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Might is right (book) Real men


I have decided to suspend, at least for the time being, quotes from Might is Right because of what Ragnar Redbeard says in my last post on the subject, starting with these words (‘Though, the survival of the strongest is the logic of events, yet personal cowardice is the great vice of our demoralized age’) to the end of that post.

While what Redbeard says is true, I detect a big problem: the soft totalitarian world we live in.

In the darkest hour of the West (a euphemism for the darkest hour of the white race) we cannot go out fighting. It is impossible to imitate, say, those tales of Prince Valiant that I read in the Sunday papers as a child.

We live in a world that rather resembles a scene from Paths of Glory when Colonel Dax and his soldiers cannot even get out of the trench because of the machine-gun fire that falls like a downpour on anyone who dares to stick his head above ground.

This is the reality in which we live even with peaceful demonstrations like the one in Charlottesville. The System mercilessly crushes dissent: first with its Antifa, then with police and months or years later using the courts to punish (illegally, as the demonstration was peaceful) those nationalists who went to Charlottesville.

In a totalitarian world, it makes no sense to talk about physical courage, as long as the enemy is so powerful that there is no way to wage an external jihad to weaken him.

But the enemy is not so powerful as to prevent internal jihad… If we cannot wage external jihad at all, it is time for internal jihad: as I said to Jamie a month ago in the context of apostatising from Christianity.

The reason why, at least for the moment, I don’t feel it makes sense to keep quoting Redbeard every other day is because his book was written when external jihad was still possible. For example, when Redbeard published Might is Right Hitler was a child, and when this Austrian grew up he fought both internal and external jihad.

In the darkest hour for the white race, we can only fight internally. The good news is that Muslims consider internal jihad greater, spiritually, than external jihad. To distinguish it from Islam, I call the struggle with oneself the priesthood of the holy words.

Film Final solution Real men

Heydrich, 8

When the team resumes their work after the break, they go on to discuss the number of Jews to be deported from the conquered countries, quoting numbers and statistics.

What I find insane about those American anti-Semites who publish in respected webzines is that they fail to mention the blunder their country committed to waging war against Germany.

Result of the blunder? Instead of having figures of deported Jews on the desks of contemporary rulers, we have the figures on the SPLC director’s wall of the areas of the US that are no longer white!

As I said: it is a fight to the death between the two races, and by leaving the final solutions off the table these Christian and neochristian anti-Semites are only obeying the New Testament injunctions written by Jews to tame the minds of the brutal Aryans.

Or is there anyone among the most notable racialists in the US who secretly (like these at the Wannsee conference) approves of the Germans’ final solution and I have not heard about it?

If anti-white policies run their course to the extent of imprisoning these lukewarm Americans in a dystopian future (remember that three of the Englishmen I knew personally were imprisoned for thoughtcrime), will they be able, from prison, to finally acknowledge that their nation made a huge mistake in WW2?

Many visitors must have noticed that, in recent years, few articles on this site deal with the Jewish problem. That is because The West’s Darkest Hour focuses on the Aryan psyche. I like final solutions like the men on this roundtable and I have no patience for feminised males who do nothing but whine and whine and whine about what Jews (or blacks, or traitorous whites or feminists) have recently done here or there. Such an attitude shouldn’t be expected from the Aryan male: it is a woman’s attitude.

We are by nature murderers, rapists and creators of great civilisations (cf. Sparta, the abduction of the Sabine women by the early Romans, and the Viking raids on Christian monks).

Real men don’t complain: they plan how to seize power to leave no gene upon gene of the enemy and no stone upon stone of their civilisation.

Real men

Internal jihad

There is something I would like to clarify about what I said in ‘On eunuchs’, where I linked the open letter to a dead race by David Lane, the creator of the 14 words.

I am not saying that it is time to start a civil war because there are not half a million soldiers on each side of the Atlantic. On that I differ from Lane, who mentioned Bob Mathews and Tim McVeigh in his open letter.

What I mean by reclaiming manhood, the theme of these days, is the following.

I am not a Muslim, but since we cannot practice any external jihad against the ethnocidal System at the moment, that warrior spirit must be directed towards an internal jihad. The phrase ‘internal jihad’ or ‘greater jihad’ refers to a believer’s efforts to live his Muslim faith to the best of his ability. It is considered more important than the jihad of external violence:

In our case, that inner jihad is nothing less than questioning the religious beliefs of our parents because Christian ethics are the basis for understanding the mass psychosis suffered by Westerners today.

Lane is right that there are no real men in the West any more, and that is why the Yeager podcast I referred to at Midnight is worth listening to. But without those million warriors it is obvious that all that male fury, all that militarism or craving for a new fascism and Yang spirit must be redirected toward our inner selves to fight the last vestiges of Semitic malware.

This explains my obsession to have read so many biographies about Nietzsche and to eventually gather the most fascinating anecdotes in Crusade against the Cross. As we saw there with the transfiguration from pietistic Lutheranism to Amor fati that psychotised him, not even Nietzsche himself expelled all vestiges of Christianity from his mind!

But now we can, thanks to the authors whose texts I have been collecting in the featured post (the one linked right after the image are excerpts from Skrbina and Holland’s books).

Audios Real men


Less than a month ago I linked in a post an interview of Carolyn Yeager with Severus Niflson.

There’s another interview that reminds me of what I said yesterday in ‘On eunuchs’ and the day before in ‘Lost manhood’. I originally heard this interview on Yeager’s site a dozen years ago (here).

You can download the audio alone (here). I would suggest listening to Niflson starting at 1:25.

As Yeager is apparently ill and no longer uploads new posts, it would be great if someone could download this latest interview to his hard drive. I don’t know how to download audios from the internet.

I hope Yeager gets well. This is a problem with older folk: we need someone to back up our work before it’s too late…

Racial right Real men Sword

Man with sword

A few hours ago I listened to a programme I’d heard a dozen years ago: Carolyn Yeager’s interview with (now retired) blogger Severus Niflson, ‘The Heretics’ Hour: Are White Males Hooked on Weakness?’ I found it fascinating to listen to again because it shows how I’ve matured since then.

Like me, Severus Niflson grew up in Latin America but unlike me he was educated in the United States from his teenage years. As he confesses in the interview, his aim is not so much to communicate with white people in general but with white nationalists, who have to listen to some things. What I liked most about the interview is that the image Severus gives us is that of an Aryan man with his sword: the symbol of the defender of his people. If the warrior loses the sword, or if he dies, we are toast because no one will defend us anymore.

Severus talks about white nationalists in a way that is not as harsh as I do (because I believe that, in the collective Aryan unconscious, the white man, the nationalist included, has already thrown away his sword).

Severus says something very true: if we detect that even among the leaders of white nationalism some have been seduced by ethnosuicidal hedonism, through material comfort and entertainment culture, we have a problem. Already a dozen years ago, on 12 June 2012 to be exact, in my notebook about this programme I had written down that I loved the following sentences of Severus:

The more comfortable you are, the more detached from reality… You have to be careful of comfort… You have to be aware of it… We are in love of these things [cell phones, etc.], willing to give [genes and land] for them… Our generations are not connected to reality. This is the danger of modern capitalism… [Regarding Jews:] It is our fault too because we are buying [their stuff]… Our modern society is obsessed with entertainment… Most people at 40 are immature… Entertainment is escape like children… If our own leadership [has fallen] to this type of consumerism, then we have a problem.

Emphasis added. Severus talks about an interview that year with a Christian Identity supporter; Carolyn touches on anti-feminism in The Daily Stormer, and Severus responds by talking politely about patriarchy. There was a moment where Severus said that he doesn’t care about the religion of the racialist he’s arguing with and acknowledged, when talking about Catholicism that, if a racialist Catholic prioritises race over his faith, s/he wouldn’t be a true Catholic (even if that hypothetical interlocutor claims to be Christian).

And here is the issue where I now see things more maturely! The problem is that many Christians on the racial right if forced to choose between two masters, race and faith, are willing to sacrifice the former. When I first got into white nationalism I hadn’t noticed this phenomenon. Now that I have been observing it all these years, and posting many entries exemplifying it with concrete cases, it seems to me that it evokes that gospel passage that it is impossible to love two masters: the man with sword and the crucified rabbi.

At the end of the programme, Severus recommends three books:

  • Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
  • The False Assumptions of Democracy by Anthony Ludovici
  • Patriarchia: The Natural Power of Kings by Robert Filmer

Ludovici’s is recommended for those American white nationalists who still believe in their project of nation and, especially, in democracy: a system that is based, as Ludovici demonstrated, on the incredible stupidity of accepting the Divine Right of majorities.

Correspondence Real men Women

In this sign…

the wolf shall conquer!

by Vlad Petre

Greetings once more Mr. Tort. Much time has passed since I sent you that email titled ‘Vlad Țepeș and the Aryan Woman’. Before tackling the subject of this new email, first and foremost I would like to say that I am deeply sorry for the loss of your mother and you have my sincere condolences. Second, I would like to congratulate you on those splendid articles regarding the New Order and its ideology. The war which the Aryan race faces is one of a cultural and spiritual nature. Truly, the first step one can take to achieve victory is to subscribe to a heroic, Nietzschean, National-Socialist lifestyle, free from degeneracy and normie bourgeoisie Christian culture.

In my previous letter, I talked about the importance of protecting white women, especially the Nordic nymphs. But this time I would like to illustrate a more sinister nature regarding the female species and their sense of loyalty through the story of Lady Ruxandra Lupu. Again it would be a great honor if this letter became an article for The West’s Darkest Hour. It brings me great joy and pride to make a small contribution to your blog.

While researching a book titled One Thousand Years in the Balkans by John Michael Cantacuzino, I found some interesting pieces of information regarding Ruxandra Lupu, the daughter of Prince Vasile Lupu, a 17th-century ruler of the Romanian Principality of Moldavia. Around the year 1650, her father was seeking a suitable husband for her. Among Ruxandra’s first suitors was an influential Polish noble, Dymitr Wiśniowiecki, who loved her, but the Moldavian girl refused him.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Zaporozhian Cossack warlord Bohdan Khmelnytsky was searching for a wife, for his son Tymofiy. Considering Ruxandra as a worthy spouse, Bohdan demanded Prince Lupu to hand over his daughter, but Vasile refused. Not being content with this response, Tymofiy and an army of 100.000 Cossacks and Tatars, laid siege to the city of Iași, the capital of the Moldavian Principality. In Mongolian fashion, Tymofiy and his steppe warriors burned the city. Eventually, Vasile Lupu accepted the demands of the Zaporozhians and offered her daughter in marriage to the son of the Cossack warlord.

In the summer of 1652, Tymofiy returned to Iași, accompanied this time by only 3.000 Cossacks. Many who were present at the royal court, including a German traveller, described ‘Herr Tymofiy’ as a vulgar beast-like person. On the 28th of August, the young steppe prince and the Moldavian princess got married. As crazy as it may sound, lady Ruxandra Lupu was happy and content with her new Cossack husband. Why would a noblewoman reject a high-status Polish noble who cared for her, in favour of a barbarian from the steppes who burned her capital?

This story reminded me of your article on the movie Andrei Rublev. I admit I haven’t watched the entire film as it’s not exactly my cup of tea (I prefer Tarkovsky’s Stalker). But as you have said, the scene with the Tatars raiding the village and Durochka’s betrayal tells us much about the West’s current existential crisis.

Even before modern times, women seem to have preferred the mighty ones over the ‘nice guys’, even if the mighty ones are of a different race. It should not come as a surprise that with the emasculation of white males, white females from the West are now searching for love interests among Muslims from the Middle East or black Africans. It makes me sick when I see one of our blonde blue-eyed Aryan Elf girls in a relationship with a Sub-Saharan Black Orc. And to make things worse, the System is promoting this race-mixing insanity, as it is hell-bent on exterminating our kin. I do feel bad for the titular protagonist though. Andrei is a man tormented and burdened by his Abrahamic faith. He is just like Boromir. He thinks that the power of the One Ring (Christianity) can make the world a better place and vanquish Evil, even though the Christian religion got us in this mess in the first place.

I would also like to add that among the many self-improvement videos and channels on YouTube, stoicism is a popular subject. These self-improvement content creators promote the ideas of Marcus Aurelius in an almost religious manner. I have read Meditations and while there are good ideas in it, stoicism alone won’t save the West and our women. We can’t be indifferent towards the outside world forever.

When the Hour of Kalki arrives, Whites will have to act less like Marcus Aurelius and more like Amleth the Berserker from The Northman or the Republican Romans. They will have to partake in the Wild Hunt, kill their adversaries and re-conquer their women just as Romulus and his compatriots conquered the Sabine females. A Patriarchal Yang Empire must be created to overthrow the old tyrannical Matriarchal Feminist Yin Empire so that the balance between the sexes can be reinstated.

Meanwhile, all the Andrei Rublevs of the world are going to disappear, as their slave morals will be the cause of their extinction. But first, White men must exorcise the Judeo-Christian faith and morality from within themselves and revive their old Aryan Werewolf spirit. The question is, will they do it in time? Will they stop being the Lambs of Christ and become the Wolves of Wotan?

Thank you once more Mr Tort for your time and patience and again I wish you luck in all your endeavours. In Hoc Signo Lupus Vinces!

Matt Koehl Real men

Litmus test

As I said in my last comment, what I liked most about the New Order is the assertion that the true National Socialist devotes himself body and soul to the sacred words (words that are sometimes coded with the number 88). This couldn’t be further removed from, say, the conservative commenters at The Unz Review, who believe that just by posting a couple of comments a day they have done their job!

Being a true National Socialist involves being as active as the Germans of the 1930s, chasing the holy words, and if that is currently illegal in Germany and Austria, it would still involve being extremely active (say, emigrating to a Third World country and blogging from here in the German language!).

Incidentally, I continue to read the New Order printed material that I got in the mail and would like to say something about NS Bulletin number 361. What I liked most about this issue were the words of Kerr, ‘National Socialism is a dynamic, living entity, and not merely the fossilized remains of…’ in the article ‘One-Hundred Years of NS’ which, online, can be read here. NS Bulletin 361 also contains an English translation of Hitler’s first political document. In 1982 Matt Koehl had the translation made from German into English, and it can be read here.

So, from now on, we know the litmus test of who is really a National Socialist, as opposed to a mere sympathiser. Someone might reply that there are white nationalists who work all day long for the cause. But the huge difference is that, unlike Hitler and the NS power elite of the last century, they have not transvalued Xtian values back to Aryan values. What the movement needs is transvalued people who want to dedicate themselves body and soul to the cause. Otherwise, they will be incapable of behaving like Kalki when the historic opportunity comes our way.

Autobiography Martin Kerr Real men


I would like to offer my comments on the Kerr article I reproduced this morning, ‘The National Socialist lifestyle’:

But to be a true National Socialist in a profound sense means living an NS lifestyle, not just to agree with NS ideas in an abstract manner, or to admire historical National Socialism from a distance. Hermann Göring once noted that one does not become a National Socialist simply as a matter of intellectual endorsement, but rather that one is born a National Socialist.

This is so true that I cannot resist the temptation to translate some passages of El Grial into English. The words in square brackets mean words that replace the original text to avoid explanatory notes (as these decontextualised passages already appear on pages 99-100 of my third autobiographical book). I will use blue to distinguish it from the indented quotes in Kerr’s article:

It should not be speculated that my mistreatment at home is the primary cause of my now wanting to wipe Neanderthals off the face of the earth. Many years ago [my sister] told us the anecdote of something that I don’t remember well but which, I am sure, her memory is genuine. She said that, when I was eleven years old, I had made [exterminationist pronouncements from the racial POV].

Although I barely remember it, I do remember that as a child the spectacle of visiting the centre of the metropolis caused me such horror that I wanted to sweep it all away. And even younger, perhaps nine or ten years old when Japanese Godzilla films became fashionable, I imagined, lying in bed at bedtime, my favourite monster destroying the street billboards because they degraded my sense of aesthetics. Once I told cousin Julio about this fantasy, which was more ethical than anything else, in the sense of destructive justice, with ‘Godzilla’ being the judge of the degraded society.

Later, in my puberty, I wondered why there were still other races if it was so obvious that the white race was so superior. It was an inner feeling that told me something like: why are they still here? I didn’t understand why the non-white lands hadn’t already been conquered.

One of the most beautiful memories I have, because it dates back to the time when my life was still innocent, [already in my teens], was when I once went to get my hair cut at the hairdresser’s closest to my house, on Doctor Vértiz Avenue, with one of my younger brothers. It was a very serene afternoon while I was waiting my turn when I saw, in the illustrated stories on the hairdresser’s table, one that presented in pictures the goals of Germany a few decades ago. What stuck very clearly in my mind was the information that it was about producing a line of beautiful blond Aryans with blue eyes. It felt very good to me because those were things I wanted, even though I had never seen them enacted in the written word, even if it was in the drawings of a comic book. In retrospect, I suppose that story had not been illustrated or written by a fan of National Socialism, but to my adolescent mind, what mattered was that someone expressed an ideal that seemed to me so lofty and noble: something I hadn’t heard articulated as openly as on that gentle afternoon, which I still recall with nostalgia today.

The above happened in Mexico City, which is hardly an Aryan town! Kerr’s text continues:

As Adolf Hitler wrote, “Obstacles exist to be broken, not to be surrendered to.” Lincoln Rockwell said that “Life is struggle,” and that the secret to having a happy and successful life was, “to enjoy the struggle.” This is the fundamental NS attitude towards life in general.We welcome struggle, not as a necessary evil, but as a great gift and opportunity that allows us to strengthen ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. Again quoting Hitler: “Mankind has grown great in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace will it perish.”

This is what the defeatists and pessimists don’t understand and why I no longer take nationalist forums seriously. It is about fighting morning, noon and evening for the sacred words (as far as I am concerned, to change the paradigm from JQ to CQ, because if the problem lies with us, that would empower us immensely). Kerr continues:

[A] National Socialist gets out and engages in the real world. This may take the form of participating in a public activity to build the Movement, or it may simply be going for a hike in the forest. Citing an old Aryan adage, the Führer noted that, “he who rests—rusts” (Wer raset, der rostet). Do you take the escalator or the stairs? Said Mussolini, “The fascist distains the easy life.” The Duce was not a National Socialist, but in this instance his words are consistent with an NS lifestyle.

Without dropping names, reading this passage brought to mind one of the main promoters of white nationalism in the neighbouring country to the north, who has chosen the bourgeois life.

Every National Socialist accepts the SS saying, “Know the laws of life and live accordingly,” as his or her personal motto.

As a teenager I was enchanted by Seneca’s words, ‘Live according to Nature’!

Consequently, exercise, healthy eating, and nourishing the spirit are key features of an NS lifestyle. Just as laziness is un-National Socialist, so is a diet that consists of processed food, nutritionless (or even harmful) snacks, all washed down with some form of alcohol or a sugar-laden soft drink. Instead, a National Socialist lifestyle includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, with as little meat as possible, along with plenty of water and sunshine. He nourishes his soul with Aryan music and art.

For some time now I have chosen the whole food plant based diet as my diet, and I refine it more every day.

Likewise, the National Socialist shuns polluting himself with the degenerate byproducts of an un-Aryan popular culture. These include films that insult the history of the White race, that promote race-mixing, that degrade women or that glorify crime, as well as so-called “music” that offends the Aryan spirit. Likewise, the National Socialist does not contaminate his body and weaken his spirit with drugs and intoxicants.

Again, without dropping names, this reminds me of the huge number of non-NS racialists who talk about movies, pop music, who recommend eating meat or who don’t love Nature to the extent of deifying it, as I have felt since I was a child to the extent that, when I discovered the painter Maxfield Parrish, I knew that this was exactly what I had had inside me for a long time!

The National Socialist lifestyle includes the love of animals, and kindness towards them. Nothing is so foreign to the Aryan spirit than the sadistic slaughter of animals for food practiced by the Semitic peoples.

This is one of the reasons why those who endorse cruelty to animals (or children) are no longer allowed to comment on this forum.

So even when it is difficult—indeed, even dangerous—he lives his outer life in accordance with his inner being. Yet whatever the cost, he has the great recompense of living his on his own terms. Even in the midst of racial decay and social decline, he lives in the New Order.

And this is exactly what Savitri, my ‘river nymph’ called the Religion of the Strong in the first chapter of her memoirs.

Real men War!

Russian ad

Here’s the translation:

This is the first day of your new life. What was yesterday has no meaning. What you were like before no longer bothers anyone. What matters now is who you’ll be today. What you know about yourself. What you are capable of. The questions may remain unanswered, but will you be able to peacefully sleep after? Learn about yourself? Learn your limits? To hell with limitations! Are you ready to break yourself to failure? Every day. Here, the pain tempers you, scars are a routine. It is YOU who decided to prove something to yourself.

Commander is only here so that you can see an enemy in him, because without enemy there is no battle. And without battle there is no victory. But in reality, the main enemy is you. You of yesterday. Your mission is to track the enemy down, catch up to him, surpass him, become better than him, and come back a victor.

Because tomorrow is the first day of your new life.

But alas, the French, the Germans, the English and the woke Americans have lost their manhood…

Francisco Franco Real men Sexual "liberation"

Franco, 1

I have been watching documentaries interviewing Spanish academics about Francisco Franco and Franco’s Spain that have given me pause for thought.

The first surprise I got was that the Second Spanish Republic ‘liberated’ women, a Newspeak term meaning that it altered sexual roles in the 1930s through a ‘feminism’ that was reversed during Franco’s regime, when women resumed their role as procreators. Homosexuality was also considered degenerating with the return to family values.

I was also unaware that the Spanish Civil War had been so bloody and that the battles from town to town, village to village had been so prolonged because the Republicans really believed in their ideology and fought, together with the foreigners who came to Spain to fight for the ‘freedom’ of Spain, with extraordinary persistence and faith.

In the mature phase of the war, the huge posters that lined the streets of Madrid with Stalin’s face really surprised me, as did the level of power enjoyed by the Soviets who had come to Spain to advise the Republican government. A picture is worth a thousand words, and those huge faces of Stalin and Lenin in Madrid leave no doubt as to who were the good guys in that war.

The memory of Franco should be revalued. If Hitler and the Germans had not been crushed by the bad guys in our film, the sexual decency that reigned under Franco would still reign in the West today. I recently said in the comments section that if I were to make a political career I would, like Hitler, have to compromise with Christians. And indeed: it is Christians like Matt Walsh in North America, and Agustín Laje in Latin America, who are doing a stupendous battle against the continent’s most florid psychoses when it comes to sexuality.

Today’s Woke monster is the final spawn of a process of inversion of values that began, in its secular phase, with the French Revolution but has only now reached its culmination in the United States whose hegemony influences the entire West, including that projection of the West, ‘Latin America’.

Another thing that has been striking me in the documentaries I watch is the tremendous support from civil society that the generalissimo received throughout his dictatorship. If Americans were to transvalue their values to the sexual decency of the past, they would have to repudiate democracy and consider having their first dictator although, unlike the first dictator in the UK—Cromwell—, without inviting Jews into the nation. (Recall that Protestantism has been more friendly to Jews than old-fashioned Catholicism.)

It is impossible to begin to familiarise oneself with Franco’s dictatorship without feeling that democracy must be repudiated as a body-snatched pod, including freedom of expression. The ceremonies in the big Spanish cities commemorating the historic milestones, so similar to the street ceremonies in Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy, with tens of thousands of civilians cheering the Caudillo, are very inspiring about how we should proceed if we were to seize power. What I liked most, when the Nationalists won the war, were the tens of thousands (50,000?) of Reds executed. As long as the white nationalists of America don’t become men—real men kill the enemy—they deserve the System they have. In any case, 50,000 is nothing compared to the 50 million, or more, killed by the Communists in the century in which I was born.

That said, Franco’s Spain cannot be the model of the transvalued racists. Most of its military was rather monarchist, and they disliked the Nazi model because they considered it atheistic and idolatrous. Franco’s Spain never reached the level of Italian fascism. Although the Falange wanted to imitate Mussolini, it was opposed by the army, the monarchists and the Catholic Church hierarchy. Franco’s regime had the air of a fascist state, but in reality it never was. If Hitler had won, the Falange would have had its chance (see what Hitler thought of Franco’s Spain by clicking on the ‘Francisco Franco’ category below this article).

At the end of World War II, the Falange had a million members. We must consider that the Spanish Civil War was a prelude to WW2, as Soviet, German and Italian forces were involved in the form of direct aid to the two Spanish sides. But with the Allied victory over the Axis, Franco’s Spain began to be punished in an isolationist purgatory. It was then that Falangism was defeated in favour of a ‘Christian democracy’, which was fashionable in post-war Europe.

Spain was isolated, and to satisfy international pressure, the fascist salute was abolished. Thus the entry of Catholics into the post-war government in Spain made it clear to the Falangists that their influence would wane. (Only George Lincoln Rockwell would, on the other side of the Atlantic, pick up the torch: an isolated individual.) Only in this way, by proclaiming that the ideology of post-war Spain would be a ‘national Catholicism’, could Spain be more or less tolerated, though not admitted with open arms by the international powers.

An almost medieval clericalism pervaded the mores of Franco’s Spain, along with the exaltation of the national. But therein lay the problem. As we have seen, Christianity had been the ideology that weakened the Visigoths in Hispania by mixing their blood. After the dictator’s death, Spain would be at the mercy of the liberal, deranged West.