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Intellectual cowardice

The other article that I reproduced this day, quoting Devi, made me think something: If the great awakening of the Aryan consciousness happened, in fact, in the century when many of us were born, why the vast majority of sites of the so-called white nationalism do not focus on that awakening? Isn’t it a real shame that only one woman, Carolyn Yeager, focuses on it?

Think again about the primary article that The West’s Darkest Hour recommends to the new visitors about ‘the worst white generation since prehistory’ (visit the sticky post and follow the white rabbit). To the extent that the story that Westerners tell themselves not only distorts, but reverses reality, the white man will continue to head towards extinction.

The quackery across the alt-right is to avoid talking not only about what National Socialism represented, but about how the Allies committed a real holocaust of Germans that even in the white nationalist forums isn’t mentioned properly. There’s only a review of Goodrich’s book in Counter-Currents, another distant review in The Occidental Observer, but never a continuous discussion of what should be the subject of every day talk, even with zero-budget films like the ones that have been made about the Gulag.

Instead of telling to themselves their own story white nationalists are heading, like the rest of whites, to extinction for the simple fact that they are too coward to confront it. And I say ‘their own story’ because what happened in Germany concerns the white race in general, not just the Germans.

The story that white nationalists are telling is not the story of the white race. If so, William Pierce’s only nonfiction book would be a huge bestseller in the American alt-right. These folks continue to see themselves as the Jews told them they had to see themselves: believing in the existence of the Hebrew god and, in the case of the secularists, still following the moralistic teachings of a rabbi who never existed.

If the white race is extinguished it must be obvious that non-whites who write their epitaph will say that it was pure intellectual cowardice the cause of its sunset. But I would like to finish this entry with a personal vignette.

Since I began to savagely criticise American Christianity on this site, the donations of Americans have dropped to almost zero (instead, I have received the most valuable donations from other continents). What draws my attention to this phenomenon is that American donors still provide donations to American cowards whose ideology is not conducive to the salvation of what is left of the Aryan DNA in North America.


Thank you letter

• $1000 and $500 recurring donations from C.P. last year

• October $300 donation from M.B.

• October, November, December and January $100 and $10 recurring donations from R.M.

• October and December $100 donations from S.C.

• November $10 donation from D.F.

• December $100 recurring donations from Roger M.

• November, December, January and February $10 recurring donations from J.R.

Also I would like to thank all those who have purchased copies of the few books published by my Daybreak Press, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, Christianity’s Criminal History, Day of Wrath and also Hojas Susurrantes and ¿Me Ayudarás?, the latter recently requested for the first time in the US.

Hate Racial right Sponsor

Writing is not for me

These days I’ve been fantasizing what I would do if I had the means to do it. I would reduce the entries of this blog to a minimum and hire a secretary to continue with the translations of Deschner.

Since as a child I wanted to be a film director, the most natural thing for me would be to have a Crossfire program inspired in that TV program of the 1980s, when Pat Buchanan argued with a liberal and I saw them in my job in Novato, California.

It is natural that the massive hits are on YouTube of the Alt-Lite (for example, Molyneux) and the Alt-Right (Gariépy) more than on websites and blogs. We can imagine the number of hits that a daily crossfire encounter, from Monday to Saturday, would get featuring two of the most radical voices of The West’s Darkest Hour.

In addition to that audiovisual program, I would like to visit all the Western countries that are receiving massive migration. In a white area I would have a picket on the street, ‘I am a Tourist, Speak to me in English’.

I confess that I have the obsession to answer a question that I am unable to answer in this blog. In Europe and North America, Australia and New Zealand, I would interview only Aryan males. After the usual courtesies I would ask the direct question, ‘Do you hate the culture that is exterminating your race?’

Recently in the comments section of this blog a British nationalist declared that it was difficult to hate. As it happened to me when I met the people of the London Forum, all the English people left me perplexed. The most natural thing is hatred when there is an explicit extermination program, to the extent of putting images of mixed couples everywhere in the largest city of Europe. And the nationalists don’t hate? Why…?

Sometimes I wonder if the people I know are not NPCs and I am alone in a virtual world to which I have been punished, a kind of solipsism.

Why white men do not hate with their entire mind, with all their body, with all their soul and all their heart (the reversal of Jesus’ commandments)? Who don’t they see the sin against the Holy Spirit of life everywhere (Aryan women with blacks)?

Let’s put it bluntly: As a mudblood myself I don’t get white people. I do not know what they have in their heads.

If I had power, you know what I would do: you only have to see the central chapter of my book Day of Wrath to find out. But apparently, not even white nationalists hate. They look like NPCs in a virtual game that only torments me.

But as a therapy, if I had the means, I would make that trip to interview as many Aryan men as I could and transmit my elemental hatred (and my state of absolute astonishment and perplexity that my interlocutor did not feel exactly the same).

What are their reasons? A whole race is being exterminated and goes to the streets as if nothing? And why don’t even white nationalists hate like me? It would be great to interview them too, at least the best known.

I do not want to reach a premature conclusion. But my working hypothesis is that they do not hate because the Jew told them not to hate, and the white nationalists obey the Jew, even the atheists. Maybe there is another explanation and that would be the goal of my hundreds of interviews. I wonder if in Germany or Austria it would be illegal to ask this type of question to the Aryans who pass by the street and see my picket ‘I am a Tourist, Speak to me in English’.

On the other side of the Atlantic I cannot imagine what would happen when I interviewed the white nationalists who send money, say, to a Greg Johnson. ‘Do you really believe that Batman’s essays will save the race?’, I would ask. ‘Why, instead of reading Johnson’s webzine, you have not become an idolater of The Turner Diaries, to the extent of spreading the novel everywhere?’, I would ask.

How interesting it would be, in my program, to be able to interview Richard Spencer, who recently expressed himself against the Diaries. I would let him know that throughout Latin America the mestizos and the few remaining Creoles are like little Jews who do not give a damn about the fact that Nordish whites are dying out. (Interestingly, the pure Indians I know do not hate the gringos.) I would ask Spencer why he hates the Diaries when the feeling of unconditional love for the Other is not reciprocal. Non-reciprocity is a phenomenon that can be observed not only in Latin America but also in North America. What would the atheist Spencer say? That we must love them even though they don’t give a damn about white extinction, and many even celebrate it?

I am a creature of pure hatred. I doubt very much that any of the interviewees could dissuade me from my exterminationist ideology. But at least the torment of solipsism, of feeling that they are all NPCs in a virtual game that only torments me, would begin to dissipate throughout the interviews.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Sponsor

Thanks for your support

Karlheinz Deschner died in 2014, a year after he published the tenth volume of his Criminal History of Christianity, which he had begun more than twenty-five years before, after seventeen other preparatory studies.

Throughout the nearly five thousand pages of the German edition translated into several languages—but curiously not into English except for the abridged translations in this site!—, Deschner somewhat resembles Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn’s second non-fiction work, his study of Jewry in Russia, has not been translated into English either, except for a few sections in The Occidental Observer.

Since the early 1960s Deschner wrote about the early days of the Church. Supported by an overwhelming textual apparatus, his previous books were his letter of introduction when, in 1970, he proposed to the German publishing house Rowohlt the colossal project of writing the true history of the Church in ten volumes. In 1986 the first volume of his Criminal History appeared, covering everything from the brutalities of the Old Testament to the time of Saint Augustine.

Born in a Catholic family (his mother, of Protestant family, had converted to Catholicism before getting married), Deschner studied in religious institutions. In 1942 he joined the ranks of the Wehrmacht. He was wounded several times and when the Third Reich collapsed he was a parachutist.

After the war, in his native city Würzburg Deschner got his doctorate in 1951. That same year he married the one that would be a companion of his life, Elfi Tuch. Tuch was separated and the couple was excommunicated by the then Bishop of Würzburg, Julius Dörpfner, who would play a leading role in the Second Vatican Council. Until the moment of his excommunication, Deschner had not published a single line against the Church.

Unlike Solzhenitsyn Deschner never got good money from, for example, a Nobel prize. His main economic support were the various sponsors who supported him throughout his life; something similar to how a few white nationalists are able to make a living.

Yesterday, my translation of what is now the first abridged volume of Deschner’s ten books came to me through Fedex. Unfortunately, also this week my laptop’s hard disk broke down together with the motherboard (apparently, an electric discharge). Had it not been for the generous donations I received when I announced the publication of this first volume, it would have been impossible for me to repair the machine that allows me to bring this site to life.

Free speech / association Sponsor

– A message to my donors –

Since after the recent presidential election the peso went down, now is the right time for overseas sponsors to support this site. Every dollar you send will have, these days, more purchasing power here down the South.
Incidentally, the German section of Metapedia now presents the contents of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour on a special page.
A friend has sent me six parts of Axe of Perun’s ‘All Christians are Cucks” (the upload of part 7 in ODT, for now, has failed technically). The next seven days I’ll be uploading to this site this online book by Axe of Perun. ‘The whole of this text of Axe’s is worth saving for the future’ says our friend.
Save it in your hard disks. And shame on those white nationalists who recently censored him!

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Sponsor

No Gremlin found!

Further to ‘Gremlins?’ Judging from recent PayPal moves, apparently there are no problems with my PP account. The fact that The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour is now unavailable from either Lulu or Amazon had left me a little paranoid; but at least my PP account is working.
And speaking of The Fair Race, currently an editor of an established publishing house is reviewing if the authors that this compendium gathers would approve its publication in an independent book. I will keep you informed.
And thanks to the regular sponsor who donated a hundred dollars today.

Kevin MacDonald Sponsor


Correspondents are telling me horror stories about PayPal. I am just curious: Any of you has sent me any money this January or February? I have one registered donation—back in December (see also what happened to Kevin MacDonald’s PayPal account a few days ago)!
An overseas correspondent is urging me to change my donation service to a crypto-currency. But first I need to check and see if any donation, after December 10, has been mischievously vaporised or sent elsewhere by a Gremlin…
Thank you for the information—and thanks again for all those who donated the last year.

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Literature Sponsor

Daybreak partner?

Further to ‘Lulu has deplatformed me’. Yesterday I phoned my traditional bookbinder. Before I used the services of Lulu this man used to assemble a stack of paper sheets of my Hojas Susurrantes. I made an appointment with him for tomorrow to ask prices of bookbinding equipment.
Yesterday I also accompanied a family member for a long queue at the hospital and brought with me a copy of Rockwell’s This Time the World. The available edition of this book at Amazon Books is of poor quality, both the covers and the lack of care in the formatting of the interior. Just for carrying it to the hospital and reading it there, the covers bended making an outward curve that denoted the poor quality of the cover.
This is a copy The Turner Diaries I requested to assemble. I was outraged that the paperback copies of Pierce’s immortal novel available through Amazon were marred by a politically correct preface of someone who excoriated the content. So dismayed that I tore off the soft cover and the insulting preface and took it to the shop. Now it’s one of the books I can treasure of my personal library.
We need a homely way of publishing hardcover books that may be sold as print-on-delivery services. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a handsome edition of the excerpted translation to English of Deschner’s first volume of Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums once I finish it by the end of the year?
With the proper equipment we could even make deluxe editions. This for example is my copy of Mein Kampf assembled with the same tools of the bookbinder I’ll visit tomorrow. Other colours are possible. He also assembled a copy of Esau’s Tears which comercial cover I had torn off. (Incidentally, that book recounts how the subversive tribe took over the presses in Europe throughout the 19th century.)
Of course: the shop can also assemble my books in Spanish that I had printed at home. Presently I use Garamond font with #12 size-letters for a comfortable reading. Royal size for long books or standard size for shorter books seem reasonable to me.
We must not let the Jews monopolise the press, let alone our classics! Deplatforming is only possible because of Jewish monopoly over the publishing houses. While the homely Noontide Press in the US and Ostara Publications in the UK are doing well in softcover format, those books of paramount importance merit hardcover editions that may last for generations in our family libraries.
If someone wants to be a partner in Daybreak Publications to allow me purchase the equipment, in addition to sharing revenues he will also choose the best titles for the collection. Meanwhile I must limit myself to pay the services of my traditional bookbinder to assemble the books that still appear on the sidebar and send them internationally trough mail to those interested in obtaining a copy of any of them.

Autobiography Sponsor WDH radio show

Laconic radio show

Some visitors might be wondering about why I don’t talk much in the WDH Radio Shows. Reason is: it is extremely frustrating to be able to speak with oratory fire in my native language but find myself babbling in my second language.

Yesterday I responded to a commenter: “Too bad that I think in Spanish. In my native language I can talk as passionately, frankly, brutally and fast as those blog posts in English that people like you like. My tragedy is that in the Spanish-speaking world nobody likes me. This means that my fiery oratory potential can only be glimpsed through translations…!”

Back in 2009, when I lived in Spain, I had a YouTube channel where I started to face directly the camera to talk about the Islamization of Europe. I also talked about the serial killers known as the Aztecs and was the object of much abuse in the comments section of my YouTube channel, mostly from Latin Americans. I decided to completely change my audience by choosing English instead. But the way I did it was not through YouTube blogging but opening an account at Blogspot.

Now that my voice is being heard again on the radio show, the idea has occurred to me: Why not go back to the audiovisual format speaking in Spanish but this time using English subtitles?

The problem is the hatred of course. I would need to purchase an expensive blond wig, exotic custom-fitted clothing and equipment for studio lighting to become unrecognizable among those in my town that otherwise would hurt me.

I can afford all that. But there’s a problem. As followers of my views on Austrian economics know, I believe that the dollar will collapse and that those who save precious metals will find the purchasing power of their savings expanded a tenfold after the crash. So if you have gold or silver coins worth of ten thousand dollars, after the financial accident that is coming you’ll actually have about a hundred thousand of purchasing power.

That’s why I won’t touch the precious coins I already have in my bank’s safe deposit box. This means that, although potentially I could purchase the equipment and become the most fiery orator of the racist blogosphere, I have to content myself with my laconic interventions on the radio shows…

In the early 1970s Mr. Geert Halen of Warner Bros offered work to my father to do educational film-strips for children in the United States. In Hollywood I would have grown not only speaking English but learning the trade for audiovisual messages!

But my stupid father rejected the offer…


Help this project

After the second editions of Day of Wrath and The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour I’m writing From St Francis to Himmler which I hope will influence childrearing in the ethnostate. Any contribution is useful, whether large or small (donate button has been relocated at the bottom of this page).

Don’t forget that while I’m writing From St Francis, if I have something to say I will say it in the Addenda to this site.