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On Stefan Molyneux✡

Stefan Molyneux, who’s six years my junior, is a Canadian YouTube blogger. He usually speaks on topics including politics, right-libertarianism and some consider him the smartest exponent of the Alt-Lite.

In this video Molyneux says Jews are hated because they are intelligent. This is exactly what I believed when I was unawakened about the Jewish Question. Before 2010 I believed that they were overrepresented in all the fields because they were smart. But that was a mistake on my part. Presently I hate Jews because they are never over-represented in organizations or movements that represent the interests of the Aryan majority, only in those that weaken that majority.

Molyneux is not an idiot. He is not like me before I became acquainted with the writings of wise anti-Semites. Molyneux is actually tricking us by confusing apples with oranges; intelligence with subversion. For example, high IQ Asians living in the West never say, as Talmudists do, “the best of the Goyim must be destroyed”, etc. That’s why Asians are not hated.

Molyneux presumes that his worldview is based on facts, and sound arguments based on such facts. If that’s true, why hasn’t he discussed Kevin MacDonald’s work in any of his thousands of videos? MacDonald and those who publish in The Occidental Observer have demonstrated without reasonable doubt that the statement I put above in italics is true.

So Molyneux misleadingly presents himself to the public as a philosopher who bases his views on facts. The reason why he will never face the facts about Jewry is that he has Jewish blood. Molyneux himself has stated that his mother was born “in Berlin in 1937 to a pretty Jewish clan.” Such genetic traits explain Molyneux’s superb command of language, a command that hypnotizes unwary YouTube gentiles.

I write this entry because it has recently bothered me that Molyneux cites an anecdote: that in the early 1940s it was said that there is no need to sing victory while the Nazis still were in power. Molyneux has iterated that old anecdote several times in various videos. But the straw that broke the glass of my patience was his latest video, in which he talks about the fall of Bill O’Reilly. Molyneux quoted a line of Inglourious Basterds as if the anti-German diatribe was hilarious…

Let’s be clear: the exponents of the Alt-Lite are not our friends, especially those who have recent Jewish ancestry. Alex Linder sums up in a few words what a genuine pro-white movement must be: “No jews, just right”. The recent events in the family of Donald Trump show that Linder is right.

7 replies on “On Stefan Molyneux✡”

It’s a pity that online friends comment on my posts at my Facebook links instead of here (I delete almost all of my FB links because FB has a fame of nuking accounts). But anyway, this is what Paul DiBenedetto commented at my FB page regarding the above entry: “The rule is (or so for aspiring pundits, they think it is) if you want to move up the ranks in punditry, don’t be truthful about Jews.”

Jews are stupid, but very, very clever and cunning. After all, look at their absurdly stupid and impossible lies about the mythical Hallowedhoax, yet they have even stupider goyim drowning in their cesspool of lies, soap, ashes and Zyklon B.

Jews rely on their cunning, combined with goyim ignorance and stupidity to pull off their criminal scams while remaining hidden. After all, they have been successfully using the same, shop-worn, Biblical scams on the goyim for more than two millennia. It’s truly a sad comment that whites are more ignorant and stupid than Jews, but if the dunce cap fits . . .

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