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Free speech / association WDH radio show

WDH Radio Show – Episode 6

Conversation with Joseph Walsh

— Listen to it here! —
This was an informal chat of two days ago with Joseph Walsh that I found suitable for Episode 6.
If you forgive my broken English, the first subject we discussed is the imprisonment of nationalist Britons a few days ago for thoughtcrime (see also here and here).
Then we talked about the coming financial collapse: something that, among white advocates, very few are paying due attention (see e.g., yesterday’s Rebel Yell article here).
Aryan ethno-suicide is discussed as more serious than the JP, in the context of Christian ethics.
Near the end of the recording we approached the subject of a paradigm shift by 2070 A.D. (“the Jesus era is over!”).

Autobiography David Irving Free speech / association Heinrich Himmler Holocaust Videos

David's story


Free speech / association Justice / revenge Turner Diaries (novel)

Fucking Canadians

Sprayed yesterday on Canada’s Highway 400

These fucking Canadians moved me today to change the subtitle of this site. Listen Pierce’s novel to see what will happen to Judaized Canada after the Holy Racial Wars!

Free speech / association

New era of censorship

I have been complaining these days about what happened to The Daily Stormer. Now Stormfront, the oldest white nationalist internet forum founded by Don Black (pic left) with the motto ‘White Pride World Wide’, a major resource for white activists around the world, has been censored.

See the articles on Occidental Dissent and Anglin’s provisional domain on the subject here and here.

I bet that (((Stefan Molyneux))) the hypocrite, a notable defender of free speech in YouTube, will continue to remain silent on the issue…

Free speech / association

Hypocrite Molyneux

Further to ‘Tucker on The Daily Stormer’. The Orwellian making of Andrew Anglin a non-person continues. Yesterday he complained:

Please continue to spread the fact that I am on here [Gab], giving updates. Tell everyone…

I want to reiterate that I am shocked that A[lex] J[ones], [Stefan] Molyneux and others on the right are not openly coming to my defence. Only Tucker has.

This is coming for all of you next.

I want to add something to what I already said in ‘On Stefan Molyneux’.

Molyneux is perfect as the first stepping-stone that a recalcitrant normie has to step on while crossing the Rubicon from Normieland to National Socialism. However, once you are already at the other side, a psychological phenomenon occurs. The hypocrisy of the Alt-Lighters, including Molyneux, becomes extremely annoying.

This documentary from the mainstream media about Charlottesville is, as expected, biased against pro-whites. But I confess that I found so inspiring the very first minute that now I wish I should have been in that magic night ten days ago!

The mystique of that moment will never be conveyed by someone like Molyneux, whose YouTube videos are quite boring for the highly red-pilled man. So much talk about free speech in hundreds of his videos… but when a Neo-Nazi like Anglin gets ‘vaporised’ in the internet, a word used by Orwell in 1984, he doesn’t say a peep.

Purple-pill your normie friends with Molyneux if you like. But once they are firmly at the middle of the river call their attention to the ‘best article on the Jewish question’, linked on the sidebar below the laureated coin of Pierce.

Catholic religious orders Christendom Eschatology Free speech / association Kali Yuga Liberalism Oliver Cromwell Protestantism St Francis


After the events in Charlottesville, white nationalists have become the target group of the System forces. Not only The Daily Stormer (which for the moment can be seen: here) but Radio Red Ice, VDARE, NPI, American Renaissance, Mike Enoch, Counter Currents Publishing, Pax Dickinson, The Right Stuff, PolNewsForever, Altright.com, Vanguard America, RootBocks, Weev’s Linkeldn account, IdentityEuropa, Instagram, and Xurious have either been shut down or affected by the cancellation of their PayPal service.

Also, two of Richard Spencer’s upcoming conferences have been cancelled; in the case of Christopher Cantwell, both his Facebook page and his PayPal account have disappeared. In addition, Hatreon which provided donations for dissidents is offline; the Swedes Daniel Friberg and Christopher Dulny were banned from entering the US for their presence in the white nationalism movement, and the Paranormies account has been ousted from Soundcloud (Soundcloud is the same service that houses The West’s Darkest Hour Radio Show).

At least Trump has been brave in not joining the demonization of the Alt-Right like most American elites have. I believe, like James Mason, that the whole matter can be understood much better if we concede that the Enemy has won (since 1945), and that only a civil war can save the white race from extinction.

White nationalists horribly err when blaming the few swastikas (only three apparently) that some flaunted in Charlottesville. The myopia of these anti-swastika pundits borders psychosis. The original sin lies in the religion of our parents; in the liberal culture following the French Revolution, and in the American culture in particular that emerged from a version of Christianity friendly to the Jews.

White nationalists do not realise that practically all contemporary westerners are the product of a Christian and a liberal culture that has carried the principle of the human soul in a Christian sense—as opposed to the biological notion of the human psyche as Himmler explains—to its logical conclusion.

If there was a Pope of all Western culture today, whether religious or secular, he would be similar to the High Sparrow character of Game of Thrones: If you cannot equate those below with those above, humiliate and destroy the Aryan nobility of Westeros so that, this way, everyone will be equal. Studying the history of Christianity is fundamental to understand the atheistic world of today. I would go as far as claim that, if there is a key for the contemporary world, it is precisely the mendicant orders, such as the Dulcinians, which became fashionable after St. Francis tried to follow Jesus’ words in all of their purity.

White nationalists do not realise that the eschatological times we are living in are nothing but the last death rattles of Christianity, just as a dying star expands and burns all the planets near its orbit. It is Christianity what is dying, and before it becomes the white dwarf that will become the next century, it is giving us a hell of a fight by burning the whole West, including the precious blood of westerners through miscegenation. The madness of importing foreign people is not suffered in China or the countries under Islam: it is a folie en masse that only affects whites, upon whom sixteen hundred years ago a Levantine faith was imposed.

I am tempted tomorrow to continue the series on Deschner’s history of Christianity, but perhaps not with translations of whole chapters. I might limit myself to quote the anti-Semitic texts of the first fathers of the Church. Those millennial texts are a treat if we compare them with the version of Christianity that conquered the United States: the worst Christianity of all times! It’s the worst precisely because it transmuted the anti-Semitism of these early theologians into the philo-Semitism brought to this continent by the spiritual sons of Cromwell.

Write down my email address! If the System continues the crackdown, my WordPress, Twitter and Facebook accounts could be nuked. But if you save my email, I’ll to let you know the new address of this site.

cesartort [at] yahoo.com

Free speech / association Videos

Tucker on The Daily Stormer

Tucker Carlson of Fox News has just opened his evening TV statement criticising the tech firms that silenced The Daily Stormer: Google and Godaddy. “We should be very concerned by the prospect of big companies using their power to enforce ideological conformity.” Tucker mentioned twice the SPLC and invited Mark Steyn to the show, who commented: “PayPal for example kicked off VDARE.com.”


Update of Sunday 20, 2017: Yesterday Anglin, whose site is down again, complained “Strangely, neither Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux have contacted me to talk about this while my website was down and I had no voice. No one did. When I was in the hole, and all over the national media, not a single supposed free speech advocate with a reasonably-sized audience reached out to me and offered me a chance to tell my story.”

Free speech / association

Daily Stormer

I know next to nothing about how the internet works. But I am dismayed that after Andrew Anglin’s The Daily Stormer was taken down a couple of days ago there are no articles on any notable WN site that I know explaining what is going on, or when if ever will the Stormer be back through normal channels.

Update of 7:40 am.
Finally I found a legit thread at VNN Forum. My guess is that WN sites are just that: sites run by white nationalists. We need something closer to a NS sympathiser, even though Linder is not a national socialist, to address something so obvious. After all, Anglin’s site got nearly a million visits after the Charlottesville event—something that envious admins of WN forums don’t get even remotely.

I hope you are back soon Anglin, our differences aside. We salute you from this humble site.

For further updates see Andrew’s posts at Gab:


Free speech / association

On Hillary

At Facebook Todd Ojala asked me: “Do you think that
defeating Hillary Clinton is important?” I replied:

Well yes. I am extremely concerned that the witch will start messing with the Second Amendment (and probably the First too).

After the dollar crashes in this decade white Americans will change from “Happy mode” to “Angry mode”. Unfortunately, Angry mode is not enough for revolutionary action. We will need “Combat mode” and ultimately “Killing mode”. American whites need time to digest the white nationalist literature that will become fashionable after the crash.

But if Hillary introduces hate speech laws and starts confiscating weapons after blacks chimp out while whites defend their property, I’m not sure there will be enough time for the gradual unfoldment of a pro-white revolutionary mindset. It will just be utter chaos.

A Trump presidency on the other hand, with those two Amendments unmolested, would give whites a pause to rethink things over for some years, perhaps enough for a White Awakening in a world where the dollar will lose its international status.

Axiology Civil war Conservatism Free speech / association Michael O'Meara Real men Sword

Ex Gladio Libertas

My experiences have given me a far higher opinion of trade union militants and working class Bolsheviks than I’ll probably ever have of American conservative or racialist intellectuals. I also know if any fighting is ever to be done, I can count on one rather than the other.

Michael O’Meara

The chasm that separates us from white nationalism (WN) is our meta-ethical POV, more formally known as “axiology” or set of primordial values. For example, every time that one of our street fighters makes a scene (the latest, Anton Lundin Pettersson) the reaction of American conservatives and most racialist intellectuals verges on hysteria.

I tried to describe the chasm in some pages of the books linked at the sidebar, below the Spartan banner. But after Anton’s fifteen minutes of fame I reread all the comments gathered in this site that Jack Frost originally posted on The Occidental Observer webzine. To those who have no time to study carefully the sidebar’s books I’d recommend reading at least some of these comments:


They’ll give you a taste of the flavor of what we mean by transvaluating the bourgeois values in American WNsm, mostly the by-product of their parents’ Christianity of Calvinist extraction, back to the values of the wild blond beast. This includes revaluating the WN notion of thinking like civilians (“good Christians”) instead of freedom fighters, especially now that the enemy is planning to close our only outlet, the internet, in places like Britain.


Ex Gladio Libertas

Freedom comes from the sword