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Arthur C. Clarke Autobiography Day of Wrath (book) Film Mainstream media Psychohistory Welfare of animals

Flawed sci-fi genre

On Mondays a ‘market on wheels’ passes near my house that doesn’t exist in the neighboring country to the north: Indians who sell food and other household items to the more bourgeois classes. For the ridiculous price of $15 pesos (0.72 dollars) yesterday I bought this year’s version of Dune. I still remember when I […]

Kali Yuga

Hitler or hell

Consider what’s happening with side reactions to Covid vaccines. Is it fair to say that doctors destroy health? (from my research about psychiatry I knew that there was something very wrong in the medical profession). Lawyers destroy justice (consider what lawyers did to racialists after Charlottesville), universities destroy knowledge (academia has become Woke!), governments destroy […]

3-eyed crow Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Philosophy of history Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Tree

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 25

Perhaps the notion of the irrevocable ‘existence’ of the past is of little consolation to those tormented by nostalgia for happy times, lived or imagined. Time refuses to suspend its flight at the plea of the poet enamoured of fleeting beauty—whether it be an hour of silent communion with the beloved woman (and, through her, […]

Jesus Liberalism

Spengler was right

On Monday I quoted Oswald Spengler: ‘Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism’, words that I have seen quoted in various forums. Racialist Christians reject that quote. But these days I have been thinking about a series of magazines that my father had bound. In times when Francisco Franco still lived in Spain, the series […]

3-eyed crow Correspondence George Lincoln Rockwell I.N. (commenter)

About the commenters

This recent discussion with one of the biggest fans of this site motivated me this morning to think on the subject. If there is one thing that has wasted my time, it is arguing with people with whom I should never, ever have argued. For example, the referred commenter, using the pen name he uses […]

Enlightenment Hinduism Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 17

No doubt all men have something in common, if only the upright posture and articulate language, which other living species do not possess. Every species is characterised by something which all its members have in common, and which the members of other species lack. The flexibility and purr of felines are traits that no other […]

Newspeak Protestantism

On Shelob’s lair

Or: Kant’s trap In the modern world, Immanuel Kant has been the poet’s greatest enemy, the enemy of clear, concise and transparent prose (my style). Kant initiated the dark movement of German idealism, from which perhaps only the German nationalist pronouncements of Fichte are salvageable. While German music and literature were luminous (think of Beethoven […]

Destruction of Greco-Roman world George Lincoln Rockwell Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Roman Catholic popes

Christianity’s Criminal History, 140

– For the context of these translations click here – (Left, Pope Gregory in the great window at the Church of the Good Shepherd (Rosemont, Pennsylvania).) Modern research attributes to this pope regular studies and very solid instruction, ‘an eminent cultural and moral training’ (RAC XII 1983). However, precise data on Gregory’s scientific culture are […]

Savitri Devi

‘Woman Against Time’ excerpts

Editor’s note: Thanks R.W. for your contribution yesterday! Below, some quotations from Woman Against Time: Biography and Collection of Letters and Articles of Savitri Devi (Wewelsburg Archives, 2017), a book that also contains texts from Savitri’s fans and friends. I must confess I’m truly impressed: Exactly what I feel about some species of animals she […]

Amerindians Free speech / association Hinduism Miscegenation Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Vegetarianism

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 12

The question arises, however, as to the boundary between the two intolerances, or rather, between acts and gestures hostile to the order dreamed of by the legislator and ‘thoughts’, deep-seated convictions, attachment to values that contradict the basic propositions on which this order is based. It is certain that gestures, unless they are purely mechanical, […]