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Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association

Siege – unavailable as hard copy

Note of November 25, 2017: I’ve just changed the title of this article from “available again” to “unavailable as hard copy”. However, this site hosts a PDF of the book that can be printed in your home (see sidebar). Below, the original post:

______ 卐 ______

It now seems that Lulu Press Inc. vaporised my account because James Mason’s Siege was selling well. I deduce this because Storefront Books’ Lulu account was also ‘vaporised’ (an Orwellian term). Of course: The social media, mostly companies led by Jews, are inventing politically-correct laws of their own. In America the PC enforcer is not a government that still maintains First Amendment rights. For example, the 1969 Brandenburg v. Ohio allows talking seriously about revolution unless you’re already promoting immediate use of violence, call for arms, etc. Therefore, Siege should be legal in the US.
I didn’t receive any warning about the vaporisation. Had I received it I’d have saved the PDF of the English-German translation of Hunter that only my Daybreak published (I hope a German friend has kept his backup copy safe!). Also, had I received a notice of the termination I’d have written down the stats of how many copies Lulu sold of my books in Spanish since 2011 (of which Day of Wrath is only a selection in English). Now I will never know.
In the novel 1984 vaporisation of people occurs without any warning. If my WordPress account that hosts the present site is vaporised you still can find me through my Wikipedia user page. As you can see, the last words of that page say, ‘So I moved on, outside the wiki’ linking to a quotable quote in this site. If my WP account is abruptly terminated in the future, the italicised words above will be linked to my new address of The West’s Darkest Hour.
In the previous post ‘Daybreak partner?’ I said I’d visit my traditional bookbinder. We talked last Saturday and he showed me his equipment. Now I know an approximation of what it would cost me to obtain a similar set to print books at home. For the moment I cannot afford it but I must sincerely thank our overseas sponsor whose generous contribution has allowed me to get sufficient toner cartridges to print whole books (and then take the ordered stack of paper sheets to my bookbinder).
For the moment the books he and I will manufacture will look like this:
Only if the business flies we may add, in the future, dust covers for these hardcover books. Incidentally, I have changed the colour and title of my ‘Addenda’ page to ‘Daybreak Publishing’ and will be modifying the page in the coming days.
My hunch is that only Siege will be censored if I request the services of another print-on-delivery company to host my Daybreak books. So I’ll keep the making of Mason’s great book exclusively for the shop (see: here).
But I guess other books won’t be censored. The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour for example has not made a single bleep in the PC radar, so I am prepared to take a chance in opening an account elsewhere for most of my Daybreak titles.
Any recommendation for another print-on-delivery service now that Lulu has failed us?

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Literature Sponsor

Daybreak partner?

Further to ‘Lulu has deplatformed me’. Yesterday I phoned my traditional bookbinder. Before I used the services of Lulu this man used to assemble a stack of paper sheets of my Hojas Susurrantes. I made an appointment with him for tomorrow to ask prices of bookbinding equipment.
Yesterday I also accompanied a family member for a long queue at the hospital and brought with me a copy of Rockwell’s This Time the World. The available edition of this book at Amazon Books is of poor quality, both the covers and the lack of care in the formatting of the interior. Just for carrying it to the hospital and reading it there, the covers bended making an outward curve that denoted the poor quality of the cover.
This is a copy The Turner Diaries I requested to assemble. I was outraged that the paperback copies of Pierce’s immortal novel available through Amazon were marred by a politically correct preface of someone who excoriated the content. So dismayed that I tore off the soft cover and the insulting preface and took it to the shop. Now it’s one of the books I can treasure of my personal library.
We need a homely way of publishing hardcover books that may be sold as print-on-delivery services. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a handsome edition of the excerpted translation to English of Deschner’s first volume of Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums once I finish it by the end of the year?
With the proper equipment we could even make deluxe editions. This for example is my copy of Mein Kampf assembled with the same tools of the bookbinder I’ll visit tomorrow. Other colours are possible. He also assembled a copy of Esau’s Tears which comercial cover I had torn off. (Incidentally, that book recounts how the subversive tribe took over the presses in Europe throughout the 19th century.)
Of course: the shop can also assemble my books in Spanish that I had printed at home. Presently I use Garamond font with #12 size-letters for a comfortable reading. Royal size for long books or standard size for shorter books seem reasonable to me.
We must not let the Jews monopolise the press, let alone our classics! Deplatforming is only possible because of Jewish monopoly over the publishing houses. While the homely Noontide Press in the US and Ostara Publications in the UK are doing well in softcover format, those books of paramount importance merit hardcover editions that may last for generations in our family libraries.
If someone wants to be a partner in Daybreak Publications to allow me purchase the equipment, in addition to sharing revenues he will also choose the best titles for the collection. Meanwhile I must limit myself to pay the services of my traditional bookbinder to assemble the books that still appear on the sidebar and send them internationally trough mail to those interested in obtaining a copy of any of them.

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association

Lulu has deplatformed me

Lulu Press, Inc., which had been publishing my books (most of them listed on the sidebar but even those in Spanish), has nuked my account. I have communicated with them. It looks like termination has to do with what they call ‘Questionable content’:

This includes content that Lulu’s deems to promote… discrimination against others based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity…

This means that I should try to start a small publishing house (like e.g., Counter-Currents Publishing). Otherwise, if I go for example to Amazon for another print-on-delivery service, they may also terminate my account after some time (as happened to Arthur Kemp’s Ostara Publications).


2nd World War Free speech / association

William Dudley Pelley

Is there a history of American white nationalism for sale, one not written by Jews?
I say this because, had it not been for this recent interview, I would not have known about the existence of William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965): whom the country of the First Amendment imprisoned for supporting Germany during the war.

Free speech / association Kali Yuga Newspeak WDH radio show

WDH Radio Show – Episode 7

1984: Finally arriving to the UK!

— Listen to it here! —
WDH host: Joseph Walsh
Special guest: Chris White

I met Londoners Joseph Walsh and Chris White on my most recent trip to the United Kingdom, which I have visited five times. When I first visited London in 1982, Walsh and White were not yet born. On my first trip to the great European capital I only saw white people.

Since my last trips to the island there have been accelerating changes in the government’s plan to exterminate white natives, who are now a minority in London and other important cities.

In this episode White and Walsh discuss how the UK is implementing a true Newspeak by changing the meaning of the words in order to imprison British nationalists who have not broken any law. I cross my fingers so that my friend Jez Turner, whom I also met on my last trip, will not go to prison later this month for thoughtcrime.

The gradual fall of the country into an Orwellian island is the central theme of the program (as a secondary theme, I do not endorse the theories Chris mentions about the September 11 attacks, see: here).

Incidentally, sorry for the gap between 1:16:49 and 1:17:11. My screen froze while we were recording and when I recovered the file, I didn’t know how to copy and paste it correctly in Audacity. For the same reason, I could not add music to this episode. The second segment, after the gap, just appeared in the below band in the audio program, where in previous episodes I inserted the Sonata K. 380 of Scarlatti.

2nd World War David Irving Free speech / association

Hitler’s war, 1



‘To historians is granted a talent that even the gods are denied—to alter what has already happened!’
I bore this scornful saying in mind when I embarked on this study of Adolf Hitler’s twelve years of absolute power. I saw myself as a stone cleaner—less concerned with architectural appraisal than with scrubbing years of grime and discoloration from the facade of a silent and forbidding monument. I set out to describe events from behind the Führer’s desk, seeing each episode through his eyes.
The technique necessarily narrows the field of view, but it does help to explain decisions that are otherwise inexplicable. Nobody that I knew of had attempted this before, but it seemed worth the effort: after all, Hitler’s war left forty million dead and caused all of Europe and half of Asia to be wasted by fire and explosives; it destroyed Hitler’s ‘Third Reich,’ bankrupted Britain and lost her the Empire, and it brought lasting disorder to the world’s affairs; it saw the entrenchment of communism in one continent, and its emergence in another.
In earlier books I had relied on the primary records of the period rather than published literature, which contained too many pitfalls for the historian. I naïvely supposed that the same primary sources technique could within five years be applied to a study of Hitler.
In fact it would be thirteen years before the first volume, Hitler’s War, was published in 1977 and twenty years later I was still indexing and adding to my documentary files. I remember, in 1965, driving down to Tilbury Docks to collect a crate of microfilms ordered from the U.S. government for this study; the liner that brought the crate has long been scrapped, the dockyard itself levelled to the ground. I suppose I took it all at a far too leisurely pace.
I hope however that this biography, now updated and revised, will outlive its rivals, and that more and more future writers find themselves compelled to consult it for materials that are contained in none of the others. Travelling around the world I have found that it has split the community of academic historians from top to bottom, particularly in the controversy around ‘the Holocaust.’
In Australia alone, students from the universities of New South Wales and Western Australia have told me that there they are penalised for citing Hitler’s War; at the universities of Wollongong and Canberra students are disciplined if they don’t. The biography was required reading for officers at military academies from Sandhurst to West Point, New York, and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, until special-interest groups applied pressure to the commanding officers of those seats of learning; in its time it attracted critical praise from the experts behind the Iron Curtain and from the denizens of the Far Right.
Not everybody was content. As the author of this work I have had my home smashed into by thugs, my family terrorised, my name smeared, my printers firebombed, and myself arrested and deported by tiny, democratic Austria—an illegal act, their courts decided, for which the ministerial culprits were punished; at the behest of disaffected academics and influential citizens, in subsequent years, I was deported from Canada (in 1992), and refused entry to Australia, New Zealand, Italy, South Africa, and other civilised countries around the world (in 1993).
In my absence, internationally affiliated groups circulated letters to librarians, pleading for this book to be taken off their shelves. From time to time copies of these letters were shown to me. A journalist for Time magazine dining with me in New York in 1998 remarked, ‘Before coming over I read the clippings files on you. Until Hitler’s War you couldn’t put a foot wrong, you were the darling of the media; but after it . . .’
I offer no apology for having revised the existing picture of the man. I have tried to accord to him the kind of hearing that he would have got in an English court of law—where the normal rules of evidence apply, but also where a measure of insight is appropriate.
There have been sceptics who questioned whether the heavy reliance on—inevitably angled—private sources is any better as a method of investigation than the more traditional quarries of information. My reply is that we certainly cannot deny the value of private sources altogether. As the Washington Post noted in its review of the first edition in 1977, ‘British historians have always been more objective toward Hitler than either German or American writers.’

Free speech / association WDH radio show

WDH Radio Show – Episode 6

Conversation with Joseph Walsh

— Listen to it here! —
This was an informal chat of two days ago with Joseph Walsh that I found suitable for Episode 6.
If you forgive my broken English, the first subject we discussed is the imprisonment of nationalist Britons a few days ago for thoughtcrime (see also here and here).
Then we talked about the coming financial collapse: something that, among white advocates, very few are paying due attention (see e.g., yesterday’s Rebel Yell article here).
Aryan ethno-suicide is discussed as more serious than the JP, in the context of Christian ethics.
Near the end of the recording we approached the subject of a paradigm shift by 2070 A.D. (“the Jesus era is over!”).

2nd World War Autobiography David Irving Free speech / association Heinrich Himmler Holocaust Videos

David's story


Free speech / association Justice / revenge Turner Diaries (novel)

Fucking Canadians

Sprayed yesterday on Canada’s Highway 400

These fucking Canadians moved me today to change the subtitle of this site. Listen Pierce’s novel to see what will happen to Judaized Canada after the Holy Racial Wars!

Free speech / association

New era of censorship

I have been complaining these days about what happened to The Daily Stormer. Now Stormfront, the oldest white nationalist internet forum founded by Don Black (pic left) with the motto ‘White Pride World Wide’, a major resource for white activists around the world, has been censored.

See the articles on Occidental Dissent and Anglin’s provisional domain on the subject here and here.

I bet that (((Stefan Molyneux))) the hypocrite, a notable defender of free speech in YouTube, will continue to remain silent on the issue…