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Daybreak Publishing Heinrich Himmler Schutzstaffel (SS)

A notable comment

Truer words were never spoken…!

Seriously, the SS was without a shred of doubt the noblest and virtuous military organisation in history, perhaps only barely approached by the Spartans. Not to mention that the Third Reich was despite its short length, the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen, with the most brilliant and charismatic leader (greatest person in history). I regard it as the perfected ‘reincarnation’ of Greco-Roman civilisation which it definitely surpassed (in my humble opinion) in all attributes but still could not last more than a thousand years, unfortunately.

I cannot deny that I am equally obsessed with the life and work of both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler thanks to you Dear Mr. Cesar. Your words and the texts you feature on this site have been my moral-teaching compass for the past one year and a half since April of 2019 when I first encountered your website after a random search about Aryans/Nordics on Google images where a picture in one of your posts suddenly appeared.

Once I clicked, my life changed forever. I was urged by my eye-opening discovery to delve further into the rabbit hole and explore as much as I possibly could, every nook and cranny of ‘the world outside the Matrix’ which the Chosenites and their lackeys vehemently try to conceal. I had already been embracing National Socialism but it was you that made me leap instantly from Level 5 to Level 9 in fellow commenter Mauricio’s list. I am also proud to say that the line separating me from Level 10 is extremely thin, almost inconsequential.

I have been freed from the Jewish shackles and now serve the 14 Words. I would not condone the active genocidal elimination of lesser whites by Aryans though. Not yet at least. Let those who are weaklings and who have their blood compromised die in the coming holy racial wars.

Ever since that day I cannot recall, your blog has been my main go about political matters and for guiding me in putting under scrutiny and evaluating, from a racial perspective, individuals, ideas, movements and ethnic groups on a variety of topics stretching from today back to Antiquity and for supplying me with arguments to dismantle the unsound claims of passive, cowardly, degenerate—even white nationalists who still cling to neochristian ethics as you call them. However, I must admit that proselytism to our cause is a futile effort.

Anyway, you have become my ideological mentor! Thank you for inadvertently enlightening me, cultivating my spirit and boosting my knowledge and understanding of… the ultimate truth from which all others in our human experience derive. I still have not read in full your literary masterpieces (The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, Day of Wrath and Daybreak) or Pierce’s Who We Are due to time constraints but I wish to do so soon.

It is only now that I have gained the courage to comment and this post was the most appropriate.

Transvaluation of all values!


Read all the comment: here.

Daybreak Publishing

Two essential books

PDF of my recently published book here, hard copy here.

Lulu, Inc., has solved their technical problems and I was able to publish not only Daybreak, my collection of sixty essays, but also the September 2020 revised edition of The Fair Race.

Don’t try to get The Fair Race via Amazon or Barnes & Noble; only through Lulu (PDF here, hard copy here).

Amazon and others are selling a pirated, outdated copy before I removed and added several articles, and copiously checked the Spanish to English translations.

If you have trouble ordering either book please let me know through my email that appears on the sidebar.

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Mauricio (commenter)

Daybreak’s preface

The other book I compiled, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, collects essays by other authors. The vast majority of the essays that I collect here are mine. I put them in the chronological order in which I published them from the past decade to the current year and wrote them with English as my second language, although I couldn’t afford that a native-language checker proofread these articles. Both The Fair Race essays and the ones I publish here originally appeared on my website The West’s Darkest Hour.

These two books represent a paradigm shift in white advocacy. White nationalists err in their diagnosis of blaming only Jewry, as if whites were not responsible for their own decline. The real diagnosis of the decline of the West—Christianity, or rather Christian ethics—has been exposed in The Fair Race.

I am afraid to say that there are no apostates from Christianity among Westerners, not even atheists. Their great sense of guilt and so-called human rights are self-abasements and Christian ethical mandates in a secularised form. Not wanting to see it—and the final essay in this book includes a critique of Kevin MacDonald for being in denial—means that the pro-white movement is in its infancy. In Europe the situation is even worse, since after the Second World War all racism was mercilessly banished by the American Diktat. So we have no choice but to keep focusing on American racialists.

There is a lot of doublethink in believing yourself Jew-wise and continuing to live by the precepts for Gentile consumption that a Jew wrote in the New Testament. Concurrently, white nationalism is reactionary, not revolutionary as National Socialism was. None of the important figures in the current movement is proposing armed revolution like The Turner Diaries as the only way out. The pacifism of white nationalism is a consequence that the Americans who promote it have been unable to break away from the bourgeois and ethno-suicidal lifestyle that sells us both the gospel and secular liberalism. Today’s generation of whites, feminised to the core and worshipers of Mammon, is the perfect antithesis of the Spartans, the Republican Romans, the berserkers and the Nazis we studied in The Fair Race.

Of the present collection, the texts authored by other authors are ‘The Red Giant’ by a Swede, ‘How awake are you?’ by Mauricio and ‘On the Origin of the Word Racist’ by an American. As you can see in Mauricio’s rating scale, white nationalists are psychologically stagnated in levels four and five (the following ‘turner diaries’ levels can only be reached after transvaluing Christian values). I included ‘The Red Giant’ because it represented a eureka moment in my intellectual life. Before reading it I idealised not only Christianity but the United States itself (as we can see in that text).

I have modified many of the articles for inclusion in this book, and some of them have been heavily edited. For example, the first article that I collect here was written in 2006. I recently added a short sentence about the hand that Jaime Lannister lost in the third season of Game of Thrones, an episode that did not premiere until 2013. In some of the following articles I also added, or subtracted, several sentences when reviewing the text. From my magnum opus, From Jesus to Hitler, this book only translates a couple of chapters and the text about the Turin shroud that appears in ‘Introjection’. In the Contents page I have indicated in bold-type those chapters in addition to other serious essays that exceed 5,000 words. Most of the articles in this book, by contrast, were originally short blog posts.

Only the Aryan race has the potential to attain divinity, as can be seen on the cover image, Daybreak, which is also the image I chose in the original incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour. The moment the white man sees that the religion of his parents is responsible for the darkest hour in the West will represent the breaking of dawn.

C. T.
September 2020

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It seems that Lulu, Inc., has solved some of its problems, as I was able to download my new book today and I’m just waiting for the proof copy to reach my postal address to approve the project!

Daybreak Publishing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

August 2020 edition

Editor’s preface

This collection of essays is the result of eleven years of following closely the movement known as white nationalism, which I discovered while living in Gran Canaria: an island near Africa that belongs to Spain.

Part I explains the Jewish question. I reproduce two articles, the first one by William Pierce and the second by a Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage: the only article by a Jew to appear in this collection. The Third Reich propaganda ministry used Ravage’s article as devastating admission of the reality of the Jewish problem in the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung of September 2, 1933.

Although Pierce believed that the primary cause of white decline was Jewish subversion, he was aware of the Christian question: a subject explained in Part II of this book. Unlike Pierce, we shall see Christianity as the greatest conquest of the Aryan soul by Jewry, and therefore the primary, not the secondary, cause of the West’s darkest hour. Given that I consider Pierce the most brilliant mind America has produced, I find it very embarrassing to concede that the Jew Ravage had a better perspective on the ultimate cause of white decline.

Since Pierce died in 2002, American white nationalism has been represented by some major figures and their respective webzines: for example, the Americans Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, and Greg Johnson. The current legacy of these intellectuals is of much lower quality than Pierce’s, as unlike the latter none seem to recognise the reality of the Christian question. That Jews cannot be the primary cause of white decline on the American continent should be as obvious as pointing out some facts. The Spanish and Portuguese irreparably corrupted their blood in colonial times by marrying Amerindian women, and Anglo-Germans north of the Rio Grande waged an anti-racist war when Lincoln was president. All of this happened before the Jews took over the media in the West. Perhaps the most respected figure in white nationalism today is Professor Emeritus Kevin MacDonald. In Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay on Part II, he includes a devastating critique of MacDonald for his failure to recognise the Christian problem.

While it is true that in his weekly radio lectures Pierce regarded Jewish subversion as the primary cause of white decline, in Who We Are, his history of the white race, we see a perspective in which Pierce seems to have perfect awareness of the Christian problem. Perhaps because many of his listeners were American Christians Pierce had to do something similar to what Hitler did: not be hostile to Christianity in public, only in private with his closest friends. For that reason, in part III it is reproduced much of Pierce’s story of the white race.

Of the articles in this compilation, the one that gets us to the core of the Judeo-Christian question is the essay by Evropa Soberana, penname of a Spanish writer whom I translated into English. Soberana’s essay uncovers the best-kept secret of ancient history: the apocalypse that the Aryan world suffered when the Judeo-Christians destroyed and inverted the values of the Greco-Roman culture 1,700 years ago. As explained in the footnotes, I did some modifications to Soberana’s essay and even took the liberty to correct some errors or add a few short phrases of my own, and the epigraphs at the top of the essay.

Soberana mentions Jesus of Nazareth. Before my ideological maturity I viewed the historical Jesus as a human, in contrast to the Christ of dogma. But recently New Testament scholar Richard Carrier has demonstrated that the textual product of the evangelists is literary fiction. In other words, not even the ‘historical Jesus’ of secular exegetes existed: it is a character as mythical as Romulus or Osiris. On the other hand, Soberana does not reference all of his statements. For a more academic approach to this subject, see our abridged edition of Christianity’s Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner (distributed also by Lulu, Inc., Second edition 2020). In the original German edition, Deschner uses thousands of footnotes in his monumental ten-volume work, Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.

As Nordicism is almost a taboo among most white advocates, in Part IV I include two articles on the same topic: one from a European and another from an American who published his piece on the ethnicity of the ancient Greeks and Romans in Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance. Part V on failed masculine cultures reproduces other translations of Evropa Soberana’s essays on the Spartans, the Berserkers and the Vikings. What can we say about the brutal childrearing methods described in those essays when compared with my eleven-book autobiographical study on child abuse, De Jesús a Hitler, excerpted in Day of Wrath? In the first place, the child abuse that Soberana recounts is not the type of abuse that I had investigated before becoming racially conscious. Those who understand the trauma model of mental disorders know that not even the most horrible wars produce the kind of injury to the inner self that causes madness. If the abuse affects the community, as was the case of Spartan boys, the psychological toll is of an entirely different nature.

What the West needs at present is a sort of balance between the eternal masculine—Sparta, the origins of Rome, the Vikings—and the eternal feminine that presently is engulfing the male psyche throughout the West. The Third Reich incorporated and eliminated—like the Hegelian aufheben—the contradictions of the extreme yin that the West suffers today with its Jesus archetype, and the extreme Yang of the Berserkers. To save the white race from the extinction already looming on the horizon, the role model is National Socialist Germany, the golden mean between the polar opposites. Nazi Germany was a highly cultured society as well as a tough military state, as we shall see in Part VI. Unlike Greece, Rome, and the Vikings, Hitler’s National Socialism did not fail. It was assassinated by Anglo-Saxon Christians and neo-Christian Soviets who represented two sides of the same egalitarian coin. In one of the articles of this compilation we will see that Hitler said that Bolshevism was axiologically derived from Christianity.

This is why what happened in the Second World War is so tragic. Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, is a book authored by Thomas Goodrich, published ten years ago. Goodrich’s book tells about a Holocaust committed by the Allies on the Germans, even after the war was over. If someone asked me to recommend a single text in the present compilation, I would unquestionably recommend J. A. Sexton’s review of Hellstorm that appears in Part VI. The crime that the Anglo-Saxons committed in World War II is so astronomic that it may cost the very existence of the white race, as we can see in Pierce’s essay in Part VII.

Finally, the appendix reproduces another essay by Evropa Soberana, translated, adapted and abridged for this book. Many images, including a complex phylogenetic tree that summarises the new racial classification, have not been included in the present abridgement. Most endnotes of the original text have also been removed, although some of them merged within the main text.

To date, the lack of sponsorship has prevented the researcher Valg and Soberana from writing the second part of the new racial classification. From the Editor’s point of view, it is impossible to evaluate it scientifically because physical anthropology has almost become heresy in the academy after World War II. If the Third Reich had been allowed to prosper, there would now be a constellation of physical anthropologists, from the Atlantic to the Urals, who would have developed this science and many articles in peer-reviewed journals would be available today.

C. T.
August 2020


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Remember that I delete obsolete PDFs every time I upload an updated version of my books. A printed copy of this book is unavailable for the moment due to Lulu’s breakdown (see my previous post today). But the updated PDF is available here.

For those who have not read Hitler’s table talks, I would suggest reading pages 541-550 of the free PDF on how this Cassandra said in the 1940s what we have been saying here in the 21st century.

The essays of mine that I removed from this August 2020 edition will appear along with another twenty of my essays in a separate book.

Daybreak Publishing

Monumental screw up

Today I read the article ‘Lulu Borked Their Platform in the April Update, and It’s Still Not Fixed’:

The publishing services provider Lulu has been in something of a tizzy these past few months. The company updated its platform on April as part of launching its new services marketplace, and things did not turn out as planned.

There hasn’t been much discussion in the FB groups or author forums I frequent (I actually heard about this third-hand) but apparently the update broke, basically everything. Multiple authors have reported:

lost sales,
lost books,
lost covers,
lost projects, and
lost accounts.

Lulu informed authors on its FB page on 12 June that the issues are being fixed on an ongoing basis, and also telling authors that all revenue since the end of April has been reported. What is especially scary about that is that there are authors who have recorded no sales since the April update, so it would appear that they have had no sales through Lulu for the past couple months.

Lulu also posted a link to a Google form you can use to submit support tickets for the more common problems, including:

missing or incorrect cover thumbnails,
missing projects,
unable to download files,
unable to Add to Cart, or

previously approved projects incorrectly requiring proof purchase. I know I have a well-earned reputation for being melodramatic but I do not think I am exaggerating too much when I say that this looks to be the worst system update since the PennCentral merger.

If you are one of the authors or publishers who was affected by the borked update, now might be a good time to locate the exit.

The above was written a couple of months ago and Lulu still hasn’t solved its problems. Today I tried several times to download the August 2020 revised file of The Fair Race and always got error messages.

As soon as either Lulu fixes its problem or I find another platform so that hard copies of The Fair Race are again available, I’ll notify it in another post.

Daybreak Publishing

Lulu’s problem solved

Today I received this email:

To Our Valued Lulu Family of Creators,

I want to extend my sincere apologies to those of you who have experienced issues resulting from our new site release over the last 48 hours. All of us at Lulu appreciate your patience as we work through these issues. We know that, for some of you, this is a big disruption in your life and we can’t apologize enough for that. We value each and every one of our creators and understand the trust you put in us when you upload your content to our platform, which is what makes this situation even more urgent for us all. […]

The two books mentioned in my Monday post were always available (here and here). It’s only that they changed the URLs during the migration of their webpage.

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Pandemics

Covid-19 vs. the 1st Amendment?

Further to my previous post. As Tucker Carlson said yesterday, big tech companies are using covid-19* to increase their censorship power over the American population. The First Amendment is no longer fashionable. I don’t know if the two books I mentioned a couple of days ago will no longer be available through Lulu but, as I said here in the comments section, we need our own publishing house.

(*) My take on the Chinese coronavirus is that I disagree with the lockdowns. All people should simply wear facemasks on the street and at work, as in Czechoslovakia.

Daybreak Publishing

Problems with Lulu

Lulu Press just launched an updated version of its webpage and The Fair Race Darkest Hour and Christianity’s Criminal History are presently unavailable. Also, I can’t access to my account and the appearance of those of my books that are available look elongated on screen, on the page to purchase any of them.

I hope that it is a temporary problem and will notify my readers when it is resolved. Meanwhile, the PDFs of The Fair Race Darkest Hour and Christianity’s Criminal History are still available for free (see the sidebar).

Autobiography Daybreak Publishing Hojas Susurrantes (book)

‘Whispering Leaves’

(first pages)

I opened the eyes in the morning and to my surprise I was on Korinna’s bed in the bedroom of my sisters. I felt uncomfortable to know I was there, but on turning over and see that Kori had slept with Genevieve I felt relieved.

Both were sleeping, but looked younger: Genevieve looked like a thirteen year old. How I remember the incredibly pure face of Genevieve!, like a little slept virgin. The beautiful matutinal light and the silence of the morning gave the bedroom a unique smoothness.

With a child’s spirit, in a leap I raised up to look at the street, I opened the window and…

What I saw produced indescribable amazement and rapture.

Everything was changed.

There was nothing of the street of Palenque, the Narvarte neighbourhood or even Mexico City, but a Cathedral of such beauty that I stayed ecstatic and dumb at contemplating it. It was of such beauty that the volatilisation of the known world absolutely made no dent on me: my rapture upon seeing the rosy Cathedral eradicated all negative feeling, it was like being in a pristine state of mind.

The Cathedral was in a Mexico certainly, but like a Mexico of another dimension, like a future, or as if history had taken another course, or like if we were in another age.

The landscape was so tranquil, so smooth, there were so few people in that settled and balmy city that my sensation to contemplate it was that of the purest halcyonism.

The landscape I had before my eyes was huge: I could see miles away. Barely there were houses. Just the Cathedral hypnotized me with its unknown majesty in this dimension.

Far away, very far away, I seemed to see a humble woman with a shawl, one of those who get up very early in the morning. She walked by an empty plaza or main square much more extended than the Zócalo of our city or any other.

Then I saw below the changed street of Palenque. By our garage, or a little to the left, in its place there was a grocery store and a few men that looked like villagers; one of them even had a peasant hat. They looked as tranquil as the landscape.

Then I saw a friend from the park that came in direction to the store and I shouted to him:


I wanted that he explained to me what had happened with the world, what might have caused such incredible changes. He saw me and raising the hand he greeted me but he continued ahead to the store and I felt disappointed because I expected an explanation on the state of affairs.

But the setback disappeared when I fixed my eyes again on the imposing Cathedral: I didn’t want to miss a second that image that had me bewitched, in an ecstatic state.

It was paradise and without a thought I went out of the bedroom in order to run down home’s stairs and get outside. But when I came out of the bedroom…

Everything grew dark.

Among the blackness, I found myself in the hall. I wanted to go down the stairs but…

There you were.

I wanted to get outside but your presence seemed to impede my way.

You had the typical face of upset mother segregating bile. I was under the impression you scolded at me, but since my visual rapture had been so, so high nothing of your scolding did I hear, I only saw your vertiginous lip moving. Aunt Blanquita was behind you, also irritated, she seemed a confidante that backed up your scolding. (Very nebulously I remember my little brother near the darkened stairs, but I’m not sure.)

Despite the tenebrous place and the gloomy and jabbering consorts—that I didn’t hear at all—:

From the hall, level with your bedroom there was a window, from which enthralled I continued to observe my Cathedral, this time from a side…

I stayed speechless before its magnificence… marvelled at such a beauty.

But you continued with your deaf scolding, choleric and making faces.

For an instant, your grimacing distracted me from my ecstatic vision.

For an instant I felt pinked by your senseless scolding.

And in that instant I turned over to talk you back.


Then I waked up.

It was night. About three in the morning, the most profound and silent hour of the night.

The ecstasy of my dream’s psychic dimension had been such that once immediately awoke, realising all was but a dream, I craved with all my might to go back to that parallel world and stay there.

It was a sharp drop, the drop from a very high universe to a degraded one. Once you reach the Himalayas of spirit, you don’t want to let them go.

Never my unconscious had reproduced with such an unlikely exactitude the world: it was indistinguishable from the real one. Impossible to believe all was a dream. The bedroom for instance was a trustworthy replica of the white bedroom of my sisters.

It should’ve been about March 1977 when I had the dream of the Cathedral, the moment I reached the peak ecstasy in life. The impression produced in my mind, and the consequences for my real life, are let felt even now.

It’s the most important dream of my entire life: and not even this long epistle will be enough to explain it to you.


Above, the first pages of Whispering Leaves’ first book. Hard copies of this first book in English are now available here (to contextualise it among the other ten books see here). Let me know if, due to the Chinese virus, you have problems with the delivery service.

Daybreak Publishing Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

2020 edition!

In addition to the already published text, the Second Edition of Christianity’s Criminal History incorporates entries 101-124 of the series on this website that do not appear in the First Edition, which only contains the first hundred entries.

He who doesn’t want to purchase a hard copy can read the PDF.

I’m releasing the PDF for free because Christianity’s Criminal History is another of the books that I consider basic to reach the lands of National Socialism. Just see how American white nationalists, so reluctant to go full Nazis, are stagnated in the middle of the psychological Rubicon, as I explained a couple of days ago.

While knowledge of the Jewish question could be the ideal platform to have a good grasp of the Christian question, even secularists in the movement refuse to see the latter in full light. If they weren’t so programmed by their parents to bend their knee to Jewish deities (and this is where the usefulness of my autobiographical philosophy is apparent), in the most natural way they would migrate from the JQ to understanding the CQ.