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American civil war Blacks Deranged altruism Slavery

Negrolatry’s religious roots

Left, image of carpetbagger scene in Gone with the Wind, a war that occurred at a time when there was no mass media owned by Jewry, no kike educational establishment, and before mass immigration of Jews even began.

There are polls on Twitter asking what is the cause of the negrolatry with options to answer but no option mentions Christianity. But yesterday there was an exchange in Unz Review that throws light on the subject:

Mark Tapley said: You always drag Christianity into everything…

Robert Morgan replied: Understanding that Christianity is the origin of white people’s delusion of racial equality is essential. It doesn’t require me to “drag in” anything. Anyone who has an understanding of the history of the nineteenth century in America will understand the importance of the Christian fanaticism that characterized it. Of course, that obviously doesn’t include either you or your buddy Johnny. These religious revivals, known as the “Great Awakenings”, were closely bound up with abolitionism.

The white people today who are getting on their knees in front of negroes and literally licking their boots are the spiritual heirs of these Christian fanatics, whether they know it or not.

Mark Tapley said: None of the northern troops would have fought to free black people that they cared nothing about one way or the other. Christianity was not a factor or an influence on the War.

Robert Morgan replied: This is just wrong, whether you are speaking from ignorance (most likely) or are just lying. America was an intensely Christian nation at the time, and slavery had been a hotly contested issue from the founding of the country on up to the outbreak of war over it in 1861. There had always been a deep strain of Christianity-inspired anti-racism that characterized its political life, and it continues today. In fact, five of the thirteen original states in early America had already granted citizenship and the vote to negroes.

There’s quite a bit of interesting history involved with this discussed at considerable length in the Dred Scott case from 1856.

Christian art Deranged altruism Richard Wagner St Francis

Jesus’ message reaches its climax

St. Francis kissing the feet of Christ,
from a painting of a crucifix in Arezzo, Italy

In Negrolatry the Negro is now the new Jesus, and the zeitgeist is trying to immanentize the eschaton in 2020. The last will be the first, and the first the last because the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard, Jesus said. Who would say that only in a secular age, which we have called here neochristian, were these words going to reach a massive psychosis that is affecting large numbers of whites.

The first minutes of the latest AmRen video, which shows recent images of whites kissing the boots of Negroes on the street when they demand it, are very disturbing.

The downward spiral of self-destructive insanity into which the white man has fallen has older roots than the American antecedents that Jared Taylor mentions. Since I was educated as a Catholic, I have an advantage over those who were educated in Protestantism: I know better the history of the church before the Reformation. And since my father talked so much about St. Francis when I was a teenager, I realise that what is happening today has its roots as early as the 13th century if not before when, from Constantine, the Christians—mostly non-Aryans—began to destroy the beautiful Aryan statues throughout the Roman Empire.

It is a real disgrace that the common American, and even the educated American like Taylor, is unaware of the stellar moments in the history of their parents’ religion, as the gospel was and has been, up to its secular incarnation, an attempt to invert Aryan values into Semitic values (‘ethnocentrism for me, universalism for thee’). Today’s events, in which a black man on the street can ask a white woman to kneel and the white woman obeys, are the result of a crescendo program that began 1,700 years ago, when a Roman emperor surrendered the empire to his bishops, many of whom had Semitic background.

The good thing about this accelerationism is that the frog is no longer going to be burned little by little without realising that they want to burn it. From now on, the extermination war against whites will be more and more direct and, therefore, they will have more chances to wake up.

As I see things, we are in the anteroom of a theatre where a great opera is going to be performed. The first calls have already been heard for people to start going to their seats, but we haven’t heard the third call yet. When it arrives and we are sitting in our seats we will hear the overture (the collapse of the US dollar). But that will only be overture. Then comes the development of a Wagnerian Tetralogy, the arc of which can last for decades if not a century (remember that Richard Wagner took more than thirty years to complete his Tetralogy).

Certainly the next decades, from the overture, will be crucial to know if whites regain their appetite to exist, or if the evangelical message that they have engraved in their collective unconscious will prevail.

Transvaluation of all values.

Reject Jesus; put Uncle Adolf in his place.

Blacks Deranged altruism Quotable quotes

Negrolatry’s aetiology

‘With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice.

In Secular Christianity each person has to be like Jesus himself [emphasis added], doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to fulfill Christian ethics’. —Conservative Swede

Blacks Deranged altruism

Good Christians must forgive blacks

Since Jared Taylor’s parents were fanatical missionaries who migrated to Japan to convert the Heathen, Jared will never dare point to Christianity as being responsible for whites having gone bananas. In their article today, American Renaissance reminds us of what happened to Amy Biehl, and most of the following paragraphs come from that article:

A pretty American girl Amy Biehl (1967-1993) went to high school in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where her father ran an art gallery of modern American Indian art. ‘I attended a large public high school’, she later wrote, ‘where as an “Anglo” I represented a small minority. My attempts to do well in school and to win the acceptance of my Hispanic classmates often met with resentment’.

She felt none in return, however, and as a student at Stanford became passionately committed to ending white rule in South Africa. She went to Cape Town on a Fulbright scholarship, and spent much of her time in black slums, studying the sins of apartheid and sex discrimination.

On August 25, 1993, just a few days before she was to return to the United States, she drove three black friends back to their homes. Young blacks stopped the car, pulled her out, and hit her in the face with a brick. She broke away but they caught her and beat her to death as they shouted the anti-white slogan ‘one settler, one bullet’. The 26-year-old died on the sidewalk pleading for mercy.

Seven blacks were charged in the killing, but one disappeared and three others were released because the main witness against them refused to testify for fear he would be killed. Exultant supporters left the courthouse carrying the three men on their shoulders. At a hearing for the remaining defendants, blacks in the audience taunted whites, and giggled when Miss Biehl’s wounds were described.

None of this mattered to Miss Biehl’s parents, who attended court hearings. They publicly forgave the killers and expressed sympathy for their families… When their daughter’s killers got out of jail in just a few years, they offered them jobs at the foundation. According to Wikipedia, her father shook their hands and stated:

‘The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue… we are here to reconcile a human life [that] was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms’.

A commenter of Jared’s webzine quoted Jewess Ayn Rand: ‘What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice—which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction—which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good’.

Like the father, Amy Biehl’s mom was also a good Christians who forgave blacks: ‘We were raised in a Congregational Church when Peter and I were growing up in Illinois, and he taught Christian ethics to junior high kids. If people are really living their Christian values—or their Muslim values or Jewish values—there is always the element of forgiveness, but often people aren’t able to live up to that value’.

I hate to say it but the Jewess Ayn Rand was sane. Amy Biehl’s mom (photo of 2002 above, with daughter’s killers) was insane, courtesy of Christianity. Incidentally, haven’t new visitors read part I of The Fair Race or at least one of my latest posts? (Inspired in the psychotic Christian doctrine about post-mortem survival, someone just tried to post a comment today, asking me the stupid question ‘Are you still of the belief that there is no “life after death”? Because that is…’)

Deranged altruism Matthias Grünewald Racial right

White nationalism is rubbish

Click on the words from my previous post when I say that the Negro has become the new Jesus, and you will see the article that Counter-Currents has just published on precisely how the Negro is now the new God.

That’s what happens when you have two thousand years of worshiping a crucified Jew and people lose faith in Christianity: the mind immediately fills the gap with a new crucified one to worship.

White nationalism is rubbish for the simple fact that no one among them has realised that Christianity and the JQ are two sides of the same coin and, axiologically, the alt-right secularists and the racialist Christians are on the same page. For example, yesterday Christian Hunter Wallace said: ‘It is times like this when I write out an angry post only to have second thoughts and remember to love my enemies. I do not want a second wave of the virus to hit this crowd’. This good Christian thus referred to those so burdened by Aryan guilt that they are now, literally, bending their knees before the New Jesus. Similarly, a couple of days ago the pseudo-apostate Richard Spencer felt pity for the black man who died on the asphalt (I don’t remember the exact second, but his neo-Christian compassion surfaced in this video).

As I said recently: I broke my promise not to visit racialist sites again because recent events in the United States are more than significant, and I wanted to know what they were saying. But what racially conscious whites ignore is that, parallel to the normies, they, too, are part of the axiological problem that’s killing their race.

I think I should go back to my practice of stopping visiting their sites and only doing so until another major event shocks the US. But perhaps from now on everything will accelerate until their beloved dollar collapses?

Although their country was responsible for the darkest hour in the West, as we are seeing in the series ‘Love Germania, hate the US’, these folk don’t even seem to be aware of the role that the US has been playing in the destruction of their European blood since 1861, way before the Jews took over the media. Given so much blindness, as I said in my previous post, I must go back to the roots of my tree and only have contact with those who really know what is happening.

Blacks Deranged altruism Justice / revenge

America is a failed social experiment

Regarding what happened these nights after the black man died on the asphalt—see Jared Taylor’s video: here—, what Americans ignore is that: (1) They caused this mess with their Christian ethics, which forces even atheists to love blacks, and (2) what happened these nights is only a hint of the chimp out once their dollar crashes (those who have participated in riots had full bellies, we can already imagine them with hunger).

Regarding # 1, never would Aryan Americans remain passive before these riots, arsons and looting if, in a parallel universe where America was conquered by pagan Vikings, the black descendants of slaves had chimped out.

Keep in mind my recent quote of German Nazi Giselher Wirsing: ‘The crisis of Americanism in our epoch falls short of degeneracy of the Puritan mindset. In degenerated Puritanism lies, side by side with Judaism, America’s inborn danger’.

My recent posts on WW2 shed light on how Americans signed their death warrant by committing the crime of the millennium in the 1940s. What happened this week is the beginning of justice…

Postscript of May 31

I recently said that I would not visit racialist sites anymore because they do not honour Uncle Adolf’s memory. But in times of important news I can break this rule. So, I was curious about what John Derbyshire said recently in Unz Review:

America’s most enduring problem, the problem of the blacks, has been dominating the news this week.

The attitude I bring to these news stories is one of weary despair. They are reported and discussed publicly in language that bears very little relation to reality, so that most of what is said and written is worthless. To speak honestly about race is in fact taboo, and genuinely shocking, for most Americans…

I’ve been living in America since the second Nixon administration, with some intermissions. For many years I assumed that this clinging to unreality could not be stable; that truth and honesty would eventually prevail; that we’d learn to speak to each other openly and frankly, citizen to citizen.

To my dismay and despair, the opposite has happened. As the years pass, we drift further and further from reality and truth, deeper and deeper into fantasy and denial. It’s very depressing; like being in a plane that’s lost all power and is just going down, down, down.

What is striking is that absolutely no one blames Christianity for this incredible mental flaw of the white man of being paralysed before the black chimp out (there may be whites who protest, but of arson and looting we only see blacks in the TV news).

It is these kinds of things that motivate me to say that it’s no longer good to visit racialist sites. What Taylor said in the video linked above is true, but nobody talks about the root aetiology of the matter, except The West’s Darkest Hour (for example in this post, although I’ve posted many others that say the same thing).

Remember: Christianity and the Jewish Question are one and the same. Derbyshire didn’t even mention the JQ, let alone the forbidden CQ, the Christian Question.

Chris Martenson Deranged altruism Pandemics

Covid-19 attacks our immune system!

Recent findings say that, like HIV, covid-19 also attacks the T-cells: the cells that protect us against viral invasions. Definitively, this is not just the flu. This is what Chris Martenson says today about this new research:

The covid-19 virus, while incredibly tiny, continues to confound researchers with the myriad ways in which it can wreak havoc in the human body. Today’s surprise is that the virus may have a completely second pathway, separate from targeting ACE2 receptors, for attack. New research indicates that, similar to HIV, covid-19 compromises the immune system’s T-cells and “turns off” their protective function, allowing the virus to replicate without interference.

What I find most intriguing is the open question if the virus was deliberately synthesised in a Chinese lab. What I fear is the coming winter, as the coronavirus seems to like cold weather and sooner or later people will have to break the quarantine looking for jobs and food. Those who the McSpencer group criticised yesterday are saying that people are overreacting to a non-doomsday event. But a convergence of catastrophes—this HIV-like virus and the possibility that the economic crash also occurs in winter—could be a game changer.

Whatever happens to the economy, if covid-19 attacks the T cells as HIV does, this sounds like an engineered bio-weapon. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck… As a commenter of Martenson’s video said: ‘Wuhan Institute of Virology: “Lets take SARS, hybridize it with a bat-only SARS-like corona virus which is more durable, add in some HIV receptors and we’ll call it “vaccine research”, yeah, that’s what we’ll do’.

Now comes to my mind the first days when this exploded in China and the virus had not reached the West. A news item that I didn’t understand then is that the Chinese were treating the virus (not yet called covid-19) with AIDS medication.

I blame Christianity for the pandemic. Those who have seen the videos that I have been linking will remember one that I put in ‘A Chinese Dr. Peters?’ The report openly spoke of the tremendous help the Chinese received from Western laboratories for a mysterious investigation they were doing in Wuhan. As Mark Brown said on the Martenson Channel, ‘Here are millions of taxpayer dollars to help your research, China’.

A few months ago the subtitle of this blog read: ‘Christian love is murdering the white race’, and I think it would still be a valid subtitle for the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour. Compared to the JQ, out-group altruism is the real killer: it directly targets whites’ immune system leaving them helpless against malicious non-whites, be they Jews or Gooks.

Deranged altruism Egypt Film Hate James Mason

About Nick Fuentes (and more)

‘We are not the Alt Right—AR was a racialist, atheist, post-American, revolutionary, and transnational movement. America First is a traditionalist, Christian, conservative, reformist, American Nationalist movement’.

Nick Fuentes

What I translated in the other post today about the extreme puritanical behaviour among the ancient Vandals reaffirms what was said in my previous entries of the ignorance in the secular Alt-Right about some elemental history of the Aryan race.

Sexual debauchery in Greece and Rome only happened when those great civilisations were interbreeding with their racial inferiors. Before miscegenation, both Greco-Romans and ancient Germanic tribes, such as the Vandals and those mentioned by Tacitus, were extremely puritanical (sex with inferior races also doomed Ancient Egypt; see below). This is why I feel far more at home with Christians like Nick Fuentes than with those secular racialists whose sexual mores strike me as degenerate. Yesterday, for example, self-styled nihilist Jean-François Gariépy counter-signalled Fuentes about open homosexuality. JFG, of course, is tragically wrong. Aryan civilisation can only be built upon the solid rock of norms that regulate Eros, as the Nazis also understood.

But I am not a Christian. Below I quote a recent Robert Morgan comment on Unz Review about how Christianity could end; the last paragraphs of Evropa Soberana’s article on Egypt, and I offer my opinion about a Stormfront post about Wikipedia and Nick Fuentes’ Christianity. Morgan wrote:


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My view is similar to yours, that the empty pews are a sign that the West is turning away from Christianity. Unfortunately for the white race though, while belief in Christ and miracles is fading, the Christian moral vision of universal racial equality is stronger than ever. It has sunk into the culture, and is believed without questioning even by atheists.

In order to save the white race, that belief too would have to be completely extirpated, torn out by the roots. [But] Christianity and the culture it spawned is so useful to the success of empire that it’s hard to envision conditions under which that could happen.

It would be such a radical change in worldview that it would probably take (or even cause?) the collapse of civilization itself, similar to the way it happened when Rome fell. The Christian takeover resulted in the loss of about 99% percent of Latin literature, and 90% of Greek. Temples to pagan gods, some architectural wonders of the ancient world, were looted and pulled down. Priceless statuary and art was vandalized or smashed. Philosophers were tortured and executed, their writings banned and consigned to the flames.

Now imagine something similar happening to all the Christian churches; the Pope dragged out of his lair, tortured and executed; the Vatican a heap of smouldering ruins, its wealth confiscated, any art it contained smashed to pieces; banning and burning all copies of the Bible, and any Christian writings based on or referring to it; killing all the priests.

That’s what it would take to really get rid of Christianity. Then, and only then, could we say that Jesus is as dead as Zeus. Yet so long as the myth of racial equality was useful, I suspect empire would merely adopt another belief system to justify it.

[Editor’s note: ‘The myth of racial equality was useful’. So true. I also have wondered what was the primary cause of white malaise: Jewish subversion in the form of the gospel message or simply Constantine using the most effective weapon of the empire, Judeo-Christianity, to control whites? Remember how he moved the capital from white Rome to an increasing mud place, Byzantium—just what our elites are trying to do today!]


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The image below belongs to an unknown man of the V Dynasty. This racial type, neither Semitic nor Negroid, with dark hair and European features and identical to that found in Etruscan or Iberian art, was probably the predominant in the middle classes of ancient Egyptian society.

What happened to Egypt? Why did it fall after millennia of splendour? As with all the decline and falls of civilisations the answer lies in biology in general and genetics in particular.

In 1296 BCE the Egyptians conquered Nubia (Southern Negro inhabitants), building a series of forts to protect borders and control insurrections. At one point it was forbidden for any Nubian to cross the border and enter Egypt. Over time, as it is obvious in Egyptian art, black slaves were imported. As always, a low birth rate among the Egyptian nobility, a high birth rate among black slaves and Semites, and the miscegenation produced by the relaxation of the warrior, aristocratic and dominant mentality, cursed Egypt. Finally, in 200 years Egypt went from being a great civilisation to disappearing from the map of civilised nations, at the mercy of stronger foreign powers.

Until 1050 BCE, all the pharaohs had been predominantly white. With the advent of the XXV Dynasty and the ‘black pharaohs’, who had a brief and decadent reign of 75 years, during which they built stunted 20 meter high pyramids (the great pyramid of Cheops, coming from the good times of the true pharaohs, measured 146 meters), the original genetic and biological substrate that had created the civilisation was drowned forever in the dense thicket of dark blood.

In 343 BCE the last native king was deposed by the Persians. From then on, the confused and uprooted ‘Egyptian’ mass passed at the hands of Persians, then to the Greco-Macedonians (here they experienced a new boom, expressed in the emergence of Hellenic blood, the city of Alexandria and the time of Cleopatra, a Macedonian), then Roman, Arab, Turkish, English and, finally, American guardianship under Mubarak, until he was deposed by the rebellions of January 2011. Under the Islamist shadow the future of the country is more uncertain than ever.


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I capitalised the words originally written in lowercase on Stormfront:

Wikipedia is owned by a Jewish atheist called Jimmy Wales. He also owns a porn website and that is how he earned his millions yet he downplays this and the majority of public doesn’t know about it. He is a con man.

The whole of Wikipedia is liberal and owned by a liberal crew of elite editors who deny race exists. Just look at any race article to see that. Wiki bans any white nationalist, etc., and they consider any racial view as “fringe” and they heavily edit and suppress any info like that coming into Wikipedia. If you want to see an example of this, then see the white nationalism, race realism article or something like the multiregional hypothesis article where they troll any new edits and are not neutral on the subject.

This explains a lot, but not everything.

As before discovering white nationalism I edited Wikipedia a few years, I eventually realised that the real trick lies in its policy of what they call ‘reliable sources’. In plain English, ‘reliable sources’ are nothing other than what throughout Christendom was called Imprimatur and Nihil obstat: it was only possible to publish with the approval of the Catholic Church.

Exactly the same happens on Wikipedia today, with the difference that now Christianity no longer holds the monopoly of the media but Judaism. For example, you can only reference wiki-articles with publications that come from official journals and publishing houses of the System.

But what’s exactly the problem with that? See my rephrasing of Tom Sunic in my Wikipedia user page: ‘Regarding this encyclopaedia’s policy of “reliable sources”, it has become a customary procedure for the System to relegate free thinkers and would-be heretics and their literary or scientific achievements to marginal outlets, such as self-publishing, that are very similar to those used by dissidents in the ex-Soviet Union’.

Since the controlled media is at the hands of Jewry, the ‘reliable sources’ policy means that every wiki-article dealing with social issues must be, de facto, Kosher approved. That’s why no unbiased article that touches white identity can be fixed on Wikipedia.

Against Fuentes’ religion

Let’s go back to Nick Fuentes. The chasm that separates me from American racialists is so great that the only way to get past it would be, for at least one of them, to read the autobiographical books that I will soon begin to translate.

In short, it is a ‘psychogenic’ chasm. If we compare the life of a racialist like Fuentes with a typical Hollywood comedy, my film would be as heavily existential as what we can see in a Russian film, Andrei Rublev, located when Russia was still in the Middle Ages. If a time machine were possible so that Rublev, who existed in real life, could talk to an American today, it would be seen that my analogy of the two films is spot-on: a psychogenic chasm separates the two minds in an impassable way.

Compared to ‘Rublev’, Fuentes, who has reproduced rap music in his shows, is frivolous as he likes the movies that Hollywood has produced in recent times. He not only ignores European and Russian cinema, but even the old American cinema that I saw as a child. What’s worse, Fuentes has said that the United States ‘is a Christian nation’. In a recent interview with a black Youtuber, another Christian, who asked him if he hated Jews, Fuentes replied that he hated no one but loved everyone, including the Jews.

Like every Christian and neochristian, Fuentes ignores that love is murdering the white race. Moreover, like almost every American racialist Fuentes is ignorant about the history of Christianity: a history of genocidal hatred. Next week I will publish a translation about the complete extermination of two Aryan peoples, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths, perpetrated by a non-Aryan emperor, Justinian, in the 6th century. To my knowledge, neither Fuentes nor any racially conscious Christian knows that black page of the history of their Church. Almost nobody in the movement seems to be concerned with the historical facts, how the Aryan man betrayed their white Gods to worship the god of those who wanted to exterminate them.

Even those who ignore the history of their religion could see that there is a sort of schizophrenia on being Jew-wise and obeying, at the same time, the god of the Jews. Alas, no Christian in the movement wants to heal from such doublethink. In the livestream of the Groypers in Florida, for example, he who surreptitiously recorded that recent event rebelled against the term ‘Judeo-Christian’ expressed by Charlie Kirk. Something as absolutely obvious as that all holy New Testament characters are Jewish doesn’t seem to cause any internal conflict among them.

I don’t think people like Fuentes and company are going to heal themselves from their divided Judeo-Christian minds. Even the author of Siege, so acclaimed by would-be revolutionaries, suffers an acute stage of the disease. This Wednesday, in an interview with Invictus, James Mason’s last words were: ‘…and wait until the return of the Lord. It is very, very near’.

It doesn’t matter that Mason, who has become a Christian identist (see his latest book When We Were All Jews), was brilliant in other parts of the interview. It has to happen what Revilo Oliver said: only a catastrophe that causes suffering for many decades could move the surviving whites to really question their ethno-suicidal paradigm.

For example, despite having defended Richard Spencer last week, even he, a secular racialist, goes on to say that when whites have their empire again, the coloured should be helped outside the ethnostate! I heard that in another interview with Invictus. The interview was recorded after the Spencer scandal I mentioned last Friday. Spencer’s comments on this out-group altruism, which I label neochristian insofar as pre-Christian whites didn’t suffer it, can be listened almost at the end of the interview. Incidentally, ‘Feast’, part IV of Andrei Rublev, depicts beautifully a large group of pre-Christians conducting a lit-torch ritual for midsummer in a magical night: visual art that the likes of Fuentes will never appreciate.

Rublev comforts Boriska, breaking his vow of silence.

Let there be no doubt: American racialists need decades of continuous suffering à la Rublev to give up their little paradigm, as Robert Morgan imagined above. If out-group love is murdering the white race let us transvalue Christian values. Only out-group hatred will save us: paradoxically, the core of ‘the 4 words’ in my final books.

Hopefully, the crash of the dollar and energy devolution will do the Oliver trick…

Deranged altruism New Testament Old Testament Racial right

Morgan vs. Ryckaert

Franklin Ryckaert: Racism= harming people of another race because of their race. Race realism = realizing that races are inherently different and avoiding risky situations with people of other races.

Robert Morgan: Or in other words, racists do what ‘race realists’ would do if they had the courage.


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Editor’s note: Franklin Ryckaert exemplifies what is wrong with white nationalism and the alt-right.

Per the Old Testament and the Talmud, Jews must exterminate the Gentiles.

Per the New Testament, Gentiles are commanded, instead, to love the Other including Jews and non-whites.

White nationalists and alt-righters don’t obey the Führer. They obey the Jew who wrote the New Testament: prolefeed for us Gentiles.

It is just that simple.

Whites are condemned to become extinct unless they transvalue Ryckaert’s et al values back to pre-Christian mores. But nationalists won’t do it. They’re self-righteously addicted to their (((drug)))…

Catholic Church Christian art Deranged altruism Universalism

Veritas odium parit, 7

According to the theologians’ interpretation, the Church is born from the open side of Christ. It is the Church that congregates next to the cross of the Saviour in this painting of a Navarrese-French teacher at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid.

The Imperial Church of Constantine and his successors always was a catholic, i.e. universal church. It is the institution that sanctioned universalism in the West. In ‘The Saxon Savior: Converting Northern Europe’ Ash Donaldson said:

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Universalism’s pyrrhic victory

It took centuries of relentless indoctrination to get the peoples of Northern Europe to extend the in-group boundaries outward to embrace, first, all those who said the words and bent the knee before the cross, and eventually all of humanity, whose encompassing by the true Faith is a Christ-given goal.

But at the moment of its greatest success, with European missionaries dispatched to the remotest corners of Africa and Asia, Christianity found itself assailed by the very universalism that had provided its appeal in the first centuries. The same weapons it had wielded to discredit the pre-Christian myths and folkways were now turned against it by the advocates of a universalism that had no need for something as quaint as deity. If, today, the notion of God seems less and less of a possibility to the rootless inhabitants of our soulless cities, it is partly because Christian universalism paved the way by making our tribal identities, ancient customs, and cherished myths ultimately irrelevant.

Today, with that thousand-year resistance behind us, we can see how the triumph of universalism, set in motion by a very different sort of savior in the fourth century BC, has gradually left us without a folk, without a polis, and without the means to even comprehend how fully life was once lived. All that remains, it seems, is to double down on Christian universalism, throw oneself instead into a substitute universalism such as Marxism, or chuck it all for an unabashed individualism.

Yet as the past century-and-a-half shows, ethnic identity has a habit of returning with a vengeance. Those who rediscover such myths, folkways, and traditions as have come down to us often find that these things strike a chord within them. They simply fit, without all the caveats and yes-but’s of syncretic universalism.

Ultimately, however, a folkish way of life must have a folk community, and not the virtual communities that exist only on social media. We must have a polis again, in all that the Greeks understood by that term: small, self-governing communities bound by common language, ethnicity, customs, and religious traditions. Such a thing, far from being utopian, would spring from our nature, life as it was lived across thousands of generations.

What is artificial is our divorce from the land, our crowding into cities to live alongside strangers for the purpose of endless consumption, and our insistence on universalism even when we ourselves—those of European descent—lose the most by it. In the long view, all this is fairly recent, and in the North, quite recent indeed. That should give us confidence, for though the line is frayed, it is far from broken.


Bibliographical references appear in the original article.