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Correspondence Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Last chance to save

the comments section


‘A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins’. —Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Claudius’ insult in the previous thread got me thinking. Remember that earlier this year I eliminated the comments section for a month and a half, and I am tempted to do so for good. The thing is that the spam filter is being bombarded by banned sockpuppets, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between a new commenter and a sockpuppet due to proxy IPs.

To make matters worse, those white nationalists who religiously believe that Jewry is the primary cause of white decline are unwilling to be persuaded by reason or even historical facts. Consider Claudius mentioned above. Since July of this year I had been trying to reason with him. This is what half a year ago I tried to communicate to the now-banned Claudius:

But this doesn’t respond to what I say: In his first novel he [William Pierce] doesn’t criticise Christianity, only Jewry; and in the second novel he puts a Christian preacher as a legitimate way out of the current dilemma in the US. If the American Gore Vidal published an anti-Christian novel (Julian) in the 1960s, why couldn’t Pierce do the same in the 70s and 80s, when he published his two novels?

Furthermore, the National Alliance doesn’t list Christianity as the primary cause of white decline. It is a typical organisation of American white nationalism with the difference that they aren’t Christian.

The point of view of The West’s Darkest Hour is that Christian ethics is the primary cause of white decline, not Jewry, which is what American racialists believe. (That’s why they never tell me anything when I mention the gigantic mestization in this continent that occurred when their religion was supposedly healthy.)

The difference is as big as believing in the geocentric system vs. the heliocentric system: a paradigm shift! That’s why this site is ignored by all main pundits of American racialism. Nobody tries to answer what I say through a solid essay-review; replying, for example, to what we say in the books available from the sidebar.

A commenter replied: ‘Re: your Latin American argument. Can I hypothesize that the Yankee mutt nationalists ignore your point precisely because they are “racist”, i.e., Latin Americans are subhumans to them and should not be counted for anything?’ I responded:

The problem is that, what I say, happened even north of the Rio Grande before the US war with Mexico. I am referring to the states California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, the western half of New Mexico, the western quarter of Colorado, and the southwest corner of Wyoming (and later, Texas). All this is North America, and before belonging to Mexico they belonged to New Spain, the viceroyalty of Spain.

The trick white nationalists do to self-delude themselves is to ignore the history of their own land, since in those lands miscegenation wasn’t frowned upon either, courtesy of the Counter-Reformation ideology—i.e., Christian ethics—when it belonged to Spain.

After Claudius intervened, I replied by quoting him in bold:

However, we cannot underestimate the terrible impact of the accursed ‘chosen people’ on the White race.

Have I underestimated it? You are new to this site. Have you read the masthead of this site, the essay on Judea vs. Rome?

Hitler (and most of the NS leaders) was not a Christian, or a believer if you prefer, but he did not waste time attacking the Church when…

Again, old visitors of this site know that Hitler had to compromise—elemental PR—in his speeches. But in his inner circle he criticised Christianity more than Judaism.

…he knew that there was one enemy infinitely more dangerous.

If this is true, how do you explain that in his table talks there are more anti-Christian statements than anti-Semitic statements?

Put it this way: Christianity and Judaism complement each other. But the driving force in our downfall is Judaism.

Nope. The drive is that the white peoples let that a malicious archetype take over their collective unconscious right after Constantine. Again, you are new to this site. Have you read our translations of Christianity’s Criminal History (see the sidebar)?

The Jews have been the creators and promotors of everything vile and destructive. Driven by their messianic dreams and their hatred for mankind they are the most powerful and lethal enemy of the White race. Don’t put the cart in before the horse.

It looks like you haven’t even read Pierce’s Who We Are or Arthur Kemp’s March of the Titans: the only histories of the white race written so far. They demonstrate that ethnosuicidal miscegenation occurred in the historical past sans Jews, for example the Aryans in India and right after the conquests of Alexander the ‘Great’. That a blind will to imperialist power is far greater ill than Jewish subversion is the moral of those two histories.

After responding to another commenter with the words inside the parenthesis (‘I am not saying that Christianity is a bigger problem than Jewry, but that Christian ethics is a larger problem than Jewry, since it includes the secular ethics after the French Revolution and the birth of the US that now infect all the West’), Claudius intervened again. My response:

… it seems to me that some people here have become obsessed with Christianity making it our chief enemy forgetting that the Jews are in the driving seat. As I said, that is as absurd as putting the cart before the horse.

You are talking like the proverbial white nationalist. This is the last time I repeat it: This is not a WN site. If you want a WN echo chamber please go to WN forums.

Christianity is an enemy… The Jews are at the forefront in the fight for the destruction of the White race and Western civilization and cannot be considered a secondary enemy.

They are a secondary enemy. The main enemy of whites is whites themselves, as proven in the sources I mentioned to you above (incidentally, The Fair Race doesn’t contain essays authored by me, only the prologue).

Most importantly they [the group of the late Pierce] are 100% anti-Christian.

Have you listened to what I said above? It doesn’t matter whether they are anti-Christian or not. What matters is if they know that Christian ethics is the primary factor of white decline which includes secular, atheist ideologies throughout the West.

Before I eliminate the comments section I must give one last chance to bona fide commenters who aren’t trolls, banned sockpuppets or monocausalists impervious to reason or fact. This post is dedicated to those commenters who wish to know our philosophy, the books on the sidebar: most of them available also as PDFs so that he who cannot afford them can print them at home.

Correspondence David Irving Holocaust

A response to Ives

– This is a reply to a previous comment this morning –


I made a big mistake in letting your first comment pass. The habit of trying to argue with white nationalists things that have already been much discussed on this site, made me forget what I promised in the last paragraph of my post the day before yesterday.

But I will no longer forget what I promised.

Just as a courtesy of passing a couple of your comments before I start implementing what I have promised, I’ll reply to what you say about Hadding Scott.

Hadding, with whom I discussed the issue of the so-called holocaust in a long thread at The Occidental Observer, is, unlike Alex Linder, a magnificent example of how axiological neo-Christianity prevents one from seeing what happened in WW2.

You might be interested to read an article explaining my position on David Irving. As Robert Morgan tried to convey to the racialists at The Occidental Observer six years ago: ‘In our culture, shaped as it has been by Christianity, the premier innocent victim is and always has been Jesus. He laid the groundwork; established the archetype. It’s inconceivable that the Holocaust racket would have been as successful as it has been in a non-Christian culture’.

And please, please, pay more attention to the letters in red in my sticky post. Thank you.

______ 卐 ______

Noon update: This is the crux of my above-linked article:

What is certain is that the Holocaust would not have produced any debilitating psychological effect on non-Christian whites. (By Christianity I mean ‘Christian morality’. Most atheists in the West are still Christian, even if they don’t believe in God or Jesus.) Being emotionally affected by the Holocaust presupposes that you think:

1) Victims and losers have intrinsically more moral value than conquerors and winners
2) Killing is the most horrendous thing a human can do
3) Killing children and women is even more horrendous
4) Every human life has the same value

None of these statements ring true to a man who rejected Christian morality. In fact, even if the Holocaust happened, I would not pity the victims or sympathize with them. If you told the Vikings that they needed to accept Jews on their lands or give them gold coins because six million of them were exterminated in an obscure war, they would have laughed at you!


Vlad Tepes and the Aryan woman

Salutations Mr Tort,

It has been a long time since I have sent you my first e-mail. I would like first and foremost to congratulate you and your efforts in translating Savitri Devi’s works for the White cause.

Recently I have discovered some interesting historical facts regarding Vlad Tepes that might serve as a source of inspiration for followers of the 14 words. It appears he was deeply in love with his mistress, a beautiful blonde blue-eyed Transylvanian Saxon girl by the name of Katharina Siegel (images included). If you would like to add this as an article for The West’s Darkest Hour I would be honoured:

During the winter of 1455, the Wallachian prince Vlad Tepes, who was twenty-four at that time, was in the county of Brasov (Transylvania). There he laid his eyes on a beautiful Aryan girl, seventeen years of age, struggling to push a sledge. Captivated by her beauty, Vlad dismounted his horse and went to help her. That would be the beginning of their love affair. Her name was Katharina Siegel, a Transylvanian Saxon girl, daughter of a weaver from Brasov. Vlad was officially married to Anastasia Holszanka, yet so so deep was his newfound love for the Germanic girl that he even tried to get a divorce certificate from the Pope himself.

One night the Wallachian prince and Katharina were to meet in secret. The girl arrived late so Vlad scolded and screamed at her thus prompting the panicked girl to flee. The prince went after her to kiss her and calm her down. A nearby wandering priest, unable to distinguish the two, assumed that the girl was being assaulted and intervened. Outraged, Vlad drew his sword and wounded the clergyman. It appears that the love for the Nordic woman was stronger than the love for the Cross.

During his reign, Tepes made himself an enemy of the Merchants of Brasov. In retaliation the merchants captured Katharina, cut her long blonde hair and publicly beat her in the city square. Upon hearing what happened to her, Vlad was overwhelmed with anger and even vowed to burn the city of Brasov. Eventually the prince managed to free the Saxon girl.

According to some legends they even had five children. It appears that even the notorious medieval Romanian ruler who impaled countless enemies and who would later serve as an inspiration for Bran Stoker’s Dracula was humbled by the superior beauty of the Nordic Aryan woman.

This story can serve as an inspiration for the followers of the 14 words. Unlike the Neo-Christian soy-boy milksops who seem ok to let their women get gang-raped by Africans and Middle-Easterners, Vlad was willing to burn a city to vindicate Katharina’s humiliation. Therefore we must take Dracula’s example and fight to protect our women, not just from non-whites but also from the toxic and demonic ideology of Feminism.

Thank you again Mr Tort for your time and may you have luck in all your endeavours.

Wotan mit uns! 

3-eyed crow Correspondence George Lincoln Rockwell I.N. (commenter)

About the commenters

This recent discussion with one of the biggest fans of this site motivated me this morning to think on the subject.

If there is one thing that has wasted my time, it is arguing with people with whom I should never, ever have argued. For example, the referred commenter, using the pen name he uses in the comments section of The Unz Review, said earlier this year: ‘The USSR withered because they did not push for the racial replacement of Germany—by Russians’.

It was because of things like that that for a long time I prevented the vast majority of his comments from passing here.

But the aforementioned commenter, who describes himself as Russian, is not alone. In the past, a Romanian whom I also prohibited from commenting here said that he didn’t give a damn about the suffering of millions of Germans in the war and, paradoxically, in other respects he spoke like a National Socialist.

It sounds like schizophrenia, but these types of people have been very common on this site and elsewhere.

I confess that, in my great frustration with them and three other smart commenters, I have filled many pages of my diaries since 2018. There is no point in exhuming those private diaries except to say that I sometimes feel like George Lincoln Rockwell, who tells how he admitted a half-naked Aryan (a homeless?) to his group and later he became an excellent element. But there was a dark side to that tactic, as another unhinged individual within Rockwell’s group of outcasts was the one who shot him…

In December I said that only those who thought like the SS could comment on this site. I forgot to add that I wasn’t referring to them meeting in military groups, since that would become a honey trap for the System. What I wanted to say is that they ought to think like SS men; that their scale of values should allow them to crave things like the Master Plan East. I didn’t mean that they bought weapons or planned an attack (the Hollywood vision of white nationalism, as we saw in the silly movie Imperium). I was referring to changing your scale of values, as Savitri said in my post yesterday.

In other words, since most whites are tainted by the florid psychosis stage of Christian ethics, the only thing that makes sense is to try to understand what is going on, and convey it to as many Aryan males as possible. It hurts to say it, but Greg Johnson is right about one thing: it’s not time for politics but metapolitics.

This site receives very little feedback in the comments section. And of the fans we’ve had, I’ve already blocked a few for saying things like the outrageous quote I picked up above. In many ways I am alone. I have to deal with those shirtless guys like the ones Rockwell admitted into his group, but it’s impossible to detect at first glance who among these outcasts will be a good element and who may want to shoot me (what happened to the poor commander).

The alternative is that I forget about commenters and continue my work ‘in the cave of the three-eyed raven’, trying to make a Bran my disciple so that he can later conquer the world: a metaphor that only one commenter has understood, an European.

Since December I broke my promise to close the comments for a year. I reopened them only after two and a half months—only to be cheated by one of the banned commenters, through a sockpuppet.(*) But I think that what the European told me in an entry that I posted at the last minute of the last day of the year is worth reposting, as at that time the comments section was already closed.

Commenter I.N. wrote to me (the following is a repost of his December 31, 2020 comment):


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Excuse me for the lengthy text.

I understand how crucial it is for you to move towards this direction [basically close the comments section] given how much you have pondered about it for years now and I applaud you for it. The fact that you tolerated this insufferable situation for so long is a testament to your patience. However, by doing so you remove an indispensable aspect that should define discourse between us National Socialists so as to exchange viewpoints and answer questions.

This has been an integral feature of your site as apart from your entries, the comments too did aid me in acquiring a perfected exterminationist worldview. You must cultivate a climate for dialogue and encourage your viewers to engage in conversation among them. If you shun it your page might lose much needed traction and visitors and we need to assist you in amassing a wider audience of Whites willing to arrive at the truth.

If you wish to attract a larger audience and maybe even ‘steal’ followers from ‘mainstream’ WN sites like Counter Currents and American Renaissance you might want to think again about resorting to such strict censorship. That way you can redirect their focus to your revolutionary site and maybe witness a steady shift in their mentality as they begin to reject their old digital hangouts and dedicate their attention to you if your teachings take hold. Additionally, this radical approach of yours might make it impossible for people living on the other side of the Atlantic to opine on your entries.

Indeed, most commenters were unable to cross the psychological Rubicon to gain a higher understanding of the root causes that have culminated in the West’s ongoing downfall and it started to become frustrating but you can’t let this indignation get the better of you. Let them stagnate in the middle of the river and drown.

It will be a pity to have the rest of us who are of sound judgement and servants of the 14 words be lumped in with impudent buffoons like Adunaii or depressed defectives like Simon Elliot / Autisticus Spasticus. I admit that some of their comments may seem smart and sophisticated from a purely neutral standpoint, and I am not neutral but intrinsically bound to the ground of the radiant bucolic landscape that enchants and permanently captivates everyone who disembarks on the riverfront lying on the opposite side of the Rubicon. (It appears the journey across happens amidst intense fog / Christian ethics, that’s why most lose track of the destination and end up at the riverbed, never managing to even glance at the promised Utopia achievable only through the axiology of National Socialism.)

Said process of ‘conversion’ happened pretty much instantaneously thanks to stumbling upon your work and due to my own life experiences, research and conclusions. But commie sympathisers like Adunaii and abject, puerile defeatists like Elliot have to be expelled for reasons of adamant ideological consistency and devotion to the sacred cause summed up in the 4 and 14 Words.

Only through the Religion of Hate will we be able to exact holy racial vengeance and purify the flora and fauna of this planet by disposing of the sadistic vermin (dimwitted, dark skinned and two-legged mostly) that stains and defiles it once and for all and thus establishing a truly just, fair and beautiful Earth encompassing New Order in the biological sense. A world filled with staggeringly gorgeous Aryan nymphets and youths to roam it gracefully with kindness, respect, modesty and empathy and meant only for those worthy of living.

Anyway, I digress. Though this tactic relieves you from the burden of putting up with the absurdly preposterous (as in not sharing your justified hatred yet) content in the posts of some annoying slowpokes, some commenters could provide very informative insights and it would be a loss to miss out on that.

Some (extremely few in fact) deserve to be granted permission to keep commenting on this site. At least allow a very select number of them like Mauricio, Joseph Walsh (I have been keeping up with your site since April 2019 and I haven’t seen his profile in the comments for a while and I cannot remember if he has made an appearance in the last two years so I don’t know if he is still active), [Anti]natalist44 (thankfully he changed his idiotic surname, he might be a bit pessimistic but he is also necessarily cynical which can enlighten the Aryan about how hypocritical they are) or Apollokult among others like him who surprisingly fully align with your principles which, in all honesty, should be common knowledge and even maxims embedded into our culture.

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Editor’s Note: Both I.N. and I were unaware then that Natalist44 was none other than Adunai.

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Or at least slightly alter this policy you have adopted. You could enable the option to post comments that are sent exclusively by e-mail instead. The absence of a comment thread will automatically dissuade dummies, normies and white nationalists from bothering to leave their undesirable opinions on this gem of a site. Or efilists for that matter.

Could you not appoint some voluntary admins to filter the comment section and dispatch the outcasts that would dare trespass on your webpage? I am not cognizant of the intricacies involved in operating a site or the terms of use/service of WordPress by the way. I do not disagree with you per se, I actually partially welcome this initiative. I still I urge you to reconsider though.

Your site encapsulates the very essence of what the White Man must do in order to survive which is admittedly to ‘think more ruthlessly than Himmler’. That is quite a demanding task to undertake, and assuming the only stimuli they receive that leads them down this path is your site, then you can be sure it is going to take a while before they cross over to Level 9. Though as betrayed by your disappointment, few people appreciate the effort you put into awakening them.

At best it happens instantly (like with me) and at worst it needs an incessant bombardment of Nordicist literature for a couple of years. Let us be confident that the continuous reading of all that your site has to offer will be the catalyst that drives them to shatter their flawed and indulgent worldview which derives from the allegiance to a false, self-abasing and ultimately suicidal morality.

The prerequisite is to shake off the persistent indoctrination that has been passed down from generation to generation and has become so ingrained into our psyche (not mine, I have always been an atheist and a staunch critic of the afterlife paranoia) that it has developed such resilient antibodies to ensure its firm grip over the Aryans’ responses and actions. Tough job but something as unlikely as this can transpire. You remember what Tikhar said earlier this month.

Anyway, I have never seen a Priest of the 14 Words (you coined this term) devote his life so holistically to the materialisation of Aryan resurgence and domination despite being tainted by foreign blood. You are truly much more Aryan than the overwhelming majority of Aryans. You are a prophet and a benefactor to our run down race. Frankly, pretty much no one else articulates the harsh truth in such a precise, crystal clear and no holds barred manner.

Keep struggling and sending out three-eyed ravens to educate prospective broken Brans by imbuing them with retrocognition so that they endeavour to uplift the ever dissipating Whites from their demoralising and self-destructive state.

I merely wanted to leave my contribution for the second and last time apparently (unless another e-mail of mine impresses you so as to warrant its own entry). I think of you as an underrated and obscure (not recognised enough) hero of these end times (unless the White Revolution takes place and is successful), Mr. C. T.

Thank you for changing my life. Heil to you! I hope the Whites of the future that emerge victorious from this ordeal build a statue in dedication to your memory. I will keep being a faithful follower of yours.

Again, sorry for my brazenly long testimony. Happy New Year with loads of success in adequately conveying your ‘heretic’ message.

By the way, I am eagerly anticipating the day the subtitle of this site will finally read something along the lines of: ‘The Time For Armed Revolution Is Here! Nietzschean Transvaluation for a Hitlerian Civilisation!’



(*) Update of September 29: At Adunai’s request, I removed the screenshot showing that his I.P. is identical to the I.P. of Antinatalist44.


Castilian intolerance

When in December I closed the comments of this site for a couple of months, I put a link to this notice:

I am a very busy person and do not have a moderator who is approving or censoring comments. If the visitor is not someone whose personal religion is virtually identical to the ideology of the SS Germans, I would suggest that he not even try to post a comment. Otherwise, email me ([email protected]) and I’ll consider your comment.

To illustrate what was the guiding ideology of the cream of the crop of National Socialism, I would suggest that you read the last pages of the latest book I have compiled, On Exterminationism (PDF: here, hard copy: here).

Apparently, some visitors continue to ignore what I am trying to do on this site. See for example what I just said about my Castilian intolerance: here.

I think visitors should take seriously what I said in December, especially the words: ‘If the visitor is not someone whose personal religion is virtually identical to the ideology of the SS Germans, I would suggest that he not even try to post a comment’. As I wrote in one of my autobiographical books, one of my ancestors, José María Tort y Vivó, mentioned by José Zorrilla in Recuerdos del Tiempo Viejo, lived opposite the building where the Inquisition of New Spain had its headquarters.

Correspondence Miscegenation

Valar Morghulis

‘Valar Morghulis’ is the tenth and final episode of the second season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. The episode aired on June 3, 2012. The episode’s title is a code phrase spoken by Jaqen H’ghar to Arya Stark during the episode, but its meaning is not explained until the next season: ‘All men must die’.

It’s in this episode when Robb marries non-white buttocks, and let’s talk no more about it. Incidentally, from this post I will open the comments section after two and a half months of closing it (but that doesn’t mean that I will let everyone comment).

Conservatism Correspondence Free speech / association

There won’t be a PO box

It will not be possible to rent a PO box in the country where I live, as I had recently promised. I have just returned from the offices and they informed me that my full name had to come, as addressee, in each envelope that arrived at the post office box. As I recently had problems because a (Jewish?) woman complained to relatives of mine, a woman whose son guessed who’s C.T., I can’t afford to keep putting my full name on this site or allow that envelopes are being addressed to me.

The idea of renting a PO box was not bad considering what will happen to the pro-white sites once the new administration is inaugurated: we will have to return to more archaic forms of communication. I would suggest that those interested in not losing contact with me write down my email address that appears on the sidebar: the only way to keep in touch after the US enters a state of complete anti-white totalitarianism.

The American elites have already been able, in the past few days, to deplatform Trump and his fans across the internet, and even threaten not to give jobs in the real world to those who have supported him. And this happens before Biden’s inauguration. We can already imagine what will come next…

By the way, yesterday and today I visited Counter-Currents to see who Johnson was posting in the aftermath of the event in the Capitol. The same old conservatives keep writing there. Let’s remember Commander Rockwell’s litmus test to distinguish who’s a conservative and who’s a National Socialist: the conservative wants to protect his social status and money, the National Socialist wants to protect his race.

From this angle, all those who claim to defend the white race on the internet are, in reality, conservatives: as no one begins to speak of revolution by quoting those famous words of President JFK.* It was last week when I used a commenter’s words ‘Civil war or the gulags. That’s now the choice and whites should take chances with the former’. But white advocates insist on remaining de facto conservatives.

Although I can’t be sure that the woman who complained to my family is Jewish (they don’t want to tell me her name), it’s worth ending this post with some humorous links. What bothered the woman the most is the little swastika that appears at the top of this page and what I wrote about Beth’s beautiful tits (after she complained I added this and this).


(*) In 1962, John F. Kennedy famously said, ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.


If you…

want to post a comment please read this.


Third-world turtle

I had forgotten that the bureaucracy in a third-world country can have the speed of a turtle. As I promised yesterday, today I went to try to rent a PO box and the bureaucrat told me that I had to go the next week for the procedure!

I don’t know how long something as simple as renting a PO box in this nefarious metropolis is going to take. But when the bureaucratic turtle reaches its destination I’ll notify my visitors.

Correspondence Exterminationism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Wewelsburg Castle

Obergruppenführersaal (SS
Generals’ Hall) with the
Black Sun on the hall floor

A decade ago, in one of the threads of Counter-Currents Greg Johnson said:

To win this battle, it might be necessary for some of us to become monsters who cannot return to normal society to enjoy the fruits of victory. We need leaders who are willing to sacrifice their immortal souls to this cause. I don’t believe there is an immortal soul, but psychologically speaking what passes for it are immortal scruples or absolute principles other than victory. All these need to be slain and sacrificed on the altar of victory.

This could have been Himmler’s advice at the Obergruppen-führersaal of the Wewelsburg Castle right before launching their Master Plan East! But compare this splendid quote with Greg’s more recent pronouncements: ‘…and Pierce’s absurd Nordicism and repugnant exterminationism’ (exterminationism that we can read in Pierce’s Who We Are).

Greg Johnson is one of the most prominent figures in white nationalism, an internet movement that I consider schizophrenic because of things like the ones cited above—very typical of most white nationalists, so reluctant to abandon so-called immortal scruples or absolute principles.

Considering such schizophrenia I finally decided to rent a PO box, the first thing I’ll do tomorrow morning. Now the question is: Who should email me and who should send paper letters to consider both comments as candidates for discussion threads? The answer is simple: the priests of the fourteen words will write to me by email and non-priests by ordinary mail. But how to know who’s a priest of the fourteen words?

If we recall once more the Master Plan East from the final pages of On Exterminationism (PDF on the sidebar), unlike Greg and company such a plan seems perfectly moral to the priest. Unlike white nationalists the priest isn’t a schizophrenic insofar as he has left Christian standards of morality behind; and let us remember that the so-called human rights are neochristian mandates, ultimately inspired by the gospels despite the anti-clerical Jacobinism of the French revolutionaries (a cultural phenomenon we call ‘neochristianity’).

To the priest of the fourteen words the ethnocidal conquest of other lands seems so moral that, if you are an American for example, after due ethnic cleansing in your country you’ll long for a ‘Master Plan South’ to turn the continent into New Scandinavia. If you don’t want that with all your heart, write your comments to the PO box please. If you would like to carry out such a plan not only in the South but throughout the world—Pierce’s fictional dream in his Diaries—write to me by email.

If the person who writes me is a true priest (‘with all your heart…’), the entry of his comments on this site will be practically guaranteed. In case you are not a priest, your lack of passion to give your life during the wars for a New Scandinavia will show up in your prose, in case you want to deceive me by sending me your text by email instead of sending it to my PO box.

Let not those who try to deceive me be surprised that I won’t answer their letters. And a warning to the Antifas who would like to send me a little gift by ordinary mail: I’ve already hired an employee of colour who doesn’t know English to pick up the mail at the post office and even open the envelopes…