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Currency crash Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff’s latest book

Below, excerpts of some of Amazon’s reviews of the recently released The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy.

I have spent the past four years unlearning all the nonsense we are taught in public schools. The [book’s] message is clear, to the point and given in a manner that anyone should be able to understand. Peter is a great American as well as his dad, Irwin Schiff who has his own library of books that are must-reads.

This book is a super reference and commentary of our current economic reality and likely pending disaster. After reading the hardcover copy, I’ve found this book to be an ideal compendium of today’s economic realities that encouraged me to also purchase the audio edition to share with my teenage kids in the car in hopes that they will get their minds wrapped around the inevitable realities we will all be forced to address in our own lives.

Last but not least, Mr. Oliver Wyman, the gentleman that reads The Real Crash in the audio edition has a wonderful tone with his voice and is a joy to listen to. He demonstrates a perfect balance of enthusiasm for his reading and the subject without being overly dramatic. Perfect clarity in his voice and a listening pleasure.

Peter Schiff predicted the housing bubble and explained how it was created in foresight better than anyone has explained in Hindsight! I had only heard of him this year in February and had no knowledge in economics. I tuned into schiffradio.com everyday since and have learned so much in economics (plus watching all Peter Schiff videos on YouTube). I bought his book, How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes and learned fundamental economic principles that got me ready to understand this book. The Real Crash is a great book. In it, Peter explains where we were, where we are, and where we are headed and what we can do to save ourselves from this crash. Schiff makes it easy for people who don’t know that much about economics to understand what is going on. I highly recommend this book, and recommend you get your friends and family to buy a copy. Save yourselves. Thanks Peter.

I was first introduced to Peter Schiff in a documentary called Tegenlicht (Backlight) on Dutch television in 2008. In this TV documentary Schiff already foresaw the crash of 2008. From that moment on I started to follow him. From the first moment on this guy made absolute sense. Common sense. From listening to his radio show every day I kinda knew what to expect from his new book. The book was no disappointment. It was again a revelation. Schiff has excellent historical understanding on things and he knows how to connect all the dots. The predictions in this book will come true. I like to compare Schiff with the Greek mythological prophet Cassandra. She was able to see future events but nobody believed her even when the events happened. This is now known as the Cassandra Syndrome. Let’s hope it’s different this time with this book.

Mr. Schiff might have titled this book “The Real Economy”. Using logic, history, and actual cases he takes us through recent bubbles and busts. Mr. Schiff’s track record is pretty good, he accurately predicted the real estate bust two years before 2008.

Central to this book is the idea that it’s impossible to separate the economy and politics. Political agenda creates the economic playing field, and the media adds to our misunderstanding.

If only the boneheads in Washington and the Fed would pay a little attention to what Schiff is saying we might be able to avert economic disaster, but I’m not holding my breath; they didn’t listen before the crash in 2008 and they are not going to listen now. At least individuals can read this book and do what they can to protect themselves from the impending economic disaster created by our overlords in DC.

I get depressed when I read books like this. The Real Crash will likely suffer the same unfortunate fate as the other great books written by Austrian economists and libertarian philosophers. That is, despite offering an insightful and precise look at what is wrong with our current economic system, it will largely be ignored by the uninformed and ignorant masses. The “educated” Keynesians will pass it off as nonsense while simultaneously promoting the systems that are now falling in domino-like fashion around us.

It’s easy to accept statism. One only needs to turn on the TV and vote for Obamney to maintain the status quo. It’s not easy to accept the ideas found within this book. The rationality that governs Schiff’s writing isn’t within the realm of capability for most. It takes genuine thought and deliberation.

Peter Schiff has done it again. I truly believe that there’s nobody better at explaining macroeconomics and sound-money policy to the masses than Schiff. Unfortunately, the folks who really need to be reading this book (today’s political class) either aren’t interested or don’t have the aptitude to fully grasp the suggestions that Schiff outlines in The Real Crash. It’s a shame. Make no mistake: the “Real Crash” that Schiff is predicting will come—unfortunately, when it does many Americans will see their savings and standard of living squandered before it’s all over.

If you read this book and still can’t believe that his predications can be true, I encourage you to think back to how excited you were in 1999 when your dot.com portfolio was going through the roof. Then, think back to 2005 when your home value was skyrocketing. How are both of those investments doing for you these days? (Schiff accurately predicted both of those collapses as well). Don’t make the same mistake a third time. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me three times and my retirement savings and standard of living will evaporate.

You’ll never read accurate information like you’ll find in this book within today’s mainstream media. You have to decide—do you want patently false “good news” or accurate and timely bad news (Schiff) that will protect you and the ones you love? When it comes to protecting my family, my choice is clearly the latter. As Schiff often says, “Medicine tastes bad, but you have to take it in order to get better”.

I consider Schiff one of the greatest threats to those who would destroy our nation, an unusually well-informed and even keeled speaker, and strong writer. (I discount my misconceptions of what this book was supposed to be about but limit my review to 4 stars due to the typos.)

Our Government has been doing since 1971. The debt and GDP have risen in tandem since that time period. Overwhelming in size and not payable and aided by a zero interest rate, this is the perfect storm, black swan, or whatever you want to call it for the decline of the dollar. Only distractions in Europe and other places temporarily worse off is buying time. Time we are wasting by not listening to Mr. Schiff.

Ayn Rand once said, “The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everyone has decided not to see.” In this book, Mr. Schiff has done a great job of just that, showing what should be obvious to the mainstream economists and politicians, even though they refuse to acknowledge reality: That the problems facing this country won’t be solved with just a superficial change in leadership or slightly altering our current economic path, but are deep, fundamental problems that will result eventually in the “real crash”. Of course, this will make it likely that this book will be ignored by most, until it eventually can’t be ignored any longer.

We’ll get Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation because it’s the path of least resistance for the criminal elite, and because their actions with bailouts, quantitative easing, and money creation show it’s the path they have clearly chosen. Please buy precious metals only after you’ve heavily stocked-up on necessities like long term storage foods, ammo and other items you won’t be able to buy post-crunch.

This book does an excellent job of summarizing the government policies and programs that are leading the U. S. to economic Armageddon.

A big part of what has allowed the American government to borrow as much as it has (and to keep on borrowing now) is the fact that the American dollar is the world’s reserve currency, which means it is always in demand, and hence people and organizations have been willing to act as creditors in order to get it. For Schiff, though, the sheer size of the debt, and the fact that it is running away faster and faster everyday (and has no realistic chance of ever being repaid) will sooner or later turn investors away from considering the American dollar a valuable reserve—at which point it will lose its status as the world’s reserve, and investors will stop investing in it.

At this point, the American government will have but two options. It can either declare bankruptcy, or it can print the money it needs to pay its debt. In either case, an enormous crash will result, for in the first case, an astronomical sum of money that the economy had assumed existed will suddenly be wiped away, and in the latter case hyperinflation will set in, and the American dollar will be whittled down to worthless.

At this point, the country will be forced to start over.

Personally I believe Mr. Schiff predictions will come true and he’s one of the reasons I’ll be dropping out of college to prepare for this life-changing event of the dollar crisis.

I’ve studied economics in college for 6 years, yet by far I’ve learned more about economics from just reading Peter Schiff’s books. He has cleared up more liberal thinking fallacies than any economist since Hazlitt, Rothbard, Hayek or Bastiat.

I came across this book just as I finished reading Paul Krugman’s latest offering, End This Depression Now. It is clear that Krugman doesn’t understand what money is and wouldn’t dream of considering that the Federal Reserve is the problem. Luckily for us Schiff does, providing us with simple common sense solutions based on sound economics. The solutions are indeed nasty but the alternative is frightening to imagine.

Protect yourself accordingly.

Christendom Deranged altruism

Either you accept a nigger Pope…

or burn in Hell eternally!

At Gates of Vienna, a fanatic commenter said:

As a Deacon, my number one duty and concern is for the human soul, to which I will post one last question to you: Cardinal Arinze (may God bless him and grant him 100 years) is from Nigeria and was very close to being Pope, were in not for the election of our blessed Pope Benedict. If he were elected would you have let him “govern” you in all spiritual matters?

If you would reject a Cardinal, Pope, Priest or ANY cleric who is orthodox in teaching and in a position of authority simply because you don’t like the color of his skin, then you are an anathema to toe One True and Holy church and may be condemning your immortal soul to the fires of hell.

Once again, I ask if this means anything to you.

Source: here

Free speech / association Wikipedia


Note of 2016 – I’ve now removed the whole content of this post: see first comment below.

Blacks Ethnic cleansing

Ukrainians are pretty cool

Source: here

Ancient Rome Hate Justice / revenge Real men William Pierce

The future is for the bloodthirsty,

not for the alt-righters

Panina said

There are very tangible reasons to stop associating with the “white nationalist” movement:

1) It is dead. Anyone with two eyes, a brain and enough courage can attest this fact. Though disappointing, it is understandable that it has not achieved a single victory in its entire history. What is far more problematic is that it is losing adherents and sympathizers at a steady pace instead of gaining new ones. This is a raw estimation, but I don’t think there are more than 50,000 active and declared WNs in the entire US territory as of now… That’s called a sect, a cult.

2) It is pathetic. Read Stormfront, the world hub of WNism, to understand what I mean. Who wants to associate with those who post there? I’d rather live among Hispanics or Asians than among the lowbrow skinheads, mixed-race “Whites”, Slavs, feminist women and Christian creationists of Stormfront.

3) The term “white nationalism” bothers me because “white” is too vague. I’ve seen enough specimens of white Untermenschen in my life to understand that skin color alone is unfortunately not enough, in times of accelerating dysgenism, to assert the nobility, intelligence and probity of someone.

I like the terms “realism” (since were are, in fine, observers and accepters of scientific truths), “white advocacy”, “pro-white” (which has a double meaning), or “new right”.

I replied…

White nationalism is a term for American whites (I have the impression you live in Europe. Am I wrong? I for one live in Mestizo America). American whites need a nation now that they are becoming a minority.

I don’t believe that the movement is dead. It’s just a tiny embryo that has chances to grow after the dollar crashes.

It has scored zero victories not because the story of the movement or the character flaws of nationalists, but because after the war America reached a period of economic prosperity unparalleled in history, and now that I am studying the history of the decline and fall of Rome it’s clear that people tend to become lazy and even self-destructive in periods of easy panem and free circenses. If we have to blame something, we must blame the increasingly degenerate westerners of the last forty or fifty years.

The movement has no chance to make a real breakthrough unless and until the dollar crashes. After the coming financial armageddon we will experience runaway racial turmoil in western cities and after that continuing crisis, since the race problem cannot be solved until the ethno-state is established in NorthAm and non-whites expelled from Europe. Then the entire world will suffer from the peak-oil, energy devolution crises. The convergence of catastrophes predicted by Faye will become reality for sure. All of this will happen within the lifetimes of some of us, and contrary to Greg Johnson et al’s reactionary, non-revolutionary stance, I look forward to watch, as Pierce put it, “blood flowing ankle-deep in the streets of many of Europe’s great cities.”

Yesterday I listened the two hours of the opening podcast of Carolyn Yeager and Tanstaafl’s new internet radio show. It was good. If I were billionaire I’d purchase Fox News and invite these bloggers for a daily show. The sound of their voices is exactly right during pre-crash America.

But there’s no question that the dollar will collapse. And after the collapse people will be mad as hell. Then, and only then, will bloodthirsty revolutionaries like me have a chance.


A question

One of the things that disappoints me in today’s white nationalist movement is that they are unwilling to pronounce value judgments about homosexuality. When they interview overt homos, just as Robert Stark recently interviewed James O’Meara (who must never be confused with Michael O’Meara), the questions are always respectful, as if Stark believes that the kind of behavior that James promotes is perfectly okay.

Greg Johnson will soon publish James’s book The Homo and the Negro for Counter-Currents (CC).

Johnson also included an essay of James in another book, the compilation of CC essays that has been released today and that contains no essay coming from the pen of the one who, in my opinion, was the best thinker among the writers that Johnson published in 2009-2011: Michael O’Meara.

My question:

Do you think that people like James are an asset to the movement? In Stark’s interview last week James mentioned his “wild boys,” the “heavy metal music” he loves, “drug induced mysticism” and said that all of this is compatible with “Aryan culture.” He also mentioned “androgyny”, “hermaphrodites,” “sexual rituals,” and that “all these are roots of Aryan culture.” James even spoke of “drugs creating Western culture” and that “the great opponent of that is the Jew,” who has hated “the horrible faggotry of paganism.”

(See my formal refutation of these sorts of claims in Gitone’s magic.)

In the comments section I’ve already mentioned James’ blog, Where the Wild Boys Are, with the arresting subtitle “Aryan Futurism, Heavy Metal Entheogenic Mysticism, and Pitiless Hordes of Adolescent Warriors in Rainbow Thongs.” Following next is what I already said at that comments section of my blog, some syntax corrected:

Who are the “warriors in rainbow thongs”? When James linked Johnson’s interview in his blog, he used a pic of a transvestite under the title “Shameless Public Posturing.” I guess James is trying to say that there’s nothing wrong with such posturing.

I consider myself fairly tolerant toward homosexuality. But tolerance is restricted to the homos who live discreet lives and keep their preferences in the privacy of their homes. Overt transvestite behavior crosses the line. And not only transvestism. Consider this:

James’ blog features the below image at the top of his blog (just as I feature the face of Botticelli’s Venus above). Note the blood/semen—whatever—running through the hairy legs, presumably of a male with rainbow butts.

The Wild Boys is a novel about the violent world of homosexual renegade boys. It was authored by William Burroughs, a well-known writer who despite marrying a Jewess he picked up boys in steam baths and moved in a circle of homosexuals and runaways. Something analogous without the overt sexuality can be said about the grotesque cheering that, in the commentariat section of CC, Jef Costello got for his review of Fight Club: another nihilistic novel written by another homosexual.

Am I living in a different cultural world from the one that white nationalists inhabit? Like the monocausalists who cannot see that Christian axiology is involved in the darkest hour of our civilization, nationalists seem to be clueless about the fact that some of them are part of the cultural movement that is driving our civilization straight toward the abyss.

This is the pic advertised in James’ “About Me” section of his blog. Does this look like a white nationalist to you?

Even a child could easily grasp the idea that nationalism means a nation for whites with hetero men enjoying the privilege to woo young females (see the first Max Parrish pic that I advertise in this blog) and found large families: an institution that, in the recent Stark interview, James seems to abhor. Yes: both James and I suffered from abusive Catholic upbringing. But unlike me James doesn’t seem to have come out in one piece after such upbringing (cf. my essay, “A woman chasing after her revenge” to see what do I mean).

Last February I watched a documentary of the Hassidic Jews in New York. Guess what? They forbid among themselves the sort of heavy metal music and “drug induced mysticism” that James so heartily approves; the kind of nihilistic films and novels that are reviewed at CC, and even the internet: the only way to convince all of their women to get married, according to the rabbi interviewed in the documentary.

Hitler and the Nazis saw it clearly too. They forbade non-closet, overt homosexuality and degenerate music. And male bonding among the Teutons was basically heterosexual. They ended up forming families—nothing of the sort found in the novels of outright degenerates like William Burroughs.

Christendom New Testament Old Testament

Gospel Fictions, 5

Below, part of Gospel Fictions’ fifth chapter, “Miracles (II): The Fourth Gospel” by Randel Helms (ellipsis omitted):

The Fourth Gospel presents an understanding of miracles quite different from that in the Synoptics, and even uses a word for miracle—sign (semeion)—which the others explicitly reject. The understanding of “signs” in the Fourth Gospel, indeed the word itself, stems from the Septuagint: Moses “wrought the signs [semeia] before the people. And the people believed” (Ex. 4:30-31 LXX).

Mark 6:5 claims (though Matthew and Luke refuse to repeat the verse) that in cases of weak faith, Jesus “could work no miracle.” Nowhere in John is faith the precondition of miracle. In the Synoptics, faith precedes the miracle; in John, the miracle precedes faith. John’s uneasiness about miracle-engendered faith, blending uncomfortably with the conviction that this was the way Jesus chose to reveal himself, may lie behind the strange fact that there are so few miracles in the Fourth Gospel: seven, compared to twenty in Matthew and twenty-one in Luke. John’s way of accounting for the paucity of his miracle stories is to declare that he has written only a selection of a much larger number available to him:

There were indeed many other signs [semeia] that Jesus performed in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. Those here written have been recorded in order that you may hold the faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this faith you may possess life by his name. (John 20:31-31)

The water made wine in Cana

An examination of the account of Elisha’s providing flour and oil in III Kings LXX reveals some direct verbal sources for the story of Jesus’ miracle at Cana.

One of the most puzzling aspects of this first miracle in the Fourth Gospel is Jesus’ rudeness to his mother: “Woman, what have I to do with you? [Ti emoi kai soi, gunai].” As has been seen before, the statement is here not a historical report but an antitype of Elijah: for the woman (gune) in need of food says to the prophet, “What have I to do with thee? [ti emoi kai soi]” (III [I] Kings 17:18 LXX).

(Archaeologists at modern-day Cana found pieces of stone jars, including the one shown here, that date to the time of Jesus and appear to be the same type of jar mentioned in the water-to-wine story.)

But as it happens, Elijah’s miracle provides flour, not wine. Why the change?

It appears that this miracle story in the Fourth Gospel was not only mediated through the story of Moses, where it picked up the concept of “sign,” before it reached John; it also went through one other transformation, influenced by the mythology of Dionysius. As Bultmann has pointed out:

On the festival day of Dionysus the temple springs at Andros and Teos were supposed every year to yield wine instead of water. In Elis on the eve of the feast, three empty pitchers were put into the temple and in the morning they were full of wine.

In other words the miracle story had an extensive history before it reached the author of the Fourth Gospel. Neither he nor anyone he knew attended a wedding at Cana-in-Galilee at which Jesus provided a hundred and twenty gallons of wine to those who had already drunk so freely they had exhausted the day’s provisions; the story is fiction and has a clearly traceable literary lineage.

Axiology Christendom Deranged altruism Final solution Judeo-reductionism Liberalism

A reply to a comment

Stevieb said…

I agree with all that [Stevieb refers to what I wrote here]. But this is the first time I’ve read your blog, and you come across too arrogant.

Fine—you don’t suffer fools—I get that. But I don’t get this enthusiasm for bashing “monocausalists,” for me they’ll do just fine for now.

Getting out from under the boot of Jewish ideological and political domination is the first step. You’re probably confusing some of the lesser intellects involved in this movement—of whom I would reluctantly include myself—and that can be dangerous, or at least counterproductive, in my opinion.

Having said all that, I’ll read on (no need to post this)…

Chechar said…

No need to post your above comment in this particular page? OK, I will delete it and post it again in a proper thread (if you don’t mind).

For most people “arrogance” is something like what popularly passes as a jerk, but according to my Merriam-Webster’s dictionary arrogance is “a genuine feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing manner or attitude…”

For the record, these are my recent posts about “monocausalism,” a view that now I reject because I doubt we can blame a hundred percent the Jews for the mess in today’s world and place zero percent of blame on ourselves.

But the real crux is that if monocausalists are right, then Alex Linder’s brutal “Let’s exterminate ’em all” makes sense. On the other hand, if Christian universalism is to blame too for our problems, exterminationism is highly problematic not only from the moral viewpoint, but from the strategic viewpoint as well since whites seem to have a loose screw doing big time, Gremlinesque mischiefs on their own.

I agree with you that monocausalists are doing a superb job though. Since Jews cannot be criticized in today’s traitorous culture, it’s good to see that there are people that focus on them and on them alone.

Nonetheless, if there’s something wrong going on in the white psyche sans Jews, if we are really trapped in a device of our own making, the Gremlinesque screw has to be tightened up a bit.

This is why we have to focus on the existing paradigm or Weltanschauung that I call “Secular Christianity” or however you may want to call it (political correctness, ethno-masochism, deranged altruism, genetic communism, cultural Marxism): a set of ideas as rigid and unexamined as anything that a Calvinist could produce.

Nowadays this crystallized psychic structure, that many simply call “liberalism,” is preventing whites from taking the kind of inner action that would allow them to first rebel intellectually, and then revolutionarily.

I may be arrogant, yes, but it’s worth remembering that even Hitler himself, in his intimate table talks of 1941, spoke more against Christian axiology than against Jewish influence.

Christendom Deranged altruism

“Christianity is simply too universalist…”

I think James Whistler makes a good point when he says that “everybody knows” Wall Street is run by Jews, just like “everybody knows” Hollywood is run by Jews.

“Everybody knows” that Bernie Madoff was a Jew. Zero Hedge is a hugely popular forum for the financial industry, and discussions of Jewish fraud is open; attempts to silence discussion of Jews by the usual hand-wringing have not been successful. “Everybody knows” Goldman Sachs is a Jewish company.

The problem seems to be that there is no organized opposition to Jewish power. “White” is far too broad a category, and our traditional religion of Christianity is simply too universalist to serve as a counter “evolutionary strategy” (not to mention how Jewish it is). Of the Forbes 500 richest Americans, at least 60% or more are White, but the only example I can remember of any of them working together, sans Jews, would be Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and that was all personal, and even anti-White in the larger sense.

The implicity-near-explicitly White Republican party eagerly falls to their knees fawning over Jewish power and serves only to tamp down any anti-Jewish sentiment among the conservative rank-and-file, like their predecessors in the John Birch Society.

A while back The Occidental Observer talked a lot about Glenn Beck, who was hugely popular and went right up to the line discussing Jewish power—even going so far as to resurrect the notorious Cleon Skousen—but his fan base just seemed to be too dense to take the hint. The lump-fundies of the Evangelical right basically worship Jews and Israel, and the patriotard right wingers idolize the IDF and want nothing more than to join them in a world-wide counter-jihad against Israel’s enemies.

So it’s not even a lack of awareness, it’s more like Stockholm Syndrome. It’s as if Whites have fallen in love with a Jewess, and want nothing more than to gain her favor, even if it requires giving up their last shred of dignity.

Richard Pierce

Lord of the Rings Quotable quotes Sword

LOTR quote

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.