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Americanism Aryan beauty Michael O'Meara

O’Meara’s handwriting

Currently I only spend a couple of minutes and sometimes only seconds a day while visiting the racialist sites of the Americans. Curious as to what they said on July 4th, considering what I said that day, I listened to a fraction of a Greg Johnson guest on his podcast and the titles of Brad Griffin’s articles (I think from now on I’ll call him on his real name instead of his penname Hunter Wallace).

I was surprised that Greg’s guest talked about the American flag. Perhaps I am wrong, but in the mere fraction I listened to, his ideology was indistinguishable from what you can hear on Fox News, which reaches an audience incomparably larger than these sites of American racialism. Funny, I thought to myself, since Michael O’Meara, the first featured author in 2009 and 2010 when Greg began his career at TOQ Online, was aware, like Yockey, that things were wrong with the founding principles of his country:

Believing herself God’s favorite, this New Zion aspired—as a Promised Land of liberty, equality, fraternity—to jettison Europe’s aesthetic and aristocratic standards for the sake of its religiously-inspired materialism. Hence, the bustling, wealth-accumulating, tradition-opposing character of the American project, which offends every former conception of the Cosmos.

For the source of O’Meara’s quote see: here. Nothing could be further from what we hear today on forums from American racialists than what Yockey and O’Meara saw. I think Ronin is correct in calling names on today’s white nationalists, such as patriotards, not true racists.

If they were the latter, they would want to learn Scandinavian languages or German, repudiate the golden calf, revalue their values and the centre of gravity would revolve around Europe, as we see on this Twitter account that only posts photos of Aryan architecture and beauty. Instead of repudiating their country they make the Jews the primal threat, the easy way out intellectually so as not to see the beam in their own eye.

Jared Taylor seems to exemplify patriotardism. He wrote on July 4 about what his country’s founders had in mind (again, I only read the title, not his article). It is curious that an ad for the book in which O’Meara summarised his views appeared within the essays of The Occidental Observer in 2010. The ad was a pic of another copy of the book that shows O’Meara’s handwriting above, addressing me by my first name.

It is true what Jack F. says of Ronin’s unreadable prose. But a close reading of O’Meara’s essays, which can still be read online (see ‘External links’ here), are much more eloquent than what Ronin or I can say here because, unlike O’Meara, Ronin and I aren’t Americans. It is a pity that Michael O’Meara, who is still alive, is no longer intellectually active.

Americanism Racial right William Pierce

America delenda est

Left, Sebastian E. Ronin’s latest pic on his Facebook page.

To save the white race, the United States, a country based on Christian ethics, must be destroyed. This was not seen by even the best men the US has produced, such as Rockwell and Pierce. Although both have been guiding spirits for this site, I now see that, by making concessions to Christianity in his second novel, where a Christian preacher appears almost as a saving hero, Pierce ‘cucked’ at the CQ.

I’m afraid to say that I was wrong and old Sebas was right. In 2015 I said: ‘The huge difference between Hitler and Pierce, and white nationalists, is that virtually all of them cannot break away from the grip of Christian axiology, atheists included’. Sebastian Ronin responded:

Not from their Amerikan identity, Pierce included (who, like most Murkan WNs, was simply a screeching patriotard beneath the racialist posturing). WN is fail because it has stemmed from the Murkan psyche. Nothing good and decent can stem from the Murkan psyche; it encompasses an ontology that is wretched and rotten. Once this massive blind spot is not only spotted, but accepted, then a realistic Ethno Nationalism may get underway.

By now it should be obvious, more than obvious in fact (just see what’s been going on in there), that the US is the spearhead in the Western project to exterminate the White Man. The obsession of the American white nationalists with the Jew is deciphered when we understand that they see the straw in another’s eye and not the beam in their own.

It is true that before this criticism we can spare Pierce’s Who We Are. But even in his first novel Pierce doesn’t put Christianity on the dock, and also puts American racists as the leaders of The Organization that eventually saves the fair race by exterminating non-whites.

In the real world, an exterminationist Organization that conquers the whole world, as the one that appears in The Turner Diaries, would only be possible if Americans apostatised from Christianity, secular Christianity and transvalued all its values. And as old Sebas said, the chances of that happening are virtually zero, even among so-called American neonazis.


Hitler vs. Hood

In his most recent article on American Renaissance (republished by Occidental Dissent) Gregory Hood tells his fellow Americans:

Different variations of the American flag flew during the Revolution, during the conquest of the West, and during the rise to superpower status. It’s the American flag on the moon. Must we abandon that? My head says “yes,” my heart says “no.”

Hood believes his nation was only recently corrupted. If we imagine a DNA of an alien body-snatched pod of not double, but triple helix, we find that the axes that formed America are Christianity, Capitalism and Enlightenment dogmas (‘We hold these truths to be self-evident…’). If we add Jewish influence in the media, these factors explain the current psychosis Americans are suffering today.

Hood and those who are commenting about his article on Amren and OD have to be more than blind not to see that their country was a freak from the moment of its conception, not that it has been corrupted recently. What Hitler saw about the US in the last century, why can’t American racialists see?

Free speech / association Racial right

The state of the movement

by Greg Johnson

Editor’s note: Johnson published it a couple of days ago on his webzine. I’m republishing it here because it bothers me that Greg uses that essay in his fundraising campaign. We can already imagine what would happen if those donations were sent to racially aware white people who were NS and not WN. Without the fundraiser section within that same article, Greg’s essay is more readable.

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Three readers have asked me to comment on the current state of “the movement.” As Counter-Currents enters our twelfth year, I think it is an appropriate time for such a discussion. In fact, I’ll make it an annual tradition, since I intend to be around for many years to come.

All three readers think the movement is in a malaise. I want to argue that this is not the case. Censorship and deplatforming can slow us down, but they can’t stop us. The Biden administration is dangerous, but it is also a golden opportunity for white identity politics. It is an opportunity in part because it is dangerous.

The first reader fears that social media censorship, particularly on Twitter, has interfered with “productive interactions between different people in the movement.” I don’t think that is true at all.

Twitter has been massively purging Rightist and populist accounts since the beginning of the year. This made Twitter quite boring, so I generally stopped visiting it. Recently, the Counter-Currents account was purged. But I paid so little attention to Twitter that I found out about it on Gab.

Here’s the thing: Losing Twitter and Facebook has not made it impossible for me to keep in touch with others and collaborate with them. Both platforms had some entertainment value. But that was always outweighed by drama, pointless infighting, and constant exposure to obnoxious and repulsive people. I don’t miss any of that. We will win through productive work, not online drama and goofing around. Frankly, some forms of deplatforming are doing us a favor.

The second reader who wrote in is worried that the movement is shrinking because various movement voices have gone silent or disappeared altogether, again due to censorship and deplatforming.

I think this impression is largely based on the reader’s point of view. He’s out in the audience, looking at the stage, and he sees fewer performers up here. Thus he concludes that the movement is shrinking. But the movement is not just the people on the stage, it is also you people out there in the audience. I’m on stage, looking out at the audience, and I can see it growing.

Recently, Frodi Midjord did a poll in his Telegram group. He asked when his followers became “red-pilled,” as we like to put it. Fully 70% became red-pilled after 2013, and 25% became red-pilled since 2018.

That is tremendously encouraging, because 2017 was the beginning of the end for the “Alt Right.” Due to doxing, deplatforming, censorship, legal harassment, and burnout, many leading voices of the Alt Right have gone silent. Others have retreated into inward-facing, cultlike groups. But the Alt Right wasn’t “the movement.” It was just a “brand.” The brand has failed. Some of its standard-bearers have failed. But the broader movement of white identity politics has continued to grow.

The third reader is also worried that censorship and deplatforming are working:

YouTube and Twitter channels with large followings have been banned. When their owners move to other platforms, they retain only a small slice of their former audiences. More alarming, though, is the complete disappearance of some voices. Is the establishment within reach of suppressing our movement and our message altogether?

The short answer is “No.” The system can slow down the spread of our ideas. They can wear down our morale. They can pick off the weak and vulnerable. But they can’t stop our message altogether, for three basic reasons.

First, the only way the system can prevent our ideas from spreading on the Internet is to shut the whole web down, which they can’t do because the system has become dependent upon the web for its own survival. But even if the web went offline tomorrow, we somehow managed without it for most of human history. Its absence did not prevent the rise of Rightist and populist social movements in the past. So we would muddle through.

Second, even if the system silences particular voices, ideas have lives of their own. Bob Whitaker is dead, but now normie Republicans are talking about how anti-racism is a code word for being anti-white. The system can silence me today, but they can’t undo the work that I’ve already done. The White Nationalist Manifesto is already out there. White Identity Politics is already out there. As the Norwegian secret police discovered to their chagrin by arresting me, open persecution just brings more attention to our ideas.

Third, our movement is not the primary cause of the rise of white identity politics. The system itself is driving people to white identity politics. Only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of whites who voted for Donald Trump ever heard of Counter-Currents or American Renaissance. They voted for Trump because they see the results of multiculturalism, globalization, and out-of-control nonwhite immigration.

Now that the Democrats are in control in Washington, they are doubling down on these policies, which will only accelerate the rise of white identity politics. The Biden regime creates more White Nationalists in a day than I have in the last twenty years. The system can shut me up, but they can’t shut themselves up. They can’t control themselves at all. So white identity politics will continue to rise.

Although I am quite confident that our ideas are spreading and our movement is growing, I’d be a fool not to worry about my personal safety and the personal safety of other white advocates. America is now a lawless country in which blacks and Leftists are given full freedom to destroy. The US government is simply ignoring the fact that during the last year, the Left has been responsible for political violence that has cost dozens of lives and inflicted billions in property damage. Instead, they are promoting the idea that the number one threat of political violence comes from racially aware white people like you and me. Many innocent people will be harassed, entrapped, and framed by the system before this is all over.

But it will all be in vain, because our ideas are already out there, and with each passing day, the system provides new evidence that we speak the truth: multiracial societies are cauldrons of hatred and violence. The only solution is a racial divorce.

3-eyed crow William Pierce

The raven’s sight

More than forty years ago, in ‘Why the West Will Go Under’ published on National Vanguard (excerpted: here), William Pierce predicted everything that would happen today. I consider Pierce to be one of the extremely, extremely few three-eyed ravens to use the metaphor I use at the end of my eleven autobiographical books.

Four decades after his very wise words, a few racialists have begun to see glimpses of what Pierce clearly and transparently saw when whites thought that everything was great. The following are three posts from commenters of an article published yesterday on American Renaissance:

Commenter 1: There is no fixing this politically. You need to understand that right now. As I have said numerous times, it will take a Hitleresque type of ruthlessness to save the country and the white race. You want to keep playing fair with these people, then prepare to die.

Jared Taylor who runs that webzine has been trying for decades to play fair (remember that Taylor’s parents were fanatic Christians that moved to Japan to save the heathen).

Commenter 2: What I will never understand is just how many White people in the US, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand support the extermination of the European peoples worldwide.

Has this guy read one of the three articles that we recommend in the comments section of the sticky post, that of Black Pigeon Speaks? (When I finish my review of Game of Thrones I will replace it with a passage from my eleventh book.)

Commenter 3: What if the nation has been sick from the inception and this end is fitting? Do we really want to save this horrid monster? We should not even attempt life support, let the USA die.

They are just beginning to glimpse things that the three-eyed raven had seen thanks to his precognitive abilities…

Yockey, Mason, Wallace

Hunter Wallace, who yesterday posted that thing about the resurrected Jew, whom American racists still adore, today posted:

National Socialists and Fascists – As the history of this blog shows, I have never had any interest in classical fascism or National Socialism. There have been people who have been trying to build a fascist or National Socialist movement in America as far back as the 1930s and they have never had any success with it for a variety reasons. The most important reason is that it is a foreign ideology and American culture has Anglo-Saxon roots. Americans are individualistic and dislike being organized. They don’t have a fascist temperament or even a strong and pervasive sense of ethnic identity. When Americans try to do fascism, they come across less as the historical National Socialists than as Americans.

Very true. But that can only mean that America is a failed culture. Let’s compare it to what James Mason wrote thirty-five years ago:

There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long… And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within [italics in the original]…

This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn’t just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler’s Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people…

We’re talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism… It must be death [emphasis in the original] to an entire strata of the population… and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.

Those words appeared in Volume XV, # 3 of March 1986 of Mason’s collected newsletters. What Wallace and those who comment on Occidental Dissent ignore is that the United States must die, as an entire forest dies after a very great fire, so that the new shoots sprout from the ashes: a new forest that has nothing to do with either Christianity or the US infatuation for Mammon, as Yockey put it in his own transvaluation of American values back to old European values.

America delenda est.

The Founding Cucks

by Adunai

The Founding Fathers were traitors to the European race. Where did they put into law that America would belong to Americans? That non-Whites have no right to immigrate? That slaves should never be given human rights? That miscegenation should be forbidden? That the living space of the inferior races to the south must be taken?

All these points could have been raised by a schoolchild from Hitlerian Germany! Oh wait, your Negro-worshipping Jew-obeying America killed Germany and murdered the last chance of our race. Keep praising the Founding Cucks!

Feminism Michael O'Meara

Lord Snow

‘Lord Snow’ is the third episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It first aired on May 1, 2011. The bad message of this episode begins when Ned Stark discovers, already settled in King’s Landing, that his little daughter Arya has a real weapon.

Ned Stark: ‘This is not a toy. Little ladies shouldn’t play with swords’.

Arya: ‘I wasn’t playing. And I don’t want to be a lady’.

Keeping in mind the medieval literature of my mother tongue, there was nothing like it in Spain despite the fact that its literature flourished with stories of medieval warriors. This dialogue in ‘Lord Snow’ is a pure invention of our time. (I have said elsewhere that the film that started this reversal of roles, that a saving warrior could be a woman, was the 1979 Alien.)

Very kindly Ned tries to reason with his daughter in her room, asking Arya if she remembers the House Stark motto, ‘Winter is coming’. He makes Arya see that she was born in the middle of a long summer (in George R.R. Martin’s universe summers can last for years, and dreaded winters too). Ned wants to show his daughter that she hasn’t yet known the harshness of life.

Contemporary Americans are like Arya in the sense that they haven’t suffered those long winters: the thirty to one hundred years that, according to Revilo Oliver, we must endure to bring about a true psychogenic change. This could even be said of all contemporary Westerners who require a long winter to generate the gravitas to form a new nation. Fortunately, what the Europeans have suffered will soon begin to be suffered by the Americans. On page 131 of Toward the White Republic the American Michael O’Meara said:

Qualitatively more persuasive, though, is Orlov’s claim that the Soviet Union was better situated than the United States to endure and recover from a political-economic breakdown. In his view, Americans see their ‘spendthrift debtor nation’ as a ‘land of free ice cream and perpetual sunshine’. Never having experienced invasion, world war, famine, or bloody dictatorship, it’s hard for them to imagine a future unlike their past. More than Russians, Americans have been severed from their past and redesigned as gratification-oriented consumers whose defining character is materialist rather than ethnic, historical, or cultural. They also lack the psychology of resilience ‘bred’ into the long-suffering Russians. Finally, they are more ideologically deluded by the system’s pretences, just as they are more integrated into its increasingly dysfunctional institutions.

In Winterfell the boy Bran has awakened from his coma. In the novel this is due to the telepathic intervention of Bloodraven, a man fused to a weirwood tree (see the weiwrood trees on the sidebar) who had appeared to the comatose Bran in a dream as a three-eyed raven, thanks to ancient magic on the other side of the Wall.

Old Nan, the caretaker of the now crippled Bran, for the first time in the series talks about the legends about what long time ago had been a winter that lasted a whole generation. (The actress who played Old Nan died before ‘Lord Snow’ was released. The episode is dedicated to her memory in the end credits.) Old Nan speaks to Bran about the White Walkers who had been a scourge to mankind during the long winter, so the Wall was built millennia ago in order to keep them at bay.

On the other side of the kingdom King Robert remembers with the members of his Kingsguard their first killings. The masculine dialogue reminds me, once again, of today’s feminised western men. Who among the so-called defenders of the West on the internet has killed someone? If there is something that distinguishes us from women it is our passion to kill, and without manhood there is neither war nor white republic. (This said, I recognise it’s impossible to kill since WW-II as our governments are anti-white and there are no good wars to fight.)

King Robert recounts that during a war he fell from his horse and a young soldier charged at him, receiving him with a hammer blow that broke all of his ribs. Jaime Lannister and another member of the Kingsguard tell the king who their first victims were.

Having won the Allies we can no longer have this kind of dialogue. And together with tolerating that, the System has even taken women away from us through feminism: a sign of the mental state of the white man. Only if Hitler had won would we be telling ourselves who our first victims were.

And speaking of feminism and would-be warriors, the episode closes precisely with the reversal of sexual roles. Upon learning that Arya doesn’t want to become a lady but rather wants to be a swordsman, Ned hires Syrio Forel to teach her the art of handling her Needle. In the first lesson Forel tells the girl Arya:

‘You are late, boy’.

That, and not the last season that angered the toxic fandom so much, should have triggered the rage of viewers. But whites are bananas. When a man accepts these inversions he is accepting masturbation as a substitute for those women who (like Arya) aren’t going to marry. The betrayal doesn’t come from the woman but from the Aryan male (women only follow the strong, and the strong one today is the anti-white System).

Within the cultural revolution that has been unfolding in the West for a few decades, critics of Game of Thrones have praised Maisie Williams for her portrayal of Arya Stark and her sword lesson scenes. The whites among these ‘critics’ represent the worst scum Western history has produced. But the havoc that the long winter ahead will cause will also wipe out all degeneracy of America’s summer (actually, historically it’s already autumn).

The episode ends with Arya training with Forel and Ned Stark watching them. The scene is paradigmatic of the bad messages of Game of Thrones as Ned was the character considered, by the toxic fandom, as the most honourable man of the 2011-2019 series.

Conservatism Michael O'Meara Racial right Real men

Against white reformists

Editor’s note: The following text by Michael O’Meara originally appeared on Vanguard News Network, September 24, 2007 and Greg Johnson later republished it on Counter-Currents, July 17, 2012. It also appears in O’Meara’s book Toward the White Republic.

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‘Je crois à la Révolution dans la mesure où je ne crois ni à la durée ni à la valeur de la Société qui m’entoure’. —Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (pic left)

Almost as depressing as the thought of our people’s extinction is that of the white opposition to it.

It’s not just that this opposition is minuscule in number, confined to the internet, has a negative rather than a positive understanding of what needs to be done, lacks consensus as to its common aim, and attracts a great many asocial, dysfunctional types incapable of sustaining any sort of nationalist resistance.

Worse, it seems at times not even to know the enemy. Whether racial conservatives endeavouring to stem the rising tide of colour and get back to the high ground of pre-1965 America or white nationalists ‘who are not revolutionaries, but paleoconservatives who don’t want to change the system, but to make it work for them’, the white opposition fixates on media (i.e., the internet), on consciousness raising, and on political policies aimed at reforming a system that is inherently anti-white.

Worse still, its Sisyphean activities are engaged in the belief that the old white America, dedicated to money-making and happiness, can be won back and is worth winning, that this can be done through ideas, in the form of media-conveyed information, exposés, and arguments, and through existing institutional channels, like the courts and the electoral system.

If only it were that simple.

Our people face extinction not because the Jews or the liberals monopolise the media, force feed us anti-white ideas, control the leading institutions, and wield all the power and influence. This is a big part of it, to be sure, but to see things solely—or principally—in these terms is to overlook the last two or three centuries of Western history.

The threat to white existence is profound, rooted in the civilisational, ontological, and spiritual disorders undergirding the Judaification presently pervading our daily lives.

When Yuri Slezkine boasts that the modern age is the Jewish age, he gets to the heart of this in a way few white nationalists ever do. Based on the Levantine behaviour of ‘rule breakers, border crossers, and go-betweens’, the entire course of the modern Jewish age works, in effect, toward our collective de-Aryanization.

Since its advent, with the liberal-democratic revolutions of the late 18th century, the Modern West, unlike its Medieval and Ancient counterparts, has shed all sense of tradition, transcendence, and fidelity; it violates the natural order of things; it pursues a purely practical, economic course geared to the lowest order of existence; it can’t see the higher points of reference; and it replaces the rights of blood and heritage with false creeds and material acquisitions.

Whether the modernisation spurred by the liberal-democratic revolutions was inherently Judaifying or not (the anti-Semitic tradition is divided on the question) is irrelevant to the fact that Judaification and modernisation—what Kevin MacDonald calls ‘the rise of Jewish power and the disestablishment of the specifically European nature of the US’—happened in tandem, being obverse expressions of the same historical phenomenon.

With the advent of modernity’s Judaification, the Aryan spirit that gave form to our race at the dawn of history and accompanied it through every subsequent stage of its Greco-Roman, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and European growth was exiled from the world.

Our people face extinction, it follows, because the entire structure of Western life—culture, civilisation, economy, whatever you want to call it—betrays the defining essence of their being.

What is to be done?

The development of alternative media, consciousness raising, various local activities to defend white existence must, to start, give no credence to the reformist snare that the system can be made receptive to white interests. This illusion is the greatest treason. For it is the system itself, communicating vessel of the Jews’ lunar spirit, that de-Aryanizes us, contaminates our blood, and seeks our destruction. It is the enemy. It cannot be reformed, only abandoned—if we are to live. All talk of working through it is but Utopian chatter, better left to sheenies, darkies, and schoolteachers.

The notion that racialists follow the left’s Gramscian ‘march through the institutions’ is equally unserious. Covington’s Northwest Volunteer Army is a hundred times more realistic than the thought of re-establishing the integrity of white life through elections or an expanded media.

Of necessity, our course must be Aryan, not American. The old America may have been racially conscious, but in a typically liberal way, privileging the lower functions of production and reproduction—which fated it to become ‘capitalist, cosmopolitan, and anti-national’. Its racialism was thus not the blood consciousness native to the warriors who sired our race, just as its upper world of wheeling-dealing money men, bought politicians, and leading families is but the respectable verso of its criminal underworld—alien to traditional Aryan standards of hierarchy, form, virility, transcendence, authority, and sovereignty.

As for the white masses—whose vegetative existence is lived unconscious of the higher forces governing them and oriented to the materialist and family concerns of the lower orders—they’ll never be moved by ideas and principles openly challenging the existing order. Only a social crisis set off by some cataclysm that makes their normal way of life impossible will cause them to look for alternatives. And at that point, what matters most will not be ideas and principles, but men and organisations whose exemplary stature instils in them the confidence for decisive action.

What need, then, have we for more education, more programs, more market strategies, more media, more time in the Gay Old Party to make the existing anti-white system work for us? Any self-respecting white man who wants to know what’s going on or what to do doesn’t have far to search. All the answers are already there, waiting for the taking.

In any case, the increasingly totalitarian character of contemporary liberalism, not to mention the plantation of a hundred million muds on our soil, makes the entertainment of such reform an exercise in folly.

The white race will be reborn, then, not by electing Congressmen, hiring lobbyists, and participating in a system that seeks its destruction, but by returning to its original self—and to the challenge of creating a new elite, a revolutionary vanguard morally and organisationally armed to stand against the Jewish age—so that when the foul system supporting it collapses in decay, there will be someone around to fight for our fair share of the spoils.

It’s in this way that the nobles of blood and spirit are born and come to rule.

All the ancient Aryan civilisations arose, in fact, from ‘a race of conquerors who overcame lands and peoples on the basis of a higher calling and qualification’—a higher calling and qualification modelled on the Aryan Doctrine of Battle and Victory. Hierarchy, order, courage, and a solar universality came, as a result, to inform white life.

If our people are to restore European America (in the Pacific Northwest or elsewhere), it will be in the Aryan way, through a return to the ancient practices that formed us in the beginning and made us who we are. It will not come about through a process dependent on all that is the root of our present humiliation.


‘Hypocritical scum that they are’

Editor’s Note: I republished Paul Craig Roberts’ article yesterday and what Robert Morgan wrote about it today is worth quoting:

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘… no important institution in America any longer believes in the liberties and protections guaranteed by the US Constitution or in democracy itself. Not the universities, the bar associations, the media, the courts, the political parties or the Congress’.

But, more importantly, neither do the people. If the Bill of Rights were put up for a referendum today, would it pass?

Would the American people vote to allow ‘freedom of association’, i.e., their own freedom to be as racist as they please in hiring or firing? To set up racially segregated communities, no matter how inequitable? To say or publish anything they want, even if it’s hate speech, no matter how inflammatory? Freedom to try to subvert the American empire by setting faction against faction? I can’t honestly say that I think it would. In fact, I doubt the people, being the lying, hypocritical scum that they are, have ever paid more than lip service to the Bill of Rights; and their cultural representatives, the elites, are only acting on this popular contempt.

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘How did [this anti-white Revolution] come about? It came about because decades of liberal assaults in the name of one ‘progressive cause’ or another destroyed the structure of beliefs that define the United States. Today we can see with our own eyes, if we open them, that there is no longer any such thing as academic freedom, free speech, freedom of association, privacy, due process. People are fired from their jobs and sentenced to economic peril for merely expressing their opinions or attending the wrong rally or using disapproved pronouns’.

But it must be noted that these limits are most often enforced not by the government, but by the people themselves against each other. Big Tech censorship is done by private companies. Boycotts of offending companies who employ politically incorrect people are organised by private citizens in order to get them fired. Thus the people keep themselves in line, spouting platitudes about race being only skin colour, and how racism is immoral.

These are the logical consequences of the Christian belief system upon which the country was founded, as expressed in the writings of Christian theologian John Locke. So there has been no Revolution, only a working out of these consequences. Your right to discriminate on the basis of race, or to utter ‘hate speech’, is limited because in a Christian culture, such acts can be condemned as immoral. But it would be incorrect to think that without Christianity, these rights would automatically be taken seriously. Without the moral justification Christianity provides, ‘the people’, hypocrites that they are, would merely have to find another excuse. But that’s easy enough. How about sedition?

In fact, one would have to go all the way back to at least the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 to find the beginnings of the abandonment of the principles expressed in the Bill of Rights. Certainly there’s been a long tradition of disregarding these high-sounding principles whenever it became convenient.

Lincoln disregarded them during the Civil War when he suspended habeas corpus, smashed printing presses, and jailed his opponents. That the people themselves approved of this was shown by his election and then reelection. During WWI and WWII worries about sedition limited free speech, and during WWII justified the internment of Japanese, German, and Italian citizens. Similar worries about terrorism, drive similar restrictions today.

All empires must strive for power against enemies both foreign and domestic, and so all emperors, including Joe ‘Razor Wire’ Biden, must call for unity. That they will attempt to use the law to enforce it and once again disregard the Bill of Rights isn’t anything new; it’s not a Revolution. The New Boss is the same as the Old Boss. The People have built their own prison, and will defend their incarceration in it with patriotic fervour.