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Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Homosexuality Islam Pederasty Psychohistory


Today Andrew Anglin said something that I’ve said to myself countless of times in my silent soliloquies:

In these arguments, they always mix in this new definition of pedophilia, conflating attraction to a 15-year-old… with attraction 5-year-old. Like it’s the same thing, because it’s all “children” under the age of consent.

But he also wrote: “I have nothing against Catholics. But the fact is, the homosexual mafia has taken over this organization.” Those of us who have studied psychohistory, the study of childrearing methods through the millennia, know that even the Early Church tolerated pederasty through the practice of offering boys in their early teens to the monasteries. Later in the article Anglin adds pictures of Muslims throwing homosexuals over high buildings and ends his article with the sign: #WhiteSharia.

This is why The West’s darkest Hour has been hammering with the histories of the white race by William Pierce and Arthur Kemp. And even those stories are preliminary: we need far more detailed studies from the POV of the 14 words.

The trouble with the White Sharia meme is that it’s ultimately Semitic. We should hate Muslims as much as we hate Jews and, for those with historical memory, the Carthaginians. In The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour I used the ideas of a MGTOW blogger that has no use of the White Sharia meme to reassert masculinity.

Exactly the same can be said about homosexuality. We don’t need to find inspiration in ISIS in trying to figure out what should a Fourth Reich do with the homo problem. Find inspiration in how Himmler dealt with it! (Those who argue that the Greco-Roman world accepted homosexuality should become better acquainted with the classic literature, as in those times the pederasts had to ask permission to the father before seducing the adolescent.)

In either case, we don’t need to find inspiration in Islam. Just study the fucking history of the white race!

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) William Pierce


Today I discovered that on December 2016, in the comments section of his blog, Hadding Scott had responded to my March 2016 inquiry in the same thread. I refer to his important article “On the origin of the word racist.” In his response to me Scott wrote:

That Wikipedia article is fraudulent. The council wrote that declaration because they objected to the formation of a Bulgarian national church. They did not use the word racism at all; they used the word φυλετισμός (phyletism), which is best understood to mean tribalism or, in this case, nationalism.

Matthew Raphael Johnson discusses that council and its corrupt motives in one of his talks. Phyletism really is not a sin in Christianity; it is in fact traditional.

Since Hadding waited more than eight months to answer my question, in the 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour I included a quotation reproduced in small letters here that I’ll remove for the next edition of the book.

Changing subjects, Metapedia has pages linking to William Pierce’s podcasts (here) and his articles (here and here). As I have said elsewhere, in my opinion Pierce had the most penetrating mind among all the American “racists.”

Ancient Rome Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Feminism Marriage Patriarchy

On the white sharia meme

I don’t use the white sharia meme but in my soliloquies I constantly say to myself in humorous vein: “Lo más importante de todo en la vida es que las mujeres sean lindas Caperucitas (Most important of all in life is for women to be cute Little Riding Hoods).

Yesterday Irmin Vinson, the author of an important pamphlet about Hitler, had his latest article published at Counter Currents. He cannot understand why The Daily Stormer dislikes a photo of three modern white women showing their legs. The answer is simple: because that means that they are not lindas Caperucitas.

Vinson is ten years younger than I. Younger generations are so alienated from their past that they completely ignore that old-time marriage was a rock-solid institution in the Greco-Roman world even before Christian takeover. Vinson says that he doesn’t feel the tiniest bit of hostility to the three women in the picture that the Stormer article tags as “Skanks having the time of their lives whilst their cities are conquered by foreigners?”

What Vinson cannot see is that presently women are exempted from their former responsibilities—marriage, motherhood and submissiveness. Let’s forget the white sharia meme if its Islamist implications offend you. Use instead the European fairy tale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf. Vinson and the effete commenters on Counter Currents are clueless that when traditional marriage is abandoned (the above pic is taken from the television adaptation of Pride and Prejudice) Western society collapses. The welfare state will become overburdened and finally crash. The demographic winter of whites will reset back to traditionalism, but this time it will be a traditionalist Sharia for a white Europe turned into a brown Eurabia.

To compete with the brown barbarians whites won’t have any choice but to return to the brutality of Ancient Rome, when the father was the judge, jury and executioner of the family (pater familias), wife included. Those who have read the newest edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour will remember this passage:

In Rome the problem started right after the Second Punic War, when a vital law was abolished. Lex Oppia restricted a woman’s wealth. It forbade any woman to possess more than half an ounce of gold. Unsuccessfully, Cato the Elder opposed the abrogation of that law and Roman feminists harvested other triumphs, even in the Senate, and the trend smoothly continued up to the Christian era. By the time of the Byzantine Empire even brownish women could inherit property.

The Roman Empire disintegrated but the Middle Ages rectified Rome’s mistake throughout Europe by getting back to patriarchy. After the Enlightenment the cycle that Cato opposed started again, with women “reclaiming their rights” and writing pamphlets. The eighteenth century influenced the nineteenth century. In the United States the turning point occurred when women obtained the right to vote in 1920, although the women’s movement had started in 1848. The welfare state initiated in 1935 with Social Security and was expanded in 1965 to include Medicare. “No fault divorce” was another escalation of feminism, in addition to the 1967 initiative for affirmative action for women.

This informative piece can be read: here. Alas, many white nationalists will continue to deny that women’s lib has been as lethal ingredient for the brew that’s killing whites as Jewry.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

White nationalist loons

Anti-Semitic white nationalism, insofar as it has failed to break away from Judeo-Christianity, is schizophrenic. Just see these pages quoting Jack Frost, a commenter who tried to discuss with the naïve nationalists at The Occidental Observer:


I stole those pages from the 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, the subject of my previous entry. Frost’s PDF, pages 226ff within The Fair Race, has to be understood within the context of the fourth section of the book:

Part IV Ethno-suicide: Christian ethics

From the editor’s desk: Two ways of looking at history 179
On the Galileans – Emperor Julian 188
Desertion from our ancestors Manu Rodríguez 191
The Antichrist – Friedrich Nietzsche 199
Criminal history of Christianity – Karlheinz Deschner 204
Detritus of a rejected mythology – Revilo Oliver 214
Table talks – Adolf Hitler 216
A civil religion – Tomislav Sunic 221
Arrows and comments – Jack Frost 226

In the above-linked PDF I added bold type to some sentences that appear un-bolded in the printed version of The Fair Race.

The PDF contains exchanges between Frost and Kevin MacDonald, and Frost and a monocausal commenter at MacDonald’s webzine. If you have already read those texts, at least reread my emphasized bold-typed sentences and tell me if the Alt Right, in any of its American manifestations, is not schizoid compared to the real thing: National Socialism.

In this entry I’ll limit myself to quote a few lines from Frost’s PDF: “That’s how we get these loons who claim to be white advocates, who are more upset about the loss of nine negroes than they are about poor Mr. Roof, who, taking his manifesto at face value, has sacrificed his own life for his race.”

Incidentally, the printed book of The Fair Race was having trouble because I added high-quality images above the 300 dpi limit. I fixed the problem but if your order doesn’t fly please let me know, either here or by email.

Thank you!

Daybreak Publishing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

Foreword to the 2017 edition


Perfect-bound Paperback
6.14 wide x 9.21 tall, 380 pages
Prints in 3-5 business days
$15.46 – Order it: here

The present edition greatly differs from the previous editions of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. I have removed many articles, substantially abridged others and added other texts that appear in my blogsite The West’s Darkest Hour.

The longest additions have been essays exposing feminism, and a new racial classification by the Catalonian blogger of the internet site Evropa Soberana. I must acknowledge his work as well as the work of another Spaniard, Manu Rodríguez. Their writings in Spanish have influenced my thought in a way that goes beyond the provincial point of view of most white nationalists. I have also added more essays from those who believe that, for Aryan preservation, Christianity is far more a serious problem than Judaism; including an introduction to National Socialism for the layman.

I chose the title of the darkest hour because what I treasure the most is Aryan female beauty and, unless whites awaken from what Dominique Venner called “Europe’s dormition,” the fairest creatures on Earth will become extinct. The Frenchman Veneer committed suicide a few years ago. The last section of this edition ends with an open question. Who is right: those who believe that whites are only “in dormition” or those who believe that they are actively committing racial suicide?

Unlike the previous editions, presently I lean toward the suicidal pessimism of Revilo Oliver reproduced in the penultimate essay of this collection; and what David Lane said, from prison, in his open letter to a dead race, also included here. The reason of my pessimism is that the flourishing white nationalist forums over the internet are ignoring their intellectual heritage, from Gobineau to the nordicist societies that existed, previous to the Second World War, at both sides of the Atlantic. Instead of carefully studying the literature published by Ostara Publications, present-day white nationalists have no problem to confer amnesty to the off-white population in Europe, and in America most of them consider nordicism a relic of a distant, and a now defunct, past.

The American William Pierce wrote something that can be said not only about the average man, but also about nationalists: “The only way to persuade the population of this country that they need to change their ways is to give them a good, hard boot in the ass—about six hundred times.” In other words, only if the convergence of catastrophes occurs—fiat currency collapse around the globe, energy devolution after peak oil and the subsequent demographic apocalypse—will a window of opportunity be opened for whites to rethink over their whole Weltanschauung and deranged sense of morality. Make no mistake: I am blaming not only the Christians but also the atheists and white nationalists who fanatically have taken Christian ethics to its logical conclusion: ethno-suicide. (In addition to Pierce’s story of the white race reproduced here and another long article on Sparta, see also the companion of this book, Day of Wrath: a collection of my own essays.)

If there is any hope, as we shall see in the last article, it depends on the coming of people like Rockwell, Pierce or a mustached Chancellor whose birthdate ought to replace the fictional nativity of a Galilean that even “anti-Semitic” so-called “nationalists” worship.

1 January 2017 (Common Era)
1 January 128 (Anno Hitleris)

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Feminism Manosphere Patriarchy Roger Devlin Tacitus Women

Patriarchy vs. feminism


I have just deleted the PDF “War of the sexes.” The section where I quoted the blogger Turd Flinging Monkey was long-winded. I have extensively reviewed it for inclusion in the 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. This abridged and reviewed version is now available in another PDF for a more comfortable reading (if the visitor wants to print it):


The article shows that feminism will die and patriarchy will be restored in Europe, either by regenerated Whites or by Muslims. Pay special attention to what we say in the last three pages.
Thursday update

An “angel of the library” visited me. Lately I have been reading Tacitus’ Germania very slowly, opening his book written in 98 AD once in a while. Today, in the edition of Ostara Publications, the bookmark I had left on page 8 opened the book here:

Very rare for so numerous a population is adultery, the punishment for which is prompt, and in the husband’s power. Having cut off the hair of the adulteress and stripped her naked, he expels her from the house in the presence of her kinsfolk, and then flogs her through the whole village.

Although it is feminist rubbish, we saw something like this in the chapter “Mother’s Mercy” of Game of Thrones: the punishment of adulterous Queen Cersei.

The loss of chastity meets with no indulgence; neither beauty, youth, nor wealth will procure the culprit another husband. No one in Germany turns vices into mirth, nor is the practice of corrupting and of yielding to corruption, called the custom of the Age…

They receive one husband, as having one body and one life, that they may have no thoughts beyond, no further-reaching desires, that they may love not so much the husband as the married state.

Here I lean toward Roger Devlin more than Turd Flinging Monkey: marriage was instituted to control hypergamous women, not brutish alpha males. It seems to me that, since we men are morally superior to women, our male ancestors had no choice but invent marriage as a rock-solid institution. It is the only way to avoid that female hypergamy, a residual instinct so natural in prehistoric times, destroys an incipient culture or civilization.

The wisdom of the ancient Germanics in Tacitus’ passage (thanks angel!) can be fully understood if we take a look not only to the PDF linked above but also to Devlin’s seminal paper.

Ancient Rome Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Nordicism Philosophy of history Vladimir Putin

Ahistorical simpletons

The following is the introduction
to the seventh part of the forthcoming
2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

______ ______


Part VII:

National Socialism


Ahistorical simpletons

Richard Spencer, a white nationalist leader who coined the term “Alternative Right,” drew considerable media attention in the weeks following Donald Trump’s election.

Spencer wants a sort of New Roman Empire throughout Europe that would admit any European of Caucasoid background. In a December 2016 interview by Millennial Woes Spencer said that a southern Italian with European consciousness was whiter to him than an Afghan Aryan. He added: “We should not get into these tedious discussions about who is and who is not white. I definitely have a broader definition of that and this includes Slavs; it includes obviously central and western Europeans, Latins, Germans. It is a big family in my view.” Take note that the “Latins” Spencer refers to would not be considered such by the genuine Latins, the patricians of Republican Rome (cf. the essay “Were the Greeks and Romans blond and blue-eyed?” by Evropa Soberana reproduced in this book).

We can safely surmise that Spencer has not reflected about William Pierce’s Who We Are, excerpted in Part III, or about the whys of the decline of Sparta in previous pages: identical causes of the decline of Rome, as we saw also in Part V. Nor does he seem to know that some “western Europeans” (his term), the Portuguese, stained their blood with Negroes, as we saw in Ray Smith’s “The black man’s gift to Portugal.” Like most white nationalists, Spencer repudiates any distinction between genuine whites and those Europeans who have their bloodline seriously compromised. They ignore that Rome fell because it became a machine of miscegenation during its imperial stage. If implemented in a new European empire, as Spencer dreams, his “big family” amnesty would result in the extinction of the remaining whites of Scandinavia, Germany, Britain and those small European nations with predominately White Nordid and Red Nordid genes.

Alt-Right and white nationalism, the steppingstones at the middle of a very dangerous river, can easily become fatal traps if dissidents from the other side remain there more than enough. Spencer himself, who wants to dismiss Nazism and reinvent the wheel, has married a woman who clearly is a mudblood. But Nazism cannot be dismissed so easily even while the controlled media continually demonizes it. As implied in Part II of this book, to reach the solid ground we must read the revisionist literature about what really happened before, during and after the Second World War. Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, also reviewed in Part II, will detonate an atomic bomb in the shocked reader. Only after emotionally assimilating Hellstorm, and perhaps The Gulag Archipelago, will the reader be ready to close the gap across the dangerous river. (Solzhenitsyn’s magnum opus will sober up those incredibly naïve white nationalists who have become infatuated with Russia.)

Instead of jumping off from the steppingstones as a result of a serious reading of the disturbing literature mentioned above, Spencer et al remain stagnated at the middle of the flowing watercourse. I am writing this page the month prior of the inauguration of Donald Trump, and I’m not prepared to judge his presidency before his first hundred days in office. But many white nationalists have become infatuated not only by Trump but by Vladimir Putin: a man who, if we apply the criterion of the new racial classification, clearly shows an Armenid chin and eye mongolization.

The non-Aryan Putin has passed regulations proscribing “Holocaust denial” while discouraging discussion about the Ukrainian Holodomor committed by Bolshevik Jews, a discussion that his government calls Nazi revisionism. Putin has also been accused of bringing masses of Central Asians into traditionally Russian lands: precisely the tactics of the western elites to genocide their native population. A dissident voice that at The Occidental Observer has been trying to communicate with mentally blinded nationalists once told them: “Russian imperialism, like American imperialism, Christianity and Islam, is a mighty engine of miscegenation: an engine that has been chugging along since the Middle Ages. Like the First Rome and the Second Rome, the Third Rome is not a nation: it’s a machine that liquidates every nation it captures.” In other words these “Romes” committed ethnosuicide, and the extreme reluctance of white nationalists to study the histories of their own race turns them all into ahistorical simpletons.

My essay “Ethnosuicidal nationalists” can be read in my blog. Instead of the suicidal tendencies endemic among white nationalists, what the remaining White Nordids need is a great mythological narrative. The narrative is none other than National Socialism, and we could start our First Class with the very first page of a booklet addressed to the German children and adolescents when, psychogenically, Europe reached its peak.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Real men Sparta



My revised translation of the “minibook” Sparta and its Law will appear within the 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour .

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Feminism Hate Real men

The empire of the yin

The following is the introduction to the sixth part of the forthcoming 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

______ ______


Part VI:

Sparta vs. feminized western males


The empire of the yin

White nationalists are waking up. But they are cowards: they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort. They are still thinking like civilians, not as freedom fighters. As the creator of our fourteen words put it in the following article, “Unless we have an unseen army of total barbarians devoid of pity, of compassion, of compunctions, of restraining moralisms, we are doomed.”

In this section I have chosen the example of virile Sparta, another long text by Evropa Soberana, to shame nationalists a bit with the antithetical example of their pussy ways. Sparta is located at the farthest polarity of Yang that the white race has reached.

Like the rest of whites, the feminized nationalists I have interacted with are still living in the Empire of the yin. Whites have become so emasculated that they are no longer fighting for sex, preferring masturbation or porn instead. The feminization of western males comes hand with hand with feminism: the sinful masculinization of western women. Many white nationalists do not hate feminism, which should be hated with more vehemence than their hatred of the Jews.

After the essay on Sparta I excerpt texts from two disparate sources in still another long article. The first source are excerpts from John Sparks’ Battle of the Sexes in the Animal World (1999). Sparks, who uses very elegant language, studied animal behavior at the Zoological Society of London. After the fundamentals to understand the dialectics of animal yin-Yang I quote from a YouTube blogger, Turd Flinging Monkey whom I refer simply as “the blogger.” He is one of the most radical voices of the MGTOW movement (Men going their own way). The blogger uses profanities and I imitate his style in that section. Underlined words mean keywords for the scientific case against feminism, like dimorphism, gynocentrism, hypergamy, etc.

But first I must reproduce the letter of David Lane and the book on Sparta that I translated from Spanish.

Aryan beauty Der Antichrist (book) Eduardo Velasco Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Hans F. K. Günther Miscegenation Nordicism Racial studies Science

Worst generation ever

If our classics, for proper assimilation, must be read on paper why aren’t white nationalists devouring the printed books of Ostara Publications? Recently, after purchasing Hans Günther’s The Racial Elements of European History I was surprised to see that in the US there existed flourishing Nordicist societies when my grandparents were young. (Because of the outcome of the Second World War, now those societies are long gone.)

As explained in my previous post, white nationalists usually respond with emotional non-sequiturs when confronted with the ABC of physical anthropology, or more specifically raciology (human race studies). Starting with Gobineau (1816-1882), there is a breach between the ideas of our classics that culminated in the Third Reich, and the egalitarian ideology of American white nationalists who, religiously, believe that all whites have been created equal.

Not even so-called race realists try to define scientifically the concept of “White” or “Aryan.” To bridge the gap between us I have now extensively reviewed, corrected the many syntactic mistakes of the original translation, and substantially abridged and adapted “The New Racial Classification,” published in Spanish some years ago on the site Evropa Soberana.


For those who will take the trouble of saving this jewel of the novel approach to raciology in their hard drives, pay special attention to the following sentences keeping in mind the second interpretation of the 14 words:

The White Nordid race, even before being identified as such, has been taken in many cases (the classical era, the Renaissance, neoclassicism, German Nazism) as a prototype and an ideal goal to achieve… Abundance of athletic and active women, attractive and of great beauty, have resulted in a very high reproductive success of White Nordid maternal lineages.

But the most beautiful race has an Achilles heel:

…also innocent, unable to cheat and useless in diplomacy. This race is not shrewd not because it lacks intelligence but due to an “angelical” way of understanding the world. This makes them vulnerable in a degraded and debased modern society, so that darker and more primitive racial types tend to take advantage of them. This race represents the myth of the unworried and trusting Siegfried and the “stab on the back” archetype.

As Aryan males are allowing their women to become increasingly debauched with mudbloods, sand-niggers and even niggers—:

The only option in this regard would be biopolitics, biosocial engineering, and a positive eugenics program to rescue the hereditary information that remains, hidden and badly combined, in the genetic pool of the modern “white race.”

Inspired in a Nietzschean sentence from The Antichrist, when interracial sex produces mongrels I call miscegenation the sin against the holy ghost. It is unforgivable because it took an extremely long time to create the White Nordid race, and this generation—the worst generation ever since Prehistory—is destroying the labor of millennia within a single generation!

Geneticists believe that 850,000 years of isolation and segregated selection to be necessary for the development of the extraordinary White Nordid phenotypic traits… Even so, it seems difficult that a race like the White Nordid has arisen randomly and by chance: it seems to be the result of a “directed evolution.”

Sexual selection, an intuitive knowledge of the 14 words, was apparently the driver in the prehistorical times of the peoples whose descendents have produced the West.

I can only hope that Nordicist societies flourish again in the US once white nationalism gives way to the much saner and coherent worldview of National Socialism.

Since the text “The New Racial Classification” is a mini-book I have now made it available in PDF so that it may be printed for a comfortable reading in English: [1]


[1] The PDF appears exactly as it will be seen in the forthcoming 2017 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.