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The more normie the more hits

Not so many years ago, when YouTube cancelled the channel of Stefan Molyneux, the biggest promoter of what was then called ‘Alt-Lite’ in contrast to the Alt-Right (as Moly, whose mother was Jew, has served as gatekeeper for the Jewish question throughout his vlogging career), and moved to other video platforms, something happened that caught my attention. According to Moly himself, who uploaded excellent videos on the IQ differences between the races, only a tiny fraction of his YouTube subscribers re-subscribed to his new platform on Odysee.

If we use my metaphor of crossing the psychological Rubicon and those stuck in the river unable to cross it, it’s understandable that there are miscellaneous people in the water—from what used to be called the Alt-Lite, who at least have one foot in the water, to those who are just a few steps already inside the river. Never mind that there are people like Moly who will never speak honestly about the JQ: a step in the right direction is something so significant for the thought police that YouTube took down his channel (the same day YouTube took down the channels of Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer). But Moly was by far the most important of the three in terms of the hundreds of millions of hits his channel had garnered.

When I learned that only a negligible fraction of his supposed fans had subscribed to Moly’s new channel on another platform I thought that, rather than having been awake, those ‘fans’ had only been logging on to his YouTube channel out of curiosity but without real conviction.

Recently I’ve been thinking about the comments threads on webzines that address topics Moly didn’t touch (and doesn’t touch on his new channel). But even in the comment sections of forums that go so far as to address the JQ, I’m always left with the impression that I’m encountering normies or semi-normies. Think of the hundreds of commenters on The Unz Review for example: a webzine that republishes what Andrew Anglin writes in Daily Stormer. As far as I know, none of the authors Ron Unz publishes is aware of the Christian question, and very few commenters are aware of it, or that the US had a bad birth. (Unlike Europeans, Americans have never gone through a civilisational stage where there was not a single Christian.)

I am capable of rejecting both flags of the county where I was born: the tricolour flag of the eagle on a cactus devouring a snake—that is, an Aztec flag—and the previous flag, which some Criollos associate with New Spain. I reject even the latter because the first thing these Catholic idiots did was marry Indian girls. There is a very vulgar saying in Mexico that I have heard from the Criollos who live here: “Carne buena y barata sólo la de la gata” (‘Good and cheap flesh only that of the Indian maid’).

Not being aware of CQ is similar to Moly & Alt-Lite’s company not being aware of the JQ. As Adunai said in our Monday’s post, Robert Morgan has tried to break the taboo in the comments section of The Unz Review about how CQ explains the first anti-white war perpetrated by the Yanks in a time when Jewry hadn’t yet taken over their media. But if one starts from a primitive pride in one’s nation and stupid worship of one’s ancestors, one will never diagnose the causes of white decline. It is as if I were to blindly honour, say, New Spain by removing from my conscience the fact that the New Spaniards committed the nefarious sin of mestization.

My great-grandfather Damián Tort Rafols exemplifies
the saying “Carne buena y barata sólo la de la gata”.

Why is it that if I can disown the culture I was born into, and even my ancestor who married an Indian, the normies and semi-normies who argue in racialist forums cannot disown their culture? Never mind that the Spanish and Portuguese have been mixing since the 16th century and the Anglo-Germans from the North until the present century and the end of the last century. Both cultures have the same perpetrator as a common denominator: the universalist religion that equalises all human ‘souls’.

I started talking about Moly’s Alt-Lite, which reached half a billion hits on YouTube, because I have the impression that, as a blogger or vlogger moves away from Normieland and into the river, his hits begin to diminish. Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer, who had taken a couple of steps further towards the other side of the river, certainly didn’t have the audience volume that Moly had when they cancelled all three, not remotely. And someone like me, who has virtually finished crossing the river, has become an obscure blogger that no one mentions or links on racialist forums!

It seems that obscurity, in the sense of fewer and fewer hits, is directly proportional to the distance from crossing the Rubicon to the other side.

European beauty

Daybreak (book) Feminism On Beth’s cute tits (book)

On Beth’s Cute Tits – 2022 edition

The following are the first pages of the latest edition:


As a Sanskrit saying goes, from the corruption of women all evils follow. And as I have shown in many articles on my website The West’s Darkest Hour, feminism goes hand in hand with a thoroughgoing feminisation of the Western male. Both are two sides of the same coin: a folie en masse that has been destroying the fair race throughout the West. Feminism’s third wave began with the sexual revolution of the 1960s that has caused the disintegration of the family and the fall in birth rates due to the emancipation of white women from all family responsibilities. But in this compilation we will also talk about the first and second waves, which explain the third and which long precede what happened in the 60s.

Feminism, ‘the great destroyer’ as William Pierce called it in an interview abridged for this book, has been corrupting whites ever since Nietzsche complained that Europeans were beginning to abandon the institution of marriage. George Lincoln Rockwell said something similar in a passage of one of his books, also reproduced here. Today’s suicidal ethos among whites cannot contrast more with the pamphlets that the SS gave to its soldiers so that they could procreate abundantly with their wives or Aryan lovers. Unlike the West of today, Hitler’s Germany was a very healthy society. (After I finish putting this book together I will start quoting some passages from those pamphlets on my website, including Sieg des Waffen, Sieg des Kindes.)

Instead of National Socialism what we see in the United States is a small group of diligent pro-white advocates often referred to as white nationalists. Rarely do their proponents declare intellectual war on feminism. One exception is Roger Devlin, whose seminal article on the subject is reproduced here. Some white nationalists are so incredibly obtuse that in the comments section of ‘A Breakthrough Year’, a December 30, 2015 piece of The Occidental Observer, Devlin had to say:

When I began writing and talking about sex in racialist circles a few years ago, even some very intelligent people did not understand the relevance of what I was saying to their concerns. The relevance is, of course, that races reproduce sexually. Feminism in all its aspects is as much an attack on our race as Boasian egalitarian dogma, and the same struggle must be waged against both. Like the Soviet Union of old, the contemporary West is a regime built upon lies, and cannot survive once those lies are brought into open and general contempt.

To expose the lies here I also reproduce a couple of casual comments in my website; some texts authored by Andrew Anglin who runs The Daily Stormer, what Lord Kenneth Clark said in Civilisation, and the words of a MGTOW man who uploads videos under the controversial pseudonym of Turd Flinging Monkey. John Sparks studied animal behaviour with Desmond Morris at the Zoological Society of London. Here I reproduce some excerpts of Sparks’ Battle of the Sexes.

This book comprises eleven texts, of which I am the author of the first, the last and a brief note about Pride & Prejudice. The title is inspired by a passage from Morris’ The Naked Ape. That essay, ‘On Beth’s cute tits’, also alludes to the character from the series The Queen’s Gambit, which according to Netflix has been its most popular limited series. The longest essay in this book is my critique of HBO’s most popular series, Game of Thrones, which also promotes feminism.

My final words on ‘The Iron Throne’ summarise my diagnosis about the aetiology of the fair race’s darkest hour.

César Tort (Editor)

Now that I was reviewing several of those articles for the 2022 edition, I was struck by the article that gave the book its title: one of the most important essays I have written in my blogging career. I believe that anyone who wishes to save the Aryan race from the coming extinction should read it.

The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

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Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

European beauty

American civil war Correspondence Evil Neanderthalism Welfare of animals

Comments by Gaedhal & Adûnâi


The perfect, impregnable fortress, with oceans for moats. Colonised by the Anglo-Saxon stock at the peak of the European culture, during the Enlightenment era. Bestowed upon a century of peaceful expansion, of acquiring its own boundless Lebensraum in the West. Its tragedy, however, was in the total triumph of the Christian moral system in its midst, with not a single competing ideology in sight.

The first bell of impending doom was the American Civil War. No matter how modern racists may cope, it was neither a war about state rights, nor did any Jews give any recognisable impetus to the conflict. No, as Dr. Robert Morgan points out beautifully on the Unz Review, it was the first tangible sign of Christian dominance in the American cultural life. If the martial, pagan Romans had to wage a civil war not to grant citizenship rights to their traditional allies in war (the Social War, 91-87 BCE), the American Christians went on to bloody civil struggle in order to equalise the most debased foreigners with themselves—precisely the heart of the Christian message of love (‘the last shall become the first’, earthly strength is evil, Galatians 3:28, etc.).

My next bullet point will be about the conduct of the Americans in their colonies. In my view, an attentive observer would have been able to see already in the 1930s the ephemeral nature of the Western-style empires. Let’s take the Philippines, conquered by the Americans in 1898, and Poland, vanquished by the Germans in 1939.

• Philippine population (1903-1939) = 7.6 mil. > 16 mil. (+8.4 mil.)

• Polish population (1938-1946) = 34.8 mil. > 23.7 mil. (-11.1 mil.).

Thus, using this undisputed statistic, we can deduce that all the Christian American Empire has ever done is increase the population of foreign nations wherever it went. This same pattern would continue in Japan, in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Sure, the initial conquest may employ excessive violence—after all, American military might is astronomically supreme. But during peace-time, the Christian mercy of the American culture will do its work, undoing all the visible successes of their material capability.

This, in a nutshell, is my view of the world and my response to anyone talking about ‘American interests’. Geopolitics is moot if a given subject of history does not act in its own self-interest—not merely making honest mistakes without a perfect knowledge of future outcomes, but with an outright sabotage of its place under the sun. Again, an intellectual experiment—would Adolf Hitler als Führer Amerikas have ever been able to lose world supremacy as America enjoyed it in 1945? Would America have allowed China to industrialise in the 1980s, at America’s cost? Hell, would America have allowed the Japanese to live on their archipelago, instead of colonising it for itself?

And so comes the end of the American Empire, the most illustrious one, quelled by its own hand.

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Read Adûnâi’s entire article: here.
Gaedhal’s text was sent by email:


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One thing that you might develop when contemplating the problem of evil is survivor’s guilt. Think of hens in battery cages. Think of donkeys in third world countries who are forced to carry heavy loads, even though maimed. This planet is a colossal engine of horrendous suffering. It is a pyramid scheme where only the organisms at the very top have a halfway decent time. I could have come into being as one of those hens! I could have come into being as one of those donkeys! I could have come into being as one of those billion people who are starving, but not to the extent that it kills them.

I find myself, somehow, as a white man in a first-world country, and I am extremely glad about this. I am having an extremely pleasant time. However, I do kinda feel guilty. I have survived this Hell Planet when most organisms do not. Man is a virus with shoes, as atheist comedian Bill Hicks once correctly said, and we make this planet intolerable for wild animals. We hunt them. We leave nets lying about. We send hounds after them. We shoot them. We eat octopuses alive. We starve tigers to death in Chinese tiger farms. We clutter up the oceans with plastic.

I know that my good pal, Cesar Tort, thinks a lot about stuff like this, as well. Cesar, although an atheist, (or ‘panentheist’ as he styles himself, these days, which is simply to say that reality itself is necessary, uncreated and self-existent, or, to put it a little more romantically: ‘numinous and transcendent’ as Christopher Hitchens might have it) says that the devils are real, and we, humans are they. Hell is real and this planet is it. We devilish humans torture the poor defenceless animals for sport.

Even though I am not a vegan, I kinda wish I was. Vegans, to their credit, are bravely attempting not to add to animal suffering.

Whenever the imago-dei delusion from Christianity dies out, and we realise that so far from being made in the image and likeness of God, humanity is, instead, a virus with shoes, ‘consuming and destroying everything in sight’[1], then we might attempt to make this planet a little more tolerable for the animals.


[1] Atheist activist, Aron Ra.

European beauty

Day of Wrath (book) Exterminationism Hate

Am I a psychopath?

I would like to add a postscript to my previous post about the book On Exterminationism. Yesterday Autisticus Spasticus asked me:

César, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for quite some time. Do you, personally, have it in you to kill non-white women and children in cold blood? Imagine they were lined up before you, black and arab women and children, sobbing, pleading desperately for their lives as you level a machine gun at them. Could you bring yourself to do it? I’m genuinely curious. Have you ever given it much consideration?

The best way to answer him and others who ask me similar questions is through an experiment of the imagination, already mentioned in the final pages of another of my books:

It is enough to see the photographs of mammals in laboratory experiments that are carried out throughout North America and Europe to perceive that the human being is truly a wicked species. I will not incur the rudeness of adding those photographs in this text: a task I leave to my readers.

My exterminating fantasies would not seem unhealthy if we do another thought experiment. In Dies Irae I quoted a non-fiction book by Arthur Clarke where he talked about the ‘judgment from the Stars’ that earthlings could experience. If we imagine that in real life someone similar to a Karellen visited our planet, what is the first thing he would see from his distant silver ships, far above the human tingling? Urban spots. Industries that destroy the environment and, bringing his cameras closer, abject human misery and inconceivable suffering of the other species that share the planet with us. If, as in Clarke’s novel, the visitor also possessed machines to open a visual window to the past to study the species, he would perceive that, besides the hell that the naked apes subject their cousins, through history and prehistory they had behaved in an absolutely horrendous way with their own children. It does not hurt to summarize the revelations of the previous pages.

With his machines to literally see the human past this hypothetical extraterrestrial would be taken aghast by the magnitude of infanticide: nine percent of all human births. He would see thousands of young children slaughtered ritually, offered to the goddess of Babylon. He would see the infant sacrifices of the Pelasgians, the Syrians, the sacrifices in Gezer and in Egypt of the centuries that the earthlings call 10th to 8th before Christ. And let’s not talk about what the visitor would see with his machines when focusing on the ancient Semites of Carthage, where the burning of living children ordered by their own parents reached levels that surpassed the exclamation of Sahagún. Something similar could be seen by our visitor about other Phoenicians, Canaanites, Moabites, Sepharvaim, and ancient Hebrews: who in their origins offered their firstborn as a sacrifice to their gods. With his magic to see our past, the alien visitor would learn that both the exposure and the abandonment of infants continued in Europe until a council took action against the custom of leaving the children to die in the open.

With technology based on unimaginable principles the visitor would also see much worse behaviour in the lands of coloured people: thousands of babies, mostly women, abandoned in the streets of ancient China, and how those babies that were not abandoned were put in cold water until they died. He would see how in feudal Japan the baby was suffocated with wet paper covering her nose and mouth; how infanticide was systematic in the feudal Rajputs in India, sometimes throwing the living children to the crocodiles; and how in pre-Islamic Arabia they buried alive not a few new-borns. The visitor would also see that the sub-Saharan inhabitants of Africa killed their children much more frequently than other races did. He would even see that the sacrifice of children in Zimbabwe was practiced as recently as the beginning of the century that the earthlings call the 20th century. The window to the past would also make visible the incredibly massive slaughter of infants among the natives of the countless islands of Oceania, New Guinea and even more so among the extremely primitive aborigines of Australia, Tasmania and Polynesia. He would realize that in the American tribes, including the redskins, infanticide continued at a time when the practice had been abandoned in Europe. The same happened not only in Central American and South American tribes, but also in the civilizations prior to the Spanish conquest: where the ritual sacrifice of women and children suggests that they did it out of pure sadism. Finally, the visitor would see how, after the Conquest, the sacrificial institution of the Mesoamerican and Inca Indians was forbidden only to be transferred to the animals in the so-called santería in times when our visitor no longer has to use his devices to open the Complete Book of History and Prehistory of the species he studies.

It’s clear where I want to go… If it is legitimate for this hypothetical extraterrestrial to remove from the face of the Earth a newly-arrived species whose haughtiness blinds them from seeing their evil ways, how can it be pathological for an earthling to arrive at identical conclusions? Just because, unlike the visitor, he lacks technological power? The sad truth is that the infanticidal passion and cruelty of primitive humans have not been atoned, only transferred to our cousins.

In answering questions like those of Autisticus Spasticus, it is essential not to fall into stereotypes like the films that Jews make about Nazis.

Unlike the archetypical Hollywood Nazi, in the real world the scenario I imagine would mean liberating various zones in the US, and, from there, launching calls for white males who want to fight in the HRWs, and white women who want to procreate, to flee to the liberated zones—away from the archipelago of Gomorrahite cities that are about to be punished. Once those whites who want to survive take their families to the liberated zones, cut off electricity to the degenerates and deprive them of oil. It is obvious that those who stay in Gomorrah would start dying like flies. (In the sacred book of the Jews it is Yahweh who punishes and exterminates; in the HRWs it will be the Aryan man who does it, whose religion will no longer be Judaic but panentheistic.)

As you can see, none of this resembles the stereotype of the Hollywood Nazi, especially if all this is done in the name of the 4 words, like the alien of our Gedankenexperiment. On the contrary: it is something that could be done with the utmost coolness and preferably without eye contact with those who are about to be exterminated, or with as little contact as possible. I call what the Gomorrahites would suffer necessary suffering (remember that the four words say something else: eliminate all unnecessary suffering).

It’s the same as starting to exterminate the gangs of killer whales that torture a whale calf for hours by drowning her slowly. By shooting them with Apache helicopters, the object wouldn’t be to make them suffer, but to eliminate the whale calf’s unnecessary suffering. That the gang of orcas would suffer during the slaughter (let’s imagine that even one would evade the rockets and survive, traumatised) is what I call necessary suffering. Needless to say that after exterminating the offending species there will be no need to use the Apaches in the oceans.

With the Neanderthaloid versions of humans we would proceed in exactly the same way. The distinction between necessary and unnecessary suffering is fundamental to understanding our point of view.

Daybreak Publishing On Exterminationism (book)

‘On Exterminationism’ – 2022 edition

This is the fifth page of the latest edition of On Exterminationism:


There is no freedom of speech in Europe. Europeans have been muzzled since the Second World War. But if a young Aryan with great aspirations to do something in the darkest hour for his race visits the racialist webzines based in the First Amendment country, what does he find?

A money-making site like Greg Johnson’s, which seems more concerned with profiteering than his Nordic race? A site like Andrew Anglin’s, which only discusses recent news with no historical perspective? The site of patriot Jared Taylor who romanticises the founding fathers, or Hunter Wallace who secretly aspires to a Christian reconquest for the US? Will he go for Kevin MacDonald’s site, which focuses on the Jewish Question?

All these people lack the meta-perspective of Adolf Hitler in his after-dinner talks or the ferocity of William Pierce who, like the National Socialists, left Christian ethics behind. Pierce was the first on the American continent, in a fictional book, The Turner Diaries and in a non-fiction book Who We Are, to suggest exterminationism as the final solution to our problems.

Here I collect several entries that have appeared on my website, The West’s Darkest Hour, since 2011. Some of those posts have been edited, and in the case of the novel The Turner Diaries, there is a passage so important that I quote it more than once.

My main work is in Spanish, which I hope will one day be published in English under the title From Jesus to Hitler. This is where I explain my personal religion of the four words, which imply exterminationism.

Regarding my books in English, my exterminationist passion can be glimpsed in the first and last chapters of my book Day of Wrath: which is in line with what Savitri Devi says in the penultimate essay of this book. Compared to the previous edition, here I added one more article, ‘Panentheism’, the last essay in this collection.

César Tort
August 2022

The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa


European beauty

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Daybreak’ 2022 edition

Note of September 20, 2022: I have removed the preface because it's obsolete. This is the edited preface.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa