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Real men

The day Covington died

by Chris White

The second blot [pagan Mass] I attended was on the following month in July [of 2018]. I had returned from Seattle only the previous week, where Harold Covington must have unexpectedly died only yards away from me. [1]

I therefore honoured Covington’s memory during the remembrance ritual and then in conversations after the ceremony, and did my best to let the other male participants aware of The Base’s existence and how they could get involved with it.

By the time I returned a couple of hours later I found no reply. The following day when I met up with Norman Spear at around 6pm at a greasy diner close to Bremerton docks I had still not received any reply and neither had Norman, despite having obtained a cell phone number purporting to be Covington’s personal line.

I have therefore deduced that Covington must have died between late morning and around 2pm on Tuesday July 17th Pacific Time.

Although I was keen to meet Harold Covington I was actually there to meet Norman Spear and to see The Homeland (just one of the many regions of the Western World which the Balk-Right has designated as a likely venue for hosting a White Ethno-State post collapse).

During the meeting we discussed Norman’s project, ‘The Base’. A location in the United States which offers legal paramilitary CQB (close quarter combat), and tactical firearms training, aimed specifically at young White Nationalist and National Socialist men.

If you the reader are interested to know more about this project then you can find The Base’s Twitter page here.


[1] The reason why I believe this to be so is because after Covington’s death was announced, Andy Donner let me know that the last email communication they had received from him was late morning on the 17th. I had been corresponding with Covington the previous evening as late as midnight and my ferry from Seattle arrived in Bremerton at approximately 1pm. I sent an email to Covington at around 1:50pm and went for a walk to survey Bremerton.

Racial right Real men

WN and I are two

That the white nationalists and I live in parallel universes can be seen in today’s commentaries on the visit of Witch Theresa May to the African country that is ethnically cleansing whites from its soil. I just saw a few seconds of this Ramzpaul video on the subject but I won’t see everything. A year ago I wrote:

The South African government had six atomic bombs. If the South Africans had nuked Washington, in addition to New York (which would dispatch quite a few non-gentiles) and Hollywood (thus destroying the Jewish virus factories for the Aryan mind), together with Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (which would have emboldened the surrounding Muslims to re-conquer Israel)—with the surplus bomb being retained for London, Paris, or Moscow—South Africa would have been destroyed by the Evil Empire, but at least it would have died with honour.

In addition to Ramzpaul, other white nationalists and people of the Alt-Right are commenting today on the Witch’s visit to South Africa. Well: I would bet that nobody says, not even remotely, what I wrote a year ago and also through the spoken word in one of the podcasts.

Pierce saw it clearly in The Turner Diaries: if a fraction of the atomic weaponry falls into the hands of revolutionaries, it must be used immediately, even if it is a move of enormous risk.

Nobody thinks like Pierce today! They prefer to follow the loving ethics of humanity, so full of flowers, inspired by Christianity. Next month Greg Johnson publishes his book White Nationalist Manifesto and I’m sure he will continue to say that racists should continue to use porcelain guns instead of fighting.

Yesterday I saw part of this video by Jean-François Gariépy (known simply as JFG in YouTube) about whether the future of the white race will be great or will be extinguished. As far as I watched, at no time was armed struggle discussed as the royal path out of the death trap in which the white man has fallen.

I live, as I said, in a universe parallel to that of white nationalists, folks of the Alt-Right or Alt-Lite vloggers (JFG, for example, is a libertarian). For me it is more than obvious that whoever wants to save his race must convert himself into an army: an army of a single soldier!

That’s why I can no longer tolerate more than a few seconds in sites or videos of WN / Alt-Right. Their lack of martial spirit, and lack of desire to annihilate the Enemy even if that leads to their own death, make me sick.

Civil war Racial right Real men


‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.

—John F. Kennedy

This month will be one year after the event in Charlottesville, which incidentally happened on my birthday: an ambush on the white nationalists of the United States in which the government of the state of Virginia colluded with the antifa and the media. If there is one thing that emerges from that day, it is that the System has decided to make a peaceful revolution impossible. They were able to violate their own laws and decree a state of emergency in order to sabotage the right of peaceful assembly of those protesting against the government’s decision to remove a Confederate statue.
With the hindsight of a year later it should be increasingly obvious that the System itself is telling us that there is no other way but violent revolution. I have spoken with Norman Spear and Joseph Walsh about this matter via Skype. Although I disagree with Spear that the federal government of the USA would never allow, in my opinion, a Neo-Nazi state as Covington dreamed in the Northwest, his Twitter account is a treasure trove of FAQs on how to make a Revolution.
Using chess terms I would say that I disagree with Spear’s ultimate strategy. In my humble opinion, the strategy should be to checkmate Uncle Sam à la Turner Diaries. But we completely agree on tactics about what guerrilla fighters should start learning right now.

Justice / revenge Real men

A single man can make a difference

Now that I have decided to reproduce on the weekdays Siege articles, published decades ago, the question arises as to why, since then, none of that has been translated into real action.
The answer is clear: modern life turned each and every white male into cretins: a process that even Nietzsche glimpsed in the 19th century as we saw today on the other entry. Modernity, or the ‘One Ring’ to use the metaphor of this site, is responsible. That’s why I believe that the most relevant issues for Aryan preservation are both the pitiful state of the economy in the US (watch the first four videos of Mike Maloney’s course: here), and the studies on Peak Oil (watch Chris Martenson’s chapter: here).
I really believe that these two catastrophes, currency crash and energy devolution, will occur in this century, resulting in a true apocalypse.
My advice to those young white nationalists who doubt that these catastrophes will occur: Forget my predictions if you want but (1) watch the movie Twelve Monkeys and (2) make a career in biology with a specialty in virology. Follow the advice of James Mason in the previous entry as to go unnoticed while infiltrating the System.
Hollywood reverses the roles of hero and villain. The hero, of course, is he who destroys the System.

Judeo-reductionism Real men

Are monos to blame?

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in the Jude’s eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

What I said in the previous entry has left me so upset this morning that I have been going around and around in the dining room outside my library that can barely be seen in this photo.
At this time members of my family went to the christening of one of my white cousins who, instead of getting married and reproducing as God intended, adapted a completely Indian baby. The father of that cousin, whiter than me, is one of the most conservatives of the family. But here conservative Catholicism is completely blind to issues of race.
Latin America is gone, but in my desperate pacing in the dining room for what happens in England, I thought that the monocausalists were, in part, responsible for the problem, including a regular commenter of this site (see here), who cannot even see that all the native English who are now cheering the ape wedding are guilty of high treason.
I would define strict monocausalism as the doctrine that preaches on the Internet that Jews are one hundred percent responsible for the Aryan decline, and the latter completely innocent.
It’s a psychotic doctrine, which can only end up in lots of internet sites (see my recent entry that links them all) whining and whining about the latest villainy the Juden did—not daring to move a finger to settle accounts.
On the other hand, for bicausalists like me, who blame the Aryan more for their sins (having embraced the Christian ethics and worshiping Mammon), rather than whining as girls, the natural thing would be to do something. And if direct action is a little premature this very day, as we are broke, at least prepare for war in a legal way. (For example, working hard to save precious metals that will give us more than a thousand percent of purchasing power after the dollar crashes; money to buy guns.)
But the monos don’t do any of that. They just bawl and bawl. By believing that the Jews are responsible for each and every one of our evils, instead of seeing the beam in their own eyes, they just bawl through the length and breadth of the internet because these poor whites are completely innocent!
I’ll be honest: I can no longer read The Daily Stormer and other online newspapers because, after a few months, complaining without doing anything sickens the hell out of me. There are things that cannot be discussed on the internet. Wouldn’t it be good to come together to a place to discuss what we are going to do when the system pops? Why don’t you visit Mexico City as tourists: here there’s is zero antifa because all Iberian whites that remain are castrated. They’re like my cuck relative. What’s the point of continuing to complain if you do nothing?
If white nationalists abandoned their monocausalism to convert to the true religion, Hitlerism, what happened in England and many other places would not hurt us so much. It is obvious that our enemies are going to suffer, and suffer a lot in the not too distant future.
That would boost our morale…

Audios Civil war Real men

Anyone interested?

Listen to this YouTube audio involving Andrew Anglin and Mike Enoch. In my humble opinion these guys are dead wrong. I know nothing about the AWD group they mention but I wonder if Anglin or Enoch have read The Turner Diaries or even The Brigade or Siege?
I believe that in this age of treason ‘black hats’ should coexist with ‘white hats’ even if the two sides never, ever meet each other for obvious security reasons. Incidentally, by having this site on the open internet I’m obviously a ‘white hat’. But I’d never condemn people like Breivik or Roof.
I wish I could speak fluent English but I can’t. Anyone interested to debate this kind of anti-black-hat guys in the WDH Radio Show within the limits of the Brandenburg v. Ohio ?

Real men

A commenter responds to Greg

in a Counter-Currents thread: here

All was going well with this analysis until: ‘…likening White Nationalism to the worst forms of totalitarianism: Stalin, Hitler’.
Everything mentioned in the six points related in this article are imperative points laid out in National Socialism—and put into practice in NS Germany. National Socialism is only a ‘worst form of totalitarianism’ for those who really don’t want those aforementioned points put into practice.
The continuous defamation of National Socialist Germany—as well as its determined leader, Adolf Hitler—by people who claim to want an ‘ethnostate’ is precisely why there never will be another for a long time to come.
This kind of slander aimed at the last true bastion of Aryan independence just demonstrates the ridiculously naive and weak-kneed will of the soldiers-of-the-pen.
These sorts of theoretical discussions about what needs to be done to save the White Race always end with a sort of ‘this is what needs to be done, but we have to do it carefully’ (read: ‘let’s not rock the boat’).
National Socialism rocked the boat and the people praised the men who did so. Theories and discussion are for lesser men—action to duty and indomitable will are for the conquerors who still possess that noble and great European spirit which is the only thing that will save our people.
Turning your backs on the brave and noble people of National Socialist Germany because you don’t want to offend lesser men is indicative of a spineless will that will never achieve the goal.
You people are a disgrace. I’m just so sick and tired of this panty-wasted ‘nationalism’ theorizing. There is already a blueprint left to us. There is already a tried and true form of an ‘ethnostate’ which was very real and present in modern history. All the questions are already answered. What is needed is the spine and the will to go forward. But I’m afraid that this necessity is all but gone for western man.
Simply pathetic.

Ancient Rome Emperor Julian Evropa Soberana (webzine) Judea v. Rome Real men

Apocalypse for whites • XXXII

by Evropa Soberana


“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Julian, addressing the Christians

The Emperor Julian as the last flick of the tail of Rome
While Europe is in this lamentable state, and all hope seems lost, there is a last representative figure of the ancestral tradition: the Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus (331-363), whom Christians will call Julian the Apostate, for having rejected Christianity (in which he was educated) and advocated a return to the past.
Julian restored the old ways in 361, organized religious practices to oppose the Christian Church, and proclaimed benevolence towards the Hellenists. In 362, he ordered to destroy the tomb of Jesus in Samaria.
Julian was a philosopher, ascetic, artist, Neo-Platonist, Stoic, strategist, man of letters, mystic and soldier. In wars, he always accompanied his legions, suffering the same privations and calamities as a foot infantry soldier. It is said that this emperor had a vision in dreams before his death: The imperial eagle of Rome (solar symbol of Jupiter) leaves Rome and flies towards the East, where he takes refuge in the highest mountains in the world. After sleeping for two millennia, he wakes up and returns to the West with a sacred symbol between his legs, and is acclaimed by the people of the empire.
In 363, in full campaign against the empire of the Emperor Shapur II, Julian is killed by a stabbing in the back by a Christian infiltrated in his ranks.
The last emperor who was an adept of classical culture was also the man who, trying to avoid the end, envisioned a new beginning. It belongs to that mysterious list of great men born too late or too soon.
After this last announcement of future resurrection, Rome is already eaten up, rotten, cursed. It has gone from a coarse, forceful, natural and Spartan spirit to a decadent, cosmopolitan, promiscuous, pseudo-sophisticated and complacent world with slaves—and from there to the Christian creed. Now nothing will save Rome from the final, galloping decay.

Emperor Julian (331-363). From now on, we will see how
the statues of the Roman emperors gradually degenerate.

Justice / revenge Quotable quotes Real men

SIEGE quote

‘Best of all is the fact that Franklin supposedly has been killing mixed couples… the rotten Whites right along with the Blacks. Bravo!’

SIEGE, page 275

Feminism Miscegenation Real men Women

Unsweetened pill

Recently, in one of his typical videos, Millennial Woes reacted to the subject of admitting women in the movement. He has a point: the presence of female vloggers sweetens the redpill, there’s no question about that. But he goes farther and chastises those who want a boys-only club. Right after the hour Woes said: ‘We have to mature and develop beyond the male insecurity and paranoia that clearly is in abundance in our movement, in our community…’
Like many in the Alt-Right movement Woes is an ahistorical simpleton. He completely ignores that, say, women occupied prominent positions at the beginning of the Church. Hitler called Christianity the Bolshevism of the Ancient World, and we can imagine the female SJWs of the Early Church fighting for the inclusion of those nonwhites marginalised in the provinces of the Roman Empire.
I have not ended my translations of the series Apocalypse for whites, let alone the huge Kriminalgeschichte. For the moment a picture is worth a thousand words:
These are the type of mudbloods and sandniggers that composed the first Christians. The image is taken from funerary portraits of faithful resemblance to Greek-speaking people residing in Egypt. (The portraits survived thanks to the dryness of the Egyptian climate.) Although it is impossible to say who these men or women were, all were early Christians according to the book where I scanned the image.
Female vloggers sweeten the redpill, yes. But ultimately, and pace feminised western males like Woes, what we will need are natural-born killers. Women have their place in the movement lecturing other women. But only men ought to lecture men. If Alt-Right women are lecturing men that only means that the latter are avoiding a real fight in the real world. Moreover, women usually lack the IQ to see why the info provided by the authors of Apocalypse for whites and Kriminalgeschichte (think of the above pic) is so relevant for the survival of the race.
Yes: the women that Woes defends score much higher in YouTube hits than Woes himself. And Woes scores much higher than this humble WordPress blog of yours truly. But sooner of later men will have to make a choice: remain feminised like Woes or, awakened with the unsweetened redpill, fight to the death.