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Blacks Game of Thrones

Negrolatry = Christian morality

Sixty-two percent of likely US voters now have a favourable opinion of Black Lives Matter? Am I dreaming? Is this a nightmare come true or is the poll just wrong? A week before the Game of Thrones (GoT) finale I added an entry that I now recycle and rephrase interpolating the new term, ‘negrolatry’:

2020 is the year of the total inversion of Aryan values into Christian values. Our historical season or climax of Christian values is similar to GoT’s ‘Sparrows’, the Faith Militant fanatics who believed in equality for all men (‘We’re all equal in the eyes of the Seven’, a rephrasing of the Christian ‘Every man is equal in God’s eyes’). George R.R. Martin obtained his inspiration from real events of Western history. In the Middle Ages, the Dulcinians were like the Sparrows. Inspired by pious Franciscan ideals, like today’s Antifa that occupy six blocks in Seattle, in real history the Dulcinians became thugs.

The ideals of the medieval Dulcinians were: (1) The fall of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, (2) The fall of the feudal system, and (3) The creation of a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality. Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) viewed the history of mankind as four epochs, culminating in the period of the Apostolics led by Dolcino. Like the ‘Sparrows’ in GoT, this is a period characterised by the absence of government (or police).

In Martin’s novels, after a couple of centuries of disbanding the Faith Militant, Cersei restores the military arm of the Faith of the Seven, just as today the elites are restoring a secular form of Stormtroopers with the empowered Antifa, with the noble goal of immanentizing the eschaton.

Just as today’s white negrolatres see Jesus in blacks, the white man must be degraded to equalise him with the Negro. In GoT the Sparrows attacked the noblest houses of Westeros: House Tyrell and then… Cersei herself!

Since in real life the Negro cannot be equalised by decree, the only way to equalise him before the white male is simply by degrading the latter’s status throughout the West: precisely what is happening. Westerners ignore that, after seven hundred years, our secular governments are implementing the core of the ideals of Fra Dolcino.

The Roman Catholic Church destroyed Fra Dolcino and the Dulcinians in the 14th century when the Church felt threatened by them, just as Queen Cersei destroyed the Sparrows in Season 6 of GoT50 seconds YouTube clip here.

Alas, there’s no Cersei on the horizon! In today’s West the ‘Sparrows’ who became negrolatres in the Great Neochristian Awakening of 2020 hold power in each Western government, media outlet and university. The only way to destroy them would be through a revaluation of all values. But very few white nationalists are willing to endorse it.

This comment by Mauricio motivated me to recycle what I said a year ago in today’s post. Regarding ‘Level 6’ in that comment, Mauricio refers to this post.

Racial right

Not so isolated

It’s funny how Richard Spencer and Ed told the ultimate truth about the religion of negrolatry while the rest of the white nationalists cannot see something so obvious. Well, at least I’m not as isolated in the alt-right world as I thought I was before Spencer spoke to Ed on the podcast I recently linked. At least other voices are beginning to realise that Christian ethics, which I have compared to malware in the operating system that was imposed on the white man, is the ultimate responsible.

Yesterday Counter-Currents published ‘Now is the Time to Work’ by Donald Thoresen, which contains this phrase:

Our real enemies are the anti-white propagandists, the Judeo-capitalist ringleaders and those middlemen with whom they collaborate. Without them, this would not be happening.

I would have said:

Our real enemies are the Christians and the secular neo-Christians. Without them, the Judeo-capitalist ringleaders would not have any power over the white man; this would not be happening.

As more time passes, it will become clear that the evil of the West not only covers the Jewish-dominated media, or the treacherous elites, but also the white people in general: whose operating system contains malware implanted since the time of Constantine. The only salvation consists, as I have said so many times, in a Nietzschean transvaluation of values: the elimination of malware in the psyche of the white man until it reaches, once more, the pristine mental state before the Christian infection.

But white nationalism is still light-years away from such a goal.

Blacks Deranged altruism

Good Christians must forgive blacks

Since Jared Taylor’s parents were fanatical missionaries who migrated to Japan to convert the Heathen, Jared will never dare point to Christianity as being responsible for whites having gone bananas. In their article today, American Renaissance reminds us of what happened to Amy Biehl, and most of the following paragraphs come from that article:

A pretty American girl Amy Biehl (1967-1993) went to high school in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where her father ran an art gallery of modern American Indian art. ‘I attended a large public high school’, she later wrote, ‘where as an “Anglo” I represented a small minority. My attempts to do well in school and to win the acceptance of my Hispanic classmates often met with resentment’.

She felt none in return, however, and as a student at Stanford became passionately committed to ending white rule in South Africa. She went to Cape Town on a Fulbright scholarship, and spent much of her time in black slums, studying the sins of apartheid and sex discrimination.

On August 25, 1993, just a few days before she was to return to the United States, she drove three black friends back to their homes. Young blacks stopped the car, pulled her out, and hit her in the face with a brick. She broke away but they caught her and beat her to death as they shouted the anti-white slogan ‘one settler, one bullet’. The 26-year-old died on the sidewalk pleading for mercy.

Seven blacks were charged in the killing, but one disappeared and three others were released because the main witness against them refused to testify for fear he would be killed. Exultant supporters left the courthouse carrying the three men on their shoulders. At a hearing for the remaining defendants, blacks in the audience taunted whites, and giggled when Miss Biehl’s wounds were described.

None of this mattered to Miss Biehl’s parents, who attended court hearings. They publicly forgave the killers and expressed sympathy for their families… When their daughter’s killers got out of jail in just a few years, they offered them jobs at the foundation. According to Wikipedia, her father shook their hands and stated:

‘The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue… we are here to reconcile a human life [that] was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms’.

A commenter of Jared’s webzine quoted Jewess Ayn Rand: ‘What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice—which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction—which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good’.

Like the father, Amy Biehl’s mom was also a good Christians who forgave blacks: ‘We were raised in a Congregational Church when Peter and I were growing up in Illinois, and he taught Christian ethics to junior high kids. If people are really living their Christian values—or their Muslim values or Jewish values—there is always the element of forgiveness, but often people aren’t able to live up to that value’.

I hate to say it but the Jewess Ayn Rand was sane. Amy Biehl’s mom (photo of 2002 above, with daughter’s killers) was insane, courtesy of Christianity. Incidentally, haven’t new visitors read part I of The Fair Race or at least one of my latest posts? (Inspired in the psychotic Christian doctrine about post-mortem survival, someone just tried to post a comment today, asking me the stupid question ‘Are you still of the belief that there is no “life after death”? Because that is…’)


France’s Cassandra

Originally published in 2004 under a pen name, the book Convergence of Catastrophes by Guillaume Faye (1949-2019) now resembles the text of a Cassandra. The following is the text from Amazon Books:

The thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. We shall regress to a ‘New Middle Ages’ akin to the fall of the Roman Empire, only much more destructive. For the first time in the whole of human history, certain ‘dramatic lines’, giant crises and catastrophes of immense proportions—already tangible—have emerged. They are converging and will most likely reach their zenith by 2020. Up to that time, as we have already been witnessing, their effects will continue to get worse, until a breaking point is reached.

Guillaume Faye rigorously examines these escalating crises one by one: environmental damage and climate change; the breakdown of a speculative and debt-ridden globalist economy; the return of global epidemics; the depletion of fossil fuels and of agricultural and fishing resources; the rise of mass immigration, terrorism and nuclear proliferation; the worsening of the rupture between Islam and the West; and the dramatic explosion of a population of the elderly in the wealthy countries—all of it leading to an unprecedented worldwide economic recession, an increase in localised and possibly large-scale armed conflicts… and perhaps worse.

Still, Faye reminds us, we should not give in to pessimism: what we are experiencing is not an apocalypse, but a metamorphosis of humanity. We might have reached the end of what the Hindu traditions refer to as the Kali Yuga, the ‘age of iron’ marked by materialism and selfishness, but those who survive the catastrophe and chaos will perhaps build a new and better humanity…

Blacks Quotable quotes

Negrolatry quote

‘Whites have whipped themselves up into an orgasmic religious fervor. Instead of a semite to grovel to, it is now a simian. As they gleefully murdered the heretics to their masochistic desert cult ages ago, any modern day Whites will soon face their malignant wrath if they do not repent their White ways’.

Dave Stewart


Richard, Ed and Keith on negrolatry

One more word about what I said a few hours ago.

Both Richard Spencer and Ed, in their video discussion today within the first 50 minutes of the podcast, say basically the same we’ve been saying about the root cause of the ethno-suicidal psychosis afflicting the white man: Christianity. The Irish Keith, rather, blames Holocaust propaganda.

Again, both etiological factors, Christian ethics and WW2 narrative, are explained in the first part of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.


Whites have gone bananas

The folie en masse that the West is currently suffering, triggered by the recent events of the black man who died on the asphalt in the United States, has its historical precedents.

The first devilish psychotic breakdown suffered by the white man, as old readers of this site know, was the folie en masse of the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries when the Roman Empire empowered a cult of Levantine origin to destroy all the temples, the libraries and the sculptures that showed the magnificence of the Aryan beauty. What is tragic about this destruction of the classical world by a Semitic ideology is that many whites participated in the destruction of the white world, as can be seen in books whose PDFs are available on the sidebar of this site.

The white race is similar to the Targaryens of A Song of Ice and Fire. Of inconceivable beauty in the prose of George R.R. Martin, these great conquerors suffered psychotic outbursts from time to time. One of those happened in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones, when Daenerys Targaryen burned the capital of the seven kingdoms.

In real history, whites have done similar things. Not only did they burn, or tolerate non-white people burning, almost the entire legacy of classical knowledge, but, centuries later, they suffered another massive breakdown such as being hypnotised by a pope to the extent of organising a children’s crusade, with the quixotic aim of recapturing Jerusalem. We can imagine what happened to those poor white children when they fell into the hands of the Muslims.

These recurring mass psychotic breakdowns of the white race occur, as in the Targaryen family, after a few centuries. We are currently witnessing the last of these folies en masse. There cannot be another breakdown after the present one as the stakes are that whites must become extinct.

The pro-black protests on both sides of the Atlantic wouldn’t worry me if they weren’t packed with whites. What blacks, media Jews, and white women say is of no concern to me (women always follow the alpha male who provides them). What concerns me is what the Aryan men say, as it is up to them to reclaim their civilisation during this anti-white war.

I insist that in order to understand what is happening one must become familiar with the real history of the white race: something impossible to find in the forums of the alt-right or white nationalism, as they ignore that Christianity apparently, and irreversibly, damaged the Aryan psyche. (To new visitors to this site, I suggest you read Part I of The Fair Race that appears in the sidebar.)

That we are experiencing the last mass psychotic breakdown of the white race, which we could call Genuflect to the New Church of Antiracism, is guessed in the following tweets and texts by racially conscious whites that could be multiplied by hundreds, but that below I collect only a few:

• Not even sure what to say anymore. It’s like 90 percent of the population have joined a cult without telling the rest of us and now we’re watching bewildered.

• Racial hierarchy hasn’t gone anywhere. It has been inverted. Blackness is celebrated now. Whiteness is demonized and deconstructed.

• Today, The New York Times ran an op-ed telling people to withhold affection from their relatives unless they protest or give money to anti-racism organizations: “Text to your relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protest or financial contributions”.

• So I may have to revise my model of a Cold Civil War. Right now, we look more like an occupied nation, dominated by this bizarre cult of anti-white totalitarianism, dissenters from which have no organization, no leadership, and almost no public voice.

• In the 1940s, this county began fighting “racism.” By 2020, this obsession has completely and utterly destroyed this country. It has absolutely consumed it.

Again, see an article in Part I of The Fair Race, dealing with how the white psyche was modified during the 1940s propaganda.

The trumpet of the Apocalypse heralding the end of the Christian Era was covid-19, but the first droplets from the goblets of wrath began to spill this month. If my understanding of the world economy is adequate, I predict that the liquid residue from the cups will be poured over the mad West once the US dollar collapses.

Today’s American blacks still have bread and TV circuses. After the collapse, you can imagine a chimpout with hunger and the government, the media and the mad whites who are protesting supporting them. In addition to the text I recommended above to newbies, it’s time to listen to The Turner Diaries

Eugenics Pederasty Racial right

Close the comments?

I may not close the comments section as I threatened recently. But I would like to say that, except for commenter Mauricio, the core of what I say here doesn’t resonate with what regular commenters post.

Years ago, for example, a certain Mister Deutsch was offended by my Nordicism and stopped commenting here. Despite his penname, the guy was an American Italian, and he once said that an Italian football player with brown skin was white. This intelligent commenter was not banned on this site: he was angered by my Nordicism and stopped commenting here.

I get the impression that commenter Stubbs, also one of the smartest who have commented here in the past, was disappointed when he found out that, like many southern Italians, my bloodline is also very compromised. But at least I am not saying, as many Mediterranean nationalists do, that ‘I am white too’ (although the colour of my skin is).

Others stopped commenting here when I criticised their admiration for Charles Manson, a subject that doesn’t horrify me, rather, I am sorry for the horrible way his mother and the American state treated him as a child. When I posted an ‘open thread on Manson’ for them to explain why he could be good for the 14 words, they didn’t comment and I closed the matter.

Regarding commenters that have been banned let’s remember Arch Stanton, who insisted on strict monocausalism (the Jews responsible for the alpha to the omega of the world’s ills), even in the threads that Jewry was not discussed. Also banned was a Christian Identitarian that wanted to sell us, in off-topic threads, the idea that the ancient Hebrews had actually been people of the Aryan race.

More recently I added Adunai to the banned list. Adunai recently mentioned me a lot on Unz Review, but as the provocative troll he is he was banned even from that tolerant webzine today. In addition to what I wrote about him in my recent post without naming him (about Stalin, etc.), this Russian liked Ramsay Bolton, who liked to skin men, women and children alive in Game of Thrones. Just imagine, my dear readers, the difference between Bran, which symbolises this site, and the Sadistic psycho Ramsay: perfect antipodes!

I just saw that Commandor, Adunai’s buddy, called Solzhenitsyn a liar a couple of days ago in Unz Review. Commandor is banned on this site because he has said similar things about Hitler and doesn’t give a damn about the suffering of the German people, that Goodrich portrayed so well in his books. From the IP today I saw that Commandor is SS Division Poltergeist and Ezra91. He also has used another sockpuppet in the comments section of this site. Like the Russian Adunai, this young Romanian seems to be my antipode as far as developing the most elemental empathy is concerned.

Now I would like to say something about a commenter that is not banned. Today I received several emails from Peter, who used to be a regular commenter on this site. As a typical anti-vaxxer he believes that covid-19 is just the flu, an international conspiracy. He has been sending me many links that, according to him, demonstrate the truth proclaimed by ‘vaccine hesitancy’ activists. I told him that I didn’t have time to read so many links and that he would better send me a link to a debate, the best way to figure out who’s wrong.

Peter sent me a linked debate where Leonard Horowitz spoke on the side of the anti-vaxxers. After listening to the debate on YouTube, I learned that Horowitz believes that AIDS and Ebola were intentionally created by the US government to manufacture vaccines, as part of a planned genocide against Muslims! Anti-racist Horowitz has even influenced black leaders to boycott vaccination programs! Peter didn’t realise what it would cause in my mind to send me a link to the debate in which Horowitz participated: the exact opposite of what he expected.

There are more cases of regular commenters who have visited this site and who maintain worldviews opposite to mine, but the cited examples provide the idea that we hold very different worldviews. (Now another man comes to mind who used to comment a lot here and even sent me money. He believes in reincarnation: a doctrine that, like all post-mortem survival doctrines, I believe is toxic for the 14 words.)

What I want to get to is that most commenters come here to dump what they believe, not to interact with what I write or quote from other writers. After ten years this dynamic of parallel universes becomes bothersome. An ideal way for the common visitor to find out about my worldview would be to read The Fair Race and Day of Wrath before commenting (the PDFs are available for free), but obviously most visitors are not going to do it.

Today I paraphrased Robert Morgan in my last tweet: ‘White Christians are spiritual Jews, minus the brains and racial pride’. It is truly a tragedy that, due to so much high IQ monk sperm ejaculated into the assholes of novices over the centuries (instead of ending up in Aryan women’s vaginas), the white race has lost the race intelligence with Jewry, who have been practicing excellent eugenics since the Middle Ages.

Now a scene from Fiddler on the Roof comes to mind in which a Jewish girl from a humble Russian town talked about the skinny son of the rabbi, with whom she fancied marrying. The equivalent in the Aryan world would be that white women were educated to admire the pundits of the alt-right to the degree of wanting to give them thousands of children. But no: in Christendom, the best sperm ended up mixed with faecal matter in the intestines of the ephebes.

It’s no wonder why high IQ whites rarely comment here…

PDF backup

WDH – pdf 345

Click: here

The software converter could not add the image of the video within the article ‘Love Germania, hate the US – I’, but I’ve embedded it below:

Deranged altruism Matthias Grünewald Racial right

White nationalism is rubbish

Click on the words from my previous post when I say that the Negro has become the new Jesus, and you will see the article that Counter-Currents has just published on precisely how the Negro is now the new God.

That’s what happens when you have two thousand years of worshiping a crucified Jew and people lose faith in Christianity: the mind immediately fills the gap with a new crucified one to worship.

White nationalism is rubbish for the simple fact that no one among them has realised that Christianity and the JQ are two sides of the same coin and, axiologically, the alt-right secularists and the racialist Christians are on the same page. For example, yesterday Christian Hunter Wallace said: ‘It is times like this when I write out an angry post only to have second thoughts and remember to love my enemies. I do not want a second wave of the virus to hit this crowd’. This good Christian thus referred to those so burdened by Aryan guilt that they are now, literally, bending their knees before the New Jesus. Similarly, a couple of days ago the pseudo-apostate Richard Spencer felt pity for the black man who died on the asphalt (I don’t remember the exact second, but his neo-Christian compassion surfaced in this video).

As I said recently: I broke my promise not to visit racialist sites again because recent events in the United States are more than significant, and I wanted to know what they were saying. But what racially conscious whites ignore is that, parallel to the normies, they, too, are part of the axiological problem that’s killing their race.

I think I should go back to my practice of stopping visiting their sites and only doing so until another major event shocks the US. But perhaps from now on everything will accelerate until their beloved dollar collapses?

Although their country was responsible for the darkest hour in the West, as we are seeing in the series ‘Love Germania, hate the US’, these folk don’t even seem to be aware of the role that the US has been playing in the destruction of their European blood since 1861, way before the Jews took over the media. Given so much blindness, as I said in my previous post, I must go back to the roots of my tree and only have contact with those who really know what is happening.