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Eugenics Heinrich Himmler Racial right Schutzstaffel (SS) Third Reich

Lebensraum, 3

‘Blessed be every mother of good blood’
was the motto on Lebensborn’s insignia.

National Socialist courses

Mothers of children who bore healthy children were normally allowed to keep them, but had to follow certain rules and, in exchange for taking care of their physical well-being, Lebensborn controlled them ideologically. While there, the women had to attend indoctrination courses three times a week where propaganda films were shown to them; they read episodes of Mein Kampf, heard radio talks and sang war songs.

The staff was instructed to closely monitor the women and report on their behaviour in daily life, their bravery (or lack thereof) during childbirth, and the opinions they expressed on Hitler and National Socialism. To do this, each was given a book with the inscription RF—corresponding to the Reichsführer—which, after their stay there, was sent to Himmler and used to decide whether to use a Lebensborn home again. Himmler ran the homes in a very personal way, with all kinds of guidelines. One of his favourite subjects was diet, on which he had very strong opinions.

The Reichsführer regularly visited homes to follow the evolution of mothers and children. He was so interested that children born on his birthday, October 7, automatically became his godchildren. Each received a mug engraved with his name and that of the Reich leader. Then the homes sent him reports on the development of the creature. In one of them, Himmler could read that Ingemar Kurt, born on October 7, 1937 ‘is developing well and is a strong and healthy boy’. Gerlinde, born the same day two years later, had contracted severe pneumonia but was already recovered. ‘Gerlinde has overcome her serious illness and is a happy girl’, the message read.

Before the children left home, they went through the rite of baptism, which served as an oath of allegiance to Hitler and the SS. At a table covered with a swastika flag and a bust or a photo of Hitler, mothers promised to educate children to be good citizens of the Reich. Then they handed the baby over to an SS officer, who gave him or her a kind of blessing.

The words changed from one home to another, but the content was the same: ‘We believe in the god of all things. And in the mission of our German blood, which is rejuvenated on German soil. We believe in race, the carrier of blood. And in the Führer, chosen for us by god’. Then the officer held a dagger over the child and read the words with which he was initiated in the SS: ‘We will welcome you into our community as a member of our body. You will grow up under our protection and you must give honour to your name, pride to your brotherhood and glory to your inexhaustible race’.

Just compare this National Socialist Credo with the old Nicene-Constantine Creed and how American white nationalists baptise their kids in front of the Semitic idol!

The stupidity of humans is unlimited…

Currency crash Racial right

More on women’s club

That white nationalism is a women’s club is noted in the latest American Renaissance article from the pen of a very prolific American racialist.

The article begins speculating what whites can do in these times that are becoming increasingly darker for the white race, but at no point does it speak of destroying the American government as the only way out. I recently reread the passages in which heroic freedom fighters killed Uncle Sam in The Turner Diaries, and I am sorry that contemporary racialists religiously obey the Christian prohibition against hate, but instead to be meek as lambs. That the Gregory Hood article was also reposted on Occidental Dissent speaks for itself.

I am increasingly disgusted by American white nationalism, American race realism, the American alt-right, and the racialist southern nationalism of some Americans.

Today I also gave a cursory glance to the latest Counter-Currents articles, a webzine as feminised as the ones mentioned above. I noticed that one of its articles is now advertising Bitcoin, which is just air. The author tells the lie that Bitcoin has a store value. I would reply that it has as much store value as paying huge amounts of money during the tulip mania of the Dutch Golden Age. Mark my words, because in our lifetimes we will see how the Bitcoin bubble bursts.

3-eyed crow Judea v. Rome Racial right Real men

Men’s club

Today I read two other articles from Siege, ‘The Numbers Game’ and ‘Twilight of the Idiots’. In the first Mason mentions the four phases that Rockwell envisioned to seize power in the United States, as well as Tommasi’s secret: that all talk, all discussion, was counter-revolutionary; the situation has been talked to death and racialists still go on talking! In other words, what matters is action.

So true, but after Charlottesville it has become increasingly clear that the System won’t allow the slightest action, even if it is perfectly legal, on the part of whites (although it does allow illegal actions as long as they come from BLM or Antifa).

Even so, if there is something that is breathed in these Siege articles it is that a few decades ago the American movement was a club for men, unlike what today we call white nationalism: a club for women. However, upon reviewing the history of the men’s club in Siege, with the benefit of hindsight the three-eyed raven sees things quite differently.

Today I received the second edition of Hellstorm, published this year by Money Tree Publishing and accompanied by Kyle Hunt’s DVD documentary based on Goodrich’s book. Incidentally, I will soon begin to reproduce the translated chapters of a book by a German author who touches on the same subject: Bleeding Germany Dry.

I confess that before the elections I had fantasised about reducing this site to its bare minimum, posting only two articles per month: one from Bleeding Germany Dry and the other from Christianity’s Criminal History.

Seeing the past of ‘Westeros’, the hidden past that most Aryans are unaware of, is what provides the cognitive power to change the paradigm. What happened with the hostile takeover of Europe by a Semitic-inspired cult, as well as the greatest crime in history (the Hellstorm Holocaust), should awaken the Aryan male. Rockwell, Tommasi and Mason never had this retrocognitive vision. None of them knew, especially, what happened in the first centuries of Christendom. None had the ‘third eye’ to see the past or lived entwined with the weirwood.

But it’s not just the past. One of the things I liked about the television adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire is that, the one who inherited the title and powers of the three-eyed crow, couldn’t see the future with the clarity that he could see the past, though even with this limitation isolated glimpses of the future came to him: like the shadow of the dragon that briefly flew over King’s Landing. Similarly, some prophets have glimpsed what is going to happen to the US—Westeros’ King’s Landing!—dollar, as we saw in the video that I embedded at the end of my previous post.

What I want to get to is that those who belonged to the men’s club lacked the powers to see the past and the future (of course: those who now belong to the women’s club also lack such power). They weren’t able, for example, to realise that to change the paradigm it was first necessary to see how the Night King was formed, who now only wants the extinction of the white race. Being aware of this implies an accurate knowledge of the history of Christianity told from the racial point of view. In the English-speaking world, this was not attempted until almost three years ago. On December 4, 2017 I began to translate into English an essay by a Spaniard entitled ‘Roma contra Judea; Judea contra Roma’, which is now the central essay of The West’s Darkest Hour.

Seeing the past is absolutely essential, as well as having at least some fleeting glimpses of the future. It is true that the women’s club that is white nationalism isn’t going anywhere. But the men’s club neither got anywhere! They lacked the insight of the crow who authored that essay. This is why the subtitle of this site now reads ‘metapolitics: not time for armed struggle yet!’

Before killing the Night King we must know what exactly we are dealing with. He is not Jewry but Christianity and its bastard son, secularised Christian ethics. Remember what I said yesterday in the comments section, that I rephrase today:

By the ‘Judeo-Christian’ problem I mean that there is white agency, not only Jewish subversion. For example, Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent willingly gives himself up to evil by subscribing to Lutheranism. You can choose: apostasy from the Jewish infection but he chooses evil. Likewise, Greg Johnson indulges in evil by subscribing to secularised Christian ethics. (See, for example, his manifesto and his neochristian distinction between ‘Old Right’—men’s club—and ‘New Right’—his women’s club.) Johnson is perfectly aware of the Jewish Question but still obeys, in secularised form, the commands of the New Testament: the Night King.

The fact that Griffin, Johnson, and many, many others in our movement are still entangled in the Semitic tail, shows, in my view, that whites are not helpless victims of Jewry, but active agents in their own destruction. Just see my last essay in Daybreak about Kevin MacDonald (free PDF linked on the sidebar).

In other words: If even the racialist right, which is perfectly aware of the Jewish Problem, maintains ethno-suicidal vestiges, that can only mean that there is something beyond Jewish Question: what I call the Christian Question, the Night King.

Currency crash James Mason Racial right

Siege, 52

Editor’s note: The phrases
within the brackets are mine:

El Stupido

The worst critics of the Armed Struggle are inside the [white nationalist] Movement. If you want to be told how “not to do it”, just consult the “Phony Fuhrers” [e.g., Greg Johnson’s pacifism]. For some very good reasons do they fear and reject the concept of the Armed Struggle. It is because you can be a damned, total fool in the Mass Strategy and still live [in Mason’s time: yes. But now Biden wants to criminalise free speech as ‘hate speech’]. You cannot be thus in the Armed Struggle. You can be a complete incompetent and an abject failure in the Mass Strategy and yet still live to formulate clever and complicated reasons to hide or justify your failure. You can get away with being a faker and a blowhard within the Mass Strategy and no one can tell you apart from those who may be sincere. You can eke out a “living” as a Mass Strategy mail-order fraud [analogous to the ‘found-rising campaigns’ we constantly see in Counter-Currents] but the Armed Struggle holds no reward unless made a total success. It is therefore a decidedly uninviting climate for the fakers and the kooks [like the kooks who use goat and devil symbols, e.g., those who fell into the honey-trap called ‘The Base’!].

I’ve always said that the Mass Strategy could have been made to work under the proper leadership, such as provided by Commander Rockwell, but the sad and sorry types we see today are incapable of anything except amplifying and expounding upon the intricacies of insanity. They can’t even do what they claim to be doing and so no wonder they have no understanding of the Armed Struggle.

Those stupid idiots who, when thinking in terms of the Mass Idea, envision marching columns decked out in German uniforms would naturally also think of a stereo-typed, Hollywood-style “urban guerrilla” scenario in regard to the Armed Struggle. One is as stupid and impossible as the other except that the former will only get you laughed at while the latter one will get you killed. They are constitutionally incapable of getting their minds away from stale, sterile and programmed, obsolete ideas. If this isn’t the description of a professional loser then I don’t know what is.

If there is one kernel, one basic thread that can be used to sum up the NSLF line of thought, it must be: to go for the possible and forget the impossible. The types I’ve just referred to are also unable to recognize or differentiate between these two things. One has to maintain and strive to increase his grip over reality in order to be able to see and to know what is obvious and therefore where the appropriate course is. At this point we are dictated to by circumstances and have no real choices [except meta-politics: read The Fair Race linked on the sidebar!]. The situation is clear. Those who shrink from reality and go off in search of the unreal give away much about themselves.

The situation that is clear is that the deadlock must be broken by any means necessary. The “Phony Fuhrers”, true to form, have it “bass ackwards” when they blurt: “Everything for Power!” In fact there can be no power other than Big Brother’s power as long as Big Brother lives [Uncle Sam and the other western governments] and functions. If we’ve learned anything in twenty years, we have learned that! The revolutionary call is “Death to Big Brother!”, and until that time the only “power” exerted by our side will come from nowhere else but heroes like Fred Cowan, Joseph Franklin, the Men of Greensboro, the .22 Killer of Buffalo, etc. In many, if not most of the cases, the sacrifice is an expensive one. But it means action and only action gains results. The rest is hot air [presently all white nationalism is hot air. Currently there are not even revolutionary intellectuals!]. Let’em come right out and state that this most vicious and animal-level struggle can be won without sacrifices!

Big Brother’s power must be broken by any means necessary. One great man added to that, “by any means we can find or invent”. The key word is “invent”. The stupid ones will always take it to mean something “classic”, something that’s “been tried”, in other words something Big Brother has long ago predicted that may well be tried and therefore is perfectly ready, willing and able to deal with. Another great man has said, “No sense makes sense”, in dealing with the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Big Brother System. Big Brother may be watching but is Big Brother comprehending?

[No, he’s not. Uncle Sam is so stupid that under Biden he’ll crash his cherished dollar!]

Vol. X, #4 – April, 1981

Exterminationism James Mason Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Siege, 51

When as it happens

Tricky, introverted and myopic “comparisons” between the sick U.S. and Western societies of today, and the “sick” Weimar society of Germany in the 1920’s have been some of the favorite stand-by’s of the Right Wing in this country since the end of the War. Clearly, something isn’t exactly jelling.

Revolutionaries can see and know the realities of both situations and can’t be kidded, nor do they kid themselves. They haven’t got the patience. The question that remains is whether a revolutionary movement will arise from out of the older, more reactionary movement that we have known, or whether it will arise literally from out of nowhere, from among those who have had no experience with the tired and dreary old ways of the past. Perhaps what follows will provide some of the answer.

Between living in the past—be it either Reconstruction South or Weimar Germany—and harping on a “Jewish Conspiracy”, the traditional Movement has no other leg to stand on, ideologically or strategically. What’s been happening, and what’s still happening as a result, has been the creation of a magnetic force attracting kooks and cranks; producing something that is, and appears for all the world to be ridiculous; thus making sure that no solid and worthwhile types will be recruited or stay for very long; and winds up by scapegoating its failures rather than engaging in serious and intelligent re-evaluation of its overview and position.

Latching onto the past as a profession begs for the System and the media to heap all their many smears and epithets onto us; is an open invitation for the System to pass and enforce such things as “Genocide Treaties”, etc.; and because it pretends to work within the System to change the System, it leaves room for doubt about those vast numbers of “System-entrenched” Whites and opens the way for Movement people to write “Dear Mr. President” letters and tell their members to “write their Congressmen” and to frantically urge “America” to “wake up!”. In reality it’s a dead-end street.

One thing we all received in our years with the old Movement was a thorough education on the Jewish Question. It’s all quite true. There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long. The fact is that what happened to our people and our culture would probably have happened anyway. Maybe not so soon, maybe not so drastically. But it would have happened.

Going back to the close of the Renaissance period, the Jews never could have gotten their foot in the door of Western Civilization unless something had not already been amiss in the basic structure and outlook of things. One can point an accusing finger at “democracy” as being responsible for aliens entering into our affairs, but never forget that “democracy” in practice, in law, is a most recent development and only came about after the Jews and their allies got the upper hand in government matters. When the Jews made their entrance upon the scene, they were allowed in by the very leaders themselves—the kings and emperors, the upper classes. For who else had the power and decision-making ability to control this back then, before “democracy”?

The Jews are aiders and abetters in this. They are specialists when it comes to alien corruption and they are certainly reaping their share of the profits from it all. And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within [italics in the original].

Blame? The cause and the well-spring for all of this can be located but it would be a mistake to seek merely to place a blame. It’s been going on for too long now, it is too deeply entrenched in today’s lives to try to isolate things and individuals. But if we were to identify where it all comes from, what sustains it, and who profits most from it at the expense of the race itself, then where else and who else could we look to other than the ruling, upper classes of society? Those that let the Jews in in the first place, those that took them to their bosom, those that always set the newest “trends” for perversion and degeneracy, those that get richer while we get poorer, those who in their vilest, foulest depths of anti-life numbness find their final kicks in drugs and consorting with racial aliens. And with their government in one hand and their Hollywood in the other, seek to reduce the rest of the population to their own level of decadence. I might add that their success in this isn’t far enough away from completion to merit any discussion of just “how far”.

The final word, the last comparison between here and now and there and then with regard to repeating Hitler’s miracle in Germany would involve a statement made by Albert Speer in later years as he sought to further acquit himself, further glorify himself, and further condemn Hitler in his highly lucrative written and televised accounts of life in the Third Reich. Speer said, quite correctly, that the reason Hitler’s rise in Germany was so fast and so certain was because the very BEST in German society were behind him. This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn’t just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler’s Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people.

If you haven’t caught onto the secret yet, then I will spell out for you why any such comparison between then and now is a totally lame one. True, the Weimar society was a sick one. But it was a sickness suddenly and forcibly attached to Germany at the highest levels. The people themselves saw it and hated it and were ready for Hitler when he made his appearance. In all, Weimar lasted fifteen years. Here the sickness has been coming along, unabated, for at least three generations and probably more. It’s their own baby and they love it. They wouldn’t be parted from it. It’s part of “Americanism”. This sickness is home-grown and it is from the inside out.

What sort of Movement would it take to represent the will of the American people today? With some variations, several are already on the scene and, I might add, none of them remotely resemble anything National Socialist. Then too, there is no “American People”, only Whites who, for the most part, have lost all racial pride and identity. But they are only reflections of what their rulers, the upper classes, have made themselves into. In a plutocracy, which this is, the wealthy decide and control the mould of the society, how the future generations will take shape. And, like any god, they can predictably be expected to fashion the people of the future in their own image. Meet the future today as it was envisioned forty and fifty years ago! And tomorrow?

When we speak of the best we have no choice but to speak in very real and very practical terms. Yes, racially best, of course. But best when it comes to profession. Best when it comes to training and education. Best when it actually comes to shouldering and maintaining the country and the economy. Best in practice and performance. These were the people who supported Hitler in Germany. But who are they, where are they, WHAT are they here, today?

In terms of American and Western societies in the present day, what I described in the above paragraph, collectively, can only be referred to as Pigs of the System and Establishment. And there, in a nutshell you have the chances of repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1920’s and ’30’s. These people went gladly off to kill Germany.

The White upper classes—which, make no mistake, rule this land—have long since been alienated from their own people, their own past; the great struggles and causes of White history are forgotten; today these people are merely managers and custodians, albeit damned well-paid ones at that; the West is no longer in competition against any coloreds; it has become the “White Man’s Burden” run amok there is no longer any “them” or “us” for all are “happy” together in “democracy” (at least in theory); all is liberalism; all is materialism. Jews are only a minority in this but they do manage to swim so very well in this open sewer they have helped to create. But the sick Whites are vying each to out-do the other in order to catch up and be the most “in” of the “in crowd”.

We’re talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism. A ruling body with its own, peculiar world view in which they believe, for they are quite sincere. The Whites of this country and indeed most of the West have been betrayed by their own rotten leaders. Yes, their natural leaders, the nation’s elite! That is why no renaissance can be possible here. Only revolution.

It must be DEATH to an entire strata of the population… and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.

Volume XV, #3 – March, 1986.


Note of the Ed.: So the good guys were exterminated, not the bad ones!

Instead of the bold-type, Mason’s letters are normal. The link to Hellstorm’s review is mine too.

Civil war Free speech / association Racial right

The demise of the Northwest Front

If American white nationalism were not charlatanism, in these times of electoral fraud its proponents would be writing dozens of articles against democracy and in favour of the revolution.

Not only do they not do any of that, but except for Stormfront they hardly comment that the only revolutionary site with a specific plan for how to do the revolution has shut down (James Mason and his epigones never had a specific plan).

It is true that the Butler Plan was flawed as becoming independent in the Northwest leaving Uncle Sam with all of his toys of mass destruction wasn’t going to work, and Harold Covington’s character was as flawed as the Butler Plan.

But that is not the point. The point is that no one today, after the late Covington’s Northwest Front closed recently, is talking about the only option to take back the western lands after the worst betrayal against the white race since prehistory! It is very significant that if we click the address of what used to be Covington’s webpage, we find the ignominious message: ‘The Northwest Front has been shut down. Consider Life After Hate’! This recent comment by a Nietzschean on this site hits the nail:

It’s an unmistakable trend that white nationalism has become softer over the years. Compare Pierce, Rockwell, Lane and Oliver to Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald. In temperament and character it’s night and day. The former were willing to deal with uncomfortable truths and advocate actions which were appropriate to a grave situation. The latter tells you to vote for a mainstream political candidate while rattling the tin can. If we have anything going for us in the absence of money, military or media it can only be truth but WN ‘leaders’ are still trying their best to obfuscate and implicitly or explicitly deny reality. These charlatans serve as a boogeyman and punching bag for the system while rendering effective opposition impotent.

I would suggest that visitors to this site read my excerpts from The Brigade—Covington’s masterpiece—that by the way I don’t see how to purchase it in print. Covington’s novels were one of the first victims of internet censors. Even MacDonald got to comment on it when they censored the novels a few years ago.

Civil war Kevin MacDonald Racial right

On hypocrisy

by Robert Morgan

Kevin MacDonald: ‘This could possibly turn out well. Civil wars are messy and disastrous in many ways, but we have reached the point where compromise and discussion are impossible’.

It’s good (I guess?) to see KMD talking out of the other side of his mouth about this for once. But how to have a civil war without violence? Without breaking the law? That’s a real problem for him. Ordinarily (examples Breivik, Tarrant, and Roof) MacDonald and his coterie of admirers vigorously denounce any move towards war. His pal Greg Johnson has even written a number of essays doing so. This one’s typical.

Kevin MacDonald: ‘The divisions in the contemporary U.S. are too great to heal… unless we can somehow develop a consensus that the country should fractionate into more politically homogeneous areas’.

Okay, never mind. A peaceful solution is possible after all! Hooray! I can hardly wait to hear the magic words that will cause the country to ‘fractionate’. But wait, aren’t the Jews in total control of everything? It seems like I heard that somewhere. Well, never mind about that too. The magic words, you see, will send their power up in a puff of smoke too! Poof! And that will be the end of them. Oh, happy day!

C.T.: ‘Sometimes I think it would be ideal if the main sites on the alt-right and white nationalism closed (including this one [The Unz Review]) in order to funnel traffic to mine’.

I seem to recall that your own site got shut down for a week or so some time back when it started to get a little too radical.

C.T.: ‘I’m not saying this is the time to imitate Tarrant and Co., but it is the time to amalgamate our spirit with The Turner Diaries, at least as an academic discussion’.

Here, I’m just objecting to the rank hypocrisy of KMD saying that a civil war could be a good outcome, while whenever any move in that direction is taken, guys like him and Johnson always use the opportunity to take a nice, long, leisurely crap all over men like Tarrant, or Roof, or Breivik; men who initiate such actions.

They want nothing to do with them! I have to wonder just what these supposedly learned gentlemen think the beginnings of a civil war would look like if not murder and terrorism. Of course, they are academics, and they are accustomed to fight with words and ideas, not bullets. They are also part of the merchant right, and actually doing something instead of talking about it would be bad for business. Might get the website shut down, and the books banned! LOL. Gotta avoid that at all costs!

If, by ‘amalgamating our spirit with The Turner Diaries’ you mean becoming an outlaw like Earl Turner, then that isn’t something that can be done just as an academic discussion. Actually being an outlaw is miles away from anything of which MacDonald, Johnson, and their fan clubs are capable.

It’s been a while since I’ve read The Turner Diaries, but as I recall Earl Turner killed people, and didn’t just write essays or novels. This is the white man’s problem. Technological civilisation has made him soft. He shrinks from violence and worships ‘law and order’. He prefers to write essays and spin tales instead of taking the steps necessary to save his race. It’s a problem that can only be addressed by destroying that civilisation, since for reasons I’ve repeatedly explained, it can’t be reformed.

Conservatism Democracy Plato Racial right

I had said…

I wouldn’t add any more entries to keep the Summer 1945 text up for three whole weeks, but yesterday something happened in the comments section of that thread that motivates me to write this post: a guy in the UK wants to commit suicide instead of fighting back to reclaim his nation!

Not only this guy: virtually all white people in the 21st century are mentally ill, a disease that grew out of propaganda against Hitler and the Third Reich. See my articles on mental health I wrote this year collected in my book Daybreak: the PDF of which can be downloaded from the sidebar.

Even among white nationalists you can see the madness of the white man. This election day in the US, instead of talking about the candidates, if these nationalists were revolutionaries they would be writing articles against democracy as a viable political system. In this the late Harold Covington was absolutely right: Democracy is a system designed not to change, to perpetuate itself ad infinitum and ad nauseam. If democratic insanity, inspired by Christian equality, had not destroyed monarchies and fascism in world wars, any new king or dictator after the old ruler dies could easily reverse the anti-white system of any Western nation.

This day, the most important sites of white nationalism aren’t uploading anti-democratic articles on their webzines vindicating Plato, who saw democracy as the worst of the systems of government. White nationalists are not Platonic on this point for the simple fact that they are part of the system. The Daily Stormer even holds an image today indicating who its visitors have to vote for. Greg Johnson in Counter-Currents also suggests to his visitors today that they vote for the same candidate.

When will truly noble racists come to realise that right-wing racialism in America is charlatanesque and that what we need is political thinking that brings, to the real world, what Covington and Pierce dreamed of? Or am I alone in the blogosphere, as always talking to myself?

Autobiography Miscegenation Racial right

Devlin postscript

I would like to clarify something about what I recently said in ‘On Roger Devlin’. Last week I visited the home of the Catholic family that I referred to in that article and, now I realise, what I wrote is inaccurate. While it is true that the woman who sent her husband to the asylum is a Catholic, she didn’t belong to the circle of very traditionalist Catholics, as I said in the middle of this month. However, there is something that I witnessed in my recent visit to this very decent family that I must share.

A real nymph of that family, of stunning beauty, very slim, with blond hair and light eyes—like those on my sidebar—will soon marry a swarthy Mexican from one of the southern states of the country. Of course, neither her parents nor the nymph’s brothers are bothered by the matter. That has been happening in Latin America for half a millennium, it is a practice that doesn’t have to change at the last minute.

What I see ignominious in all this is the cowardice, throughout the American white nationalism movement, of not wanting to see something that has been happening on the continent for five hundred years. Recently a Christian tried to post a comment on this site claiming that Europeans genocided Amerindians, as if that would refute the criticisms of Christianity on this site. I didn’t let that comment pass due to his obvious dishonesty: not wanting to see the catastrophe that miscegenation represented in most of the continent. This blood mixing was due to a religion that made no difference between Iberian whites and Amerinds. Both were souls that the Church of Rome could save, exactly alike in the eyes of the Christian god.

One can take a look at The Unz Review, which collects articles published in various sites on white nationalism, the alt-right and the alt-lite, and the ethnic suicide of Iberian whites from the 16th century to date is not even remotely mentioned, despite the immense extensions of land in which it was carried out—and continues to be carried out, like the nymph friend who will soon ruin her blood.

I already said it but it bears repeating. The trick American white nationalists do by blaming Jewry solely and exclusively for Aryan decline is to conceal the history of most of their continent. In his recent article for example, which I referred to in ‘Why I don’t talk about the news’, MacDonald sums up his ideology by committing the usual trick: talking about the Frankfurt school, etc., without mentioning anything about what happened from the Rio Grande to Argentina, even centuries before the Jews emigrated to the US.

I have already discussed this in the last Daybreak article and those interested can either print the PDF, or purchase a copy of it. The only thing I’ll add is that it’s becoming increasingly clear that white nationalism is an extremely dishonest movement. And the reason for their dishonesty is obvious: they don’t want to put their parents’ religion on the dock.

3-eyed crow Hojas Susurrantes (book) Racial right

Why I don’t talk about the news

Talking about the news is a matter for commoners, not the crow.

These days I rarely read entire articles that come from the pen of white nationalists. And indeed, today I didn’t read the entire article that MacDonald published yesterday, ‘Why It’s Important for Trump to Win’. If we imagine that there is such a thing as the three-eyed raven, with all that wealth of knowledge about the human past, then the fact that the most powerful nation spearheads the suicidal passion of whites is seen from the crow’s meta-perspective of all history and its general meaning. Commenting on the news, on the other hand, is myopia.

Unlike the raven MacDonald doesn’t live beneath the weirwood tree; he’s unaware of the history of Christianity (soon I’ll continue with instalment 130 of my Deschner excerpts). He’s clueless about how the religion that instilled the doctrine of eternal torture in whites and forced them to worship Yahweh has been transmuted into runaway self-hatred once it became secular.

Similarly, my visitors are unaware of why debunking psychiatry or understanding the trauma model that I have been promoting on this site is important. Just think of the second paradigmatic case of girls in Colin Ross’s class to understand the self-harming attitudes of today’s white man. That chapter appears less than thirty pages after Paulina’s missive in the original Whispering Leaves book.

If we understand how there are adult women who self-injure—the case of the second girl when she grows up—, we will understand why virtually all whites self-injure today through an ethno-suicidal ideology originated in the Levant. It is this psychohistorical meta-perspective, the third eye of the raven’s vision to use George R.R. Martin’s character, that distinguishes this site from other racialist sites.

And by the way, America delenda est.