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3-eyed crow Racial right

Tuesday’s comment

by Haas

You’re not talking to yourself. The work you are doing is fantastic. I thought I was “redpilled” before I found this website a few months ago. Now I know that I was still asleep (or better yet, in a coma).

In fact, this website made me realize that there isn’t just one redpill but many. For example, it was through this website that I discovered the truth about Christianity. Before, I was a stupid White Nationalist who thought Christianity was a White religion. But reading the texts and watching the videos you recommend was like being hit by a bolt of lightning. After watching the Richard Carrier videos, I felt like a total idiot. The whole thing is just so obvious and staring at us in the face.

I’ve also really enjoyed these past few articles about women. What an eye opener! For someone used to the White Nationalist sex egalitarianism of Red Ice, this was really refreshing.

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of success redpilling normies with what I learn here. My strategy is to plant a seed in their minds that will make them doubt the garbage they’ve been fed their whole lives and then they come back to me asking for more. I’ve realized that it’s better to make them come to the conclusions themselves than to just feed them everything.

You’re right, this website is unique. Please continue.

3-eyed crow Philosophy of history Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Tyrion’s speech

Watch it in the context of my recent reply to a commenter on Red Ice’s historical ignorance about the religion of our parents (the Red Ice couple are YouTube personalities, part of the Alt-right movement).

Update of 5 p.m.: According to the plot of Season 8, the Night King planned to bring about an eternal night, wiping out mankind altogether, and in order to accomplish that he needs to kill Bran, who inherited the title of the three-eyed raven from a very old man. As Sam points out, true death is only achieved when people are completely forgotten by the living, and the three-eyed raven has access to all of human history, making him a crucial target for the Night King (NK).

In real life, this almost happened when Judeo-Christians destroyed all temples, libraries and even the human lives of the carriers of the white man’s culture, especially in the centuries 4th and 5th.

Following this analogy, white nationalists have failed to see the three-eyed ravens’ messages to retrieve such history after the NK (Christianity) destroyed the most germane knowledge for white survival. I refer specifically to the histories of the white race by Pierce and Kemp that ‘nationalists’ still refuse to read, and apparently will continue to refuse until the eternal night finally reaches the entire West.

See the previous posts on this site under the title of ‘3-eyed raven’ (actually, quotations from Pierce’s Who We Are):

Three-eyed raven, 1

Three-eyed raven, 2

Three-eyed raven, 3

Three-eyed raven, 4

Three-eyed raven, 5

Three-eyed raven, 6

Three-eyed raven, 7

Three-eyed raven, 8

3-eyed crow

Bran the Broken

Before Jaime Lannister threw him from a turret, the child Bran Stark had dreamed to be a knight of the royal guard. With his back broken all his dreams came down. Analogously, before my parents dismembered my soul and my sister’s, I dreamt to be a film director.

Instead of a life in Hollywood I have spent most of my life in the cave of the Three-Eyed Raven among huge roots, dense darkness and skeletons to try to understand what happened in my family. Such time in that underworld, and thanks to the retrocognitive vision that I developed about the most unpleasant human events, has transmuted my soul into a kind of fusion between the Night King and Bran the Broken.

Although last Thursday I translated a few paragraphs from one of my books, I promised myself not to talk much here about what I have seen in the darkest passageways of the cave. But that does not mean that I cannot begin to translate it, tome by tome, so that my most intimate confessions reach the English paper. Only thus, in the printed word, it could be understood why I want only a fraction of compassionate whites to inherit the earth (as I said on the 5th of this month when talking about the novels by George R. R. Martin).

Unfortunately, apparently my main sponsor died and, since I must put some bread on my table, the translation of the twelve books will take longer than I had originally expected.