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Catholic Church Catholic religious orders Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Merovingian dynasty

Christianity’s criminal history, 130

– For the context of these translations click here –   CHAPTER 3 THE SONS OF CLOVIS ‘The successors of the first great Frankish king also protected the Church and the worship; monasticism developed… The remnants of paganism were fought with increasing energy’. —H. H. Anton   The division of the kingdom The kingdom of […]

Autobiography Hojas Susurrantes (book) Pseudoscience Psychiatry Psychoanalysis

Nobody wanted to listen, 6

A humanitarian analyst Once again, I will be told that I chose the wrong people: that the Escobars were unfortunate cases and that in the world there are professionals capable of understanding a tragedy for what it is, a tragedy and call a spade a spade. Let’s now see what happened to me with the […]

Civil war Kevin MacDonald

On recent Morgan comments

R. Dolan: ‘Robert… Kevin Macdonald called Christianity our only cohesive group strategy, and he surely has a good 30 IQ points on you… as well as three massive tomes, forty years of intense study, a journal, and an exceptional website’. Dr. Robert Morgan: Sure, if Kevin MacDonald says something, then it must be true! LOL. […]

Destruction of Germanic paganism

On ‘Prince Valiant’

With regard to Vol. IV of Christianity’s Criminal History that deals with the Christian destruction of Germanic paganism, back in 1970 I used to see the illustrations of Prince Valiant that appeared in the newspaper on Sundays, translated from English into Spanish. At that time I was a child and knew nothing of the catastrophe […]

Carolingian dynasty Catholic Church Catholic religious orders Destruction of Germanic paganism Franks Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Merovingian dynasty

Christianity’s criminal history, 128

– For the context of these translations see here –   VOLUME IV, CHAPTER 1 THE CHRISTIANISATION OF THE GERMANS ‘The introduction of Christianity among the Germans was the most precious gift from heaven’. —Pastoral letter from the German episcopate, June 7, 1934   The spread of Christianity in the West At the end of […]

Carolingian dynasty Catholic Church Charlemagne Constantinople Destruction of Germanic paganism Eastern Orthodox Church Franks Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Merovingian dynasty

Christianity’s Criminal History, 126

For the context of this translation see the previous instalment of this series. Volume 4. Early Middle Ages From King Clovis (ca. 500) to the death of Charles ‘the Great’ (814) ‘For a long time Christ had already taken a look at the Germanic peoples… A new spring dawned on the sky of the Church’. […]

Ancient Greece Christian art Homer Iliad (epic book) Indo-European heritage


A few decades ago I heard non-Christian Octavio Paz (1914-1998) assert on television that Dante was the quintessential poet of the West. Something rebelled in me when I listened to Paz, my then hero of the Cervantes language, but only until now can I answer such an aberration. Like many other intellectuals, historians, and writers, […]

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Mauricio (commenter)

Daybreak’s preface

The other book I compiled, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, collects essays by other authors. The vast majority of the essays that I collect here are mine. I put them in the chronological order in which I published them from the past decade to the current year and wrote them with English as my second […]

Catholic Church Charlemagne Christian art Constantinople Destruction of Greco-Roman world Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Friedrich Nietzsche Goths Individualism Judea v. Rome Karlheinz Deschner Kevin MacDonald Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Martin Luther Miscegenation Old Testament Painting Portugal Racial right Reconquista Reformation Richard Carrier Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics

Update of September 16, 2020: This essay has been edited for inclusion in my book Daybreak. I would suggest reading the much-corrected text instead of the text below (see ‘Two essential books’, which contains a link to the Daybreak PDF).   ______ 卐 ______   Kevin MacDonald’s Preface to Giles Corey’s The Sword of Christ […]

Day of Wrath (book) Racial right

Creatures of Dad’s introject

Many times I have said that, in sharp contrast to National Socialism, white nationalism is charlatanism and recent cases exemplify it. Everything has to do with what in this site (and in my books in Spanish) I call a state of mental slavery due to the introjects that our parents and society implanted in our […]