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To understand the point of view of this website, it is necessary to familiarise yourself with the content of our first book.

If you are a new visitor and only willing to read one book article, I would suggest J.A. Sexton’s review of the modern world’s best-kept secret: the Holocaust committed by the Allies, from 1945 to 1947, on defenceless Germans (pages 489-498 of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour).

For the best-kept secret of the ancient world, how Christians destroyed Greco-Roman culture, see the long essay ‘Rome against Judea; Judea against Rome’ (pages 33-123 of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour).

As soon as we can, The Fair Race and our other Daybreak Press books will be made available again in print for those who wish to obtain a hard copy.

Letter to Mama Medusa is the first book of my magnum opus From Jesus to Hitler (see the comments section of this post). Unlike the others, this one won’t be available as a PDF. However, it is already available in printed form here.

If someone wishes to give a book critical of American white nationalism to a friend—albeit critical from the point of view of National Socialism (that we are now calling priesthood of the sacred words)—Daybreak is your book!

Unless patriarchy is restored in the West, feminism will eventually destroy the white race, as explained in On Beth’s Cute Tits. (For those who only want to read a single article of this anthology we recommend this one.)


While Letter to mom Medusa, the second book in the list above, strikes an emotional chord, the translated chapters in Day of Wrath of the same work (again, see the comments section below) are more intellectual. Anyone who wants to know the story of how abusive parents have been driving their children mad since time immemorial, should read this book.


Few racialists, like Savitri Devi and William Pierce, have dared to touch on truly eschatological issues as the goal of our struggle. This book, On exterminationism, collects thirty articles that take up and expand on this ultimate goal.


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To the god-like Individual of our times;
the Man against Time;
the greatest European of all times;
both Sun and Lightning:


as a tribute of unfailing love and loyalty, for ever and ever.

—Savitri Devi

Daybreak Publishing

Postscript to ‘To understand…’

Since I think in my mother tongue and not in English, to genuinely modify the syntax of the books I wrote when I was not yet using DeepL Translator (see the first part of my Thursday post) I will have to process all the texts not written by native English speakers. As in The Fair Race only the preface is mine, when I posted ‘To understand…’ (Note of August 23: I've now deleted that article and merged it into the current featured post) on Thursday I had forgotten that the texts of Evropa Soberana had been translated from Spanish!

That means I’ll have to process all that Spaniard’s long essays in my attempts to unify the style of my Daybreak Press books. But I will not remove the PDF of The Fair Race for the time being in the featured post. If a new visitor wants to find out about the POV of this site he would have to read something substantial (and the other essays in The Fair Race were written by native English speakers).

As I was saying recently, this obsession of mine with cleaning up the syntax of the Daybreak Press books has to do with the fact that the paradigm shift that this site proposes, from the plain Jewish Question to a paradigm involving the Christian Question, requires a formal presentation: and that can only be done with books. (Remember our metaphor: white nationalists see only the tip of the iceberg; we, besides seeing the JQ, know that beneath the tip lies the larger part of the iceberg, the CQ: insofar as Christian ethics supports the tip—i.e., it enables Jewry).

The work of processing all the book texts originally written in Spanish with DeepL Translator, whether Evropa Soberana’s or my own, is a slow but necessary task. It also has the advantage that by rereading our books I have been fine-tuning the presentation of the POV of this site in a more concise, focused and less informal way (as I was saying recently, I removed more than twenty articles from the forthcoming edition of the book that is in the process of being revised with the help of DeepL Translator). Once I finish processing that book, I would ideally like a native English speaker to give it final proofreading for the hard-copy version of the book. But that will be in the future, when I have the financial means to afford such work.

Changing the subject, Tucker Carlson yesterday released images of chimps-out across the US. That’s just the beginning. We can already imagine the order of magnitude of these chimp-outs after the American dollar collapses…

That is why we say we shouldn’t do anything premature in the real world. Inadvertently, the System is doing everything it can to destroy itself without outside help, both in North America and in Europe by cutting off the gas supply coming from Russia. Paradoxical as it may seem, at the moment the most revolutionary thing is the internal jihad: reading in the solitude of our bedrooms literature on the paradigm shift.

Without a paradigm shift in our hearts, there won’t be external jihad.

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing

Grammarly review

As I am reviewing the PDFs, I was surprised that the Daybreak articles hadn’t been checked by Grammarly, the syntax checker I use. That means that the current version is riddled with syntax errors, as they are old articles, prior to my use of Grammarly. It will take me a while to go through the whole book, as I have to do one or more home print-outs of each article after the Grammarly review, to polish up the syntax.

It is worth saying that I have just added an article to Daybreak that will appear, in PDF, when all the PDFs have been revised. I refer to the one piece of mine that Counter-Currents published: a magnificent quote from José Vasconcelos that would serve Americans well in understanding the tragedy of Mexico.

In the next few days I will be busy revising Daybreak

Axiology Daybreak Publishing Science Sexual "liberation"

Relocating articles

‘A new epoch is coming, one perhaps even more revolutionary than that resulting from Copernicus’s work’. —SS pamphlet

One of the advantages of not having our books published by a well-known publisher is that you can polish the content of all of them until they are just right.

Now that I’ve uploaded the PDFs to the featured post I realised that I could make some improvements, such as cutting and pasting those texts from the Daybreak book that I didn’t write into On Exterminationism, so that the former would have only my articles (also, Mauricio’s ‘How awake are you’ looks better in On Exterminationism than in Daybreak).

It is very difficult to arrange a series of books in such a way that the dialogue between them is impeccable. When I took a hard sciences course at the Open University of Manchester, I was impressed that eleven textbooks published by the OU (pic, the 9th) alluded to one another, with the proper numbering so that the student may review some passage from another book. Editorially, doing this through eleven books is very difficult unless there is a supervisory team to order, in the most didactic way possible, the content of the entire course.

But a single person can manage to order his thoughts on paper if he has unlimited time, which is what happens when no reputable publisher dares to publish any of our books (or censors them as Lulu, Inc. did).

Also, on Wednesday I posted a comment reminding visitors of the existence of an article in which I quoted the passage from Desmond Morris that so impressed me about why female breasts are so beautiful. Of course, I had alluded to that passage in the opening essay of On Beth’s Cute Tits but I hadn’t quoted it to speed up the little essay. But now that I’ve been going through my Daybreak Publishing books, it occurred to me to add that late-2020 entry to the book (or rather a mere PDF, while I get the funds for a printer).

* * *

What is killing the white race is neochristianity, in the sense of taking the Christian idea that only human souls are real—not the body or race—to its ultimate consequences. Watch Matt Walsh’s film ‘What is a Woman?’ on YouTube!

Paradoxically, the Woke monster that has Christians like Walsh scared is nothing more than taking the Christian principle of the human soul to the secular plane; for example, that there are men with vaginas, women with penises, and men who menstruate or who can give birth because what matters is how a particular human self-perceives himself or herself: a soul. It doesn’t matter that many atheists and agnostics no longer believe in post-mortem survival. What matters is that the Christian principle of the human soul has mutated into the secular realm in the most bestial way imaginable.

One of the things I liked most about Desmond Morris’s The Naked Ape is that it confronts us with the fact that we are just another animal species: something that even secular humanists fail to understand. Their neochristian programming still carries atavisms, the dragon’s tail as it were, of the old religion of our parents. Himmler, or whoever wrote the SS pamphlet we reproduced in The Fair Race, hit the nail on the head when he said that the revolution of understanding this sort of thing could be far more cataclysmic than the Copernican revolution. Hence the relevance, I would add, of approaching the human being from the point of view of zoology, as Morris does.

When I finish making these changes, I will add an entry containing the revised PDFs and delete the PDFs I’ve linked to in the featured post. So, in time, these books will remain as didactic as the science course I took at the OU the previous century: a time when you didn’t see so many people of colour in Manchester.

Daybreak Publishing On Exterminationism (book)

‘On Exterminationism’ – 2022 edition

This is the fifth page of the latest edition of On Exterminationism:


There is no freedom of speech in Europe. Europeans have been muzzled since the Second World War. But if a young Aryan with great aspirations to do something in the darkest hour for his race visits the racialist webzines based in the First Amendment country, what does he find?

A money-making site like Greg Johnson’s, which seems more concerned with profiteering than his Nordic race? A site like Andrew Anglin’s, which only discusses recent news with no historical perspective? The site of patriot Jared Taylor who romanticises the founding fathers, or Hunter Wallace who secretly aspires to a Christian reconquest for the US? Will he go for Kevin MacDonald’s site, which focuses on the Jewish Question?

All these people lack the meta-perspective of Adolf Hitler in his after-dinner talks or the ferocity of William Pierce who, like the National Socialists, left Christian ethics behind. Pierce was the first on the American continent, in a fictional book, The Turner Diaries and in a non-fiction book Who We Are, to suggest exterminationism as the final solution to our problems.

Here I collect several entries that have appeared on my website, The West’s Darkest Hour, since 2011. Some of those posts have been edited, and in the case of the novel The Turner Diaries, there is a passage so important that I quote it more than once.

My main work is in Spanish, which I hope will one day be published in English under the title From Jesus to Hitler. This is where I explain my personal religion of the four words, which imply exterminationism.

Regarding my books in English, my exterminationist passion can be glimpsed in the first and last chapters of my book Day of Wrath: which is in line with what Savitri Devi says in the penultimate essay of this book. Compared to the previous edition, here I added one more article, ‘Panentheism’, the last essay in this collection.

César Tort
August 2022

The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Daybreak’ 2022 edition

Note of September 20, 2022: I have removed the preface because it's obsolete. This is the edited preface.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

Day of Wrath (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Day of Wrath’ 2022 edition

A publisher of racialist books asked me for the manuscript of the slimmest of my books and I have been busy preparing a PDF I have just sent him. But here I wanted to talk about another of my books in English, one of which I am one hundred per cent the author: Day of Wrath.

I have just finished the revision of this book; its PDF is linked below. My first words, now edited, are as follows:


The texts under this cover are essays on a wide range of topics. Even so, I venture to publish them under a single cover because they represent an introduction, in English and a readable book, to my vast work in Spanish. Most of the texts of this book are Spanish-English translations of chapters of my volumes Hojas Susurrantes and ¿Me Ayudarás? But the first two articles are blog essays.

The first article gave the title to this book.

I wrote ‘Dies Irae’ at the end of 2012 for mi website The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH). This article must be contextualised from the fourteen words: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’, the axiom of WDH. In many words, to fully understand the 14 words see the selected compilation of WDH articles in the book The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (document available on my website).

The next article, ‘Possessed whites’ appeared on my website in early 2020. The rest of the book consists of translations from Spanish.

Hojas Susurrantes consists of approximately 260,000 words. It is the first volume of my philosophical trilogy. In 2006 I wrote the text reproduced here, ‘Unfalsifiability in Psychiatry’: a piece that appears in the second chapter of Hojas. In that essay, I try to show that the profession called psychiatry does not meet the scientific requirement to distinguish it from pseudosciences.

I finished the fourth chapter of Hojas in 2008. In this translation, I interpolate some square brackets in italics, and also some explaining passages, for those who have not read my thick volumes in their original language. The texts ‘The Trauma Model,’ ‘The Feathered Serpent’ and ‘Psychohistory’ are taken from this fourth chapter of Hojas. In these chapters I establish the basis of the trauma model: the opposite paradigm to the pseudoscientific medical model of mental disorders taught in psychiatry departments. The trauma model aims to demonstrate that abusive parents have driven their children mad throughout prehistory and recorded history.

The second volume of my autobiography, ¿Me Ayudarás? consists of approximately 225,000 words. The piece reproduced here, ‘God’, is a translated text of its first chapter and ‘Dying in a Louis XVI-style bedroom’ is taken from the introduction. Like the other chapters, it has been adapted for this English translation. This last text is a portrait of my soul that connects with the first essay, ‘Dies Irae,’ day of wrath in Latin.

January 2020
(edited in 2022)


The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

Daybreak Publishing

PDFs for the time being

Since Lulu Printing cancelled my account in January, and WordPress cancelled the old incarnation of this site last month, some problems have arisen.

For example, some entries (not many) from the old incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour couldn’t be exported to this new incarnation. Also, the software in this new incarnation indents the quotes in the entries I uploaded in the old incarnation by minimising the letters and using hyphens where there were none. Even some images didn’t make it in the process of exporting the content to this new host.

All that doesn’t matter much because, unlike other racialist sites, the backbone of this site is the books we have edited. Unlike other racialist sites or webzines, our focus is not on the news but on a historical perspective of what has been happening to the white man since Christianity took over Europe.

If the backbone of this site is its books, which collect the most important articles that have been published on The West’s Darkest Hour since 2009, the real problem is what happened this year with Lulu: which is only allowing me to publish books about how abusive parents drive their children mad. The racialist books we were publishing went out of print.

These days I tried to open an account with IngramSpark, which provides services similar to Lulu, Inc. But unlike Lulu, Ingram requires tutorials on how to make book covers: a task that consumes days, if not weeks, of work. On top of that, a racialist publisher suggested that I not use any print-on-demand platform because he had been cancelled from all the ones he had used. He suggested that a local printer print my books, and that I send the copies to the recipients myself by registered mail, which is what he is doing.

I don’t have the funds to print many copies for each of our Daybreak Press books, and I don’t see the point in spending days or weeks of tutorials at Ingram because they effectively have a clause that they can cancel the contract with users whenever they wish (I assume they refer to politically incorrect authors).

So to avoid this dilemma—and remembering that the core of this site is its books—until I get the funds to hire the services of a book cover designer, or better still to avoid future cancellations by paying the local printer to print copies that I would mail out, I will only publish them as PDFs.

The problem with PDFs, of course, is that they have to be printed out for leisurely reading and then saved in ring binders. When I first got into white nationalism that’s just what I did with The Turner Diaries and William Pierce’s Who We Are. But there’s nothing like a fancy printed book! How I wish to have a printing press at home and print them myself, inscribe a few words on the first blank page in my handwriting, and send them to the buyers.

Unlike other posts in this featured post I’ll be adding, step-by-step, links to the books—again, only PDFs at the moment—from our Daybreak Press. And I’d like to start with the 2022 edition of our first book, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. In this edition, the only change I made was to cut a few short paragraphs from the preface and paste them pages later when commenting on some essays by other authors. This is the edited preface:


This collection of essays is the result of eleven years of following closely the movement known as white nationalism, which I discovered while living in Gran Canaria: an island near Africa that belongs to Spain. Part I explains the Jewish question. I reproduce two articles, the first one by William Pierce and the second by a Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage: the only article by a Jew to appear in this collection. The Third Reich propaganda ministry used Ravage’s article as devastating admission of the reality of the Jewish problem in the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung of September 2, 1933.

Although William Pierce believed that the primary cause of white decline was Jewish subversion, he was aware of the Christian question: a subject explained in Part II of this book. Unlike Pierce, we shall see Christianity as the greatest conquest of the Aryan soul by Jewry, and therefore the primary, not the secondary, cause of the darkest hour for the fair race. Given that I consider Pierce the most brilliant mind America has produced, I find it rather embarrassing to concede that the Jew Ravage had a better perspective on the ultimate cause of white decline than him.

Since Pierce died in 2002, American white nationalism has been represented by some major figures and their webzines: Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson and even Andrew Anglin. The current legacy of these writers is of much lower quality than Pierce’s, as unlike the latter none seem to recognise the reality of the Christian question. That Jews cannot be the primary cause of white decline on the American continent should be as obvious as pointing out some facts. The Spanish and Portuguese irreparably corrupted their blood in colonial times by marrying Amerindian women, and Anglo-Germans north of the Rio Grande waged an anti-racist war when Lincoln was president. All of this happened before the Jews took over the media in the West. Perhaps the most respected figure in white nationalism today is Professor Emeritus Kevin MacDonald. In Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay on Part II, he includes a devastating critique of MacDonald for his failure to recognise the Christian problem.

While it is true that in his weekly radio lectures Pierce regarded Jewish subversion as the primary cause of white decline, in Who We Are, his history of the white race, we see a perspective in which Pierce seems to have perfect awareness of the Christian problem. Perhaps because many of his listeners were American Christians, Pierce had to do something similar to what Hitler did: not be hostile to Christianity in public, only in private with his closest friends. For that reason, in part III it is reproduced much of Pierce’s story of the white race.

Of the articles in this compilation, the one that gets us to the core of the Judeo-Christian question is the essay by Evropa Soberana, the pen name of a Spanish writer whom I translated into English. Soberana’s essay uncovers the best-kept secret of ancient history: the apocalypse that the Aryan world suffered when the Judeo-Christians destroyed and inverted the values of the Greco-Roman culture 1,700 years ago.

As Nordicism is almost a taboo among most white advocates, Part IV includes two articles on the same topic: one from a European and another from an American who published his piece on the ethnicity of the ancient Greeks and Romans in Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance. Part V on masculine cultures reproduces other translations of Evropa Soberana’s essays on the Spartans, the Berserkers and the Vikings. If someone asked me to recommend a single article in this thick volume, I would recommend J. A. Sexton’s review of Hellstorm that appears in Part VI. The crime that the Anglo-Americans committed in the Second World War is so astronomic that it may cost the very existence of the white race, as we can see in Pierce’s essay in Part VII.

Finally, the appendix, ‘The new racial classification’ reproduces another essay by Evropa Soberana translated, adapted and abridged for this book.

C. T.

Anyone who reads The Fair Race will get a very good idea of the point of view of this site which in a nutshell could be summarised thus: Christianity plus the false, lying Second World War narrative results in a lethal cocktail for the Aryan mind. Removal of Christianity and its secular offshoot plus the truth about Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany and WWII means liberation for the Aryan psyche.

As this will be the new featured post, and as I don’t know how long it will remain at the top of this site (depending on whether or not I get the funds to publish books properly) this post will not allow comments. Any suggestions or comments can be sent to my email address:

[email protected]

Below this space I will start adding the images of the books (whose texts will only be available in PDFs for the moment) that I will be slightly revising for their 2022 edition. I will include those that have not yet been published in print: Savitri Devi’s Reflections as the best introduction to her thought; a new compendium of important articles already published as posts on this site, and the updated edition of Deschner’s history of Christianity once we have finished translating his chapter on Charlemagne.

Free PDF of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour here.

We welcome donations here.


Free PDF of Day of Wrath and
the preface to this book here.


Free PDF of Daybreak and
the preface to this book here.


Free PDF of On Beth’s Cute Tits and
the preface to this book here.


Free PDF of On Exterminationism and
the preface to this book here.

Daybreak Publishing Destruction of Greco-Roman world Racial right

Migration completed!

While it’s true that in the PDFs you can see all the entries as they appeared in the old incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH), our previous problem consisted in that it was impossible to navigate through those PDFs (categories, comments, links to other internal and external articles, tags, etc.). But thanks to the generous financial help I received from some WDH visitors, the problem has been solved.

Now only minor problems have to be solved, like contacting a ‘theme developer’ so that the indented quotes don’t appear italicised in brown in this new incarnation of WDH. On Monday I’ll try to solve that problem with another technician (the ones I know don’t work on weekends). However, the main problem, that the posts from the old incarnation were navigable in this new incarnation, has been solved.

There are still many things to do: for example, getting a printer to print the English books that used to be printed for me by Lulu, Inc. When I get that printer, the first book not previously published by us that we will publish will be the one we translated from French by Savitri Devi. Then we will publish in print form, in addition to The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, Daybreak, On Exterminationism, On Beth’s Cute Tits, a new compilation of WDH’s best recently published essays.

Unlike other racialist sites, we at WDH emphasise books. Only through books is it possible to convey the idea of the implications of a paradigm shift (summed up in the Nietzschean phrase about the transvaluation of all Christian values into values of the classical world). The racialist sites visited by thousands of semi-normies today talk about the news because they fail to see the big picture: it was the catastrophe from Constantine to Charlemagne that distorted the soul of Aryan man by forcing Him to worship the god of the Jews.

In the above picture we can guess what the Greco-Roman statue would have looked like had it not been destroyed by Judeo-Christians, who abhorred Aryan beauty. Just compare this glorious image with the medieval iconography that depicts Jesus with Semitic features.

There is something that sometimes causes me doubts and that I would like to have some feedback on. The criticism I’ve made of the American racial right has been sarcastic precisely because they don’t want to acknowledge the Christian Question. I don’t know how wise it is to continue with that mocking attitude. My friend Paulina once told me that my only flaw was that I am very mocking (“Eres muy burlón”). I don’t know how wise it is to continue to mock American white nationalism for its inability to see the CQ.

Should I, in this new incarnation of WDH, refrain from mockery? Does it take away from the seriousness of the site? One of the problems with character flaws is that you don’t see them. So I am willing to listen to a critique on the matter, especially from those who are convinced, as I am, that the Christian problem is a huge problem for the sacred words of David Lane.

Daybreak Publishing Lord of the Rings Racial right Richard Carrier

A new translation of Adolf’s talks


The younger brother of Boromir

Before we begin translating each talk from Werner Jochmann’s 2000 edition, published in German, I must clarify a few points.

Hitler’s after-dinner talks have been repudiated both by some white nationalists (those who are Christian and sympathetic to National Socialism), and by anti-Christian liberals like Richard Carrier who resent the idea that Hitler might have harboured anti-Christian ideas. Both base their arguments on the botched English translation currently on the market. The way to shut them up is simply to translate into English a reliable edition of the original manuscript, which we will do for The West’s Darkest Hour.

Each Hitler after-dinner talk will be accompanied by a hatnote linking to this PDF: the translated introduction by Werner Jochmann and a very brief text by David Irving (the original in German can be read: here). Since Jochmann’s introduction consists of 34 pages, we have taken the liberty of adding some subheadings to make it less of a chore to read: Heim, Picker, Bormann, Hitler, Master Plan East, Final solution and Christianity (the subheading This edition does appear in Jochmann’s original text).

The Christian question is central to understanding not only the dark hour, but the resounding failure of white nationalists. Recently, some commenters and I made use of LOTR and the character Boromir to understand the problem. While I agree with what Krist Krusher said about Tolkien, the metaphor is splendid to illustrate why using the One Ring—Christianity—to save the race will always end in the destruction of whoever dons the ring.

The point is that ‘No one here can wield the ring: it only answers to its Master’. And the Master is none other than the Jew who wrote the Gospel! (even though he now only lives disembodied in the amorphous form of Sauron). The One Ring answers only to him and to him alone. When a racialist Christian wants to put on the ring to fight the dark hour he falls into the trap set by Sauron: precisely what I recently said about an old article published on this site: ‘Silly Christian apologetics on The Occidental Observer’.

I’d like to end this entry with what I said a couple of days ago in the comments section: ‘Even the toughest Americans are willing to put on the One Ring to fight Sauron rather than understand—as Frodo’s servant, Sam, finally made Faramir understand—that it was impossible to use it for Gondor’s purposes’.

In his private talks, Hitler understood what American white nationalists still fail to understand.