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Karlheinz Deschner Third Reich



The skinny intellectual v. the blond beast

It is amazing how my knowledge of the origins of Christianity, and its bastard son ‘Neo-Christianity’—liberalism—, has changed my worldview thanks to Tom Holland’s Dominion and those books listed in the footnote to this post. So much so that I would like to take issue with what Eduardo Velasco, one of the intellectual heroes of this site, had to say about National Socialism before Blogger took down his site Evropa Soberana. In this post I rescued, Velasco quoted those passages from Mein Kampf in which Hitler said that the racial state’s aim is to train physically healthy men. Only after all this comes scientific instruction.

Hitler added that the racial state must start from the point of view that a man of modest education, but of sound body and firm character, full of will and a spirit of action, is of more value to Völkisch nationalism than a weak super-intellectual. Velasco, the admirer of Sparta, goes on to comment: ‘The NSDAP intended to organise German demography as if it were a farm—indeed, two of Germany’s leading racial ideologues, Heinrich Himmler and Walter Darré, had farming backgrounds’.

But there is a serious problem here. Now that I have finished uploading the most important PDF books to the featured post, I would like to quote my thoughts at the end of the last one I have put together: the second volume of our abridgement of Deschner’s book.

When a decade ago I read Hitler’s after-dinner talks in an edition of Ostara Publications, historian Arthur Kemp’s publishing house, the Führer’s laudatory comments on Charlemagne (Appendix I of this PDF) surprised me. It is true that in 1935 Himmler’s SS created a stone monument in memory of the Saxon victims murdered by Charlemagne and his henchmen. But if Hitler had become truly wise, instead of risking his newly created Reich in a foolish adventure against the Soviet Union, he would have devoted all his efforts to founding a New Germania which would have been the cultural centre for exposing Christianity and its bastard son, neo-Christianity (which I now try to do in The West’s Darkest Hour without the Reich’s formidable resources). Gradually, the Third Reich could have become the intellectual lighthouse that, by now, would have illuminated Europe after the Dark Middle Ages—and the Dark Modern Ages! (cf. the book Dominion excerpted in Neo-Christianity).

By putting all the emphasis on the Jewish Question and not on the Christian Question, and by launching a premature war (lack of atomic bombs) against the Soviet Union, Hitler’s Reich put the cart before the horse.

Both National Socialists (NS) and today’s white nationalists ignore that it is impossible to solve the Jewish problem if we don’t first understand that it is precisely Christians—think of the fanatically philo-Semitic Americans—, and atheistic neo-Christians, who have empowered Jewry, blacks, immigrant Muslims in Europe, so-called liberated women, so-called gays, transgender men, etc.

Despite his genius, Hitler never had the opportunity to read scholarly books about Charlemagne’s crimes that had not been written, such as the one eventually written decades after the very young Karlheinz was wearing his NS uniform. If Hitler, Rosenberg and others at the top of the NS intelligentsia had known what we now know, that Jesus didn’t even exist and that the entire New Testament was written by Jews,[1] they wouldn’t have fantasised about an Aryan Jesus and perhaps would have focused all their efforts on refuting Christianity, and its secular offshoots, in a Germania that could well be depicted in the image below, Oldtown.

In other words: Hitler’s Weltanschauung was perfectible but certainly not perfect. It was necessary, imperative I dare say, for NS intellectuals to see what Deschner would eventually discover about the real history of Christianity; what someone like Holland would discover about the history of Neo-Christianity, and how the Jews invented the stories of the four Gospels after the year 70 c.e. and the destruction of their Jerusalem Temple.

The slim Deschner in NS uniform was more important than the blond beast of Himmler’s farms. Hitler ignored this and wanted to win by brute force, with the results we know: after the catastrophe of 1945 the Germans betrayed themselves by internalising the narrative imposed on them by the American Diktat.


[1] The books that would hit the nail on the head on this issue were published about seven decades or more after the death of NS Germany: On the Historicity of Jesus: Why We Might Have Reason for Doubt by Richard Carrier (2014), Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity by Richard C. Miller (2015), and The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul’s Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years by David Skrbina (2019). Carrier’s and Miller’s books are for scholars, Skrbina’s is an essay.

10 replies on “Oldtown”

The Führer hurried due to the shrinking markets projection. And because he had little faith in the future generations.

But this point of yours is unironically one of the most profound ones. It was exactly this that pushed me to proclaim, “Culture trumps geopolitics!” Yet culture needs at least a single sovereign country to grow.

Hi Cesar,

I think you would like enjoy these two posts which focus heavily on Nietzsche and Tom Holland’s commentary on the Christian underpinnings to modern egalitarianism:



One must take into consideration the following: the Soviets intended to invade Europe from the start, Germany being their prime target. Their invasion of Poland from the north and subsequent invasion of Finland are good examples of the Soviet plan to completely dominate Europe. They also of course played their hand in the south of Europe by sending Soviet agents to Spain before the start of World War II resulting in the Spanish Civil War. In the West both the United States and Great Britain seem to have already handed Europe to the Soviets from the beginning. I dare say their inaction toward Soviet behavior like the massacre of Katyn Forest in Poland and the Holodomor in Ukraine leave no doubt. In my opinion the German people of the Reich had no choice but to invade the Soviet Union or eventually be invaded.

A view so common that it was even said to me personally at the London Forum the one and only time I visited them. But I think Hitler should’ve waited until he had the atomic bomb, before his fateful gambit.

I don’t think Hitler had the time. I read one of Leon DeGrelle’s books about the eastern front. According to him, Germany proceeded a Soviet Invasion by a very short time. He said that the German forces made such quick inroads into Russia because the Russians had prepped the way for their invasion of Europe and the Germans simply got their first. New bridges, railroad lines and roads were constructed going to the border. If building a defense you want the roads parallel to the border not going to the border. Large amounts of rails, ties and coal were stored at the border as well. The border defense line had been dismantled so all the barbed wire, tank traps, etc had been removed so that Soviet forces would have a clear way into Europe and not get hung up on their own defenses. These kinds of thing are done shortly before an invasion, not months or years before. Since Degrelle was there, I’ll bow to his superior knowledge and experience on the subject. It is truly unfortunate. I wonder if a defensive stance against the Russians, instead of invasion, would have worked out better? Apparently Hitler didn’t think so, so here we are.

Intuitively, invading an entire continent (compared to the size of Germany) strikes me as a gross blunder from a military point of view. Why not build a Maginot Line while manufacturing the Bomb?

The preventive war idea can be seen in many ways. First, Hitler explicitly did not expect a Soviet offensive too soon – he was more wary of the farther future, when Soviet industry would overtake Germany’s, and he would be gone. Second, if the Bolsheviks had indeed invaded, wouldn’t it have been preferable? Because I doubt the Russians would have been at all successful, considering their terribly inefficient record in Finland and even Poland. Yet a moral tale for the Aryan Anglo would have been much harder to hide.

In a word, no, the Aryan Germans were arrogant in the extreme. They certainly had the right thereto as the supreme scion of Europe. Yet a bit of a defensive “siege mentality” (the offensive kind was common), of readiness not to seize food but _to let your people starve if need be_ would have proven more apt. Ironically, it would have required more pride and self-confidence to wait till your enemies rot to death.

Perhaps Uncle Adolf should have taken the British out at Dunkirk once and for all.

A couple points to keep in mind regarding the discussion about Germany:

1) Germany had no oil. It had to rely on Romanian oil, which was right on the border with the Soviet Union and strategically very difficult to defend. This is a big reason why Germany did not want to fight a defensive war against the SU.

2) Britain had declared war on Germany and only Germany when Germany and the Soviets had taken over Poland together, despite the Soviets taking half the country. The English historian A J P Taylor writes that “The state of German armament in 1939 gives the decisive proof that Hitler was not contemplating general war, and probably not intending war at all.”

3) The President of the Reichbank, Hjalmar Schacht, was secretly feeding Germany’s production figures to Montagu Norman, the head of the Bank of England. This gave the west the figures they need to feel comfortable forcing Germany into war; the Allies outproduced the Axis anywhere from a 3:1 to 10:1 ratio during the war across every category:

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4) If you read Irving’s “Hitler’s War”, Hitler was quite nervous about invading the SU up to and through the date of invasion. Perhaps they should have planned for a 2 year war, but the U.S. was already heavily supplying both the Soviets via Lend-Lease and the British. Hitler knew Germany was likely to get swallowed fighting on multiple fronts so his best bet was to smash the SU with a lightning fast attack and not have it become drawn out (and the SU was indeed about to attack Germany).

If you have interest, check out this analysis which suggests that a 1% increase in German GDP toward its military forces against the SU might have won the war:

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Also, the talk about Germany pursuing nuclear weapons is silly. Germany did not prioritize development of the bomb at any point; Hitler was focused on fighter jets and the V2 rockets. They were much further behind than the Allies on its development.

Lastly, I think to understand the war two books should be read:

1) “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind” by Stephen Mitford Goodson, a South African central banker, who shows that the central bank owners targeted Germany for destruction because Hitler attempted to get off their central bank system:

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2) “Conjuring Hitler”, which shows the British and American financial powers financed both the rise of the Soviet Union and the rise of Nazism because their #1 concern was an alliance of Germany/Russia, which was the only thing that could have prevented Britain/America from dominating the continent:

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I will let this comment pass once but next time don’t add bare links please: they look horrible and I won’t click them.

Anyway, it seems obvious to me that Hitler shouldn’t even have invaded Poland for the UK to unleash WW2. ‘Oldtown’ was the perfect solution and nothing more.

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