democracy” taking the place of God, “Constitution” the place of the Church, “principles of government” the place of religious dogmas, and the idea of economic freedom the place of God’s Grace. The technic of salvation is to embrace the dollar, or failing that, to submit to American high-explosives and bayonets…

The central-motive of the new cult is “democracy.” In the propaganda-picture, this concept takes the place of God, as the center and ultimate reality. Thus, a Supreme Court Justice, speaking to the graduating class of a Jewish college, said in 1939: “In a larger sense there is something more important than religion, and that is the actualization of the ideals of democracy.”

The word has been endowed with religious force, and has in fact attained to the status of a religion. It has become a numen, and cannot be the subject of critical treatment. Apostasy or heresy bring immediate response in the form of a criminal prosecution for sedition, treason, income tax evasion, or other allegation. The saints of this cult are the “Founding Fathers” of the War for Independence, particularly Jefferson — despite the fact that they uniformly detested the idea of democracy, and were nearly all slave-owners — and also Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt. Its prophets are journalists, propagandists, film stars, labor-leaders, and party-politicians. The fact that the word “democracy” cannot be defined is the surest evidence that it has ceased to be descriptive, and has become the object of a mass-faith. All other ideas and dogmas of the propaganda-picture are referred to “democracy” for their ultimate justification.

Immediately below “democracy” in importance is “tolerance.” This is obviously fundamental to a Culturally-alien regime. Tolerance means primarily tolerance of Jews and Negroes, but it can mean the cruelest persecution of Europeans or other persons with a viewpoint differing fundamentally from the prevailing mass-idea. This persecution is social, economic, and, if necessary, legal…

Far more important to Europe than the propaganda about domestic affairs in America is that about foreign affairs.

The numen “democracy” is used also in this realm as the essence of reality. A foreign development sought to be brought about is called “spreading democracy”; a development sought to be hindered is “against democracy,” or “fascistic.” “Fascism” is the numen corresponding to evil in theology, and in fact they are directly equated in American propaganda.

The prime enemy in the propaganda picture was always Europe, and especially the Prussian-European spirit which rose with such self-evident force in the European Revolution of 1933 against the negative view of life, with its materialism, money-obsession, and democratic corruption. The more surely it appeared that this Revolution was not a superficial political phenomenon, a mere transfer of one party-regime for another, that it was a deep spiritual, total revolution, of a new, vital spirit against a dead spirit, the more violent became the hate propaganda directed against Europe. By 1938, this propaganda had reached an intensity, both in volume and in emotional frenzy, that could not be surpassed. Ceaselessly the American was bombarded with the message that Europe was attacking everything worthwhile in the world, “God,” “religion,” “democracy,” “freedom,” “peace,” “America.”

Heinrich Himmler Individualism Marriage Videos

On silly Joe Rogan

This discussion between Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh shows how infinitely rotten today’s typical Westerner (Rogan) is, completely incapable of understanding the institution of marriage.

Walsh tried to refute him, but as a Christian, he failed to say that the ultimate goal of Western marriage is the 14 words. Compare Walsh’s lukewarm answers with the philosophy of Himmler, who wanted Aryan Germans to breed to 200 millions.

If I had been arguing with Rogan I would have crushed him with my NS reasoning. Just compare Rogan’s individualist POV with what we say in the article ‘Lebensraum’ in the forthcoming edition of On Exterminationism.


Let’s redpill Coach Red Pill

This is a postscript to my previous post.

I just left him a message about the JQ. He needs to read the William Pierce article I chose for The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

Videos War!

Gonzalo’s video today

‘We are at the doorsteps of World War 3’ and he laughs—exactly the kind of eschatological, black humor that portrays my character so well!

Will Kalki come sooner than expected?