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Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Daybreak’ 2022 edition

Note of September 20, 2022: I have removed the preface because it's obsolete. This is the edited preface.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

Day of Wrath (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Day of Wrath’ 2022 edition

A publisher of racialist books asked me for the manuscript of the slimmest of my books and I have been busy preparing a PDF I have just sent him. But here I wanted to talk about another of my books in English, one of which I am one hundred per cent the author: Day of Wrath.

I have just finished the revision of this book; its PDF is linked below. My first words, now edited, are as follows:


The texts under this cover are essays on a wide range of topics. Even so, I venture to publish them under a single cover because they represent an introduction, in English and a readable book, to my vast work in Spanish. Most of the texts of this book are Spanish-English translations of chapters of my volumes Hojas Susurrantes and ¿Me Ayudarás? But the first two articles are blog essays.

The first article gave the title to this book.

I wrote ‘Dies Irae’ at the end of 2012 for mi website The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH). This article must be contextualised from the fourteen words: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’, the axiom of WDH. In many words, to fully understand the 14 words see the selected compilation of WDH articles in the book The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (document available on my website).

The next article, ‘Possessed whites’ appeared on my website in early 2020. The rest of the book consists of translations from Spanish.

Hojas Susurrantes consists of approximately 260,000 words. It is the first volume of my philosophical trilogy. In 2006 I wrote the text reproduced here, ‘Unfalsifiability in Psychiatry’: a piece that appears in the second chapter of Hojas. In that essay, I try to show that the profession called psychiatry does not meet the scientific requirement to distinguish it from pseudosciences.

I finished the fourth chapter of Hojas in 2008. In this translation, I interpolate some square brackets in italics, and also some explaining passages, for those who have not read my thick volumes in their original language. The texts ‘The Trauma Model,’ ‘The Feathered Serpent’ and ‘Psychohistory’ are taken from this fourth chapter of Hojas. In these chapters I establish the basis of the trauma model: the opposite paradigm to the pseudoscientific medical model of mental disorders taught in psychiatry departments. The trauma model aims to demonstrate that abusive parents have driven their children mad throughout prehistory and recorded history.

The second volume of my autobiography, ¿Me Ayudarás? consists of approximately 225,000 words. The piece reproduced here, ‘God’, is a translated text of its first chapter and ‘Dying in a Louis XVI-style bedroom’ is taken from the introduction. Like the other chapters, it has been adapted for this English translation. This last text is a portrait of my soul that connects with the first essay, ‘Dies Irae,’ day of wrath in Latin.

January 2020
(edited in 2022)


The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Since I’m offering all of my work for free, I’d appreciate it if those who like it would contribute to keeping us working hard. Remember that in addition to PayPal, we also have Bitcoin and Monero accounts.

Bitcoin: 3DwpjCaGwycbeQB554h99ej5eLyMYRHcxf


Monero: 47r35PSQCusfRPPXE8nngVP mfWenWsb9KJJwhBtmVMzF Gv1JjTs6znuXJErURnyNKA7 Q3CgpwjGm8goHwAEpPgTx Dc2EnHa

Child abuse Daybreak (book) Sponsor

My trilogy

Of my trilogy written in my native language the first two books are, once again, available to the public as announced on my site Hojas Eliminadas. I am checking the syntax of the third one before publishing the revised edition, which will be out in May, so I won’t be very active on The West’s Darkest Hour this weekend.

As for most of the English books on the sidebar, they have been under review by Antelope Hill Publishing for a month now, and I can only wait for a ruling. I can’t re-release them to the printer who, for the moment, has accepted the first two of my trilogy in Spanish because I would risk having my account closed. (Those two books in my trilogy already republished don’t deal with racial issues, but how very abusive parents destroy the mental health of their children: another of society’s taboo subjects.)

Antelope Hill is not a self-publishing platform like Lulu, but a publishing company like the others, although it dares to publish racialist themes. Therefore, our movement urgently needs a print-on-delivery service that doesn’t deplatform us at the slightest infringement of political correctness. But as always, that requires a wealthy sponsor.

Conservatism Darkening Age (book) Feminism Liberalism Sponsor

On Agustín Laje

Here we can watch Nicolás Márquez and Agustín Laje in their video yesterday discussing Laje’s new book.

Agustín Laje Arrigoni (born in Córdoba in 1989) is an Argentine writer, political scientist and lecturer. He is co-author of El Libro Negro de la Nueva Izquierda (The Black Book of the New Left) and author of the recently published book La Batalla Cultural: Reflexiones críticas para una Nueva Derecha (The Cultural Battle: Critical Reflections for a New Right).

Laje is the founder and president of the Fundación Libre, a conservative think tank. In Latin America he has been labelled an ‘ultra-right-winger’ by various media. Remember that Latin America subscribes to the egalitarian madness of the West, but since miscegenation has already been consummated here, there is little talk of race, hence racial issues are not discussed by Laje. Although his remarks have been labelled homophobic by the Spanish-speaking MSM, Laje subscribes to the liberal paradigm of ‘let him live’ regarding lifestyles, and only rejects third-wave feminism, not the first two waves. Despite this, Laje calls himself a paleolibertarian, anti-feminist and opposes euthanasia, abortion and homo marriage.

Given that La Batalla Cultural has just been published by HarperCollins, it’s perhaps worth saying that Laje quotes a writer as his conclusion: “Todo lo bueno de la civilización occidental, desde la libertad individual hasta el arte se debe al cristianismo” (‘Everything good in Western civilisation, from individual freedom to art, is due to Christianity’). Obviously, like racialists north of the Rio Grande, Laje is ignorant of the history of Christianity even though Catherine Nixey’s book, which we have been quoting here, has been translated into Spanish.

I have already said a couple of things about Laje on this site, albeit casually (here and here). But I would like to say something else. In the last-linked post I said:

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable.

I mention this only because the experiences I have had with racialists in the UK and US concerning Latin America have been surreal. When I spoke to Jez Turner in London, for example, he asked me if there were no nationalist movements in Latin America. His question left me cold, because any nationalism in this part of the continent is preached based on a consummated miscegenation—never based on Aryan preservation! Also, when I corresponded with Tom Goodrich, I noticed that he had an infinitely naïve view of Latin Americans. He told me that, unlike Americans, they would give me juicy donations here. The truth is that, in all the years I have received donations, I haven’t received a single cent from a Spanish speaker!

I’ve already written about these things in my review of David Duke’s trip to Mexico seven years ago. But I am still surprised that English speakers haven’t realised that there is no such thing as a red-pilled activist in this part of the continent. Not a single one. They all sleep in the matrix that controls us. Still, if I read Laje’s new book that is turning into a bestseller, I will be reviewing it in the Spanish section of this site (although it is the Catholic Laje who should read Nixey’s book).

Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

Thank you!

I would like to thank T.J. and R.B. for their recent contributions to this site. (If in the future I had more sponsors, I could reopen Daybreak Press so that the sidebar books would once again be available in print.)

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Sponsor


For the second time, Lulu has vaporised my account, including all my autobiographical books that have nothing to do with racial or political issues.

Dear user,

Lulu has terminated your access to your accounts pursuant to the terms of our Membership Agreement. Your final royalty payments will be forthcoming as set forth in the Agreement.

Questionable Content Team
Lulu Press, Inc.

For this site’s point of view to flourish we need a printer that won’t censor, and without warning, our content. (The royalties I received from my books were essential to support my work on The West’s Darkest Hour!) Some printers tolerate so-called ‘questionable content’ but it costs money.

I’ll leave this post as the new sticky post until I can solve the problem. For the moment, PDFs of my books are still available on the sidebar.

If The West’s Darkest Hour, hosted by WordPress, is also censored, visit the backup which is in English and in German.

Thank you for your patience and contributions! (*)


(*) For the donation button, see the bottom of this page. We still have a PayPal account. But we also accept Bitcoin and Monero.

3-eyed crow Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Chess Sponsor

Formalising the study

These days the World Chess Championship is being played between the world champion Magnus Carlsen (Norway) and the challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi (Russia), organised by FIDE (International Chess Federation). In the picture we see a red-haired chess Grandmaster commenting on the game played today, with pictures of the old Soviet-era world champions. Note that the USSR flag doesn’t bother the fans. As I have already said, the idol of my adolescence was Alexander Alekhine who had to flee, even as world champion, to Portugal after the defeat of Germany (Alekhine played several tournaments under the auspices of the Third Reich). We can already imagine a Nazi flag, with Alekhine’s picture, in a retrospective account of chess in the 1930s commented by the same red-haired master…

In The Human Side of Chess I said that I might play another FIDE tournament after sixteen years of not playing tournaments endorsed by the FIDE. But chess is no easy matter: one has to keep up to date, during preparation, with books on the latest opening analyses, where the authors often make use of computers. And it is true that I bought some books since I translated The Human Side of Chess into English. But those are not books that can be read like a novel. Rather, they resemble the maths books we had in junior and high school, when one had to do lots of exercises to assimilate mathematical concepts.

It seems to me a crime to spend so much time in chess when I should be acting as a priest of the fourteen words. I don’t mean I’m going to abandon the project of playing next year, but in an ideal world one would have to relegate the study of chess to a minimum. And this made me fantasize this morning what I would do if I had a special sponsor who would send me, for about a decade, enough money to order books to honour the sacred words.

My mind flew to the Open University of the UK (OU) books on the history degree, or rather, the classical studies degree. On this site I have translated the texts of a Spaniard on Sparta and Republican Rome. But formal study requires not only the basics of a BA (I wouldn’t have to formally subscribe to the OU, just order their books), but more specific studies about Sparta and Republican Rome.

Largely, studying chess is nothing more than a lack of funds, since one spends tons of time digesting a single chess book; it’s cheap to study this game at the amateur level. On the other hand, studying history is more expensive. Unlike the metaphor I have been using on this site, that of the three-eyed raven who in an inhospitable cave on the other side of the Wall can see the past paranormally, in the real world one needs not only the money to have a good collection of the Loeb Classical Library, but the time to read them, the security of sustenance and a roof over our heads. That is the only way to ponder what the Aryan race really was in the pre-Christian world.

There is something else. Recently I was thinking that, given that Christianity and secular neochristianity are axiologically the same, a neologism should be coined to encompass these two concepts in one. Upon reflection, I remembered the term ‘Jew obeyer’ which I first used on this site in 2018.

Indeed: Christians obey the precepts of the Jews who wrote the New Testament, and atheists indirectly obey them, albeit wrapped in the ideology born with the French Revolution (‘human rights’, etc.—cf. what Savitri said on anthropocentrism in today’s other post).

The only way for the priest of the 14 words to prove definitively that Christian ethics and the ethics of Western atheists are two sides of the same coin, is to steep himself in classical culture. In an ideal world I would inherit the fortune of a relatively wealthy man. With the proper funds it would no longer make sense to study, even a little, chess as long as I could ‘see’ the past through my classical studies.

After a few years of studying the classics, the question of whether there was anything like these ‘Jew obeyers’ among the Aryans of pre-Christian Europe would begin to dawn on me.

Presently, it seems to me that there was not: that there was nothing so much as an egalitarian hysteria where the last (the poor, the blacks, the trans) will be first and the first (the proud Aryans) will be last. My working hypothesis is that all this madness that has metastasised in our secular world today had, as its first cancerous cell, Mark’s gospel as we have been saying on this site when talking about Richard Carrier’s book. But we would have to be as sure of that as Carrier is now about Mediterranean religion in the first centuries of our era.

If I can’t do that formal study, it would be great if someone else could do it in the future. The premise that the ‘ethical’ system that is killing the Aryan originated from the mental virus of Christianity can be formally addressed by studying pre-Christian Europe.

I would like to use this post to thank a sponsor who sends me a fixed amount per month. If I had more such sponsors I could surely abandon the couple of chess books I am reading for a better cause.

George Lincoln Rockwell Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Sponsor Swastika

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 13


Chapter IV

The contempt of the average man


‘Et la honte d’être homme aussi lui poignait l’âme’.

—Leconte de Lisle (‘L’Holocauste’, Poèmes Tragiques.)

‘This appalling logic’, said to me on October 9, 1948, Mr Rudolf Grassot, Assistant Chief of the Information Office of the French occupier in Baden-Baden, speaking of our intellectual consistency, without suspecting, for a single moment, to whom he was talking about. I have retained these words, which flatter us, among some other tributes—always unintentional—from the adversary, in Europe or elsewhere.

Few things shock me about those mammals who profess to ‘think’ as much as the absence of logic. They even stress how their superiority is supposed to give them over living beings who, they believe, are devoid of it. It shocks me, because it is a lack of agreement between the thought and the life of the same individual, even between two or more aspects of his thought itself; because it is an internal contradiction, a negation of harmony, therefore weakness and ugliness. And the more the person with whom he meets is placed in the conventional hierarchy of ‘intellectuals’, that is to say, literate people, preferably with university degrees, or technicians coming out from some big school, the more this lack of discursive capacity shocks me. But I find it absolutely unbearable in anyone who proclaims himself to be both a Hitlerite and an adherent of some religious or philosophical doctrine visibly incompatible with Hitlerism.

Why is that? Why, for example, do the millions of people who say they ‘love animals’ and eat meat so as not to look ‘special’, seem to me less irritating than the tens of thousands who say they are both Hitlerites and Christians? Are the former less illogical than the latter? Of course not! But they form a majority that I know in advance is lying, and cowardly or weak, which is almost the same thing: a majority that, despite the few interesting individuals there, I have despised since my earliest childhood, and from whom I expect nothing.

Editor’s Note: Two of my sponsors who used to send me a modest monthly amount recently stopped doing so, and they didn’t tell me why. There are many occasions when an entry doesn’t get any comments, except that of a troll who is annoyed by our Christian-wise position (just as there are Jew-wise folk): comments that I don’t let pass.

White nationalism is a Jew-wise movement but extremely unwise on the Christian question. Being the only site dedicated to adding thoughtful articles on the CQ, I doubt that it will be possible for me to continue at the current rate of posts per week if I lose more sponsors. (Remember, for example, that this series is a translation of Savitri’s book in French.) I suspect I lose them because they dislike our paradigm shift: from JQ to CQ as the primary cause of Aryan decline. And this, although the CQ and the JQ are ultimately two sides of the same coin, as we have tried to show with the essay considered the masthead of The West’s Darkest Hour, that of Judea against Rome.

American white nationalism will remain a weak movement until it recognises the Christian question. I will continue to recognise it even if this uncompromising attitude ruins me financially (which is why I call myself a ‘priest’): something that would dramatically reduce the number of articles per week, as I would have to look for a regular job.

Savitri continues:

The latter are my brothers in the faith, or those whom I have hitherto believed to be such. They form an elite that I have loved and exalted because they wear, today as yesterday, the same sign as me—the eternal Swastika—and claim to have the same Master: an elite from whom I expected, as a matter of course, this perfect harmony of thought with itself and with life, that absolute logic that one of our enemies, without knowing me, described before me as ‘appalling’ on 9 October 1948, the forty-first anniversary of the birth of Horst Wessel.

Illogic is either stupidity or bad faith or compromise—stupidity, dishonesty or weakness. However, a Hitlerite cannot, by definition, be stupid, dishonest or weak. Anyone who is afflicted with any of these three disqualifications cannot be counted among the militant, hard and pure minority, dedicated body and soul to the struggle for the survival and the reign of the best—our struggle. Unfortunately, it has been necessary—and will be necessary for a long time yet if we want to act on the material level—to accept, if not the allegiance, at least the services of a crowd of people who, seen from the outside, appeared and sounded Hitlerites, but who were not and are not, could not and cannot be, precisely because of the lack of consistency inherent in their psychology.

What to do? They were and are—and will be for a long time to come—the numbers and the money, which no movement with a programme of action can entirely do without. They must be used, but without placing too much trust in them. You should not argue with them because if they are stupid, it is useless; if they behave in bad faith, neither is it. And if they are weak, the revelation of their inconsistency may have the opposite effect on them to that which one would have wished.

As soon as Hermann Rauschning realised that he could not be a Hitlerite and a Christian at the same time, he chose Christianity, and wrote the virulent book, Hitler Told Me, which the enemy hastened to translate into several languages. Less wise, he would never have realised it, and would have continued, like so many other brave average Christians, to lavish on the cause of Germany, and beyond it, the Aryan cause, all the service they could. Rauschning was one of those who should have been left to sleep.

So many asleep, or logically inconsistent, people are on the practical level more useful than we, the small core of uncompromising militants! In his letter of 26 June 1966, the late G.L. Rockwell, the leader of the American National Socialist Party[1] who was destined fourteen months later to fall to an assassin’s bullet, wrote to me, among other things:

An analysis of our income shows the incontrovertible fact that the vast majority of our money comes from devout Christians. People like you cannot send a cent, and more than likely need help yourself. This is meant as no insult, simply a dramatic example of exactly what I mean in terms of practical results, which is what I have aimed for, rather than the position of ivory tower philosopher.

In short, without ammunition, even the greatest general on earth would lose a war. And if the people who have a monopoly on the ammunition require me to say “abracadabra” three times every morning in order to get enough bullets to annihilate the enemy, then, by God, I will say “abracadabra” not three times, but nine times and most enthusiastically, regardless of whether it is nonsense, lies, or what it may be.

Once we have achieved power, it is an entirely different matter. However, I will point out that, even the Master Himself did not go overboard in the direction you indicate. There can be no question that He agreed with you—and with all really hard-core National Socialists. But He was also a realist and a damned SUCCESSFUL one at that.

Rockwell was replying to my letter of 26 April 1966, in which I had very frankly expressed my disappointment at reading some issues of the monthly Bulletin of the American National Socialist Party. (In one of these there were three symbols, side by side, in three rectangles, each with a word of explanation: a Christian cross, ‘Our Faith’!, a flag of the United States, ‘Our Country’, and finally, a swastika, ‘Our Race’.)

He was responding to my criticisms, my doctrinal intransigence, my demand for logic. And, from a practical point of view, he was a hundred times right. He who gives a hundred dollars to the NSWPP is certainly more useful than he who writes a hundred lines not of ‘propaganda’ (adapted to the immediate concerns and tastes of a majority of people at one point in time), but of truths; of propositions whose intrinsic value will be the same ten thousand years from now, and ten thousand times ten thousand years from now, and always, and which justify our struggle of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

But there is more. The man and woman of good Aryan blood who, alas, ardently hate both our Führer and ourselves but have a child destined to be, one day, one of us, are even more useful than the individual who gives our activists his financial support. Goebbels’ parents, who had no sympathy for the Hitler Movement, did more for it, simply by having this son, than did the German magnates who (without knowing more what they were doing than the ‘devout Christians’ of the USA whom Rockwell mentions in his letter) financed the National Socialists’ election campaigns from 1926 to 1933. In fact, each is useful in its own way. Moreover, there are services of such a different nature that they cannot be compared. Each has its value.

Nevertheless, I reread with pride the sentence that Rockwell wrote to me a little over a year before his tragic death: ‘the Master Himself [the Führer] did not go overboard in the direction you indicate. There can be no question that He agreed with you—and with all really hard-core National Socialists. But He was also a realist and a damned SUCCESSFUL one at that’, whereas I, his disciple, am not.

I am not a leader. And didn’t the Führer himself at times, by making some of his most far-reaching decisions, placed the appalling logic of our Weltanschauung above his immediate material success? What else did he do, for example, when he attacked Russia, the citadel of Marxism, on June 22, 1941? or already by refusing Molotoff’s proposals on November 11, 1940? (Exorbitant as these were, accepting them would have been, it seems, less tragic than risking war on two fronts).


[1] The ANP, which later became the NSWPP (National Socialist White People’s Party).


To my PayPal donors:

On the last day of this month, the old number of my debit card expires (donate button appears at the very bottom of this site). Tomorrow, I will pick up the new card at my bank.

In theory, this shouldn’t cause a problem for a donor: my bank account is the same; it is only the number of the new card that changes.

However, if when trying to donate you get a temporary message (something like the transfer of funds is not complete but ‘pending’, etc.), it is only because I will find myself changing the number in my PayPal account.

When the process is finished (I hope that tomorrow the card will be waiting for me in the bank), I will turn these words into grey letters and I’ll write, in black letters, an update in this post.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to The West’s Darkest Hour!

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Update of August 31: All right! I have now updated my PayPal account with my new debit card.

Incidentally, in addition to PayPal, Bitcoin and Monero, there is another way of making donations. My email is on the sidebar (or just post a comment with a legit email in the comments section of any post).

Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Sponsor

Thanks to sponsors

In addition to the little French I remember from school, I have used two computer translators for a much more accurate translation of Savitri Devi’s third chapter of the book I’ve been quoting. Now that I obtained the original text in Word format, I see that the translation of the PDF I linked some days ago is full of errors and even omissions.

A decade ago Greg Johnson published the translation of chapters 1, 5, 10 and 11 for Counter-Currents. But I have not checked if his translator used the defective PDF or if he translated them directly from French.

Although Savitri was born in France her mother was English, which means that English was her mother tongue. Strangely, she didn’t translate her book into English herself.

I would like to thank in this entry all the contributors who have supported this site through their donations. It would be impossible to continue this work without their help.