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Axiology Christendom Deranged altruism Tom Holland

Secular Christianity

On Friday I posted a 13-minute segment of a video under the title ‘Transvaluing Cross’ about a recent interview with Tom Holland. Now I’d like to embed the full interview, which lasts more than an hour:

At minute 11 Holland says something that explains secular Christianity:

‘If you are hostile to Christianity in the West, almost certainly you will be hostile to Christianity because of deeply Christian reasons’ (my emphasis).

Now that I’ve watched the full interview, I’ve noticed something that Holland fails to notice. When he talks about Roman sexuality during the Roman Empire he says that it was ruthless compared to our morality. But like any normie, Holland doesn’t know he’s talking about the decadent Roman Empire, not Republican Rome. Anyone who wants to learn about Aryan customs and habits when it comes to marriage should read what Tacitus said about the ancient Germans, or what Eduardo Velasco wrote about Spartan marriage.

Quite apart from that flaw, the interview is excellent for understanding the POV of this site, The West’s Darkest Hour. Holland explains admirably how Christian ethics transmuted into the civil rights preached by Martin Luther King, and the sexual ‘liberation’ that reigns today including the ‘rights’ of transgender people.

Nevertheless, ‘although progressives are deeply Christian’ says Holland, ‘for the first time in American history they are not acknowledging that’.

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Tree


I must clarify something about the hatnote I have been putting on the most recent instalments of Karlheinz Deschner’s books, Christianity’s Criminal History.

As I say in the hatnote, entries 1-183, which can be read in two PDFs (here and here), are a couple of abridged books in English. From entry 184 onwards, on the other hand, I am and will be posting the rest of Christianity’s Criminal History unabridged, except for the substantial endnotes to the books that can only be read in German.

I decided to do so because our first translations, which appear in the linked PDFs, are more than enough to understand that the official history of Christianity, written by Christians, conceals the crimes that religion committed against the white race. Everyone has heard of the witch burnings or the Inquisition of the second millennium c.e. But hardly anyone knows the Christian criminal history of the first millennium. An abridged translation was necessary to make the common reader aware of that reality.

But now that we are approaching the second millennium, the abridgement, which was purely for literary reasons (who will want to read the whole first 5 volumes?) is no longer necessary. With the readable basis of how Christianity destroyed the Aryan society from Constantine to Charlemagne, a basis which had to be summarised if I want my visitors to know about it, it is enough.

After Charlemagne’s successors, we can go into details that will be boring. But I will try to give them some life with my interpolated notes in my new series of entries, that I already started with instalment 184. I confess that I haven’t read the rest of Christianity’s Criminal History. But now that we are translating volumes 5-10, I am sure I will learn many facts about our parents’ religion that I was unaware of.

Those familiar with the POV of this site know that I am convinced that reclaiming History will cure the white man from the guilt that is killing him (guilt evident in the film Am I Racist? which is now being released in the US and Canada). The best way to do this is to realise that the stories we have been told about Christianity and the Second World War are astronomical lies.

As far as WW2 is concerned, the astronomical lie is noted in that the Allies perpetrated a real holocaust of Germans and blamed the Germans for what they did! That’s why I will be quoting the contents of Tom Goodrich’s book, Summer 1945, once a week (I told Goodrich I would).

Without reclaiming our history we will perish! That’s why, as my old visitors know, the symbol I like is that of Bran the Broken touching the Weirwood Tree to see the past as it happened.

Deranged altruism Might is right (book)

Might is right, 9

All ye are brethren

Are all men really brethren?—Negro and Indian, Blackfellow, Kalmuck, and Coolie—the well-born, and the base-bred, beer-soaked loafer, and hero-hearted patriot, belted chieftain and ignoble mechanic-slave—pot of iron and pot of clay?

What proof is there that the brotherhood-of-man hypothesis is in accordance with nature? On what trustworthy biologic, historic or other evidence does it rest? If it is natural, then rivalry, competition, and strife are unnatural. And it is proposed to prove in this book that strife, competition, rivalry, and the wholesale destruction of feeble types of men, is not only natural, but highly necessary. [Emphasis by Editor!] Has ‘brotherhood’ ever been tried upon earth? Where, when and with what final result? Is not self-assertion nobler, grander and more truly heroic than self-denial? Is not self-abasement but another term for voluntary vassalage; voluntary burden-bearing?

Christ might well and truthfully have said unto his followers ‘Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will bind you in unbreakable bonds, and load you down like an ass between two burdens.’

The ‘poor and ignorant’ were his first followers—the vagrants, the disinherited shiftless classes: and to this very day, the poorer and more ignorant men and women are, the more eager are they to follow his religious ideals, or the political millennialisms that are distilled out of his delusions.

‘If we only lived as Christ lived, what a beautiful world this would be,’ saith all thoughtless ones. If we lived as Christ lived, there would be none of us left to live. He begat no children; he laboured not for his bread; he possessed neither house nor home.[1] He merely talked.

Primitive Christianity cunningly appealed to the imagination of a world of superstitious slaves (eager for some mode of escape that meant not the giving and receiving of battle-strokes.) It organized them for the overthrow of Heroic Principles; and substituted, for a genuine nobility based on battle-selection, a crafty theocracy founded upon priest-craft, hell-craft, alms-giving, politicalisms, and all that is impure and subterranean. It is a doctrine at once disgraceful in its antecedents, its teachers, and in itself. Truly has it been called ‘the fatal dower of Constantine,’ for it has suffocated, or is suffocating the seeds of Heroism.

Both ancient and modern Christianism and all that has its root therein, is the negation of everything grand, noble, generous, heroic, and the glorification of everything feeble, atrocious, dishonourable, dastardly [e.g., the trans people that neochristians presently adore! —Editor]. The cross is now, and ever has been, an escutcheon of shame. It represents a gallows, and a Semite slave swinging thereon. For two thousand years it has absolutely overturned human reason, overthrown common sense, infected the world with madness, submissiveness, degeneracy.

Truly, there is a way which seemeth right unto a people, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.

Sound the loud timbrel, O’er lands and o’er waves; The Israelite triumphs! The nations are—graves!


[1] These terms are used in the strict Darwinian sense.

Christendom Videos

Bob vs Jews

You might get a headache after watching this video but the Christian proves our point!

Bob’s main argument was that throughout the Middle Ages Christians didn’t try to expel the Jews from their kingdoms permanently (e.g., Edward I / Oliver Cromwell). It’s fascinating that the red-headed Jew, after the 16th minute, tried to give an example to try to refute Bob the Christian. The Jew said that they were expelled from Jerusalem after the wars against Rome. But that was before Constantine! Those who prohibited the Jews from entering Jerusalem were the so-called ‘pagan’ emperors after the Rome vs Judea wars!

The Christian is right: the medieval kingdoms, before the Enlightenment, were comparatively tolerant of the Jews because they always expected that they would convert. In other words: without Constantine and the subsequent Christian emperors, intolerance against the Jews would have taken its natural course.

Let’s imagine the opposite case: that the Church had eradicated Judaism and, conversely, had tolerated what they called ‘paganism’. What would the world be like today? There would certainly be no Jewish problem! The way this Christian preacher, Bob, proves our point is impressive.

Even more fascinating is that after the 22-minute mark, Bob admits that the whole argument started (earlier) when he was arguing with a white nationalist. Unlike him, Bob sees nothing wrong with black people in the West cohabiting with us. The preacher yelled to the multitudes: ‘The Christian worldview has always been multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-national’ (exact moment: here).

Wow! What a way to expose Christianity!

Do you understand my claim now as to why the Christian Problem encompasses the Jewish Problem? Later Bob, when discussing with the other Jew said, ‘Do you know that the first Christians were all Jews?’ And then he says that the first edict of tolerance for the Jews was issued by Constantine in the year 315 (those who worshipped the true Gods wouldn’t have done such a thing)! But a few seconds later he says something that is not true: that there was always a place for pagans in Christianity. (Like the racial right folk, Bob ignores what Constantine, his successors—except Julian—and the bishops with Semitic blood did with those who worshipped Aryan Gods.)

Do you finally understand the concept of the transvaluation of Christian values (what Heydrich attempted)? When we think like him and not like Xtian nationalists, the Jewish problem will be solved—and the black problem, and the Hispanic problem, etc.


Sieg Heil!

by Gaedhal

Remember what the opposite of this is, white man. It was “academic literature” such as this that was burnt by the Hitlerjugund. Karl Andersson studies in England. England would be free of such pests had they not defeated themselves at World War 2.

Both the American Civil War and World War 2—both of which were the biggest, deadliest, most technologically sophisticated wars of their day—were really just the White man going to war to defeat himself. Only the negro won the American Civil War, and, as Alex Linder puts it: only the Jew won World War 2.

However, Christian axiology has convinced us that we win when we lose. The New Testament is full of enigmas like the last being first, the meek conquering the earth through their meekness; whores and tax-collectors (i.e. traitors and collaborators) being more heavenward than scribes and Pharisees; I am weak when I am strong.

That one wins when he loses is very much in this vein.

This is why I love: ‘Sieg Heil’. Christ tells us that we win when we lose. Hitler tells us that we win when we win. There are no oriental paradoxes, or enigmas or headscratchers from Herr Hitler. Nope: Hitler gives us the “straight dope” as a negro might phrase it in his ebonics.

Racial right


by Benjamin

Having briefly read ‘The Yoke of Woke’ I see Tobias Lang inadvertently echoes Orwell’s Notes on Nationalism. Much as he’s correct to notice postwar Jewish subversion, he’s still promoting these Jews to an all-powerful force, much as with the ‘transposition of colour’ where non-whites are innately superior in that they are dominant and thus somehow to blame for everything. I see, as you always write, and as Wagner said, that these commentators simply cannot turn their gaze onto themselves and process that it’s their neochristian morality that allows the Jews to do this [emphasis by Ed.], and which keeps them otherwise weak and focussed on loving their enemy out-group, and their capitalist system that facilitates this individualistic, atomised ‘soul-saving’. He puts out his counterargument, but I don’t see at any point him dwelling on Christianity and honestly critiquing it the same way, thus sidestepping addressing Cofnas adequately. I take it it’s simply beyond them, much as with dealing with their ancestors’ catastrophic failures in turning on Germany, and indeed their own anti-Nordic miscegenation. To be honest, I grow tired of reading the entire white nationalist right continually preach on and on about Jews (especially the ‘every single time…’ line) whilst gaslighting the other, more fundamental aspects of their long dissolution. To fight back, they must first be honest enough to recognise what they are, not just what they are subjected to. They might as well be whimpering leftists otherwise, made saintly in the role of the oppressed, these conservative reactionaries. They dig their own graves.

I should add that Tobias seems to suggest somehow that without criticising hostile Jews (as would be natural for them) like he is prepossessed to do, all his opponents/oppressors are Marxists. I’d say cultural Marxists, though they do exist, are rare outside of academia and student life. What about the vast group of normies, the white everyday people, the 90%+ of society? They’re not tied to cultural Marxism. Normies would be the clearest point for expressing that our society’s values are shaped by generations of Christianity. The everyday people aren’t schooled in any of these progressive theories, and they’re not activists regardless. Still, preternaturally, they radiate egalitarianism. And it’s the same with the right. It seems like conservatives have backed themselves into a corner over this and created yet another oppressor myth to make themselves feel better (although I do not deny Jewish subversion, obviously). I don’t understand why they have such reticence to examine their own side, and their own people (as a race, and not as a political faction). I certainly don’t think whites are, on the whole, innocent victims, passively absorbing outside abuses, much as their suffering is prominent to us. Surely there is something rather narcissistic about their mantra of dogged self-defence also, as they continue to gloss over the problem. Losing the warped metaphysics and suicidal doctrines of a ridiculous long-entrenched foreign religion does nothing to physically diminish our potential as a race. I simply don’t understand why they hang onto it (when I think to myself on it, it’s beyond me totally), were it not for cowardice and false pride narcissism. It makes no sense.

Racial right

2 ¢

Regarding recent articles in The Occidental Observerone by Kevin MacDonald—about how Tobias Lang contradicts Nathan Cofnas, who believes that Christianity underlies the aetiology of Wokism, I’d like to give my two cents.

Cofnas is correct (cf. the books cited in Neo-Christianity) but misses the point that Jewry is a potent ethnocidal catalyst in an ethnosuicidal process that was already simmering long before whites allowed Jewry to become empowered.

On the other hand, Lang is right to acknowledge Jewish subversion but wrong not to realise that, without Christianity, whites would think as Titus and the Romans thought when they razed Jerusalem to the ground: when exterminating Jews was a legitimate sport in the Greco-Roman mindset.

In other words, if Constantine had been defeated a few centuries after Titus and Hadrian, every American white nationalist would have oil paintings of characters equivalent to Heydrich and Himmler in their living and dining rooms.

Never forget that whoever tells you in their new testaments that you must love your enemy is your enemy!

New Testament Racial right

So fundamental…

Uncle Adolf and his ilk thought that Jesus had been a non-divine Aryan who fought against the Jews in the Temple in Jerusalem—see this recent video interview with Hitler scholar Richard Weikart.

But now, in the darkest hour for the fair race, the only thing that can save them from the extinction facing them is a sort of improved National Socialism: a NS in which, unlike the top Nazis of the Third Reich, those of the 21st century no longer believe in the existence of Jesus.

And as Benjamin said yesterday, the biggest problem we 14-word priests (i.e., ‘improved Nazis’) have is the fact that American white nationalists are acting as gatekeepers to keep any Aryan racialists from moving into the NS camp (and let’s not talk about the improved NS).

Although very brief, on Saturday I posted the entry ‘Literary Theft’ which links to a video demonstrating that the writers of the New Testament plagiarised a story from Homer’s Odyssey. Now I would like to add something. Anyone who has read Gospel Fictions by Randel Helms will find that that was the method the Jews used in many other New Testament stories!

So the conversation between Dennis MacDonald and Richard Miller is so fundamental to understanding the POV of this site, that I can’t resist the temptation to copy and paste some of the first comments of that YouTube video:

______ 卐 ______

Commenter 1 said: Great to have these two scholars converse and share not only an application of mimetic analysis, but also to reflect on the way the study of religion is conducted in academia. Many thanks for these episodes!

Commenter 2 said: Blasphemy law and tradition against blasphemy is what kept people from saying and talking about the parallels. People are afraid of hell.

Commenter 3 said: And… you’ve unlocked the key to ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’. To say the gospels and Acts were patterned after Greek mythological stories, the tragedians, etc., is to say that they were written by evil plagiarists… instead of by holy and devout men who wrote down the truth as guided by the Holy Ghost.

Commenter 4 said: This is traditionally what happens when New Testament scholars aren’t versed in ancient languages and cultures. Once a biblical and ancient Near Eastern scholar understands these aspects, their entire worldview of the New Testament as well as Homer changes them in a way they can’t unsee.

Racial right

WN Christians

by Benjamin

Personally, though I once had, I have no hope that any of the Christian conservatives could ever be deprogrammed. Reading the way they talk, that Jesus fanaticism, the sheer pig-headed resolute doubling down of it… they’re gone; sealed.

What is the dissident right/WN [white nationalist—Ed.]/conservatives doing online these days? Are they consoling each other, or going to convert/reprimand their ‘leftists’, or trying to recruit normies? They are normies, really, but normies paradoxically aren’t them, if that makes any sense. All I can think to do is hope that there are people out there who just find your site, as I did, as really, I don’t think any amount of well-crafted good words can convert anyone to it. As you said before regarding the worldview, they are born National Socialists (or at least proto-NS and can hone themselves) or they are not.

When the world breaks down in collapse, these groups are enemies, just as much as anyone else. My gut instinct even tells me it’d be easier to reach out to progressives than conservative or WN Christians. The progressives at least have some mad passion, some genuine belief in something (and are incredibly naive as opposed to affectedly world-wise like [a popular WN Xtian–Ed.] et al). The Christians are merely cynical know-it-alls pretending to be enlightened. They’re craven and obedient to authority.

If these Christians and WN could be publicly embarrassed more (particularly the type of those who try to have their cake and eat it with both Hitler and Capitalist Christianity), perhaps it would draw leftists away to gloat over this, and poke them in public, and humiliate the former unbearably. WN are, to me, indubitably, the most dangerous to our success of all white factions.

It would be hard to let leftists have access to these materials but they’re binary and can be flipped. Normies otherwise, I feel instinctively, in this country at least, are only conservative to the degree that renders them all somewhat nationalist, in the BNP sense; the football hooligan sense; and then, inevitably the Patriotic Alternative sense. They can do no more. As I say though, I’ll just see who comes out of the woodwork. I thought of that civil war film you showed the other day.

I’m not sure if they’d realise it, but I wish it was them in those pits. More than leftist progressives. Keep the normies as normies; they are not good enough to be ‘radicalised’, even in juvenile capacity to the level of the showboating cynics. Two different development trees then, and one demographic who will never be developed, or put to sense, and must just be removed, somehow. All these Christians are as Muslims to me.

P.S. I meant that WN are the most dangerous in that they tie up leftists (and render them angrier and more hurt) and encourage normies to promote themselves (where the latter can drift into the conservative camp also). Obviously the most empirically threatening are the conservative Christians (and the huge herd of normies from the normie -> WN/conservative Christian pipeline, with the WN acting at both promoters and gatekeepers, keeping their new recruits firmly away from proper NS ideas). Inadvertently, they function like hostile counter-countersubversives.

Unknowns, and the odd leftist growing up and changing his mind are the only option I can see then, in terms of numbers gathering. I don’t actually know how many genuine National Socialists there are.

My impassioned ‘Marxist’ friend says that since talking to me, and thinking about it a bit, he’s “no longer so far left”. We talk amicably now and again. I know he reads my articles. He seems like he understands a revolutionary mindset easier.

New Testament Racial right

MacDonald & Miller

This dialogue on paradigm shifts between Dennis MacDonald and Richard Miller, two New Testament scholars I respect, can be extrapolated to our topic.

The current paradigm in white nationalism is that Jewry is the cause of Aryan decline.

We, on the other hand, believe that Jewish influence is only possible because of the mortal sins of the Aryans (cf. for example what we have said about Constantine and Charlemagne in Deschner’s books, PDFs of which appear in the featured post).

White nationalists, mostly Christians or Christian sympathisers, ignore the new paradigm: they are stuck in the old one. For the paradigm to change requires the old generation of racialists to perish, and a new generation to be more willing to put the religion of our parents in the dock.

For the moment, the intellectual inertia that gives life to the current paradigm comes from the pundits of the most visited racialist forums, regardless of the fact that that paradigm has already been superseded, at least in the minds of those racialists who are more understanding of what is really going on (e.g., Velasco’s diagnosis of how the West’s dark hour originated: his essay on Judea and Rome).