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Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Constantine Heinrich Himmler Hitler's Religion (book) Richard Weikart Sexual "liberation"

Some reflections

I would like to say something about the seventh chapter of Hitler’s Religion; not just what I quoted here, but the entire chapter. My reading of this book continues to confirm my premise: The most influential NS men, and those who inspired them, were just one step away from reaching the other side of the […]

PDF backup

WDH – pdf 435

THIS is the last PDF I’m uploading to this new incarnation of WDH, thanks to a comment from Concerned Lurker who informed me that someone had been saving, also in PDFs, some of the content of my site. As I don’t know how to crunch PDFs in half in Photoshop, above I linked a PDF […]

Hitler's Religion (book) Richard Weikart

Weikart’s book

Last year a commenter called to my attention a passage from Hitler’s Religion by Richard Weikart: Worse yet, he [Hitler] actually threatened to obliterate Christianity later in the second volume. After calling Christianity fanatically intolerant for destroying other religions, Hitler explained that Nazism would have to be just as intolerant to supplant Christianity: A philosophy […]

Protestantism Racial right

TOO, OD and CC on Xtianity

Regarding what I was saying a couple of days ago about an exchange of mine in The Occidental Observer, it is curious that when I criticise Christianity, some racialists resort to smearing me rather than answering my arguments. On another racialist forum, Occidental Dissent, a commenter who some time ago said I was right about […]

David Irving

The Führer’s monologues (vi)

A detailed discussion of the content of Hitler’s monologues can be dispensed with in this context given the extensive recent Hitler research. However, even in the context of a brief sketch, references to facts that belong to the secured state of knowledge cannot be avoided. First and foremost, Hitler bears witness to himself in his […]

Abortion Racial right

Byzantine discussions

about Roe v. Wade In the Spanish language, the expression Byzantine discussion means a useless discussion in which each side can never succeed in proving its assertions to the opposing side. It is equivalent to the expression ‘discussing the sex of angels’, as this was the subject that the Byzantines were discussing in a serious […]

Aryan beauty Racial right

Beautiful eyes!

It might seem excessive what I did yesterday: using the Führertag as an opportunity to continue badmouthing the white nationalists. But paraphrasing a Ukrainian who used to comment here, the problem with Christian nationalists is that they entertain illusions that their suicidal cuckoldry will get rewarded in an afterlife by a certain crucified Galilean! Just […]

Abraham Lincoln American civil war

Superbia at Unz’s

How the racial right has blinded itself in the US to what is happening doesn’t stop surprising me. Here we see the latest responses from Robert Morgan in a discussion thread about a recent article by Gregory Hood at The Unz Review: Gregory Hood: Media power determines what is politically possible. Politicians dare not move […]

2nd World War Americanism Degenerate art Democracy Evil Film Francis Parker Yockey Holocaust Mainstream media Philosophy of history Sexual "liberation" Who We Are (book)

Yockey on the United States

Editor’s note: The following is my abridgement of Francis Parker Yockey’s chapter on his country, the United States, from Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics. I recently speculated that William Pierce didn’t include a chapter on the US in his history of the white race because he didn’t want to put it in a […]

Michael O'Meara Vladimir Putin

Putin vs. Murka

by Michael O’Meara Editor’s note: In yesterday’s post I mentioned Michael O’Meara. While it is true what I said about his Christian sympathies, as can be seen in the article below, this piece by O’Mearea from nearly a decade ago is surprisingly topical, and helps us understand what is going on these turbulent days. Originally […]