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Mind control of NPCs

A nation dies when its youth are taught to hate their own history, heritage and culture.

This is a postscript to my post yesterday, ‘Fog of War’. Young westerners who are going to fight in Ukraine aren’t only been taught to hate their native nation, but to quixotically love their neighbours in foreign nations. The volunteers who went to Ukraine and died a couple of days ago believing in fantastic propaganda like ‘I hope I see the Ghost of Kiev’ are becoming… ghosts! (note that I’m spelling ‘Kiev’ in Oldspeak, not Newspeak).

Watch this testimony of a volunteer soldier after the bombing at the military base outside of Lviv. He says he’s nearly pushed into combat in Kiev with next-to-no equipment, and told he would be shot if he doesn’t fight the Russians.

The level of mind control generated by the MSM and social media engines never ceases to amaze me. Only catastrophes like seeing dozens of your Reddit Rambo comrades blown to bits result in a survivor coming to his senses, after a hallucinating hangover. Click on the small image to understand how profoundly non-player characters (a meme used by the racial right) have been brainwashed.

Mainstream media War!

Fog of war

We live amid a generation of Westerners unable to understand the difference between Hollywood movies and real life. Degenerate whites really believe that female warriors can ‘kick asses’ like in Game of Thrones!

The reality is infinitely more brutal…

Although I don’t quite understand the language of one of the mercenaries who went to fight in Ukraine, on a Tweeter clip yesterday I heard the confession of a Brazilian fighter: that the whole foreign legion was wiped out by the bombing of the military base in Lviv, near the Polish border.

The clip I did understand perfectly well was the TV report on a Spanish channel. The surviving ‘legionnaire’, a guy from Barcelona, said that probably ‘200 angels’—other legionnaires—who were in one of the barracks that was attacked are now in heaven. He literally said that (in Spanish)…

Imagine flying halfway around the world to a region you don’t understand—a conflict you don’t want to understand—, to kill people you’ve been propagandised to hate. And then getting a brutal reality check: the Russian military are not like the Taliban, Al Qaeda or ISIS!

It’s amazing how much of the West and even Ukraine are denying what happened yesterday (Andrew Anglin does report it on The Daily Stormer). Is it true that, except for the testimony of a survivor that I heard on a TV channel from Spain (or a more PC clip on the subject by Al Jazeera), for Fox and CNN the elimination of these idiots didn’t happen at all? I have no way of corroborating this because, with the exception of Tucker Carlson, I no longer watch cable TV.

And what about Jared Taylor’s forum? A commenter on Occidental Dissent said something yesterday that I haven’t bothered to corroborate: ‘I think the wave of censorship has even reached AmRen which is censoring pro-Russian comments’.


A realist voice

John Mearsheimer’s Ukraine-Russia War 2022 analysis has some technical flaws in the recording. But it is worth listening to. Westerners nowadays are all crazy, suffering from moral panics in the past years like the BLM riots, the hysterical psychosis about Covid, and now the folie en mass in favour of Ukraine. But this American represents the voice of a gentleman from another era.

Currency crash Eastern Orthodox Church Vladimir Putin War!

Good Christians

The apoplectic left is choking on their own saliva—including Fox News (they’ve always been phoney traditionalists)—because Putin has defecated on American superbia (‘Nobody invades countries but me…’). Here’s another quotable quote by Nick Fuentes: ‘I for one am glad that Putin is standing up to Washington DC. Fuck the State Department, fuck the Pentagon, and fuck NATO!’ (see again our previous link from Fuentes here).

Someone with far more media audience than Fuentes in Eastern Europe, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, has endorsed Putin’s vision on Ukraine. According to him, ‘the West essentially organises genocide campaigns against countries that refuse to stage gay parades’. Unlike these good Christians, neither normies nor most white nationalists are getting the historical significance of the Ukraine war.

If Putin wins it’ll be the biggest setback for the anti-white project we’ve suffered since the defeat of Nazi Germany. With the Russian-Chinese alliance (one flaunting the atomic missiles if the anti-white West wants to attack, and the other the economic muscle), the interregnum that started in 1945 will be over and the dream of Fukuyama, winning using ‘soft totalitarianism’, will evaporate like morning dew in the sun.

And soon the petrodollar will evaporate as well…

1st World War Michael O'Meara Stefan Zweig War!

Mass formation!

‘The West has developed a toxic brew of essentially anti-civilization mind viruses, which have acquired cultural hegemony, and which all outside cultures & polities would be very well-advised to firewall themselves from’. —Anatoly Karlin

Lately I have seen the term ‘mass formation’ used to describe what, in my vocabulary, I call folie en mass or madness shared by all westerners.

And madness it is, indeed. Fox News’ Sean Hannity ready to start World War III? A seizure of Russian sovereign assets with no precedent in post-war history? US Senator Lindsey Graham calling for President Putin’s assassination? A Russian store in Germany vandalised? Restaurants in Prague that say Russian citizens have to apologise before being allowed to enter? Russians out of chess tournaments just for being Russian? I mean: if globalists can steal a yacht of a Russian oligarch with no due process, they can easily steal your home and your savings account (cf. Trudeau’s Canada). The cause of all this has been explained by Raiden today on Twitter (to whom I sent the link to the masthead on this site):

Culture is a shared intellectual software that helps people navigate through life. If the software is good—if one is operating from correct first principles—he will find a solidity and constancy to his ideas, continually adding to and refining them.

The problem with the Western mind is this to some extent has been the issue with our civilization as a whole, ever since the traumatic destruction of classical antiquity, in which we were sundered from our spiritual traditions.

Because of the above tweet I sent him the masthead.

Today westerners are spiritual orphans.

They lack intellectual and spiritual solidity, and thus wander from ideology to ideology.

From Christianity to Marxism to anti-white woke ideology. And just as Fox News when push comes to shove is no better than CNN, in racialist forums something similar is happening.

Today for example I deleted my Sunday post, linking to a Pat Buchanan article on The Occidental Observer, and put in its place my mantra post about the word racism. The reason is that, while I had liked Buchanan’s first piece on the Observer, in his article today in the same webzine, ‘Is Putin Considering Using Nukes on NATO?’, the patriotard has joined the mass formation by saying that NATO should secure the independence of Ukraine, effect the removal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory and that Finland and Sweden should be invited into NATO (today Fox News’ Jesse Watters just said something similar). Even Richard Spencer recently said that, as a good patriot[ard] he is, he’s siding his country and NATO.

I still believe what I said in ‘Putin’s show’: that since the US is the spearhead in the war against the Aryan, anything that weakens it should be welcome. That doesn’t mean that I’ve suddenly rejected everything I’ve written on this site about Solzhenitsyn, but that this war has broken the US monopoly on who gets to do the violence in the international arena. If the gringos no longer have that monopoly, and that is why they are all hysterical (including Hannity and Buchanan), thanks to Putin’s war there is a better chance that they will wake up and we may save the Aryan DNA that still exists in America.

The only racialist blogger who has good preservation instincts these days is Andrew Anglin, who in his post today said that Russia now has a quarter of Ukraine under control and that this is a lot faster than the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When will Americans understand the obvious? To save Aryan DNA north of the Rio Grande you need to hate your state. If your race is your nation, the state is the enemy of your nation: the original stock that founded your country. Or haven’t you read American Michael O’Meara’s 2004 article about why the US has been the greatest threat to the white race?

In times of mass psychosis, the healthiest thing to do is to cancel your cable news subscription, never use your cellphone (I bought one just because the bank needed a cellphone number, but I always have it turned off in a drawer and don’t have any plan or contract with the company that sold me it), and read a printed book that sheds light on what mass formations have been.

(Holding the copy of The World of Yesterday that I read when I lived in Houston, Texas.) I would suggest reading Stefan Zweig’s The World of Yesterday about the days before the First World War. It describes how all Europeans began to beat the war drums with no idea about what was going to happen…

If the visitor to this site has a warm room where he can enjoy traditional literature, he might be able to insulate himself against the mind software—a massive formation—Anatoly Karlin and Raiden were talking about that is literally driving all Westerners mad through TV, the internet, mobile phones and woke friends and relatives.

Mainstream media Vladimir Putin War!

The US censors info like China does

by Andrew Anglin

‘If Kiev falls in the next week or two and the Russians can withdraw in victory, Putin will be remembered as the greatest statesman of the Post-War era’.


I should note: information is getting more and more difficult to get, and I might have to break down and join Telegram. The US is serious about blocking any information that they disagree with, and even these small Russian accounts that I’ve been following to get the scoops are getting the clamp down…

The world is continuing to censor RT, as they are posting detailed information of Ukrainian war crimes—which the Western media takes the footage of and blames on Russia…

The Western media is lying worse than they’ve ever lied about anything. You almost feel like Anthony Fauci is running the Fox/CNN coverage of the war.

The attempts to block any real information are very extreme. Very extreme. I don’t expect that in a couple of days, very many of the above tweets will be visible. They are going to start just blocking absolutely everything, because the narrative they are forming is so ridiculous and nonsensical that they can’t allow any form of real information through.

I think Telegram will probably be the last place to get information, so I will sign up there if I have to. But at some point, it has to be said—everything that I report here has to be taken with a grain of salt, because of the nature of the situation.

But as always, I will do my best.


Read it all: here.


Why Russia is invading Ukraine


Anon on Putin’s war

Re: “It is complex and that it is really none of our business and we should stay out of it”:

Sounds just like something Tucker Carlson would say.

But the truth is not complex at all. It is very plain and simple. And it is our business because it is our war that we have been fighting (by proxy) against Russia for many years. Until now Russia has been too weak and destabilized by us—actually almost destroyed by us in the 1990s—to really fight back.

To say that “we should stay out of it” is extremely misleading, because we are in it, and we have been in it.

It was our war from the very beginning. It is we (the “people” or population of the homeland of the Anglo-Zionist global Empire) who nurtured and stoked the anti-Russian hate in Galicia, with our taxpayer-funded propaganda machine at least since the 1980s.

We are the ones who originally (since the 1990s) trained and supplied, and continue to spend billions of our tax dollars to supply and support these gangs of drug-addicted psychopathic anti-Russian terrorists (the so-called “Ukrainian patriot” militias) who are persecuting and killing the Great Russian people who constitute the majority of the population of so-called “Ukraine,” who speak Russian as their first or only language, and write and read Cyrillic and belong to the Russian Orthodox Church.

It is also our business because we (the Anglo-Zionist global Empire) did the Maidan colour revolution and coup d’etat, and we engineered the latest puppet presidency (Zelensky).

Everyone who dies in this hot stage of our long war is blood on our hands. Everything that is destroyed is our fault. We have already spent many billions to create this hell. Now we must pay many billions more in reparations to rebuild Russia.

We owe it because we live safe, secure, and content in the belly of the Beast. We give our consent so we are responsible and we must pay for whatever the Beast does. So we can’t “stay out of it,” because we are in it, and we can’t slip out of it now (get out for free).

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Editor’s note: The above was posted today in the comments section of the American racialist forum Occidental Dissent. My take on Putin’s war can be read in my yesterday’s post, ‘Only Kalki saves’.

Exterminationism Kalki Racial right Vladimir Putin War! William Pierce

Only Kalki saves

In the previous post today, Savitri said something central to understanding our abysmal differences with the American movement called white nationalism:

Only Kalki, the last of the avatars of Vishnu, or by whatever name men who are attached to the various expressions of the one Tradition like to call him, is assured of success in a battle against the tide of Time. And this success will then be total, consisting of nothing less than that absolute reversal of values that characterises the end of one world and the birth of an unknown and long unthinkable world. Accompanied by unprecedented destruction, it will signify the end of the present cycle: the end of the Dark Age, from which nothing good could come; the end of this cursed humanity, and the Appearance of conditions of life and means of expression similar to those of every Golden Age.

One way of showing this abysmal difference can be heard in the solo podcast that Greg Johnson uploaded today on his webzine along with other articles on the war in Ukraine. As a good neochristian, i.e., a secular man who unconsciously subscribes Christian ethics, Johnson is concerned about the welfare, suffering and fate of Ukrainians. Compare it with my recent quotable quote: ‘They predicted the end of History after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic’. In the original piece by Guillaume Faye about the return of History, he proceeds: ‘The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires’.

Although we don’t like Putin, Mexico is like Ukraine to the United States and, from this point of view, Mexico isn’t really a free country but a codependent country. The situation with Ukraine and NATO would be like Mexico entering into a formal alliance with Russia or China. It would swiftly produce pretty much the same response from the US as Putin’s war in Ukraine. The MSM has gone hysterical throughout the entire West because they can’t see something so obvious (China and India support Putin’s war and also Iran and Syria).

Cable television—including all Fox News programs excepting Tucker—, and now Facebook and Twitter, are nothing but US state propaganda. In 1999 I was living in Manchester when Russia passively watched as Bill Clinton dismembered and bombed Serbia, a nation under the protection of Russia, while the Anglo-American media, oh hypocrites, sided Clinton and Tony Blair.

But again: as a priest of the same religion of Savitri, I dislike what Putin represents, and perhaps the best way to explain this would be to criticise the American racist who came closest to Kalki’s spirit: William Pierce. In his essay ‘What The Turner Diaries is all about’ Pierce said:

And as I said earlier, it’s not a plan or a blueprint. The details—the bombings and assassinations, the nuclear war and its aftermath—are all fiction. But the struggle for dominance between the two sets of values portrayed in the book is not fiction. That’s real. And it is in this regard that Earl Turner’s Organization is the model for the National Alliance.

Problem is that Earl Turner’s Organisation was revolutionary and the National Alliance is only reactionary. Did Pierce cuck years after he wrote his great novel?

On this site I have been using the metaphor of crossing the psychological Rubicon in the sense of transvaluing all Christian values to pre-Christian values; that is, repudiating the entire Christian history of the West. But the magnet exerted by Christian ethics is such that even the great Pierce took steps back when he was reaching the end of the other shore; for example, by breaking away from an American Nazi Party and forming an organisation of his own (as we saw in instalment 8 of the history of American National Socialism).

But the late Pierce is not a contemporary influence on American racialism. Johnson’s pity for Ukrainians can only be understood as part of the Christian ethical injunctions in secularised form shared by almost all whites today: normies, racialists and neo-Nazis alike. Unlike Pierce’s paragraph above and Johnson’s podcast today, a priest of holy words longs for precisely that nuclear war and its aftermath that would destroy, once and for all, all reminiscence of Gospel ethics among whites.

Only Kalki saves, and it is a splendid irony that I will soon receive the book Savitri was talking about in my other post today, published by Greg Johnson’s press.

Currency crash Lord of the Rings Racial right Richard Wagner Rudolf Hess Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 80

It is impossible to say to what extent the Thüle Gesellschaft [a German occultist and Völkisch group] was in possession of this priceless heritage, coming from the depths of the ages. Certainly some of its members were—Dietrich Eckart, Rudolf Hess, and the Führer himself had it. One of the traits of the initiate would be the ability to feign anger, madness, imbecility, or any other human state whenever he deemed it appropriate for his purposes. The Führer forced himself, as he said,[1] to ‘appear tough’.

And his all-too-famous fits of rage—the existence of which the enemy pounced on with delight, as if they were a source of ridicule, exploitable ad infinitum—were, according to Rauschning, ‘carefully premeditated’ and ‘intended to disconcert those around him and force them to capitulate’.[2] Hermann Rauschning, who at the time of writing his book hated his former master, had no reason to destroy, as he does, with the stroke of a pen, the legend that aimed to discredit him in the eyes of more than one well-meaning man. Or rather, if he had a reason, it could only be, despite everything, a remnant of intellectual honesty.

As for Rudolf Hess, the comedy of ‘amnesia’ that he played so masterfully at the Nuremberg trial has fooled the most experienced psychiatrists. And the ‘normal’, sometimes even playful, tone of his letters to his wife and son[3]—tone that disconcerts the reader, in a man who was captive for more than thirty years—would be enough to prove his superhumanity. Only an initiate can write, after three decades in a cell, in the light-hearted and detached manner of a husband and father on holiday from his family for three weeks.

The Führer apparently outgrew his masters in the Thule Society (or elsewhere), and escaped the influence that some of them—one will never be clear which ones—would have wanted to have on him. He had to do it, being sovereign, being one of the visages of the One Who Returns.

And if, suddenly, the war took a wrong turn; if, to say the least, the point of no return was Stalingrad, which according to some, was the very site of the ancient Asgard, the fortress of the Germanic Gods, it is undoubtedly because, for some hidden reason, it had to be so. And hadn’t the young Adolf Hitler had that revelation under the night sky, on the summit of Freienberg, at the gates of his beloved city of Linz, at the age of sixteen?

The immediate material cause, or rather the occasion of the fatal turn, must have been not a strategic error on the part of the Führer—it is acknowledged that he never made a mistake in this area—but some sudden and unfortunate stiffening in his attitude towards the adversary. Siegfried, the superman, once showed pride of the same magnitude by refusing, so as not to appear to give in to the threat, and therefore to fear, to return to the Daughters of the Rhine the Ring which was theirs by right.

This gesture would have saved Asgard and the gods. The hero’s refusal precipitated its downfall. The new Siegfried, undoubtedly, also not to appear ‘weak’, although no challenge had been thrown at him, refused to exploit, as he certainly could, the goodwill of these people of Ukraine—anti-communists, aspiring to their autonomy—who had initially received his soldiers as liberators.

(March in Ukraine, historical; SS-Volunteer Division.) Did he do so knowingly, realising that the loss of the war, inscribed in the stars from all eternity, was a necessary catastrophe for Germany and the entire Aryan world, which only the trial by fire could one day purify? Only the gods know. The speed with which Germany, in the first years after the war, took the bait of material prosperity without any ideals, shows how much, despite the enthusiasm of the great National Socialist rallies, it was only incompletely freed from its comfortable humanitarian moralism, and only superficially armed against the Jewish influence, both ‘political’ and profound—that is, in the field of values.

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Editor’s note: This is central.

A few years ago, I used to say that the primary cause of the Aryan decline was that they succumbed to the One Ring, obviously referring to Wagner’s magnum opus, his Tetralogy (see for example: here).

And last year, when I promised myself that I would learn German and started to study it hard, I gave up when I discovered, just by reading the German grammar book I was reading, that the Germans betrayed themselves horrendously after the Second World War. What is the point of learning the language of the Nazis if German speakers are now anti-Nazis?

On this site I have been saying some very harsh things about the Americans. But however flawed their patriotic racialism may be (like what I recently said about Jared Taylor), they at least represent a firm step over the psychological Rubicon in the sense that American white nationalists are no longer in Normieland. They just need to finish crossing it, and The West’s Darkest Hour provides the stepping stones to do so.

What have the Germans done after their Fuhrer lost the war? The traitors donned one of the surrogate rings of the One Ring and have now become wraiths of what they were! I have already said it but it bears repeating:

In Tolkien’s universe, the Ringwraiths, the nine fallen kings or black riders, became the dreaded ring-servants of the Dark Lord Sauron. These Ringwraiths are Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the other Nordic countries, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. All of these wimp countries of the American Empire consider the anti-white wars that occurred in the 1860s and the 1940s to be good.

The fiat currencies of the Ringwraiths are pegged to the dollar. When the One Ring is destroyed—when the US dollar crashes—, like Sauron, the kings of these reigns will also lose their power. Mordor’s power comes from the One Ring, from the privilege that its banknotes have become the world’s reserve currency. Since the ring will fall into the Mount Doom lavas in the not-too-distant future, such a milestone will mark the beginning of the fall not only of Mordor, but of the nine Ringwraiths.

If after such a catastrophe the Aryan race manages to survive, it is not clear which Indo-European language will be adopted by the survivors.


[1] Rauschning, Hitler m’a dit, page 34.

[2] Ibid., page 84

[3] Frau Ilse Hess published two collections of letters of her captive husband: London, Nuremberg, Spandau and Prisoner of Peace.