When as it happens
Tricky, introverted and myopic “comparisons” between the sick U.S. and Western societies of today, and the “sick” Weimar society of Germany in the 1920’s have been some of the favorite stand-by’s of the Right Wing in this country since the end of the War. Clearly, something isn’t exactly jelling.
Revolutionaries can see and know the realities of both situations and can’t be kidded, nor do they kid themselves. They haven’t got the patience. The question that remains is whether a revolutionary movement will arise from out of the older, more reactionary movement that we have known, or whether it will arise literally from out of nowhere, from among those who have had no experience with the tired and dreary old ways of the past. Perhaps what follows will provide some of the answer.
Between living in the past—be it either Reconstruction South or Weimar Germany—and harping on a “Jewish Conspiracy”, the traditional Movement has no other leg to stand on, ideologically or strategically. What’s been happening, and what’s still happening as a result, has been the creation of a magnetic force attracting kooks and cranks; producing something that is, and appears for all the world to be ridiculous; thus making sure that no solid and worthwhile types will be recruited or stay for very long; and winds up by scapegoating its failures rather than engaging in serious and intelligent re-evaluation of its overview and position.
Latching onto the past as a profession begs for the System and the media to heap all their many smears and epithets onto us; is an open invitation for the System to pass and enforce such things as “Genocide Treaties”, etc.; and because it pretends to work within the System to change the System, it leaves room for doubt about those vast numbers of “System-entrenched” Whites and opens the way for Movement people to write “Dear Mr. President” letters and tell their members to “write their Congressmen” and to frantically urge “America” to “wake up!”. In reality it’s a dead-end street.
One thing we all received in our years with the old Movement was a thorough education on the Jewish Question. It’s all quite true. There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long. The fact is that what happened to our people and our culture would probably have happened anyway. Maybe not so soon, maybe not so drastically. But it would have happened.
Going back to the close of the Renaissance period, the Jews never could have gotten their foot in the door of Western Civilization unless something had not already been amiss in the basic structure and outlook of things. One can point an accusing finger at “democracy” as being responsible for aliens entering into our affairs, but never forget that “democracy” in practice, in law, is a most recent development and only came about after the Jews and their allies got the upper hand in government matters. When the Jews made their entrance upon the scene, they were allowed in by the very leaders themselves—the kings and emperors, the upper classes. For who else had the power and decision-making ability to control this back then, before “democracy”?
The Jews are aiders and abetters in this. They are specialists when it comes to alien corruption and they are certainly reaping their share of the profits from it all. And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within [italics in the original].
Blame? The cause and the well-spring for all of this can be located but it would be a mistake to seek merely to place a blame. It’s been going on for too long now, it is too deeply entrenched in today’s lives to try to isolate things and individuals. But if we were to identify where it all comes from, what sustains it, and who profits most from it at the expense of the race itself, then where else and who else could we look to other than the ruling, upper classes of society? Those that let the Jews in in the first place, those that took them to their bosom, those that always set the newest “trends” for perversion and degeneracy, those that get richer while we get poorer, those who in their vilest, foulest depths of anti-life numbness find their final kicks in drugs and consorting with racial aliens. And with their government in one hand and their Hollywood in the other, seek to reduce the rest of the population to their own level of decadence. I might add that their success in this isn’t far enough away from completion to merit any discussion of just “how far”.
The final word, the last comparison between here and now and there and then with regard to repeating Hitler’s miracle in Germany would involve a statement made by Albert Speer in later years as he sought to further acquit himself, further glorify himself, and further condemn Hitler in his highly lucrative written and televised accounts of life in the Third Reich. Speer said, quite correctly, that the reason Hitler’s rise in Germany was so fast and so certain was because the very BEST in German society were behind him. This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn’t just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler’s Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people.
If you haven’t caught onto the secret yet, then I will spell out for you why any such comparison between then and now is a totally lame one. True, the Weimar society was a sick one. But it was a sickness suddenly and forcibly attached to Germany at the highest levels. The people themselves saw it and hated it and were ready for Hitler when he made his appearance. In all, Weimar lasted fifteen years. Here the sickness has been coming along, unabated, for at least three generations and probably more. It’s their own baby and they love it. They wouldn’t be parted from it. It’s part of “Americanism”. This sickness is home-grown and it is from the inside out.
What sort of Movement would it take to represent the will of the American people today? With some variations, several are already on the scene and, I might add, none of them remotely resemble anything National Socialist. Then too, there is no “American People”, only Whites who, for the most part, have lost all racial pride and identity. But they are only reflections of what their rulers, the upper classes, have made themselves into. In a plutocracy, which this is, the wealthy decide and control the mould of the society, how the future generations will take shape. And, like any god, they can predictably be expected to fashion the people of the future in their own image. Meet the future today as it was envisioned forty and fifty years ago! And tomorrow?
When we speak of the best we have no choice but to speak in very real and very practical terms. Yes, racially best, of course. But best when it comes to profession. Best when it comes to training and education. Best when it actually comes to shouldering and maintaining the country and the economy. Best in practice and performance. These were the people who supported Hitler in Germany. But who are they, where are they, WHAT are they here, today?
In terms of American and Western societies in the present day, what I described in the above paragraph, collectively, can only be referred to as Pigs of the System and Establishment. And there, in a nutshell you have the chances of repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1920’s and ’30’s. These people went gladly off to kill Germany.
The White upper classes—which, make no mistake, rule this land—have long since been alienated from their own people, their own past; the great struggles and causes of White history are forgotten; today these people are merely managers and custodians, albeit damned well-paid ones at that; the West is no longer in competition against any coloreds; it has become the “White Man’s Burden” run amok there is no longer any “them” or “us” for all are “happy” together in “democracy” (at least in theory); all is liberalism; all is materialism. Jews are only a minority in this but they do manage to swim so very well in this open sewer they have helped to create. But the sick Whites are vying each to out-do the other in order to catch up and be the most “in” of the “in crowd”.
We’re talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism. A ruling body with its own, peculiar world view in which they believe, for they are quite sincere. The Whites of this country and indeed most of the West have been betrayed by their own rotten leaders. Yes, their natural leaders, the nation’s elite! That is why no renaissance can be possible here. Only revolution.
It must be DEATH to an entire strata of the population… and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.
Volume XV, #3 – March, 1986.
Note of the Ed.: So the good guys were exterminated, not the bad ones!
Instead of the bold-type, Mason’s letters are normal. The link to Hellstorm’s review is mine too.