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Deranged altruism

The real Wuthering Heights

I have received a couple of warm compliments, both by email and within the thread, about one of my comments in The Occidental Observer’s most recent article on Sweden. It’s reproduced below:


The commenters above have missed the main point: Independently of what that silly Jewess said, why are the Swedes marching passively like the blond Eloi to be sacrificed by the invading Morlocks?

Why?? As I said in the other thread, in their nations even Muslims of lower IQ (cf. Phil Rushton’s research) seem to be immune to the Jews’ mental tricks.

My tentative response is: As Jason said in the other thread (and as I have elaborated in my articles criticizing Christian moral grammar), the Swedes and other whites are basically “religious ideologues, having replaced self-flagellation and lifelong chastity with anti-white activism and political correctness.”

What is happening throughout the West strongly reminds me Mr. Earnshaw’s deranged altruism in Wuthering Heights.

Just replace “Mr. Earnshaw” with “Western elites,” and the “White people” with “Hindley”—Mr. Earnshaw’s legitimate son—, and you will see how this classic has depicted our current woes in truly prophetic ways:

Note of September 2017:
The rest of this entry has been relocated: here.