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Civil war Hate

Pure hatred

Are whites waking up? In his latest video Jared Taylor has said: ‘the last few months brought hundreds of thousands of people to our site, AmRen.com’.

While his site provides the normie with tips for the first baby steps of racial realism to cross the psychological Rubicon, Taylor is not talking about preparing for the coming civil war. Nor does he seem to realise that the new feminist and anti-male laws make marriage, which he advises, risky.

He also advises normies to go to church, even non-Christians, as if Christianity was not an extension of the Jewish problem (for those who have not visited this site before, see The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour whose cover appears in the sidebar). Taylor’s only good advice is to join a club that teaches us how to shoot firearms. But such clubs are not as popular in Europe, Australia, New Zealand or even in Canada as they are in the US, and the coming civil war will cover the entire West.

In addition to The Fair Race I would recommend reading Hellstorm and The Turner Diaries. Unlike Taylor and those peaceful civilians who comment on his site, what the white man needs is to regain his capacity for pure hatred.

When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.

Civil war Currency crash Peter Schiff

Austrian school

Virtually no racialist knows the trauma model of mental disorders. One of the problems I see in the white nationalist movement is that there are serious blind spots from their POV. Not only do they ignore that psychiatry (which promotes the medical model of mental disorders) is false science. Nor do they know that Keynesian economics taught in universities is another ‘science’ similar to astrology.

The only one who got to talk about these two topics, pseudo-scientific psychiatry and pseudoscientific economics, before YouTube deleted his channel was Stefan Molyneux. And it is a pity that no racialist whose mother tongue is English says what Molyneux knew about the real state of the economy and the true cause of mental disorders (child abuse).

Today’s article on Counter-Currents by Robert Hampton, ‘Are We Really Heading To A Civil War?’ exemplifies blindness as to the state of the American economy.

Like the vast majority of racialists, Hampton doesn’t seem to have the remotest notion that the truly scientific school of economy is the Austrian school, which has been predicting, since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold, that this would lend itself to abusively print fiat currency ad infinitum to the degree of currency collapse.

Now, Hampton is right that his bourgeois compatriots are not going to rebel. As I have said on this site, the One Ring has corrupted the Aryan psyche, as Richard Wagner saw in his most ambitious work. Hampton is correct in saying that his compatriots are comfortable in what I call ‘happy mode’ and that, in that mode, revolution is unthinkable. But Hampton is unaware that the precious currency of the Americans is going to tank.

Above I mentioned Molyneux whose mother was Jewish and I was sorry that a racialist Gentile did not say the same. The same could be said of Peter Schiff, whose father was Jewish, but among those who explain Austrian economics Schiff is the one who does it best on YouTube, as we see in his most recent podcast.

Those reluctant to listen to him can watch the crash curses of the non-Jews Chris Martenson or Mike Maloney, who say more or less the same as Schiff. In this matter it’s irrelevant who is Gentile or Jew. What matters is that the dollar is short on time, and that once it collapses Americans will transition from happy mode to angry mode.

True, an angry mode among whites is still insufficient for the armed revolution, but the fall of the American empire (no more pro-Israel wars after the dollar loses its purchasing power) will mark the end of the interregnum that began in 1945, when Europe lost the power they held for centuries.

The end of the interregnum doesn’t mean automatic salvation, as Americanised Europeans are as bananas as those who live on this continent. However, the end of American hegemony will start to open a window of opportunity for our cause.

Civil war Racial right Real men

On sewing ladies


Melanie turned 104!

The key to understanding white decline is simply to briefly visit the sites of white nationalism, alt-right, and alt-lite each day. The first thing that strikes you is, as I have said, that they seem to be run by ladies.

Every morning I visit the vlogger Styx-666 (who has survived the recent YouTube purge), Occidental Dissent, American Renaissance, Robert Morgan’s comments on Unz Review, Counter-Currents, the McSpencer Group and The Occidental Observer very briefly. I do it basically to see the titles of the recent articles or videos and perhaps read a single paragraph, or two, from one of those sites. Sometimes I read everything that Morgan writes.

Except for the latter, there is no hate in any of them—and Morgan is just a commenter, he doesn’t have any website. In contrast to these non-haters the right attitude is, as I was told yesterday: ‘The best course of action is to stay under the radar, accumulate resources and hate. But one needs to start writing (and if possible, talking) about killing and destroying’. But none of that exists on the mentioned sites, only in some aggregations from the commenters.

It makes me laugh more and more that they blame the Jews, when it is obvious that it is whites, even those who are more or less conscious, who are committing suicide. As the climate of the time increasingly becomes openly anti-white, their spirits should’ve already been amalgamated with the spirit of The Turner Diaries. But no: these conscious or semi-conscious whites are, basically, still in happy mode. Excepting Twitter, you don’t even breathe a real angry mode on days when blacks are already beginning to physically attack whites without impunity.

The admins of the aforementioned websites are like the little women who stay home when the first KKK emerged right after the American Civil War. In Gone with the Wind and the film adaptation Frank, Ashley, Rhett and several other accomplices make a night raid. See clip: here, where they deceive their wives and yanks so that the latter don’t blame them for the white justice the southerners have just committed.

The whole movie avoided the mention of the phrase ‘Klu Klux klan’ at all—a difference from the book. But the happy news is that this month Olivia de Havilland has reached her 104 years!

The role that Olivia played as Melanie in the movie, the central woman in the clip, is just how women must become after whites grow a pair and dare to transvalue the values, becoming like Frank, Rhett and Ashley again.

It is becoming increasingly intolerable to read the prose of people who have testicles but who sit at home sewing. Fortunately the System will tighten their nuts. When ten percent of whites start dying during the upcoming holy racial wars, whites will transition from happy mode to angry mode. It won’t be until a greater percentage of whites die that they will be able to transition to combat (defensive) mode. But the only mental state that will solve the problem once and for all is the killing mode (coup).

No pain, no gain. Without suffering, real suffering I mean, racially conscious whites will continue to be the little women they are by not speaking, even academically, about Revolution when it is time to start speaking openly.

‘Can anyone think of a single revolution in history that was conducted by tricking people into gradually accepting revolutionary anti-system truths, at which point everyone got together and voted in their desired regime?’ —River Koenig.

Civil war

Five possible reactions for whitey

– by Rhodok

1) Fu*king die already
2) Grovel harder
3) Ignore & hope
4) Race realism (ethno nationalism)
5) Become the racist they fear

I am afraid that many people will not even pause at option 4 but go directly to option 5.

Blacks Civil war Michael O'Meara Racial right Real men

Apollo and the cross

‘My suggested approach [regarding the anti-white system] is generally fairly mild, nonviolent, and legal’. —a phrase from the feminized piece that has just been published, today, as a featured article on The Occidental Observer.

Generally I would only recommend the Counter-Currents (CC) webzine to a little normie who wants to take his first baby steps when crossing the psychological Rubicon. Like The Occidental Observer and American Renaissance, CC is an online publication for racially conscious American conservatives, not for Nietzschean revolutionaries. They don’t deserve to be called ‘white nationalists’, the term some of them use, since creating a White Nation would obviously require revolutionary violence. God forbid!

I would go as far as claim that almost all the racialist sites that use the term White Nationalism lie, as they are not promoting revolutionary ideals to reclaim their nations. What they are actually doing is complaining, as women have complained throughout history. If the alt-right sites were run by women I would not criticise them at all. But they are administered by males, which makes these men intellectually cowards, at least compared to the author of Toward the White Republic.

Although Michael O’Meara’s last chapter is a ‘Call to Arms’, in the sense that he was not advocating mere armchair speculation or complaining, this is not the time to start a revolution as the zeitgeist is at the exact opposite pole. However, an ideology must be created that takes antichristianism to its ultimate consequences—see for example what I said this morning to a commenter—always keeping in mind that the final goal is the fulfilment of the fourteen words.

This said, and independently of the baby steps, sometimes Counter-Currents contributors say interesting things. Yesterday for example CC published a piece by Spencer Quinn, ‘Black Lives Matter is Black Supremacy’, which is worth reading. But I was more interested in what a couple of commenters said in the comments section. The first wrote:

As others have said, these riots were about black honour and power. A white policeman kills a black criminal. But blacks see only ‘white man kills black man’ and respond through vengeance upon white society.

Another one commented:

What is cited regarding people getting fired over mildly criticizing BLM doesn’t really have much to do with the organization per se so much as the extravagant social currency connected to BLM; companies are firing people because we live in a capitalist economy; criticizing BLM is equated with criticizing blacks; criticizing blacks is taboo; and a company that associates with people who commit a taboo will lose social credibility and thus money. It is really capitalism that has given the abundance of soft power to BLM— BLM just happens to be the “moral truth” at this moment in time. In the past, I’m sure in certain places you could lose your job and social capital for supporting blacks. Same system, different truth.

This second comment is important, as it was difficult to understand why companies are taking sides with vandals, rioters, and those who pull down once-respected statues in the US. But what both Quinn and his commenters omit is that the moral grammar that Christianity engendered is behind today’s taboo of criticising blacks, or other minorities, throughout the West.

The gospel commands us to love the weak, and even more so those groups who are at the bottom in society. The Enlightenment, the American Revolution and the French Revolution only started the process to secularise these axiological standards, but the background always was Christian standards of morality. As I tried to explain in my post yesterday, pulling down from the pedestal the handsome sculptures of classical culture was nothing more than degrading ancient civilisation in Rome after a cult of Semitic origin took over the empire. And what is at issue today is replacing white supremacism with ‘black supremacism’, to use Quinn’s expression. The first step to achieve this is degrading modern white civilisation through its very symbols.

It is up to the men who are now deceptively calling themselves white nationalists to leave their femininity behind and start thinking like real men. The first step in that direction would be a return to pre-Christian values, for example, beginning to love once again the handsome statues that the Semites destroyed so many centuries ago. The rest follows from there.

Down with the cross, up with Apollo!

Umwertung aller Werte!

Christian art Civil war Evil Kali Yuga

Festival of neochristian guilt

These are just a few of the thousands of comments about the embedded video below on the new religion of Negrolatry (Black is the substitute for Jesus in this secular age):

• This is a new religion.

• The most disgusting display in American history.

• That worshipping scene in the street is scary as hell.

• No amount of self -abasement will ever be enough. This is a cult with no possibility of redemption for Whites.

• The worst kind of racist is the one who hates his own race.

• Remember kids, no one is coming to save us—we have to save ourselves.

• In a few years, the genocide of white farmers in South Africa will be common place in most western countries…

• I agree that voting won’t change anything, only revolution will.

• A full-blown race war is now inevitable, logical and preferable.

• This time is the turning point in history where whites need to come together, and rise up against this unequivocal assault on our race.

See Jared Taylor’s latest video about the Guilt Festival: here.

Civil war

Andy Donner and premature violence

Of his quintet, I fully read Harold Covington’s first four novels at a time when I had some correspondence with him, and I still recommend The Brigade to everyone who visits this site. But I distanced myself from Covington when I learned that he suffered from terrible character flaws, such as the defamation of other white nationalists, as I have explained on this site.

When Covington died in 2018 it bothered me that Andy Donner, who now runs the Northwest Front, alleged in his obituary that Covington had been a man of impeccable character. Obviously, Donner is as dishonest as Covington was, who never regretted his defamations of his colleagues, even decades after having defamed them. (For example, he labelled William Pierce ‘a federal informant’ in one of his novels.)

In the most recent Northwest Front podcast now run by Donner, ‘Andy discusses Party happenings and the arrests of members of the Base and AtomWaffen Division’. I was struck by the brief segment that begins after the fourth minute, as it is the first time Donner has talked about these two revolutionary groups. Also for the first time, he who now directs the Northwest Front was disengaged from the groups that presumably promote accelerationist violence.

In my opinion, nothing better destroys the depression to which the white man has fallen than novels such as Pierce’s The Turner Diaries and The Brigade by Covington. But it is clear that the hour of revolution has not arrived.

We could call failures of the imagination the huge mistake made by those who believe it’s time to fight. Even before the pandemic of the Chinese virus erupted, I knew something was going to happen that would open a window of opportunity for us. Revolutionaries who read Siege completely lack this kind of intuitive imagination. A few years ago, for example, in a forum that mentioned the future fall of the dollar, a commenter speculated that the first piece of the dominoes that could cause it could be… a Chinese virus! I wish I had saved the link, but I seem to remember that a few years ago I read that online, perhaps inspired on the first SARS-CoV epidemic.

The revolutionaries with whom I have dealt with over the forums vehemently reject all speculation of the Austrian school economists that the dollar is going to fall. Their vision is that business as usual will continue unless the revolutionaries step in (‘Screw your optics, I am in!’). The 2020 pandemic, which could potentially be that little piece of a dominoes effect (see the clips of Martenson and Maloney I’ve been linking), is the perfect answer to unimaginative would-be revolutionaries.

It is silly to lash out at the enemy without a lot of soldiers. Let’s be patient. The System is run by such stupid people—I include not only the gentile traitors but Jewry—that it will collapse on its own weight. Few things exasperate me more in white nationalism than the paranoia that Jewry has everything under control, when in reality they are almost as imbeciles as whites.

Civil war Film Real men

‘That we won’t werewolf…’

Dr. Sally: Oh, no, no, no. No, you can’t joke about that.

Murray Franklin: Yeah, that’s not funny, Arthur. That’s not the kind of humor we do on this show.

Joker: Okay. Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s just, you know, it’s been a rough few weeks, Murray. Ever since I killed those three Wall Street guys.


Murray Franklin: Okay, I’m waiting for the punchline.

Joker: There is no punchline. It’s not a joke.

Murray Franklin: You’re serious, aren’t you? You’re telling us you killed those three young men on the subway?

Joker: Mm-hmm.

Murray Franklin: And why should we believe you?

Joker: I’ve got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore.

[He smiles.]

Joker: My life is nothing but a comedy.

Murray Franklin: Let me get this straight, you think that killing those guys is funny?

Joker: I do. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not. Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn’t that what they say? All of you, the System that knows so much, you decide what’s right or wrong. The same way that you decide what’s funny or not.

Audience Member: Get him off!

Murray Franklin: Okay, I think, my understanding, that you did this to start a movement to become a symbol?

Joker: Come on, Murray. Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement? I killed those guys because they were awful. Everybody is awful these days. It’s enough to make anyone crazy.

Murray Franklin: Okay, so that’s it. You’re crazy. That’s your defense for killing three young men?

Joker: No. They couldn’t carry a tune to save their lives.

[The audience starts booing.]

Joker: Oh, why is everybody so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you’d walk right over me. I pass you everyday and you don’t notice me! But these guys, what, because [the very wealthy] Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV?

Murray Franklin: Do you have a problem with Thomas Wayne?

Joker: Yes, I do. Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit down and take it like good little boys! That we won’t werewolf and go wild!

Murray Franklin: You finished? I mean, there’s so much self-pity, Arthur, you sound like you’re making excuses for killing those young men.

Not everybody, and I’ll tell you this, not everyone is awful.

Joker: But you’re awful, Murray.

Murray Franklin: Me? I’m awful? Oh, yeah? How am I awful?

Joker: Playing my video. Inviting me on this show. You just wanted to make fun of me. You’re just like the rest of them.

Murray Franklin: You don’t know the first thing about me, pal. Look what happened because of what you did? What it led to. There are riots out there. Two policemen are in critical condition.

[Arthur starts to laugh.]

Murray Franklin: You’re laughing. You’re laughing. Someone was killed today because of what you did.

Joker: I know…

How about another joke, Murray?

Murray Franklin: No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.

Joker: What do you get…

Murray Franklin: I don’t think so.

Joker: …when you cross…

Murray Franklin: I think we’re done with the show. That’s it.

Joker: …a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?!

Murray Franklin: Call the police, Gene. Call the police.

Joker: I’ll tell you what you get! You get what you fucking deserve!

[Suddenly Arthur Freck, the Joker, shoots Murray in the head and the audience starts running off in terror. After killing Murray, the Joker, goes to a camera and points it at himself.]

Joker: Goodnight. And always remember, that’s…

[He gets cut off as the show is cut. After Arthur murders Murray live on TV, as riots break out across Gotham, the Waynes leave a movie theater and a clown rioter follows them down an alley.]

Clown Rioter: Hey, Wayne. You get what you fucking deserve.

[Points his gun at Thomas…]

Thomas Wayne: No, pal!

[He shoots both Thomas and his wife, Martha, in front of young Bruce, the future Batman: protector of the System. LOL!]

Civil war William Pierce


Joker is a love letter to mass shooters’.

Andrew Anglin

Yesterday I said I would take a few days off but today Greg Johnson once again said the same thing about one of the latest Jokers on his list:

Finally, Balliet’s “solution” to his rage and alienation—killing innocent people—just makes the racial situation worse rather than better. We will surely learn a lot more about his ideas and affiliations in the coming months. But based on what we know now, we can say that his actions certainly resemble those of racially-motivated spree killers like Brenton Tarrant (whom he was obviously imitating), John Earnest, Robert Bowers, Dylann Roof, Anders Behring Breivik, Wade Michael Page, and Frazier Glenn Miller, all of whom are products of what I call “Old Right” thinking.

By the “Old Right,” I mean classical Fascism and National Socialism and their contemporary imitators who believe that White Nationalism can be advanced through such means as one-party politics, terrorism, totalitarianism, imperialism, and genocide.

The fatal mistake with Johnson’s reasoning is to invent an animal that doesn’t exist, the ‘New Right’: a little movement in his head of clearly neochristian inspiration that will supposedly create the ethnostate without bloodshed.

I have already said it and it is worth iterating it: The correct point of view is not that of neochristians like Johnson, but that of the antichristian William Pierce who tried to dissuade Bob Mathews (as there are not even remotely enough soldiers to start a guerrilla war). But that doesn’t mean that, once Bob committed his premature act, Pierce condemned him (he didn’t).

William Pierce died at the beginning of the century. His legacy is so extraordinarily lucid—a true genius—that I will add my Monday entry, ‘Why the West Will Go Under’, one of his articles, as the Parting Word for the final pages of The Fair Race. Just compare Pierce’s ‘parting word’ with what Johnson writes today!

Also, I will add more pages from Pierce’s Who We Are to the section of that abbreviated book which also appears in The Fair Race. That means that the version that will be ready this month of The Fair Race, with these last two additions, has reached the top of 730 pages. (The Lulu printing press does not print more than 730 pages under a single cover, so I can’t add any more texts once more.)

What I want to convey is that the right message to deter people who want to fight is simple: Wait until the proper societal conditions arise! The real world is not like the movies in which Arthur Fleck (a poor guy destroyed by his mom) ignites a street revolution! Don’t act like Fleck believing that a legion of clowns will follow you, as you saw in Joker! Read instead the PDFs of The West’s Darkest Hour. Seek first how the kingdom’s dollar will crash and all these things will be given to you!

Simply put, the right path for would-be revolutionaries is the one Pierce showed us: Stop! But read The Turner Diaries. The path of the true Aryan is not the path of Johnson and his neochristian readers.

Civil war Racial right

Brad’s way or Will’s?

On Occidental Dissent Brad Griffin writes:

We’ve also been sued for $10 million in a civil suit for allegedly causing James Fields, Jr. to crash his Dodge Challenger into that crowd of folks in Charlottesville. I had never heard of James Fields until I saw him on the news. I wasn’t even in Albemarle County at the time.

Recently also Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:

And look at what happened to David Duke. To Ernst Zundel. To Will Williams. To me. And to James Alex Fields of Charlottesville fame, who was convicted of first degree murder of a woman he didn’t know, never saw, certainly didn’t intend to kill, and certainly didn’t even know had been killed. America, America, God shed His grace on thee.

Law enforcement and prosecutors are very often politically motivated liars and persecutors these days in the USSA. They pursue—a not justice, but the opposite of justice in many, many cases. There is no justice, only injustice, if you are a member of a politically disfavored group. Especially if you don’t have a spare $250,000 lying around to pay a good lawyer. (The defense side of criminal prosecution should be socialized, just like the prosecution side is.) And racially conscious White people are the ultimate disfavored group, thanks to Jewish money and influence in our society.

The United States that I saw in movies as a child no longer exists. Today’s US is penalising law-abiding nationalists basically for thoughtcrime and, as Strom says in his piece, concurrently it has tried to liberate criminal Jews from jail. But in spite of such blatant violations of the old American law, virtually all racially conscious whites over the internet still think like reactionaries, not like potential revolutionaries.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating doing something illegal now. My point is that these folks don’t understand what is most elemental to me:

That they should start taking revolutionary thinking seriously as purely academic discussions, starting with the videos of John Mark or, for the truly mature post-Christian, Will Pierce’s The Turner Diaries.

But they won’t do it… Even the commenters of the once inspiring Daily Stormer will be thinking like law-abiding good Christians and, when they finally find themselves in prison for thoughtcrime, they’ll be clueless as to why the hell they got their asses there.