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Below, my comments of the ten threads about Nietzsche’s prologue to Thus Spoke Zarathustra in a single entry: 1 Visitors will be surprised to learn that a Spanish edition has more detailed endnotes than the academic English translation of Nietzsche’s magnum opus. This is because Spaniards are fed up of Catholicism. North Americans have a […]

Ancient Greece Beauty Evropa Soberana (webzine) Hans F. K. Günther Miscegenation Nordicism Racial studies

Nordish Hellenes: the aristocracy of ancient Greece

As can be seen in my first comment of the last thread, a white nationalist has no idea of what nordicism is. Stubbs said in a VNN exchange that I included in The Fair Race, “Nordicism has come to refer the recognition that some parts of Europe have undergone significantly more mongrelization than others.” It […]

Autobiography Axiology Final solution Heinrich Himmler Helmut Stellrecht Hermann Göring Neanderthalism William Pierce

Follow my yellow brick road

Today is my birthday so I will indulge myself a little in my typical ethnocidal fantasies. Recently I watched the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz after decades of not seeing it (as a small child), based on the 1900 novel by L. Frank Baum, and the thought occurred to me that each day I […]

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) Axiology Friedrich Nietzsche

Absolute relevancy

I have noticed that people are not interested in my recent entries on Nietzsche and the New Testament (and my next entry will be none other than Karlheinz Deschner’s introduction to his ten-volume Criminal History of Christianity). Why I believe these topics are relevant for the cause? Let’s put it this way. If inspired by […]

Conspiracy theories Islam Judeo-reductionism Kevin MacDonald Sexual "liberation"

What tipped my apothecary scale?

Or: Stephen Dalton’s point Another way to see the difference between bicausalism type-A and type B is through the thought experiment of who would you blame the most, the anthropophagous Morlocks or the suicidal passivity of the blond Eloi in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine? Those who focus on Jewry blame the Morlocks of course. […]

Axiology Conservatism Constantine Constantinople Eschatology Hermann (Arminius) Jesus Swastika Tom Sunic William Pierce

After AD: Before and after the Führer

In the thread on Judeo reductionism, Roger commented today: Think of the fall of Byzantium. This may have been seen as a great calamity for Europe but on reflection, this helped concentrate power in western Europe and reinvigorated it. Likewise, the utter destruction of America may be the best thing for the White Man… but […]