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SJW: an offshoot of Christianity

Editor’s note:Last month I mentionedthat the medieval monk Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) tried to create a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality. Fra Dolcino used thugs against the rich and fat bishops in his social justice war. Yesterday I posted ‘Lincoln refutes monocausalism’, where I quoted Robert Morgan’s […]

Quotable quotes

Two sentences…

of the previous post merit reciting: A people that has returned to its blood and soil, and that has realised the danger of international Jewry, can no longer tolerate a religion which makes the Scriptures of the Jews the basis of its Gospel. And: And, to the extent he accepts Christianity, a European accepts the […]


How ‘Game of Thrones’ can be used

Further to Robert Hampton’s ‘Woke Christianity’ which reminded me of my ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’. After Game of Thrones (GoT) betrayed the fans’ expectations with a girl killing the Night King, as we saw on this site the last Sundays, tonight we watched the great spectacle of an irrelevant war of the two […]

Deranged altruism

Woke Christianity (excerpts)

by Robert Hampton “I think the problem is white evangelicals don’t see Jesus in immigrants, refugees, people of color, and demeaned women,” she once tweeted. She claimed the downtrodden of today would one day lead Christianity: “The folks you’re shutting out of the church today will be leading it tomorrow. That’s the way the Spirit […]

Racial right

WNsts’ reluctance to change their OS

Editor’s note: Many times I have compared Christianity with a malware installed in the white psyche. Most American white nationalists, even young revolutionaries like John Earnest, have been so infected with this malware that it is impossible, for the moment, to have an honest discussion about the sacrosanct religion of our parents. Otherwise, this site […]

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

On the One Ring (1 of 2)

by Evropa Soberana It is not gold all that shines. The ‘indefinite progress’ is an idea of illuminist origin, which was born in the Near East with the same civilisation and theoretical-rational legitimacy as it was sought during the French enlightenment of the 18th century. It is based on the notion that human beings come […]

Julian (novel)

Julian, 60

The palace at Milan is a large rambling building. Originally it was a military governor’s rather modest headquarters. In the last century when Rome ceased to be a practical centre for the West, the palace was enlarged to become an imperial residence. Because of the German tribes, the emperors had to be close to the […]

Arthur de Gobineau Arthur Schopenhauer Aryan beauty Evropa Soberana (webzine) Final solution Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 1

Editor’s note:Left, a drawing by Wolfgang Willrich, ‘This is what the German soldier is fighting for’. ‘We cannot forget the predilection that the Hellenes felt for this colour [blond]: they could not conceive their noblest deities in another form’ wrote Joseph Arthur de Gobineau 165 years ago in a quote reproduced below. You can imagine what […]

Axiology Catholic Church Catholic religious orders Deranged altruism Name of the Rose (novel) New Testament Sexual "liberation" St Francis

On empowering birds feeding on corpses

‘Christian ethics was like a time bomb ticking away in Europe, a Trojan horse waiting for its season’. —William L. Pierce ‘1945 was the year of the total inversion of Aryan values into Christian values’. —Joseph Walsh The articles of The Occidental Observer are academic. But Tobias Langdon’s article yesterday on how the left has begun to devour […]

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Beauty George Lincoln Rockwell Indo-European heritage Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Nazism Lite

For the 14 words the humanities are more important than the sciences. Greece and Rome were able to flourish thanks to a deep contact with their religion, history, art, language and architecture. The scientific method as we know it now would only begin until the 17th century. Our treacherous era prioritises hard sciences and technology […]