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Conservatism Democracy Plato Racial right

I had said…

I wouldn’t add any more entries to keep the Summer 1945 text up for three whole weeks, but yesterday something happened in the comments section of that thread that motivates me to write this post: a guy in the UK wants to commit suicide instead of fighting back to reclaim his nation!

Not only this guy: virtually all white people in the 21st century are mentally ill, a disease that grew out of propaganda against Hitler and the Third Reich. See my articles on mental health I wrote this year collected in my book Daybreak: the PDF of which can be downloaded from the sidebar.

Even among white nationalists you can see the madness of the white man. This election day in the US, instead of talking about the candidates, if these nationalists were revolutionaries they would be writing articles against democracy as a viable political system. In this the late Harold Covington was absolutely right: Democracy is a system designed not to change, to perpetuate itself ad infinitum and ad nauseam. If democratic insanity, inspired by Christian equality, had not destroyed monarchies and fascism in world wars, any new king or dictator after the old ruler dies could easily reverse the anti-white system of any Western nation.

This day, the most important sites of white nationalism aren’t uploading anti-democratic articles on their webzines vindicating Plato, who saw democracy as the worst of the systems of government. White nationalists are not Platonic on this point for the simple fact that they are part of the system. The Daily Stormer even holds an image today indicating who its visitors have to vote for. Greg Johnson in Counter-Currents also suggests to his visitors today that they vote for the same candidate.

When will truly noble racists come to realise that right-wing racialism in America is charlatanesque and that what we need is political thinking that brings, to the real world, what Covington and Pierce dreamed of? Or am I alone in the blogosphere, as always talking to myself?


Keith Woods

That Christianity is a sort of extension of the Jewish problem is made clear in the latest video by Keith Woods, who used to appear in the McSpencer Group on YouTube before the thoughtpolice deleted all the videos that Richard Spencer had uploaded.

In his video today the young Woods mentioned St John of the Cross (see what I said about this ‘saint’: here) and other mystics. Woods informs us that ‘the claims of the mystics are universal’ and repeatedly used the term perennial philosophy: an esoteric or occultist perspective that erroneously views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single truth—as if the drive of Islam to kill and conquer is the same as what we have recently been saying about St Francis; and let’s not talk about sacrificing children to the gods in even more primitive religions (see my yesterday post).

Woods also said: ‘You need an ahistorical vision of absolute truth’ and spoke of ‘the experience of God’. But he fails to understand what God actually is. He also fails to see philosophy as what it really is (see for example here and here). Woods also failed to mention how his Irish parents—or whoever raised him in Catholicism—installed in his mind his religious introjects (cf. my very recent entries that explain introjection with examples of my own life).

Worst of all, what Woods told us after the seventeenth minute evokes, in a way, how Christian Matt Heimbach repudiated racialism in a public confession this year. Woods said: ‘…and to defend nationalism or racialism on the basis of an extended egotism I think it is basically incoherent and it is just relativistic and arbitrary, and believing in that it is as believing in any kind of far-left anarchism or anything else’.

Woods started his video saying that he no longer wants to visit social media because it is superficial, and informs us that it is better to read books. Recently I reread some passages of Bertrand Russell’s Wisdom of the West, which summarises the main philosophical currents. What Woods doesn’t seem to get is that even the great works of the so-called wisdom of the West also tell big lies. Even the best Christian art is full of poison (cf. what I have said about the music and lyrics of Bach’s compositions, pages 149-156 of my book Daybreak).

Like the vast majority of white nationalists, Woods, who with his statements today has apparently distanced himself from the movement, knows nothing about the real history of Christianity.

If avid book-reader Woods doesn’t know German to approach Karlheinz Deschner’s ten volumes on the history of Christianity, why not read the few chapters translated into English? And if Woods wants to go back to his previous practice of reading a hundred books a year, why not also read The Fair Race which also addresses Christian history?

What Woods ignores, as many who have not broken with their parents’ programming also ignore, is that what Christians and neochristians (which include those who believe in esotericism) call ‘spirituality’ is psychosis, folie en mass. Genuine spirituality is something very, very different and there is a whole category here, under that heading.

If Woods loves books so much it would do him a lot of good if he read some of our Daybreak Press books. It is not an excuse that he doesn’t want to buy them. Except Letter to mom Medusa (very personal stuff about my biography) those in English can also be read as free PDFs.

Aristotle Conservatism Welfare of animals

Two Counter-Currents articles

After all the terrible atrocities humans have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate against animals I think we should abolish all human history and exterminate all humans to make the world a better place for the rest of the living. Lets end speciesism and human supremacy. – Joseph Walsh

I concluded my entry yesterday by saying that because of pride whites don’t want to see the cause of their misfortune: the axiological reversal that Christianity caused in their collective mind. A paradigm of such pride is exemplified by libertarian Americans.

Three months ago I realised that the ideology advocated by the former youtuber John Mark was cuckoldry. I wrote: ‘Mark says that, unlike the alt-right, propertiarianism represents the “scientific” approach and that those who practice it “love all people” [including non-whites]’. One of CC’s articles, the one about Mark and his pathetic libertarian mentor, is as funny as what a couple of years ago happened to the two Matts, who wanted to create an impossible chimera between Orthodox Christianity and racism. The grotesque event of this July 4 in which John Mark and his mentor imploded has been well illustrated with the Dodo metaphor in the CC article. The comments section is fascinating.

In my post yesterday, I also said that I consider the issue of child abuse my forte, although in recent years I have realised that this issue is inseparable from the animal abuse that humans perpetrate. Now I think both are two sides of the same coin. The other CC article addresses the issue of animal rights, but in a very flawed way.

I don’t want to expand too much because my yesterday post is important, and instead of adding a lot of posts on top of it I would like to give it time, to see if I get more replies (about the pederasty in Homer’s poetry nobody has said a peep).

Simply put, abuse of children or animals cannot be addressed by the intellect alone, as that second CC article does. It is necessary to involve emotions. In my soliloquies I call ‘hemiplegic’ those who believe that only by using the left hemisphere of the brain can understand a man-made tragedy.

As Aristotle saw well, the purpose of the Greek tragedy was to produce a catharsis in the spectator: as my friend Teresa cried in the car, all the way back, when many years ago we went to see Iphigenia. I didn’t cry, but the tragedy of the teenage Iphigenia, whom her father sacrifices to the gods, shocked me to the point of including that Greek film among one of my ten favourites.

The CC article is analogous to the Iphigenia theme… without any emotion (see Walsh’s quote above)! In my books in Spanish I address the same topic—sacrificing your child or an animal—with the equivalent of Teresa’s sea of tears that night. In addition to my cold argumentation after such catharsis, the alternation of both hemispheres results in a balanced understanding: Apollo dancing with Dionysus so to speak, compared to the hemiplegic approach we see in this second CC article and the following comments.

Conservatism Destruction of Greco-Roman world Evil Racial right

Absolute ignorance of racialists

Left, old painting of Judeo-Christians pulling down the beautiful Aryan statues of the Greco-Roman world.

Paleo-conservative Americans are complaining that Portland’s statue of George Washington was desecrated and pulled down. Also, a statue of Thomas Jefferson that stood at the entrance of a high school was torn down. In New York, city council members demanded that the Jefferson statue in city hall be removed…

Make no mistake: This is an axiological revolution, an inversion of all previous values!

It has happened before but the historical ignorance of paleo-conservatives and even racially conscious whites is truly infuriating. What is happening today is a mere resonance of the inversion of values that occurred 1,700 years ago with the Judeo-Christian revolution that took over the Greco-Roman world by storm. Why are racialists so ignorant of white history (in his table talks Hitler himself said that Christianity was the Bolshevism of the Ancient World)?:

389 to 390 A.D. Hordes of fanatic hermits from the desert flood into Middle Eastern and Egyptian cities, destroying statues, altars, libraries and Pagan temples, whilst Gentiles are lynched. The Christian mob profanes the cult images.

391 A.D. On 24th February, a new edict of Theodosius prohibits not only visits to Pagan Temples but even looking at vandalised statues!

397 A.D. ‘Demolish them!’ Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all the still erect Pagan Temples demolished.

(Left, Saint Apollonia is about to destroy a Greco-Roman sculpture with a hammer.) 401 A.D. The Christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys Temples and ‘idols’.

405 A.D. John Chrysostom sends his hordes of gray-clad monks armed with clubs and iron bars to destroy the ‘idols’ (i.e., the beautiful Aryan statues) in all the cities of Palestine.

423 A.D. Emperor Theodosius II declares (8th June) that the Religion of the Gentiles is nothing more than ‘demon worship’ and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and tortured.

429 A.D. The Temple of Goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked.

440 to 450 A.D. The Christians demolish all the monuments, altars and Temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.

(Right, Saint Abraham destroys a statue.) 529 A.D. Emperor Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy.

546 A.D. Hundreds of Gentiles are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus.

556 A.D. Justinianus orders the notorious inquisitor Amantius to go to Antioch, to find, arrest, torture and exterminate the last Gentiles of the city and burn all the private libraries down.

578 to 582 A.D. Judeo-Christians torture and crucify Gentile Hellenes all around the Eastern Empire, and exterminate the last Gentiles of Heliopolis.

As to my above question, Why are racialists so ignorant of elemental white history?, the answer is that the history books have been written by traitors—Christians and secular liberals. As to the latter, we have been calling them ‘neochristians’ insofar they never really repudiated the ethno-suicidal commandments of Judeo-Christian egalitarianism. To understand ‘secular’ Americanism for example, see what I said in my midnight post ‘Salem witch puritan’ and even pay attention to what the first commenter, a European, says in that discussion thread.

It is time to start rewriting western history based on historians who are priests of the fourteen words, not Judeo-Christians or secular liberals (for starters, cf. The Fair Race on the sidebar).

Chris Martenson Conservatism Currency crash Pandemics

Greg Johnson on the coronavirus

Ferdinand Bardamu’s long and important essay on Christianity appears in The Fair Race. On the coronavirus as a subject, of the in-depth articles that have been published to date in the racialist forums, I only recommend the article by Bardamu on The Occidental Observer, and the one that Greg Johnson published today in Counter-Currents. Johnson wrote:

Extreme classical liberals don’t believe it is legitimate for the government to do anything for the common good, because they don’t believe that collectives exist or have interests that are legitimately pursued by the state. Thus their reaction to the globalvirus is the same as their reaction to any other collective problem: simple denial. Denialism comes in two flavors: vanilla economism and tutti frutti conspiracy theories.

Since we have a Republican administration, when intelligence reports about the globalvirus outbreak in China started coming in as early as November, they fell on deaf ears. Apparently there was not a single populist who cared about the American people anywhere to be found in the Trump administration, just business boosters who wanted to protect the economy from people who feared drowning in their own bodily fluids. And, because Republicans are not just greedy and stupid but also cowardly, they were well aware that any attempt to restrict travel from China would be decried as “racism” by the Left. Hence they decided to go with the “It’s just the flu, bro” narrative.

If Hillary Clinton were in office, the result would have been exactly the same, because she is 100% owned by the oligarchy. Her rationalizations would simply have put greater emphasis on anti-racism.

However, the criticism I made of Bardamu can be made to Johnson as well. Bardamu and Johnson are well aware of what the virus earthquake means, but neither is aware of the economic tsunami approaching their beaches: the real killer, as unlike the virus it will affect the hundred percent of westerners.

This is unsurprising. Hardly anyone in the racialist forums has followed Austrian economists closely, whose message I have been promoting since 2011 on this blog, and more so now that their predictions have finally begun to come true.

The only content creator I know who masters both topics—the coronavirus and why cash will become trash—is Chris Martenson. While Martenson’s latest videos are all about the coronavirus, there is also the older ‘crash course’ videos on his channel. For a brief intro to the course see, e.g., here.

Conservatism Conspiracy theories Pandemics Racial right

On flu truthers

In an article on Counter-Currents, yesterday, John Wilkinson said:

Libertarians often stretch incredulity to such limits that they lose all credibility for the valid beliefs they hold. This nonsense is rooted in the same ill-conceived selfish individualism as the mask issue…

Modern conservatism is defined by libertarianism taken to the extreme, where every event is a hoax that threatens individual liberty and every participant a crisis actor engaged in a plot to subvert the Constitution. It wouldn’t shock me at all to hear someone claim that [coronavirus] masks are being laced with viral contamination in order to get us all sick. The current madness is one of the many reasons why Right-wing political ideas are mired in a muck of our own creation.

Update of 21:45 pm: See my first comment below.

Conservatism Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

On youtuber John Mark

Every time I understand better my differences with those Americans who want to do something for their race.

In ‘Suicidal nationalists’, one of my essays in The Fair Race (pages 548-552), I had unfavourably compared white American nationalism to German National Socialism. But in the US, racialized conservatives see things exactly the other way around.

In his most recent video, for example, John Mark says that the alt-right people, although they are right about many things, are deficient compared to propertarianism. Mark doesn’t like the tone in which some racists speak, nor does he like what religiously smells like the fourteen words. A phrase like the one I’ve been using on this site, ‘priest of the 14 words’, would seem uncalled-for to people like Mark.

Mark says that, unlike the alt-right, propertarianism represents the ‘scientific’ approach and that those who practice it ‘love all people’ (neo-Christian ethics!) and that they are ‘the adults in the room’. He also tells us that the totalitarian tendency of the alt-right is morally wrong, as well as the hatred that underlies the movement. (Of course: The Old Testament promotes Jewish hatred of gentiles but the New Testament commands us to love everyone!) Neochristian Mark says that because of those alt-right characteristics, it will be impossible to ‘sell’ it to the right-wing normies and all sorts of American civic nationalists, centrists, libertarians, and Christians. Mark believes that propertarianism is the ‘Holy grail’ to save the race.

It doesn’t seem to occur to Mark that all those normies with whom he wants to found a new separatist nation in his country are responsible for the treasonous government that he criticises so much. And much less it occurs to him that all that grotesque fauna of normies must suffer, as I said in the second part of my post yesterday, in order to burn their sins in the apocalyptic purgatory that is coming.

The propertarianism that Mark preaches so much is simply a refined form of capitalism. Mark ignores that, along with Christianity, capitalism is one of the two great factors that originated the darkest hour in the West. He obviously has not read my paraphrase of the American Francis Parker Yockey on pages 565-566 of The Fair Race, ‘Revaluation of all Values’: the purest antithesis to the ideology of Mark and American libertarians, so unable to break with their past because of an abject failure of their imagination.

What Mark, who believes that a civil war is brewing in his country, does not quite understand is that once the blood runs no one will be thinking about refined forms of capitalism, but about how to annihilate the enemy. Whoever hates the most will win the war. In an ideal world, the values of the Old Testament will prevail, not the New Testament; although instead of the Jews the chosen people shall be the Aryan.

Conservatism Kali Yuga

What’s wrong with these guys?

In the abstract of the YouTube video ‘The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray’ we can read:

In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson is joined by author and columnist Douglas Murray to discuss his new book The Madness of Crowds: Race, Gender and Identity. Murray examines the most divisive issues today, including sexuality, gender, and technology, and how new culture wars are playing out everywhere in the name of social justice, identity politics, and intersectionality. Is European culture and society in a death spiral caused by immigration and assimilation? Robinson and Murray also discuss the roles that Brexit and the rise of populism in European politics play in writing immigration laws across the European Union.

This pair asks the right questions but their answers are deeply mistaken. What is wrong is that they speak as civilians instead of speaking as soldiers. In the darkest hour of the West, the Aryans should speak as soldiers, even if the fire is so intense outside the trenches that they can never go out to shoot a single shot. But they don’t talk like soldiers. Like Jared Taylor and others, they speak like gentlemen in peacetime.

Something wrong with the interviewee, Douglas Murray, is that he openly declared himself ‘gay’ (Newspeak for homo). This Briton outside the closet complains about the sexual suicide of the West in his second book, without realising that his community played a role in the folie en masse that degenerated in gender ideology.

Peter Robinson, the interviewer, compared the situation of the death of Europe with what a late British journalist said about the 5th century, and referred to St. Augustine and the Vandals. Robinson didn’t realize that Roman civilisation was already fatally corrupted due to Augustine and other Christians, and that the Germanic tribes represented the liberation of a degenerative stage of Semitic inspiration. (Later Justinian would perpetrate a true Holocaust of Germans, as I have been insisting in recent entries.)

Neither Robinson nor Murray realised that the madness of importing non-white masses into the West began as a religious crusade after the denazification of Germany, as a YouTuber explained in a censored video which transcript I later rescued for The Fair Race.

It is curious to listen to this pair of completely clueless pundits about what has happened in the West. If we use my metaphor, it is similar to that, as soon as they stepped on the first stepping-stone away from Normieland, they are afraid to continue stepping on other stones that lead to our side of the river. Robinson did well when comparing our century with the 5th century. But although Part I of The Fair Race perfectly answers his questions, including the essay of Judea against Rome, just as the white nationalists the pair is forever stuck within the river.

The final minutes of the video represented the weakest part of the interview. If Robinson asked me what should we do, I would answer: ‘The Aryans must amalgamate their minds with The Turner Diaries’, something like the new Koran that inspires them to re-conquer the West. But for a non-soldier that is unimaginable and highly sinful, including white nationalists like Greg Johnson who hate Pierce’s novel.

Today’s secular people prefer racial suicide before abandoning their beloved Christian ethics, or recognising that the West has been catastrophically wrong about Hitler.

2nd World War Conservatism Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Hate Racial right Summer, 1945 (book) Thomas Goodrich Vikings

Siding the Christians

Groypers, Spencer and Allied rapists

About the arrest and deportation of Greg Johnson from Norway for pre-crime of a possible thought-crime, isn’t it ironic that Johnson is the one who has written the most against the lone wolves? Will he learn the lesson? It is not enough to comply with the laws of a country: the anti-white System will still get you.

As axiologically I consider Johnson a pseudoapostate of Christianity (see my previous entry to understand the concept of pseudoapostasy), I prefer an openly Christian activist like Nick Fuentes (sample videos here, here and here).

Fuentes is the leader of the Groyper War that is currently exposing the American cuckservatives. Though I would much prefer something closer to what Hitler did in the 1920s, after Charlottesville the System made it clear that it will not tolerate such events, even if no laws were actually broken. So what we have in regards to tolerated activism is a movement led by Fuentes and three other Catholics: Vincent James, E. Michael Jones and Patrick Casey.

In The Fair Race I said: ‘I’m looking forward to Richard Spencer and James Edwards running for president and vice president in 2024 to let white nationalists know that, legally, they’re not going anywhere (cf. Charlottesville). The time has come to speak about a revolution within the limits allowed by the law of the United States’. But now that Spencer has gotten into trouble we should consider the Groyper movement which has deeper roots in America’s superficial culture than Spencer’s more profound Kultur. As a Counter-Currents columnist recently said, ‘The groyper movement is far more than a Nick Fuentes fan club. It is the primal scream of Deep America, of an American nation which intends to make itself known and rise on the world stage. Fuentes is riding this wave—how far, I cannot tell’.

Before the Spencer scandal (more on it below), the McSpencer Group recently assembled ‘to discuss the recent storming of Charlie Kirk’s “Culture War” tour by members of Groyper Nation. Speaking of the Culture War, the group also takes a deep dive into the history of the “paleoconservatives” and the politics of nostalgia—their triumphs, their limitations, and whether their movement and moniker make any sense in the 21st century’, according to the video’s abstract in YouTube. A commenter replied: ‘Got to give Nick credit. This is the type of IRL [in real life] activity we should be doing rather than street battles with Antifa’. But the Groyper movement has its problems for secularists who comment in Greg Johnson’s webzine, as Hector Quinn said a couple of days ago:

The only problem with this groyper uprising is its attachment to extreme right-wing Christianity. Not only does this alienate it from most people, but it’s also not particularly revolutionary. Their questions about gays and “Christian morality” are really just a throwback to the George W era. It’s not interesting and already has a place within mainstream conservatism. The pressing and truly vanguard issues that they should be focused on are those of race and Israel.

I disagree. It doesn’t matter that Groypers are stagnated in levels 3 and 4 in Mauricio’s metric. Compared to those racialists who use the Newspeak term ‘gay’ I am on their side, as can be deduced from what I said about sex in my article on pseudoapostates. Groypers are absolutely right that what the white man needs is a return to morals. Secular nationalists, on the other hand, seem to ignore the information from The Fair Race and other sources: the Spartans, the men in Republican Rome and even German invaders during Christian takeover of Imperial Rome were Puritans: the rock upon which a culture can be built.

Let’s go berserk!

Richard Spencer for one is a non-Christian. Regarding the audio about Spencer’s visceral reaction, immediately after the Charlottesville event, I remember seeing and hearing, if not that same audio (with an accompanying video), a very similar one in which Spencer, inside a moving car in the streets of Charlottesville, ranted against the vile ambush by the System.

When I saw that video in August 2017, I felt vindicated: finally someone speaks as violently I speak! But two years later, when the audio became public, Alt-Lighters see things exactly the other way. They talk about a ‘temper tantrum’ or a ‘meltdown’ of Spencer as if his super-healthy, super-cathartic explosion was something negative. How is it possible for normies to see things in photographic negative: white is seen as black and black is white; dark gray is seen as light gray and vice versa? If something ought to be considered positive it is precisely Spencer’s slurs about Jews and blacks in expletive-laden rants, even though for normies’ ears it sounds like the most poisonous kind of white supremacism! Only in a world where Aryan values have been 180° inverted, courtesy of Xtian ethics, could Spencer’s fury be considered mad.

One thing is clear: due to my apparently ugly self (‘ugly’ only for neochristian eyes) I find talking to myself on this site, where I now only post once a week. If this site were popular, many racially aware whites would already know the history of the Berserkers, included in one of the PDF chapters of the sticky post that appears above this article. The Berserkers story is fundamental: it shows that the blond beast must suffer, occasionally, outbursts of holy rage as the Vikings did during their war cries.

But for the castrated white after WW2, and this includes every notable figure in racialism except exterminationists like Linder, that is considered insane. When we talk about transvaluing Christian values to pre-Christian times we mean precisely to recover our warrior manhood, including the ultra-violent cries of war, as part of the psychogenic price we must pay to re-conquer the West. Alas, the average Alt-Lighter is closer to the ultra-pacifist Johnson than to the Viking of yesteryear…

Christian apologetics

A piece of older news is that Weev of The Daily Stormer was finally discredited in the movement. Good news, as a Jew would never have been accepted as a contributor in the Nazi tabloid Der Stürmer, times when whites had not castrated themselves.

Originally some people thought that The Daily Stormer would be the webzine for adolescent Berserkers but they could not be more wrong. If that were the case, once the legal age was reached, DS readers would graduate from websites like The West’s Darkest Hour or from those that guard William Pierce’s old essays and speeches. But they stay at the Anglin playground. As far as Andrew Anglin is concerned, more serious than the fact that he had collaborated with a Jew is the POV from which he starts: ‘We cannot let anyone influence our agenda, which must remain what it always was: Pro-White, Pro-Christian… Pro-American’.

Not let anyone influence you? This is also the problem among Groypers and American conservatives in general. What about the historical facts about the origins of Christianity, for the first time systematically exposed on a racist site (this one)? Pro American? Apparently, it doesn’t occur to American conservatives that their Philo-Semitic, Mammon-worshiper country is a major factor in white decline. The only way to fix the problem is to understand the fact that your race is your nation, which means accepting all Aryan history as the story of your true nation (once more, cf. Pierce’s historical essay in The Fair Race).

Recently, like Anglin and the Groypers, Hunter Wallace has been writing apologetics (‘It is a mistake to conflate our particular lifetimes with Christianity. Before the Second World War and the television era, there was no such thing as a social stigma on racism’). Wallace and the southern nationalists of his webzine do not seem to have listened recently to Alex Linder, or the argument which compares Christianity to cancer. Cancer, too, doesn’t necessarily kill immediately. You can have cancer for years until it suddenly metastasises and kills you (cf. Part II of The Fair Race).

These days, for example, I have been watching some of my favourite scenes from the 1959 Ben-Hur movie, based on a novel that was a tremendous bestseller at a time when there was still no television. I am surprised how, even in those times, the Yankees (the novel was written by a Yankee) idealised the Jewish quarter at the expense of Aryan Rome. When the movie was released I was one year old. With a few more decades, the comparatively small cancer that represented the values of that novel and film—the values of the American culture!—would metastasise at runaway philo-Semitic levels, and the anti-Roman values so to speak, of today (cf. the essay of Judea against Rome, also referred to in the sticky post).

Objections aside, I am glad that some American nationalists seem to be awakening on a substantial scale. But something infinitely more challenging that Groypers could be asking to cuckservatives are questions about the lies about the Second World War (‘You call me a holocaust denier but the real Holocaust deniers are you: Why hasn’t the Republican Party said a peep about the genocide of millions of Germans from 1945 to 1947?’).

In stark contrast to the above American news, I would like to change the mood to my usual gravitas and cite some pages of Tom Goodrich’s book on the Americans’ rape of European women:


______ 卐 ______


Meanwhile, to the west, the Americans were engaged in their own version of sexual conquest. Soon after they stormed ashore on D-Day, June, 1944, the worst elements in the US Army were allowed virtual free reign to rob, rape and kill.

“Reports that disciplinary conditions in the army are becoming bad,” General Eisenhower’s personal driver and mistress, Kay Summersby, candidly recorded. “Many cases of rape, murder, and pillage are causing complaints by the French, Dutch, etc.”

Expecting an army of heroic liberators, the Europeans were naturally surprised and shocked at the lack of discipline among the Allied forces, especially that of the Americans. Drunkenness, theft, wanton destruction of public and private property, casual sex on streets and in parks, but above all, violent sexual assault—many French soon referred to the American occupation as a “regime of terror… imposed by bandits in uniform.”

Historian, Mary Louise Roberts, poignantly recounts one such incident:

The handsome American soldier was Elisabeth’s tenth client that evening. Working her trade on the top floor of a dingy apartment block in Paris, she felt that she had seen them all.

For the past four years, the men had been Germans, and now, since the city had been liberated in August, 1944, they were Americans. It made little difference.

Elisabeth held out three fingers of her hand to indicate the price of her body—three hundred francs.

“Too much,” said the soldier.

Elisabeth sighted. She had seen that before as well. Wearily, she kept the three fingers held up, almost as an insult.

There was no negotiation—three hundred was little enough as it was.

“Two hundred,” the soldier insisted.

“Non,” said Elisabeth. “Three hundred or nothing.”

The soldier approached her, hate in his eyes. Elisabeth glowered back, starting to feel scared.

“In that case,” said the soldier, “it will be nothing.”

The soldier then placed his huge hands around Elisabeth’s neck and started to squeeze. She struggled as hard as she could, lashing out, but it was in vain.

After a minute or so she slumped down, her lifeless body falling on to the stained sheets. The soldier then calmly removed his trousers and had sex with her. For nothing.

Afterwards, he went through Elisabeth’s belongings and stole her cash and jewelry. He then went round the block, found another prostitute and took her to dinner and the movies.

For the GI, it had been a swell evening. Paris was just as they said it was.

“The French now grumble that the Americans are a more drunken and disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the Americans,” admitted one US general in disgust. “I am informed the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people claimed that they were meticulously treated by the Army of Occupation.”

After raping and robbing their way across France and Belgium, the US Army reacted much like the Soviets once they crossed into Nazi Germany in early 1945. Imagining the Americans to be much like the disciplined and well-behaved Wehrmacht, many German women, young and old, actually greeted the invaders euphorically as the long­sought symbol that the war was finally over and peace was at hand. Unfortunately, most found out too late, just as the boys at Dachau discovered, that these were not the Americans of their imaginations.

“We were crazy with happiness when the Americans came…,” lamented one woman, “[but] what [they] did here was quite a disappointment that hit our family pretty hard.”

“After the fighting moved on to German soil, there was a good deal of rape by combat troops and those immediately following them,” offered Australian journalist, Osmar White, a war correspondent traveling with the Americans. Soon after entering towns and villages the rapes began. Indoors or out, night or day, on park benches, against walls, on shop floors, the sexual attacks continued as the American conquerors laid claim to the conquered. Often going house to house in search of victims, some rapists initially claimed that they were looking for weapons, or food, or German soldiers in hiding. All too quickly their true purpose was made clear. In one German town, a group of six GIs found an attractive mother and her teenage daughter home alone. In the struggle to drag the victims upstairs, the females escaped out the door and hid in a neighbor’s closet. Finding their hiding place, the soldiers immediately threw the mother and daughter onto beds and one after another took turns raping the females, even as the daughter cried out, “Mama, Mama.”

At the Bavarian village of Ramsau, revealed one priest, “eight girls and women [were] raped, some of them in front of their parents.” In other villages, “heavily drunken” US soldiers helped themselves to the females. After raping one woman, a GI bragged that he had “liberated” her. In an apparent attempt to make the job easier for their men, some US officers required all homes to state the names and ages of their inhabitants and then nail the lists to their doors.

“The results of this decree are not difficult to imagine…,” a priest from one town answered. “Seventeen girls or women… were brought to the hospital, having been sexually abused once or several times.”

Rather than use their authority to punish the criminals and thereby stop most of the sexual attacks, American officers, much like their Soviet counterparts, seemed utterly indifferent to the crime, preferring instead to either ignore it entirely or blame the victims. Instead of arresting black soldiers for a massive number of rapes, the victims themselves were blamed because they “smiled” at the negroes while begging food. US Lieutenant General Edwin Lee Clarke went even further. “German women are creating a feeling of great insecurity among our soldiers by untrue charges of rape…,” announced Clarke. “These tactics might be part of a German plan.”

As with the Soviets, the Americans seemed to have no age limit and an elderly woman of 65, or older, could expect to be raped just as could a child of seven, or younger. There were other similarities. Revealed an Allied official:

German women were more frequently injured, beaten unconscious, abused more frequently in front of husbands or relatives and more frequently penetrated orally or anally by Gls than by the British or French.

“Americans look on the German women as loot, just like cameras and Lugers,” confessed a reporter for a New York newspaper.

“[W]e too are considered an army of rapists,” admitted a US sergeant matter-of-factly.

Added a writer for Time magazine succinctly: “Many a sane American family would recoil in horror if they knew how “Our Boys” conduct themselves… over here.

And the duty of concealing from the American public these crimes their husbands and sons were committing in Europe—and later, in Japan—was the job of the Office of War Information. Issuing its unequivocal marching orders to a small army of journalists following along with American troops, the OWI simply perfected a Soviet style censorship on all news and information destined for the US. “The rules for correspondents [were both]… imposed and self-imposed,” explained the American writer, John Steinbeck, about how he and other reporters hid the truth:

There were no cowards [or rapists or murderers] in the American Army, and of all the brave men the private in the infantry was the bravest and noblest… A second convention held that we had no cruel or ambitious or ignorant commanders… We were all a part of the War Effort. We went along with it, and not only that, we abetted it. Gradually it became a part of all of us that the truth about anything was automatically secret and that to trifle with it was to interfere with the War Effort. By this I don’t mean that the correspondents were liars… [but] it is in the things not mentioned that the untruth lies. We felt responsible to what was called the home front. There was a general feeling that unless the home front was carefully protected from the whole account of what war was like, it might panic. Also, we felt we had to protect the armed services from criticism, or they might retire to their tents to sulk like Achilles.

Thus, in effect, each “reporter” was expected to ignore or deny the looting, rape and murder committed by the Americans and exaggerate or invent the war crimes committed by the Germans; to dutifully deify their friends in the one breath and viciously vilify their enemy in the next. In essence, a corp of conscientious, diligent newsmen during times of peace had been transformed into an obedient herd of propagandists during times of war.

While some upright American officers, like their Russian counterparts, tried manfully to control the scourge of rape in their units, most did not. For German women, the baffling contradictions in each army was itself a source of nonstop terror and stress. Near Berlin, when a family encountered their first Soviets at war’s end they were naturally paralyzed with fear, fully expecting a riot of robbery and rape to envelop them. Surprisingly, the Russians were very polite and left without harming anything or anyone, including the family’s females. When the Americans later arrived, however, one of the daughters was raped so brutally that years later she still had not recovered.

Although sexual assaults by French troops in Germany were fewer than other allies, perhaps only because there were fewer French troops to begin with, not so the African colonials under their command—Moroccans, Senegalese and others who raped on a massive scale. Just as with their American and Soviet allies, the French commanders seemed indifferent to the fate of German civilians, especially women. Indeed, many French officers seemed to gloat in their power and allowed their black troops to run wild, robbing, raping, and murdering. “In the next few nights,” boasted one French sergeant, “no woman will go untouched.” When Senegalese troops reached Stuttgart in southwest Germany, they herded thousands of women, and a number of men, into the subway then raped and sodomized them all at their leisure.

While the British were far and away the most disciplined and correct of all Allied forces, that army too had its criminal element. “I didn’t go out and chase my chaps away from the women,” laughed one junior officer. “I didn’t have time. I was doing it myself!”

And thus, in the east, in the west, in their thousands, in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands, perhaps in their millions, the sexual assaults and spiritual slaughter of German females continued long after the war was declared over.

“I was panic-stricken. I was always afraid that everybody could see it in me. I was insecure in myself. I felt so empty,” confessed one young victim expressing the emotional chaos and confusion of countless others. “I wanted to do away with myself and kept crying. My mother would not let me go anywhere alone, not even to the toilet.”

“Is this the peace we yearned for so long?” cried Elsbeth Losch from a town near Dresden. “When will all this have an end?”


Editor’s note: Pages 42-47 of Summer 1945. The footnotes have been omitted. Summer 1945 is a book that exposes the atrocities committed by the United States in Japan and Germany. If the reader is interested in a book by the same author that focuses on the holocaust perpetrated by the Allies solely in Germany, obtain a copy of Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947 (sample chapter: here).

Christendom Conservatism

Take your pick

I was amused in the first hours of this day with the classification, in White Right Hub, of several blogsites where we learn that Mark Steyn is a ‘Normie’ and the Zimmermann Blog a ‘Crypto Jew’. There is a useful category, ‘Borderline Alt Right’ that includes Taki’s Magazine. But I especially liked the category ‘Alt Christian Cuck’ which includes the following:

Brother Nathanael
Lasha Darkmoon
Millennial Woes
Occidental Dissent
Political Cesspool Radio Show
Vox Popoli

What I enjoyed the most, however, is the classification of Ned May’s blogsite Gates of Vienna as ‘Gates of Tel Aviv’! According to the criterion of the admin non-labelled sites, which includes my own one, apparently are okay.