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Aryan beauty Metaphysics of race / sex Sexual "liberation"

Two swords

‘Two Swords’ is the fourth season premiere episode of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 31st overall. The episode was written by series co-creators and showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Weiss. It premiered on April 6, 2014.

The season begins by introducing new characters. Prince Oberyn Martell, who comes from the desert kingdom of Dorne, arrives at King’s Landing for King Joffrey’s wedding. However, Oberyn’s real plans are to inquire about the death of his sister, and take revenge on the Lannisters for the brutal murder of her and her children. Prince Oberyn, whom we see to the left of the photo, is travelling with his lover Ellaria Sand, another non-white, who appears on her back and lying on the bed:

The fourth season is just beginning and the showrunners send us a bad message. After this stunning nude specimen of Aryan beauty in Littlefinger’s brothel, Oberyn and Ellaria have homoerotic approaches with other prostitutes of the brothel. Since the culture of Dorne is inspired by Islam, this homoeroticism is gratuitous excess: a projection of the current degeneration of the West on the characters of an exotic culture. The people of Dorne even resemble the Arabs under Islam.

Ellaria chooses one of the prostitutes in the photo, not the naked one because she is shy, and Oberyn picks the guy who appears in the shadows, barely visible at the extreme right of the photo. From my point of view, it was an outrage to have rejected a sculptural woman like the one we see naked above (I would kill to have such a woman in my house, as property).

Tyrion’s scenes with Shae are tiresome, and are not worth describing until in subsequent episodes we see how Shae betrays him. But the argument between Cersei and Jaime—and let’s remember that they hadn’t argued since Jaime left King’s Landing and after that Locke cut off Jaime’s sword hand when he was a prisoner—, reminds me of how we enslave ourselves before a woman. Gradually I see it more and more clearly:

Women have no powers to ‘get into men’s heads’, Ser Davos Seaworth’s words about the witch Melisandre in the previous season. It is us, our impulses—think about what I said in parentheses above—that enslave us.

Aryan beauty Feminism

The climb

‘The Climb’ is the sixth episode of the third season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 26th episode of the series. The episode’s title comes from climbing of the Wall by Jon Snow and Ygritte, and also refers to a very memorable dialogue between Lord Petyr Baelish (‘Littlefinger’) and Lord Varys.

Almost at the beginning of the episode, when they are about to climb over the Wall to pass to the other side, Ygritte tells Jon that she is just one more soldier in Mance Rayder’s army.

Again, this is a bad message for the fair-skinned audience. In normal societies it is about protecting the woman (and her children): not sending them to the front on the battlefield! We can already imagine a beautiful Spartan girl fighting side by side with the most fearsome Aryan warriors that Europe has ever seen. The Spartan girl stayed in the city either taking care of her children or educating herself for future motherhood.

All Game of Thrones feminism is pure fantasy: that members of the two sexes are interchangeable even in the severest task of all, war. Any culture that treats its women this way is extinguished by necessity. Not only because she abandons motherhood, but because the woman is in danger of dying on the battlefield (as Ygritte herself died in a subsequent season).

The scene that follows continues with the same message but this time south of the Wall, in Riverlands: where a Brotherhood archer trains Arya how to use the bow. It’s funny that the episode presents her sister Sansa, who is still in King’s Landing, as ultra-feminine.

If someone saw the isolated scene between Sansa and Loras in the castle gardens, her fiancé until this scene, he might think it was filmed in a parallel world where Germany won the war. The actress who played Sansa has perfect features and her blue-gray eyes remind me of what Europa Soberana wrote about the Nordid type (it hurt me to learn that this actress has married a non-white). But still: whoever sees that scene in isolation, without knowing the context, would only see a good message from the visual point of view.

Aryan beauty

Kissed by fire

‘Kissed by Fire’ is the fifth episode of the third season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 25th episode of the series. The title of the episode refers to the red-haired wildlings, like Ygritte, who are said to be ‘kissed by fire’.

The first stupid scene of the episode is the love scene in a cave between Jon and Ygritte. In real life, a foreigner could never fuck a beautiful woman from a tribe, as the wildlings apparently allowed Jon north of the Wall. However, unlike the crap they filmed in Littlefinger’s brothel in other episodes, the director failed once again in not showing the redhead’s pubic hair, just her breasts and then her buttocks. A pubic hair of the colour of her hair would have lived up to the episode’s title as it’s implied that Jon kisses the redhead there.

But even after making love you can see the feminist follies of the screenwriters. Jon was a virgin and has just popped his cherry. Ygritte, on the other hand, tells him a couple of anecdotes of her sexual adventures from which she apparently didn’t get pregnant (remember that a semi-wild tribe doesn’t practice birth control). Here we see once again the reversal of the sexual roles, especially since in the intimate chat after the kiss of fire Ygritte is over Jon in front of the cameras, both talking lying down.

South of the Wall, before Robb sentenced Lord Karstark to death for having killed two Lannister captives without approval, Karstark tells a great truth to he who had married non-white buttocks: ‘the King who lost the North’. And sure enough: because Robb publicly beheaded him, Karstark’s soldiers abandon Robb, which means that the boy lost almost half his army (in Martin’s novel Robb is younger than the actor we see in the HBO interpretation).

What can be gathered from this story, although it is fictitious, is that a lad-king commits blunders. In A Song of Ice and Fire Martin seems to philosophise around the idea of who should rule, although the moral he arrives at doesn’t appear until the finale that would premiere on television six years after this episode.

Away from the green and rainy Riverrun, in the desert Slaver’s Bay the two seasoned knights who serve as Dany’s advisers have a conversation. Barristan asks: ‘Do you believe in her?’ To which Jorah replies: ‘With all my heart’.

Curiously, this scene follows a very interesting dialogue between Jaime and Brienne, both of whom are naked. (The scene isn’t erotic, as they were cleaning their mud at the baths after Roose Bolton freed them from Locke’s captivity.) Jaime confesses to the naked Valkyrie that King Aerys Targaryen, the father of Dany, had wanted to incinerate King’s Landing in a fit of madness and that Jaime prevented it by killing him. In the previous episode to the finale we’ll see that Dany did in King’s Landing what her father had wanted to do. But this pair of naïve watchdogs of Dany trust the last Targaryen with all their heart.

Although the last two novels of A Song of Ice and Fire are yet to be published, inadvertently to viewers Martin is gradually weaving a platonic fabric, although unlike The Republic he does so in novel format. Fans, even those with exclusive channels on Game of Thrones, never smelled a deeper message than the superficial one of castles and a social justice warrior Targaryen who wants to regain the throne for her House, or the right to the throne of Jon Snow that we shall see a few seasons later. Normies see this series as they see other TV series. I’ve already talked about it when they premiered the grand finale, although I’ll revisit it when we get to that season.

Aryan beauty Film Metaphysics of race / sex Neanderthalism Voltaire

Fire and blood

‘Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple’. —Voltaire

‘Fire and Blood’, the tenth and final episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, was first aired on June 19, 2011. There is not much to say about the final episode of the first season but I will still say a thing or two about the opening scene and the ending scene.

The mob that Voltaire spoke of, the common people, has been idealised by those who limit themselves to criticising the elites. In reality the people are as despicable as the elites. They’re like King Joffrey who had Ned Stark beheaded only because Ned was faithful to Joffrey’s father’s will. The King’s Landing mob not only yells the ‘traitor’ slander when poor Ned is led to the scaffold, but cheers when his blood-dripping head is flaunted in the public square.

In the same way as Westeros, the contemptible mob that is the people of the West consume everything the elites tell them about Hitler. And the experience I’ve had with Christian friends whom I have broken off with (and it makes me want to translate some anecdotes from El Grial) is that they don’t give a damn about well-known sources, like Solzhenitsyn’s non-fiction books, when I try to convey that the Allied narrative is a myth. People in general follow and believe what the Joffreys of today tell them to believe and feel. Even cultured people rant in the ‘two minutes hate’ imposed by the System. As Andrew Hamilton put it in one of his Counter-Currents articles, even the so-called intellectuals of the West are mass-man.

That is for the opening scene of the episode. Regarding the final scene, for the second time in the first season Dany is shown naked without showing her pubic hair (above Dany appears the first time we saw her in the series). I think that not having shown her in her full-frontal glory was a serious mistake, as well as another scene from ‘Fire and Blood’ that shows naked Cersei Lannister’s new lover, her cousin Lancel, who had been the squire of the now-deceased King Robert. Both Dany and Lancel should have appeared frontally naked.

It is important to say this if we remember those words of a well-known white nationalist that I picked up on Daybreak: ‘We need a regime that bans pornography and erects statues of gorgeous naked nymphs and athletes in every public square and crossroads’. As seen in the photo above, if there is something that the Aryan should promote it is the human nude that doesn’t awaken our appetites but merely exalts the beauty of the Aryan body. As the Greeks and Romans understood it before the envious Christians, many with Semitic blood, destroyed almost all their statues, the Aryan nude should not be hidden if it comes from splendid young specimens.

But what can we expect if our seventh art has been taken over by Jews and neochristian gentiles? We get the crap we saw in a previous episode of Game of Thrones: a lesbian act between a northern white woman and a brunette in Littlefinger’s brothel. So aberrant was that prolonged scene that even the normies disliked it. And this northern prostitute appeared even in the first episode on a bed with the Lannister dwarf, and in another episode she shows her pubic hair to Theon when she moves south in a carriage.

Unlike the art I have in mind, these shots only degrade the Aryan. In our times the values have been inverted even in the human nude.

Aryan beauty

A golden crown

‘A Golden Crown’ is the sixth episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on May 22, 2011.

Dany eats a raw heart: a visual outrage for me, who would like blondes like her to inhabit a Parrishesque world (see the nymphs on my sidebar). Instead, Dany has to live in the world of the non-white Dothraki. But today even in white lands, like England, I have seen everywhere images degrading the Aryan woman with apes.

In the episode, the ritual of eating a raw heart is a celebration that Dany has been impregnated by her husband, the warlord Drogo. The scene sharply contrasts with the poetic prose of Darío that I cited in the first instalment of this series about a white girl eating grapes with the swarthy people who surrounded her (‘And on that background of soot and coal, her delicate and smooth shoulders were naked bringing out her beautiful lily colour, with an almost impenetrable golden hue’). It sounds better in Spanish of course, although I couldn’t find a more poetic English translation on the internet and had to do the translation myself.

In the castle of King’s Landing, Sansa continues her embroidery lessons while her little sister Arya continues with that fantasy of our times, which didn’t happen in the Middle Ages, of training to become a swordsman. It reminds me of the madness of another novelist, Covington, who depicted his new white republic with women having eight children side by side with butch women, as if that were possible within the same society! (Here we see once again that white nationalists aren’t really breaking with the narrative that’s killing the West.)

Ned Stark appears once more in his cosy study, although this time at night and with candles. I work at a long wooden table like Ned’s. But sometimes I wonder how many white nationalists have the pleasure of having such a cosy studio as Ned Stark’s? The Aryan aesthetic includes the interior furnishings and ornaments of a room. They are a fundamental part of recovering the West, starting with our clothing. Why not dress as Ned does in this episode? It is perfectly possible to pay a tailor to make us similar clothing, and only our poverty justifies our wearing American Gomorrah-inspired T-shirts, etc.

The final scene of this episode is grotesque. Viserys Targaryen virtually commits suicide by doing a scene in front of Drogo: the first death of an incredibly stupid male in the series. Now there is only one young Targaryen left in the world: Dany.

Aryan beauty Blacks Feminism Film Poetry

Winter is coming

‘Winter Is Coming’ is the premiere of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones.

When in years past the comment threads were open on this site I noticed that one of my topics that didn’t attract attention was Game of Thrones (A Game of Thrones, which English-Spanish translation I have near where I write, is the first novel of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire). But it must be understood that in my childhood, after seeing Kubrick’s best film, I wanted to be a film director (that was a few years before a family tragedy that would destroy several lives).

In my books I say that when I was a child Warner Bros. offered my father a job so he could go to work in the United States. My father declined the offer and sentenced me to live in a country other than my own. But I was left with the desire to have been a director and the only thing I can do now is film criticism. Of course, as a director I would have handled Martin’s novels in a very different way compared to the way the pair of Jews who produced and directed the HBO series did. For example, Martin’s feminism was exacerbated by David Benioff and Daniel B. Weiss, known to fans as D&D. I would have decreased it as much as possible.

In this series of criticising each episode of Game of Thrones that I’m starting with this post we must bear in mind that I am more critical of the toxic fandom made up of whites than the script that D&D developed. The author of the video we recently transcribed for this site on toxic fandom said elsewhere that Arya Stark was the most mishandled character of all Game of Thrones seasons. I would add that this speaks very badly of the fandom of whites who complained a lot about the finale but never about what D&D did with Arya.

Only in the first episode of the HBO series does Arya appear as she must have appeared throughout both Martin’s novels and the television series: a girl being educated in embroidery and weaving and confined to the home of a feudal lord. Not only the normies don’t want this ‘transvaluation of values’ on how to educate women today. Even many white nationalists don’t reject feminism with the vehemence that every Aryan male should (the masculinisation of the white woman is directly proportional to the feminisation of the white man).

In that same opening episode, shortly after showing Arya in her embroidery and knitting classes with other girls, we see her little brother Bran Stark trying to get a good shot at target shooting. Bran does it very badly and, from behind, Arya, who is even younger than him, hits the target with her bow and arrow thus humiliating her little brother.

That is the first bad message of Game of Thrones. As we have already said on this site, Hollywood is portraying female warriors as faster than men. The reality is that women are slower and generally inferior to us in both physical and intellectual sports (see what I said last December about chess).

It is very important to criticise the white fans of the series for not being outraged by such reversals of reality, from the very first episode. White nationalism limits itself to blaming Hollywood Jews as if whites, in this case the toxic fandom, weren’t equally guilty of greedily consuming those products without criticising them.

When the king of the seven kingdoms, Robert Baratheon and his royal court, arrive in Winterfell and the Starks receive them, Arya contemplates them with a helmet (in its place that little girl would have had to wear a hood). When Arya arrives with her reunited family about to receive the king, Ned, her father, immediately removes her helmet. In the historical medieval world, not in these mad films that demoralise the Aryan man, little girls didn’t want to become soldiers throwing away all of their femininity, much less a blue-blooded girl like Arya Stark.

In sharp contrast, the dialogue between King Robert and Ned Stark in the crypts is very realistic and very masculine. Voices like this are no longer heard in the West, not even among its supposed defenders. This is how we men used to speak: as Robert Baratheon spoke in the crypt when paying his respects to Ned’s late sister Lyanna Stark, with whom he had been in love.

Across the narrow sea in Essos the blond prince Viserys Targaryen forces his sister, Daenerys, to marry a Dothraki warlord, the non-white Drogo. Viserys thus fantasises about conquering Westeros and claiming the Iron Throne for the Targaryen House that Robert had destroyed. (In Martin’s universe the Targaryens were known for their incredible hyper-Nordic beauty, and I think the producers of the show should have chosen more beautiful actors to play the roles of Viserys and Daenerys.) Viserys says something horrible to his blonde sister: that in his quest to regain the throne for his house he would even allow the forty thousand horses of the swarthy Dothraki to mount her. It’s a terrible message because, despite medieval barbarism, I don’t think blond princes treated their princesses like that in real history.

Later we see an uninhibited King Robert dancing, kissing and groping a fat commoner during the evening feast in the great hall of Winterfell in front of Cersei Lannister, his wife and queen. But that’s nothing compared to the wedding between the blonde and the swarthy warlord on the other side of the narrow sea. If the white fans of Game of Thrones were good people they would have rebelled from this moment on. But as we know from the recommended readings in the sticky post, they are the worst generation of whites since prehistory.

But the superiority of the white race cannot be hidden visually, not even with Jewish directors. There is, in this premiere, a short scene that puts Daenerys side by side with black and mulatto women before she was deflowered by Drogo. I mean Daenerys’ walk in the direction of her white mare that Drogo gave her as a gift on their wedding day. The seventh art perfectly portrays the infinite superiority of a white woman over dark people.

The brief scene reminded me of a tale by Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío (1867-1916), who contrasted a white girl eating grapes with the swarthy people who surrounded her here in Latin America: Y sobre aquel fondo de hollín y carbón, sus hombros delicados y tersos que estaban desnudos, hacían resaltar su bello color de lis, con un casi impenetrable tono dorado (‘And against that background of soot and coal, was the beautiful lily colour, with an almost impenetrable golden hue of her naked and delicate smooth shoulders’).

Aryan beauty

Against Semitic verbiage

Vig said:

Studying the Aryan (European) history it is obvious that we are gifted with a tremendous capacity to create visual beauty in art. The Greeks were a shining example of this. This is a right brain faculty.

So the Aryan mind prefers to think in pictures but spoiled his mind by getting used to this rotten alphabet. The Anglo Saxons are proof of it.

My two cents:

This is exactly why I decorate this site with the images that can be seen both on the sidebar and in my very brief entries: something that doesn’t exist in the verbiage of left-brain white nationalism.

The ideal would be to rebuild the handsome temples that the Christians demolished to follow the advice of Manu Rodríguez (pages 148-50 of The Fair Race).

Ancient Rome Architecture Aryan beauty Classical sculpture Racial right

I’m still alone

One of the things that strike me when I say that I am speaking to myself is that some respond that they are listening to me, or that they have learned about anti-Christian matters thanks to this site. The reality is that that would be only one aspect of being accompanied.

A few days ago I quoted once again what Nietzsche said of Luther. This monk, instead of kneeling in Rome grateful for the transvaluation of visual values that had started at the very headquarters of Christendom, none of that impacted him, but returned to his dark Germany to write religious texts.

White nationalism is a basically American phenomenon. All major websites are American, not European. Europe died after World War II when two Judaised nations to the core annihilated it. But we should not blame Roosevelt’s US and Stalin’s SU one hundred percent, as both socio-political experiments were two branches that emerged from the same egalitarian baobab that began to engulf the West right after the French Revolution.

White nationalism being basically an American phenomenon, a descendant of the Calvinist Puritanism of the first colonists, is blind to the values that the Renaissance advocated: the plastic and visual arts. If we remember the texts of Evropa Soberana, a European from the westernmost part of Europe, for the Greeks and the Romans the beauty of the statuary and the temples, more than the texts—not all of them could read—was central. Remember what Greg Johnson said in the comments section of The Occidental Observer in 2012: ‘We need a regime that (1) bans pornography and (2) erects statues of gorgeous naked nymphs and athletes in every public square and crossroads’.

The texts of white nationalism, including the ones Johnson posts on his webzine, bore me (worst of all is the very verbose Unz Review whose admin is a Jew). They are a direct result of those who conquered the American continent, alienated in the Old Testament ethos and consequently inspired by Judaic legalisms and moralising rather than by the visual arts. Unlike these Judaised whites, what interests me is the beauty of nymphs, sylphs, and dryads (and it doesn’t bother me in the least that some pederasts include androgynous ephebes in the list).

Instead, the pundits of white nationalism, even those who have read Nietzsche, as little and prudish Luthers are blind not only to the beauty of the Aryan body, insofar their webzines don’t dream about it in every crossroad, but blind also about the squares that should inspire them to create the ethnostate. Remember ‘What Did Ancient Rome Look Like?’ that I embedded not long ago!

If I am alone it is because I have not been understood when I speak of the transvaluation. Perhaps many believe that I am still referring to texts or cold reason, when what I want is an ethnostate whose architecture resembles the Rome that appears in the aforementioned video.

The anti-white climate of our time is exactly the reverse of the dream of putting gorgeous naked nymphs and ephebes in every public square and crossroads. If contemporary racialists had already transvalued their values, instead of verbose texts that few read they would show in their webzines that beauty.

This is one of the reasons why I am not in the least concerned that the insane American negrolatres, and the blacks themselves, are smashing white male statues in America. All the statues knocked down by BLM and the antifa have been statues of clothed Christians: statues that had to be thrown away anyway after the Nietzschean revolution. What we need throughout the re-conquered West are thousands of completely naked pagan statues showing Aryan beauty in their full frontal glory.

To save the race, values must be revalued, and that means understanding things as inconceivable to American racists as what I said to European Vig these days in the context of how music would sound like if Christianity had not murdered our souls.

Aryan beauty Painting

The Danaides

The Danaides is a 1903 painting
by John William Waterhouse
(Private collection)

Aryan beauty Pederasty

Ganymede and Zeus as an Eagle

Homer describes Ganymede as the most beautiful of mortals, and in one version of the myth, Zeus falls in love with his beauty and abducts him in the form of an eagle to serve as cup-bearer in Olympus.