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Jesus’ message reaches its climax

St. Francis kissing the feet of Christ,
from a painting of a crucifix in Arezzo, Italy

In Negrolatry the Negro is now the new Jesus, and the zeitgeist is trying to immanentize the eschaton in 2020. The last will be the first, and the first the last because the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard, Jesus said. Who would say that only in a secular age, which we have called here neochristian, were these words going to reach a massive psychosis that is affecting large numbers of whites.

The first minutes of the latest AmRen video, which shows recent images of whites kissing the boots of Negroes on the street when they demand it, are very disturbing.

The downward spiral of self-destructive insanity into which the white man has fallen has older roots than the American antecedents that Jared Taylor mentions. Since I was educated as a Catholic, I have an advantage over those who were educated in Protestantism: I know better the history of the church before the Reformation. And since my father talked so much about St. Francis when I was a teenager, I realise that what is happening today has its roots as early as the 13th century if not before when, from Constantine, the Christians—mostly non-Aryans—began to destroy the beautiful Aryan statues throughout the Roman Empire.

It is a real disgrace that the common American, and even the educated American like Taylor, is unaware of the stellar moments in the history of their parents’ religion, as the gospel was and has been, up to its secular incarnation, an attempt to invert Aryan values into Semitic values (‘ethnocentrism for me, universalism for thee’). Today’s events, in which a black man on the street can ask a white woman to kneel and the white woman obeys, are the result of a crescendo program that began 1,700 years ago, when a Roman emperor surrendered the empire to his bishops, many of whom had Semitic background.

The good thing about this accelerationism is that the frog is no longer going to be burned little by little without realising that they want to burn it. From now on, the extermination war against whites will be more and more direct and, therefore, they will have more chances to wake up.

As I see things, we are in the anteroom of a theatre where a great opera is going to be performed. The first calls have already been heard for people to start going to their seats, but we haven’t heard the third call yet. When it arrives and we are sitting in our seats we will hear the overture (the collapse of the US dollar). But that will only be overture. Then comes the development of a Wagnerian Tetralogy, the arc of which can last for decades if not a century (remember that Richard Wagner took more than thirty years to complete his Tetralogy).

Certainly the next decades, from the overture, will be crucial to know if whites regain their appetite to exist, or if the evangelical message that they have engraved in their collective unconscious will prevail.

Transvaluation of all values.

Reject Jesus; put Uncle Adolf in his place.

Destruction of Greco-Roman world

Christian moral vision

The following paragraphs are recent comments from Robert Morgan in Unz Review (italics added):

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Riots, pulling down or defacing statues, mass censorship, and re-writing history were all features of the first Christian religious upheaval too, during the fall of the Roman Empire. All were techniques pioneered by Christians, just business as usual for these fanatics. The only thing different in modern times is that belief in Jesus as God has become optional for both sides. The quintessentially Christian moral vision of a single humanity united in equality under a single, universal code of ethics remains, burning stronger than ever.

* * *

Sounds like you are trying to blame Jewish “brainwashing” for white behavior, which essentially is Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s thesis too. I’m sure you’d enjoy his work if you’re not already a disciple of his. But neither you nor MacDonald can explain why the negro made his greatest stride toward equality when he was granted citizenship and the vote in America shortly after the Civil War. This occurred at a time when there was no mass media as we know it today, no Jewish educational establishment, and before mass immigration of Jews even began. More, at that time the USA was virtually 100 percent Christian, yet that is what white people decided to do, of their own accord. Worse, they’ve had now a century and a half to reverse course, and they’ve not made a single move in that direction. To all appearances, they’re not being coerced. They’re just doing what they believe is right.

* * *

The vast majority are hell bent on their own racial obliteration. We see this everywhere, from whites kneeling in the presence of negroes during the current unrest, to the ever-rising numbers of non-white immigrants to white lands… This American movement to mix races and accept negroes as fully the equals of whites in every way has been going on since at least the Civil War era, and was at that time spearheaded by fanatic Christians abolitionists. Now it has been exported everywhere. Your mistake is to think this is all being directed from the central headquarters of shadowy, unnamed ‘elites’. It’s not. It’s a broad social movement that has spanned centuries.

* * *

While white people’s actions don’t seem to make any sense, they aren’t designed to make sense. They aren’t designed at all, but just emerge as a form of spontaneous order, a product of the collective mind, much like the schooling of fish, or the swarming of bees. Looking for hidden conspirators serves the purpose of diverting white people’s attention from the fact that they’ve always been their own worst racial enemy, and that no cultural change happens or can happen without their full cooperation.

Mauricio (commenter)

Responding to Anglin

by Mauricio

It’s disgusting to mention White blood and Jesus in the same sentence.

Andrew Anglin is a mercenary. He’s doing Daily Stormer for the notoriety. He writes his dissident wank-pieces with a Christian flavour because the majority of his readers are Christian. I’d say Daily Stormer is still up because it passes the Eli Ravage test: Hate the kikes, but love The Kike. [Editor’s note: see pages 163-172 of The Fair Race]

Let’s fix Anglin’s piece of drunken Christian bullshit, shall we? Here’s the sober version:

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These are going to be progressively poorer times we’ll be facing here, and the number one thing I can recommend is that you remove all subversive degeneracy from your life, especially (((God))).

Beyond that, you need to be careful whom you associate with. Someone from your ‘crew’ might rat you out after an hour of sitting in the interrogation table.

Then you need guns, legal or illegal, and Silver, or Gold, stored food and a place outside the city if you can.

Look: we’re paying for the racial treachery of our grandfathers, and some of us won’t make it through this. I don’t know that I will, and you don’t know that you will. But we as a people must sacrifice a lot for our existence. That I can guarantee.

And that is how you need to be thinking: that we are cowards, united by greed, and only through much suffering and spilling of our enemies’ blood shall we earn our salvation.

Hitler’s prophecy

Dear César,

Concerning the decline of the USA and the UK, for example, I would like to remind you on a speech given by the Führer on February 24th 1945 (this was nine days after the British-American genocidal aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden). As fate of these peoples he prophesied:

What we once so often preached nationally about the nature of the coalition hostile to us is now confirmed: A diabolical pact between democratic capitalism and jewish bolshevism. All those peoples whose statesmen have committed themselves to this pact will sooner or later be the victims of the spirits they have called.

And this I would formulate regarding the white nationalists who don’t want to realize the CQ and complain about the Jew (you are free to cite it):

‘A Christian WN “anti-Semite” is mentally like a drunkard who got drunk on semitic hooch and then squawks in the alley that he can’t walk straight’.

Best wishes for you and kind regards,


Blindness in TOO

Kevin MacDonald’s blindness about the root cause of white decline has already been discussed on this site. Yesterday The Occidental Observer (TOO) published Giles Corey’s ‘American Roulette: Imagining a Dark Future and How to Deal with It’, which contains these words:

…every single institution that was taken from us by the century-long Jewish coup that is responsible for nearly all of the afflictions we are yoked under, including the viral egalitarian infection that has forever ruined the minds of the contemptible and damned White ethnomasochists that disgrace our race every day. We must never forget the fact that the Enemy is Jewish; all else is a distraction.

Corey doesn’t connect the dots between white ethno-masochism (caused by Christian guilt) and the power of Jewry in his country. The reason for such blind monocausalism is explained in another of Corey’s sentences:

We are living through the greatest crisis to have ever faced our White race, our White civilization; this is no coincidence, for, whether or not you are a Christian like myself…

Corey is blind because he’s a Christian. Compare Corey and TOO’s focus on Jewry with my recently republished quotes from the conservative Swede (here) or Robert Morgan (here), where the focus is redirected to classical or secular Christianity: the real cause of all the bad that has been happening to the white man.

It is a real disgrace that, on the verge of losing their nation thanks to the new religion of Negrolatry, as Corey says in his article, at this stage American racialists don’t have the faintest idea of the root aetiology of the whole affair: it’s they themselves, whites, as without Christianity there would be no Jewish takeover. (This is why Corey says ‘Jewish coup’, as if the Jews had used military force to subdue the white nations.)

The United States will die for the sin of pride of not wanting to see what is right under their noses. Not even white nationalists want to see the ultimate cause of their misfortune.

If you are a new visitor to this site, read the first part of The Fair Race, PDF linked in the sidebar, which explains how Judaism seized the soul of the Aryan from the time of Constantine. Anything that does not stem from this historical fact is quackery.

Blacks Deranged altruism Quotable quotes

Negrolatry’s aetiology

‘With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice.

In Secular Christianity each person has to be like Jesus himself [emphasis added], doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to fulfill Christian ethics’. —Conservative Swede

Racial right

Stuck in the middle of the Rubicon

Today Counter-Currents published ‘St. George Floyd: A Modern Christian Martyr?’ The author Robert Hampton said: ‘The Dissident Right must be there to offer them the language to resist the malarkey from institutional Christianity’.

It is a distinction without a difference. Hampton fails to simply say: Today’s neo-Nazis must be there to offer them the language to resist the malarkey from Christianity.

The fact is, white nationalists who seem to subscribe to a secular worldview fail to ‘name the Christian’. They love to ‘name the Jew’, but due to intellectual cowardice they still don’t dare to name the Christian: an artificial Jew.

The same can be said of how, a couple of days ago, Richard Spencer seemed to endorse the idea that, according to the morality of our time, the Taíno genocide with which recent historians blame Columbus was a bad thing. Obviously, Spencer has not read Day of Wrath.

White nationalism and the alt-right will continue to be charlatanry as long as they refuse to name the Christian and revalue their Judeo-Christian values until they remain as we were in the Greco-Roman world.


Three themes

Two years ago my first cousin, the one I got along with the most in the 1980s, killed his teenage daughter and then hanged himself. As far as I know, he was exasperated by the very aggressive feminism that reigned at home, and it is rumoured that in the posthumous letter he left he said that he also planned to dispatch his wife (who was absent on the day of the two deaths).

The cold war against the Aryan race is becoming hot. The first step in white genocide will be to remove the police. If that were to be implemented, the only line of defence that the Americans would have are their firearms. Once Americans start using their weapons defensively in their homes that will be considered racism. After Trump, someone like AOC will try to confiscate the guns of right-wingers to leave them at the mercy of BLM. The ball is in their court: either they will continue to behave like lambs in the slaughterhouse or like the characters of The Turner Diaries.

Since WordPress software will automatically close the vaccine discussion thread this day, anyone interested in answering Peter can do so here.

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Festival of neochristian guilt

These are just a few of the thousands of comments about the embedded video below on the new religion of Negrolatry (Black is the substitute for Jesus in this secular age):

• This is a new religion.

• The most disgusting display in American history.

• That worshipping scene in the street is scary as hell.

• No amount of self -abasement will ever be enough. This is a cult with no possibility of redemption for Whites.

• The worst kind of racist is the one who hates his own race.

• Remember kids, no one is coming to save us—we have to save ourselves.

• In a few years, the genocide of white farmers in South Africa will be common place in most western countries…

• I agree that voting won’t change anything, only revolution will.

• A full-blown race war is now inevitable, logical and preferable.

• This time is the turning point in history where whites need to come together, and rise up against this unequivocal assault on our race.

See Jared Taylor’s latest video about the Guilt Festival: here.