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On Agustín Laje

Here we can watch Nicolás Márquez and Agustín Laje in their video yesterday discussing Laje’s new book.

Agustín Laje Arrigoni (born in Córdoba in 1989) is an Argentine writer, political scientist and lecturer. He is co-author of El Libro Negro de la Nueva Izquierda (The Black Book of the New Left) and author of the recently published book La Batalla Cultural: Reflexiones críticas para una Nueva Derecha (The Cultural Battle: Critical Reflections for a New Right).

Laje is the founder and president of the Fundación Libre, a conservative think tank. In Latin America he has been labelled an ‘ultra-right-winger’ by various media. Remember that Latin America subscribes to the egalitarian madness of the West, but since miscegenation has already been consummated here, there is little talk of race, hence racial issues are not discussed by Laje. Although his remarks have been labelled homophobic by the Spanish-speaking MSM, Laje subscribes to the liberal paradigm of ‘let him live’ regarding lifestyles, and only rejects third-wave feminism, not the first two waves. Despite this, Laje calls himself a paleolibertarian, anti-feminist and opposes euthanasia, abortion and homo marriage.

Given that La Batalla Cultural has just been published by HarperCollins, it’s perhaps worth saying that Laje quotes a writer as his conclusion: “Todo lo bueno de la civilización occidental, desde la libertad individual hasta el arte se debe al cristianismo” (‘Everything good in Western civilisation, from individual freedom to art, is due to Christianity’). Obviously, like racialists north of the Rio Grande, Laje is ignorant of the history of Christianity even though Catherine Nixey’s book, which we have been quoting here, has been translated into Spanish.

I have already said a couple of things about Laje on this site, albeit casually (here and here). But I would like to say something else. In the last-linked post I said:

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable.

I mention this only because the experiences I have had with racialists in the UK and US concerning Latin America have been surreal. When I spoke to Jez Turner in London, for example, he asked me if there were no nationalist movements in Latin America. His question left me cold, because any nationalism in this part of the continent is preached based on a consummated miscegenation—never based on Aryan preservation! Also, when I corresponded with Tom Goodrich, I noticed that he had an infinitely naïve view of Latin Americans. He told me that, unlike Americans, they would give me juicy donations here. The truth is that, in all the years I have received donations, I haven’t received a single cent from a Spanish speaker!

I’ve already written about these things in my review of David Duke’s trip to Mexico seven years ago. But I am still surprised that English speakers haven’t realised that there is no such thing as a red-pilled activist in this part of the continent. Not a single one. They all sleep in the matrix that controls us. Still, if I read Laje’s new book that is turning into a bestseller, I will be reviewing it in the Spanish section of this site (although it is the Catholic Laje who should read Nixey’s book).

Egalitarianism Hinduism Liberalism Racial studies Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 75

The opinion that Adolf Hitler was an agent of the diabolical forces, that his initiation was only a monstrous counter-initiation, and that his SS Order was only a sinister brotherhood of black magicians, is—without a doubt!—widespread among anti-Hitlerians more or less daubed in occultism (and there is no shortage of them).

The most convincing argument against this seems to me to come from India. In the West, the confusion in terms of knowledge of the principles is such that it’s difficult to say whether there is still a group that can legitimately claim a true filiation with the Tradition. There is therefore no point of comparison between the attitude of true initiates and that of charlatans. According to René Guénon, practically all societies in Europe that claim to be ‘initiatory’ nowadays would be classified under the latter heading. However, it is their members who make themselves heard, who agitate, who take a stand against Hitlerism as Louis Pauwels and the Jew Bergier did, whenever they could, in the magazine Planète. Incidentally, I don’t know of a single European group interested in esoteric doctrines which is not anti-Hitler (I could be wrong, of course; I would like to be wrong on this point).

But the same is not true in India.

For one thing, one is faced with a completely different ‘spiritual landscape’ there. Instead of dealing with groups with more or less ‘initiatory’ claims, moving amid a huge profane society, infatuated with experimental science and ‘progress’ and concerned above all with its material well-being, we are in the presence of a traditional civilisation, very much alive despite the growing influence of technology. The man of the masses, not poisoned by propaganda since he still enjoys the ‘blessing of illiteracy’ (to use an expression dear to the Führer), thinks more about it than the individual of the same social level in the West—which among us is not an achievement! He thinks about it, above all, in the spirit of Tradition as witnessed by the young Sudra whose story I recalled at the beginning of these Memories and Reflections.

The Hindu who has been to school, and even the one who has studied in Europe or the USA, is not hostile to Tradition. He is familiar with the idea of natural hierarchy, of biological, and therefore racial, heredity intimately linked to the karma of each individual. And in the vast majority of cases he lives according to the immemorial rules of his caste—even when the ‘progressive’ government of a so-called ‘free’ India (in reality: a grotesque copy of Western democracies) has proclaimed the abolition of castes and imposed universal suffrage. In some cases, of course, he brings back subversive ideas or shocking habits back from his contacts with foreigners. But then he is scorned by his own, and orthodox society turns away from him—no government having the power to force matters, he has to accept it whether he likes it or not.

As for the traditional initiatory groups and the isolated masters of true secret science, they continue to exist as in the past: in silence, unnoticed by the general public. They keep themselves, in principle, out of the whirlwind of politics, and don’t give press conferences. At most, a word, a reflection formulated with a visitor who respects the Tradition, even if he is not an initiate himself, can sometimes let us guess where the earthly sympathies of this or that sage.

There are also, as is to be expected in an age of universal decadence, people who profess ‘spirituality’ and groups who claim to be transcendent masters and claim to transmit the so-called ‘initiation’ without having a shred of a right to it. There is no shortage of charlatans in orange tunics—or naked, with their bodies covered in ashes—who hang around temples, especially in places of pilgrimage, living by begging or swindling, posing as ‘gurus’ to credulous widows. They are rascals but of small scale and limited harmfulness.

Infinitely more dangerous are those individuals or groups who work to bring to India—as far as possible—the anthropocentrism inherent in religious or political doctrines influenced more or less directly by Judaism or by the Jews. By this I mean all those individuals or groups who, under cover of a false fidelity to Tradition, which they twist and disfigure as they please, preach egalitarian principles, democracy, and the horror of all violence, even if it is detached when this is exerted against ‘men’, whoever they may be—whereas the monstrous exploitation of animals (and trees) by man hardly disturbs them (if they are not completely indifferent there, and even if they don’t justify it!).

I am thinking of all those who claim to pay homage to the ‘true ancient wisdom’ by obstinately denying any natural racial hierarchy, by condemning the caste system to the core, by preaching the ‘right’ of people of different races to marry each other if they believe that in this way they will find their ‘happiness’. I am thinking of those who would like to replace, among Hindus, the old caste privileges with privileges based on ‘education’ (in the Western sense of the word) and the concern for metaphysical orthodoxy with an ever-increasing preoccupation with the ‘social’, the ‘economic’, the ‘improvement of the living conditions for the masses’. I am thinking of the organisers of ‘Parliaments of religions’, of the advocates of a fusion between ‘East and West’ at the expense of the spirit of Tradition, which was originally common to both, and which only Hinduism has preserved as the basis of civilisation; of the missionaries of a universal morality centred on ‘man’, as conceived by both the Christian and the rationalist West.

The ‘mission’ which claims to be inspired by the divine Ramakrishna—a true initiate who lived in the last century—seems to be moving more and more in this direction, under the influence of Western benefactors, especially Americans. But this trend is not new.

More than a hundred and fifty years ago it emerged with the foundation of the Brahmo Samaj, a society of deists deeply influenced by their English university education and the Protestant form of Christianity. This sect, under the pretext of bringing Hinduism back to a so-called ‘original purity’, interpreted it according to that ‘modern spirit’ whose hold on Europe René Guénon so rightly deplored. But, as Guénon says again, its adherents are, despite the social position and, what is more, the high caste of the best known of them, rejected by the orthodox Hindus. The latter refuse to give them their daughters in marriage or to accept their daughters for their sons. And in the villages they would not accept a glass of water from them—and, I repeat, no government could force them to do so. This attitude comes from the fact that the Brahmo Samajists reject the principle of the caste system: the unequal ‘dignity’ of men, according to their heredity. It also comes from the fact that the Brahmo Samaj is not Indian any more than any other like-minded sect is India (for example, the Arya Samaj, which is ‘Arya’ in name only because it also rejects the idea of a natural hierarchy of races).

Autobiography Catholic Church Feminism Liberalism

On Alberto Athié

How Christianity is transmuted
into liberalism: a textbook case

In my post the day before yesterday I tried to see liberalism as a movement heretical to traditional Christianity. These days I have also been watching many YouTube videos where we can see the Mexican Alberto Athié (pictured above) speaking.

After twenty years of priestly ministry, Athié resigned in 2003 when he discovered that the Catholic Church not only had no interest in curbing cases of sexual abuse, but also had an internal mechanism to cover up the perpetrators, silence the victims and protect its image. What I said recently about Spotlight in the US can be compared to what is happening in Latin America.

My mother used to see Athié at religious celebrations when he was still a priest because Athié’s brother married one of my close aunts. When Alberto Athié began to denounce in the media the paedophile worm can that was the Catholic Church in his country, the two brothers stopped talking to each other.

In the first post of this month I mentioned, in grey letters, an anecdote told to me, very close to where I’m writing this entry, by Athié’s buddy: José Barba, one of the victims of the paedophile priest Marcial Maciel. But I didn’t tell everything that happened when Barba visited me with a friend.

When the subject of women came up, I expressed my views on feminism (see our book On Beth’s Cute Tits). Barba, then in his late seventies, sided with feminism in such a way that I even felt his gestures were rude when he heard me speak: he started yawning, signalling that he didn’t want to hear what I was saying. I was surprised by his rudeness, as Barba continues to go to mass despite his activism against paedophiles in the church. Why did the old wise man who speaks fluent Latin, reads the New Testament in the original Greek, and had been a seminarian react like that? The slew of videos of his buddy Athié that I have seen these days revealed the mystery.

The now secularized Athié, who still believes in the gospel message, says in one of his videos that feminists helped them enormously in the cause of bringing paedophile priest cases to light. Hearing him speak in various televised interviews over the years, one discovers how Christianity began to transmute. Once he hung up his habits he began to sympathise more openly with liberation theology, so-called women’s rights, a Manichean vision where there are exploited poor and exploiters in a nation, third world countries whose underdevelopment is caused by the prosperity in first world countries, and so on: the typical toxic cocktail of Latin American leftism.

The Athié family has a reputation of mocha (goody-goody) in the country, of a very traditional and recalcitrant Catholicism. It is fascinating to see how, after an Athié priest hung up his habits, it didn’t take long for his Catholic programming to metamorphose into the typical liberalism we see in countries that had practised traditional Christianity. In the specific case of Latin America, as the anti-Aryan crossbreeding has already been consummated (see my comment yesterday in the comments section of The Occidental Observer), what it is now all about is achieving the long-awaited equity between men and women. Athié completely and utterly endorses this Orwellian agenda in Latin America. So from an extremely traditional family we now have, when you leave the church, a typical modern-day liberal.

The racial right in North America, so obsessed with Jews, doesn’t want to see the elephant in the room: only the countries that used to profess traditional Christianity have become ethno-suicidal. Even the Asian copycat countries that now worship Mammon are not so imbecilic as to invite masses of Blacks or Muslims to immigrate while devising shut-up neologisms like ‘racist’ for those who rebel, and even hate-speech laws to punish dissent. Likewise, feminism, taken to the point of hating men, is a phenomenon that only affects once-Christian countries as is now the case not only of Spain but Latin America, which has also embraced gender ideology, and the Athié case illustrates this wonderfully.

For those who know Spanish, I suggest you watch some of the videos with Athié. The former priest speaks in a very good-natured, cordial, charismatic and empathetic way: a true spiritual heir of the mythical Jesus.

Daybreak (book) Daybreak Publishing Deranged altruism Liberalism

Liberalism as a heretical movement

Yesterday I changed the subtitle of this site by replacing the word ‘fourteen’ with ‘sacred’. Thus I also include the four words (to understand the latter the visitor would have to familiarise himself with my eleven books). Yesterday the thought also came to me that liberalism, which is now in its final metastasis in all former Christian countries (not only the originally Aryan countries, but Latin America as well), is ultimately a heresy.

As we have said several times, the Christian notion of the equality of men in the eyes of God was transformed, after the American and French Revolutions, into the equality of men under the law. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, this was transmuted in the US into equality for blacks and women; and, in the new century, into using the power of the State to denigrate the white male and achieve—at last!—equity.

The secular psychosis of today’s world only affects those countries that were once traditional Christian. Ethno-suicidal liberalism doesn’t affect the billions under Islam, the Chinese regime or the Indian people who still embrace Hinduism. However, that doesn’t mean that the Catholic Church is legitimate. It means that a heretical faction of traditional Christianity, insofar as it secularised the gospel message (i.e., secularised the inversion of values in the New Testament), has taken root in all former Christian countries.

I have already discussed this in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ which can be read on pages 181-184 of Daybreak. But my initiative to call ‘heretics’ secular liberals, whose most extreme form today are the ‘woke’ people, came to me yesterday. That, heretics, is what they really are. The image of St. Francis is explained in the referenced article from Daybreak: a book which, by the way, remains unavailable in printed form as we haven’t raised the funds to solicit the services of a printer that won’t deplatform us.

Deranged altruism French Revolution Liberalism Racial right Tree


Yggdrasil, in Norse cosmology, is an immense and central sacred tree. Around it exists all else, including the Nine Worlds. Speaking metaphorically, Judeo-Christianity destroyed it.

The translation of the fourth section of Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay about the toxicity of Christianity for the white race is available in the German section of this site (here). The English original can be read at the end of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (see sidebar).

I would like to add something to my previous post.

Christians might object to what I said this afternoon (‘It is the Christian idea of the human soul that’s screwing the Aryan race’) arguing that it is in secular countries that the ethno-suicidal zeal of whites has reached its zenith; and that the belief in the afterlife of the past never reached today’s ethno-suicidal hysteria. That is very true, but still the idea of man as the centre of creation had, as Savitri said, Christian inspiration.

I have been trying to find, on the internet, a treatise on the history of the American white nationalist movement. I was impressed that in an old review in The Occidental Observer, an author recommended Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, by Leonard Zeskind. The Observer reviewer recommended it not because he shared the Jewish author’s point of view, but because the book is so well researched (when I can afford it I’ll order it).

Then I tried to look for a text that came from the pen not of an enemy, but a friend of the white cause. But apparently none of the pundits of contemporary white nationalism has written it. Or at least none that I can recall in the Observer’s reviews of new books (correct me if I’m wrong).

Searching, then, in my home library, I remembered A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement which I read eleven years ago: a small 77-page book with no date or author, but which was probably written in 2007 by Harold Covington. It’s a terrible book that you can read online. Hadding Scott unmasked Covington’s horrendous slanders of racialist competition; for example, what Covington says about Ben Klassen.

So I find myself in no man’s land: the scholarly book by a foe and the crude pamphlet of a novelist who thought he would have a following if only he could make them believe that only he, Covington, was an exemplary racist and the rest of the movement scum.

As I pulled Covington’s spiral-bound text from one of the high shelves of my library (so much so that I had to climb a step to reach it), I came across no less than the first of my spiral-bound collection of articles I read when I had just discovered American white nationalism.

The spiral-bound, which contains many texts from The Occidental Quarterly Online, is dated by my pen September 11, 2009. And when I started reading it, the next day at 1:35 a.m., I was in Spain where I had lived for almost a year (it was a return trip to the American continent). The article I began to read, on the ground as the plane had not yet taken off, was entitled ‘The Seven Pillars of White Nationalism’ and was written by Yggdrasil (elsewhere the author revealed himself as John Gardner). At the time my immature mind was transiting from Normieland to NS, and WN was a very useful stepping stone in crossing the psychological Rubicon.

Yggdrasil, in that first article I read in printed form when I first dipped my feet in the metaphorical river (I was actually about to cross, literally, the Atlantic), wrote something that does answer the Christian objection above:

Surprisingly, I was unable to find any coherent and helpful works in English translation from the Third Reich explaining how National Socialism might save us. Most of the major works of that period, including Rosenberg’s Myth of the Twentieth Century and Hitler’s Mein Kampf are dreadful tomes, which fail to recognize our basic predicament. The best explanation I can find of National Socialism is Lincoln Rockwell’s White Power.

On the next pages Yggdrasil adds:

The enlightenment secularized and neutered Christianity as a force in public life in response to the slaughters of the religious wars in Europe.

In place of Christianity, the enlightenment substituted a brand new faith—the brotherhood of man, in the vain hope that it would end intra-European violence. Of course, this new faith, based as it was upon demonstrable falsehoods, could only progress and be sustained with violence, and true to form, the blood began to flow almost immediately with the French revolution in 1791.

This new faith was tailor made to justify imperial wars of conquest, designed to bring the message of human equality and the material betterment of trade to those in need of uplift.

But it has always been resistance to that new faith from European groups that has prompted the most savage outbreaks of bloodshed, from the U.S. Civil War, to the Boer War, to the Revolution in 1918 in Russia, and ultimately, the German reaction to that threat.

The prosperity that followed WW II has reduced the inclination of Euros to resist the human equality mania en-mass, resulting instead in localized witch hunts, including war crimes prosecutions and hate crime laws.

As I have stated in prior posts, our challenge to this false god—the brotherhood of man [Editor’s note: the bastard son of Christianity]—must be adapted to the circumstances existing at the time.

It is completely clear that this particular delusion—like the crusading spirit of 1090 AD—is not merely a matter of internal belief, but rather external display adopted for the purpose of acquiring status through careless disregard of self interest and racial survival.

A few pages before Yggdrasil had written:

In our modern multi-cultural societies, this universalized image of the brotherhood of man has filtered down into the lower ranks, as individual clergymen translate the Sermon of the Mount to mandate a standardless tolerance of all things—turning one’s cheek to all manner of vice and overt attacks—a tolerance that is useful, so the modern clergy believe, for keeping pawns full on Sundays without regard to race, creed, national origin, or sexual orientation.

This was published a few days before my return trip, but we still need a treatise about the history of American white nationalism authored by a non-Jew. Incidentally, I believe it was Yggdrasil himself who in the middle 1990s coined the term ‘white nationalism’.

Hinduism Liberalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Technology Who We Are (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 37

India is rapidly industrialising—too rapidly, in the eyes of more than one Hindu who is aware of the dangers of mechanisation—despite the influence of Gandhi and all those who, with him or in parallel with his movement, have militated and still militate for the same reasons as him or others in favour of a systematic encouragement of handicraft. They are industrialising not because the masses aspire, as in Europe, to ever greater comfort but because their leaders have decided to do so. (The masses, for their part, ask for nothing, and would do well without all the ‘progress’ imposed on them!) And the rulers have decided so because they are convinced that only ever more advanced industrialisation could help to absorb the numerous available energies offered by galloping demography from one end of the country to the other, and then make India a modern, prosperous and powerful state, and thus prevent it from falling into the hands of some invader impatient to appropriate the riches of its soil and subsoil. This may be partly true. People who hold this view cite the example of Japan—with little justification, moreover, for they forget that, if we except the Ainos, aborigines driven to the very north of their islands, the Japanese are a people, whereas the Hindus are not, and hopefully never will be. They could only become so as a result of a gigantic intermingling of races, which would result in the irreparable loss of their Aryan and Dravidian elements; their disappearance into a nameless pot, biologically inferior to both, all the more so as the hundred million or so aborigines, and the lower castes containing a high proportion of aboriginal blood would have melted into it.

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Editor’s Note: Savitri and I are different here. I have never visited India and am not interested in doing so. All the Aryans who originally conquered it mixed. There are no longer pure Aryans there. While the ancient Aryan religion of India is worth studying, the current population is almost worthless. It is like Latin America, where the Europeans who conquered it in the 16th century have all mixed up. When I recently spoke about Colegio Madrid and a Nazi classmate with canary-yellow hair, I was referring to the Spanish refugees from the Franco regime who came to this continent a few decades ago. But even many of these leftists have already married mudbloods in my native country.

Savitri didn’t read William Pierce’s book on the history of the white race in which Pierce advised ‘extermination or expulsion’ as the only legit way of Aryan conquest. On this point, the priest of the 14 words (like the Pierce who wrote Who We Are) was wiser than the priestess.

______ 卐 ______

But industrialisation always involves the movement and coming together of people, men and women. It is therefore much more dangerous when those whom it brings into contact with each other are, as in India, of different races than when they are of more or less homogeneous origin. So far, less than a quarter of a century after the proclamation of their independence India has—despite partial industrialisation and all the efforts made to level the playing field, despite the official abolition of the caste system by decree of an anti-traditional Government modelled on the democracies of the West—resisted this danger.

I saw this in particular in 1958 in Joda, near Barajamda, and in the whole region around Jamshedpur, which is, or at least was at that time, the largest metallurgical centre in Asia. At that time, the aerial funicular was being built in Joda to transport the iron ore from the top of a hill, where it would be extracted, to the wagons that would receive it at the foot of the hill. I was a ‘site interpreter’ for the duration of the work. I saw the workers, in the corrugated iron room which served as their kitchen, preparing their meals on as many separate stoves as there were castes or rather sub-castes among them, and eating, grouped according to the same principle—each one among his own—to the great bewilderment of the German engineers, directors of the works, to whom this desire for separation seemed all the stranger as they had been told of the ‘abolition of castes’ in democratic India. They were poor Sudras, or less so, but as attached to their ancestral customs as any other orthodox Hindus. And presumably, they were no less insistent on remaining faithful to them, when it was no longer a question of food but of the marriage of their children. One could not help thinking, as one watched them live, that despite the increased importation of Western techniques, the immemorial atmosphere of Hinduism was not about to deteriorate.

And this impression was confirmed, if not reinforced, by the active part that these workers, and all those in the workshops and factories of the region, taking in the celebrations of all time. The same men who during the day had fixed rivets to the pylons intended to support the aerial cables of the funicular, danced until late at night to the rhythm of the sacred drums, repeating the mystic names ‘Hari Krishna!’ in front of the painted earthen statue, where the spirit of the most popular of all gods was supposed to reside for the duration of the festival. And the workers who supervised and maintained the huge ultra-modern machines, most of them imported from Germany, decorated these steel monsters with garlands of red Jaba flowers on the day when all labour ceased in honour of Viswakarma, the ‘Architect of the Universe’, the divine patron of workers. They decorated them with the same love with which their fathers, a generation earlier, had adorned their implements, hammers or pickaxes, with garlands very similar to their own. And the workshops, for once silent, were filled with the smoke of incense. And, unless, of course, he was a proven enemy of Tradition, the stranger who contemplated the scene—men, collected in the thought of the Divine, penetrated by the ritual character of their daily labour, in front of these black metallic masses, from which hung scarlet flowers—envied India, where technology has not yet desecrated work.

He came to wonder why, after all, it had desecrated it. These monstrous machines, half beings half things—‘beings’ insofar as their automatism proclaims the power of European genius, and more particularly of Nordic genius—are, like the sacrosanct Tradition itself, which the Indies inherited from the Sages of Vedic times, products of Aryan intelligence. They illustrate, to be sure, an aspect of that intelligence other than that to which the liberating teaching of the Sages bears witness. But they are, in a different age of the same Time Cycle, products of the conquering intelligence of the same race. By associating them once a year with the ancient cult of Viswakarma, do these brown-skinned men know this in the depth of their collective unconscious? And do they pay homage to the Aryan genius—divine, even in its crudest manifestations of the Dark Ages—as well as to the Creator whose power it reflects? One would like to think so. In any case, such an attitude could only reinforce the spirit of the caste system: the only force that is, in the long run, capable of opposing the biological levelling that mechanisation tends to impose, sooner or later, on a multiracial society, even one as traditionally hierarchical as that of India.

Personally, however, I believe that the possibility of India (as indeed of Japan, or any other country of true culture) retaining its soul while increasingly undergoing the inevitable grip of industrialisation, is linked to the persistence in it of an elite of race and character. This elite is at the same time a spiritual aristocracy, a living guardian of Tradition, in other words, of the esotericism which underlies, from more or less a distance, the usual manifestations of religion, confused with social life. Even the purity of blood in a more or less homogeneous people as a whole—or, in a multi-racial hierarchical civilisation, the continuation of the effective separation of the races—cannot dispense with the need to preserve such an elite at all costs. Without it, the best of the races will eventually become stultified under the ever more powerful influence of technocracy. It will gradually lose its natural scale of values and attach more and more value to purchasable goods. And if it retains some visible manifestations of an ancient faith, these will eventually become so meaningless that people will gradually abandon them, without even being pushed. (For a custom to survive, a minimum of sincere belief must remain attached to it. Who would think, for example, in today’s Europe, of settling a dispute by appealing to the judgement of God through the use of fire or water? And yet, one must believe that these methods were once effective enough to justify them, otherwise, they wouldn’t have been used for so long.)

It is certainly to be deplored that this spiritual elite to which I have referred—in this case, the minority of initiated Brahmins, worthy of their caste—has no more influence on the direction of public affairs in India in our time. And it is perhaps even more unfortunate that so many of those in power in India are staunch opponents of Tradition, anti-racists, poisoned with bad anthropocentrism drawn from the British Liberals, the Christian missionaries, or the Communists—everywhere but the sacred authors who have transmitted the Aryan wisdom of old to India. These people are merely continuing the policy of promoting the most inferior racial elements, begun by the British: the policy of universal suffrage and ‘free, secular and compulsory’ education, instituted by all or almost all the European powers, first at home and then in their colonies; the policy which goes hand in hand with the excessive industrialisation and human pullulation which belated Malthusian propaganda fails to check. However well-intentioned, they are the agents of those Forces of Disintegration which, as the Dark Ages rush to a close, have more and more free rein. There is, of course, no reason why India should not be included in the general decay of the Earth.

It is undeniable, however, that one of the few civilisations that has lasted for millennia and that still lives on its soil, retains, today as in the past, the Tradition that has provided its basic principles from the beginning. Without venturing to make predictions, it seems plausible that, as long as this civilisation remains alive, thanks to the link, however tenuous, that binds it to its true elite, India will not succumb to technocracy, whatever concessions it may be forced to make to subsist in an overpopulated and mechanised world.

Feminism Liberalism Mainstream media

Spanish-speaking ‘conservatism’

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable.

Here we see him with his colleague Nicolás Marquez and their book about the new left. Laje and Márquez debunk gender ideology and in their activism they travel to Spanish-speaking countries. Gender ideology is the equivalent, in this part of the continent, to anti-racism north of the Rio Grande. (Since whites are already an extreme minority on this side of the river, the next levelling battle is to denigrate the male versus the female.)

Vox is a Spanish political party founded in late 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal. Vox is the party of the right in Spain: a more conservative right than the caricature that the Republican Party has become in the US today.

But Vox’s folk, Laje and the new Spanish-speaking right are limited to criticising the third feminist wave. Although the Spanish and Latin American media call them ‘ultra-rightists’ and fachas (fascists), they are actually progressive. Their criticism of feminism is not radical at all. Like Andrew Anglin, we not only reject the third wave that Vox rejects, but the first and second feminist waves, as can be seen in the sidebar book on Beth’s pretty boobs.

The pendulum has swung so much to the left that liberals such as Argentina’s Laje and Márquez, and those of Spain’s Vox party, are seen as conservative. They are not. See what I recently said about Vox in La Hora Más Oscura. In the case of Laje, in minute 21 of this interview with a woman, the Argentine says that the male rapist should face life imprisonment. Note that Laje is hated by the mass of feminists because they mistakenly see him as macho. If Laje and those of Vox weren’t, to some extent, conquered by the anti-male hysteria of our days, they would say that the woman who falsely accused a man of rape would also be sentenced to life imprisonment.

But they don’t say that: our new Orwellian laws only punish males.

The so-called conservatives are liberals, and this applies not only to Vox and Laje but to Tucker and Sean Hannity (the latter interviewed a transexual man not long ago). There are no exponents of true conservatism in the media, neither in the English-speaking world nor in the Spanish-speaking world. And by the way, we are not conservatives but racists.

Jesus Liberalism

Spengler was right

On Monday I quoted Oswald Spengler: ‘Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism’, words that I have seen quoted in various forums. Racialist Christians reject that quote. But these days I have been thinking about a series of magazines that my father had bound. In times when Francisco Franco still lived in Spain, the series of magazines Jesucristo (Jesus Christ) was published in Madrid.

In one of the 1974 Jesucristo magazines, in the image on the back cover (left) we see a non-Aryan but a Semitic Jesus, and inside we can read a brief interview with Alfonso Paso, a Spanish playwright. In this magazine for Spanish-speaking Catholics from Franco’s time, the interview is titled ‘He [Jesus] preached a proletarian revolution in the world’.

As we have already observed on this site, Jesus did not exist. What did exist was a literary fiction author, the evangelist Mark, who stole passages from the history of the Roman God, Romulus, to sell us to the god of the Jews.

Here’s the interview that reminded me of Oswald Spengler:

What has been the contribution of Jesus to the history of humanity?

Alfonso Paso: As a historical figure, it should be noted that Jesus Christ preached a proletarian revolution amid a world ruled by violence and, using a word that shouldn’t make us blush, by capitalism. The great success of Jesus Christ the man is to have linked the great dissatisfied and deficient mass to a congruent metaphysics. Convinced of the unhappiness of others, Jesus Christ warns them that there is another world, another dimension in which goodness has its prize. The metaphysics of Jesus Christ is not original, it is steeped in orientalism. What is original is his social revolution.
What future do you foresee for faith in Jesus Christ?

Alfonso Paso: From the point of view of historical evolution, and thinking, like Toynbee, that politics is a form of ‘religion’, many things can happen. Today faith in Jesus Christ has grown to the point that many young people have made Him a kind of Che Guevara or Lenin, without knowing exactly what they were doing. It seems to them, simply, that Jesus Christ brings the message of the protest, and it is evident that in something these young people are not wrong.

We have been holding onto faith in Jesus Christ for two thousand years. If human evolution confirms the prognoses that we professionals in History are studying, it is very true that the number of believers in Him will decrease. Personally I am sorry, but the message of the Aquarian Age is, finally, a coherent message in which a lot of things are going to become clear. It happens, however, that the keys to the thought of Jesus Christ will always be current, in the same way that the keys to the thought of Confucius or Buddha are current today. After the first streak of Marxist enthusiasm, I foresee a plummet of atheistic materialism. That, so far, seems pretty clear to me.[1]

Alfonso Paso would die four years after the interview, in 1978. Indeed, in the following decade the New Age would reject atheistic materialism. And already in our century the revolutionary message of the fictional character that Marcos created culminated in the secularist Woke age, that Paso called the Aquarian Age (‘Personally I am sorry, but the message of the Aquarian Age is, finally, a coherent message in which a lot of things are going to become clear…’).
[1] Original interview in Spanish:

¿Cuál ha sido la aportación de Jesús a la historia de la humanidad?

Alfonso Paso: Como figura histórica hay que destacar que Jesucristo predicó una revolución proletaria en medio de un mundo gobernado por la violencia y, sin que nos sonroje la palabra, por el capitalismo. El gran acierto de Jesucristo hombre es haber vinculado a la gran masa disconforme y deficitaria a una metafísica congruente. Convencido de la infelicidad de los demás, Jesucristo les advierte que hay otro mundo, otra dimensión en la que la bondad tiene su premio. La metafísica de Jesucristo no es original, está impregnada de orientalismo. Lo que es original es su revolución social.

¿Qué futuro prevé usted para la fe en Jesucristo?

Alfonso Paso: Desde el punto de vista de la evolución histórica, y pensando, como Toynbee, que la política es una forma de “religión”, pueden ocurrir muchas cosas. Ha crecido en la actualidad la fe en Jesucristo hasta el punto de que muchos jóvenes han hecho de Él una especie de Che Guevara o de Lenin, sin saber a punto fijo lo que estaban haciendo. Les parece, simplemente, que Jesucristo trae el mensaje de la protesta, y es evidente que en algo no se equivocan estos jóvenes.

Llevamos dos mil años aferrados a la fe en Jesucristo. Si la evolución humana confirma los pronósticos que estamos estudiando los profesionales de al Historia, es muy cierto que disminuirá el número de creyentes en Él. Personalmente lo siento, pero el mensaje de la Era Acuariana es, por fin, un mensaje coherente en el que se van a poner en claro muchísimas cosas. Sucede, sin embargo, que las claves del pensamiento en Jesucristo tendrán siempre actualidad, del mismo modo que tienen actualidad hoy días las claves del pensamiento de Confucio o de Buda. Pasada la primera racha de entusiasmo marxista, preveo una caída en picado del materialismo ateo. Eso, hasta ahora, me parece bien claro.

Jesucristo, publicación semanal (published by Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos & Editorial Miñon), BS 4, #7, page 30.

Feminism Liberalism Patriarchy Rape of the Sabine Women


‘Baelor’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. As I did in the last entry, I won’t be reviewing everything that happens in it but I use the episodes to express my philosophy: in this post, what I think about the psychosis suffered by the white race, including those who claim to defend it. Thus, I will focus on a single scene in Baelor.

Lady Catelyn appears before the feudal lord Walder Frey, the head of House Frey and Lord of the Crossing (a bridge) to negotiate the crossing of the troops of his son in their war against the Lannisters, who are about to execute Ned Stark. Although Lord Frey is an old man (the actor who played his role was known for playing Argus Filch in Harry Potter), he still maintains a very active role in managing his household.

After the West collapses, the white man will find himself at a crossroads. Both paths will lead to the return of patriarchy, as feminism is but an astronomical and massive psychotic breakdown that cannot be sustained for more than a century (the group that suffers from it is extinguished as their women cease to breed). The Jew Lawrence Auster was right in saying that liberalism, in the sense of the principle of non-discrimination that includes antiracism, feminism and sexual orientation is the most destructive ideology of all times.

Well then: before the crossroads of the two roads that lead to the return of patriarchy, the white man will have to decide what form of patriarchy will return: if his white women will belong to the Muslims of Europe and the blacks of America, or if the Aryan finally regains his sanity and reclaims them for himself.

In the episode Lord Walder Frey, opposite Lady Catelyn Stark, grabs his wife’s buttocks and then spanks her when he goes to negotiate privately with Lady Catelyn. After clearing a room full of his descendants, Lord Frey addresses the surprised Catelyn with these words:

‘You see that? Fifteen, she is. A little flower [licking his lips in lust]. And her honey’s all mine [chuckles]’.

In my soliloquies I call that delicious honey a Caperucita, and it is a shame that the supposed defenders of her race don’t see the naked truth of what Catelyn replied:

‘I’m sure she will give you many sons’.

A decade ago, when I still subscribed to white nationalism, I didn’t understand why some of their articles left me depressed. It didn’t take me long to realise that many nationalists had betrayed their principles by subscribing to at least some form of feminism. Ten years ago I reproduced the response of a critic of Alex Kurtagic since the latter dared to label ‘defectives’ those from the racial right who didn’t subscribe to feminism. Looking back, it seems clear to me that the only defective was Kurtagic himself, who like me was raised in Latin America. Now I can say that except for Andrew Anglin white nationalists continue to blind themselves as to how we should treat women.

If the white man chooses the right path when he reaches the crossroads, after the Day of the Rope he won’t behave like the men of Murka II in Covington’s fiction (see ‘Freedom daughters’ in my Daybreak). Since the pendulum has swung to the extreme left its inertia will carry it to the extreme right, and if whites wake up the warlords, the new Walder Freys, won’t be the exception but the rule. And even if the white man chooses the wrong path women will still be subdued, but this time like the Muslim women I saw the year I lived in Manchester.

Part of the feminisation of the white man lies in not wanting to even fix his own bedroom. Before killing the enemy he must control his women, at least through an internal transvaluation of values as the police would stop any actual transvaluation. He who doesn’t fuck won’t fight and many white nationalists don’t do it because, as good neochristians they are, they believe they should ask permission.

Sex is to be taken as the feudal lord Frey took it, at least in the most primitive stage of civilisation: what looms again after the collapse. There is already this situation with the massive rapes of Caperucitas in the UK, but the System only allows non-white wolfies to eat them.

Much of the revulsion I feel for white nationalism lies in that they tolerate this reversal of values. The critic of feminism, Roger Devlin, speaks like a conservative; not like the MGTOW people do and much less as I speak. A man who in one of the forums in which Devlin discusses would talk like Walder Frey, licking his lips while imaginarily savouring a Caperucita, would be annihilated by the thousands of Kutragics that swarm today’s racialism, and they would not answer any of the most elementary realities about the subject of feminism that I have linked so many times on this site.

That’s why I will continue to say that white nationalism is a fraud, and that to recover our lands we must first wage a great internal jihad that allows us to think as we were before, even in medieval times: as Martin’s prose about the lands of Riverrun.


‘Hypocritical scum that they are’

Editor’s Note: I republished Paul Craig Roberts’ article yesterday and what Robert Morgan wrote about it today is worth quoting:

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘… no important institution in America any longer believes in the liberties and protections guaranteed by the US Constitution or in democracy itself. Not the universities, the bar associations, the media, the courts, the political parties or the Congress’.

But, more importantly, neither do the people. If the Bill of Rights were put up for a referendum today, would it pass?

Would the American people vote to allow ‘freedom of association’, i.e., their own freedom to be as racist as they please in hiring or firing? To set up racially segregated communities, no matter how inequitable? To say or publish anything they want, even if it’s hate speech, no matter how inflammatory? Freedom to try to subvert the American empire by setting faction against faction? I can’t honestly say that I think it would. In fact, I doubt the people, being the lying, hypocritical scum that they are, have ever paid more than lip service to the Bill of Rights; and their cultural representatives, the elites, are only acting on this popular contempt.

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘How did [this anti-white Revolution] come about? It came about because decades of liberal assaults in the name of one ‘progressive cause’ or another destroyed the structure of beliefs that define the United States. Today we can see with our own eyes, if we open them, that there is no longer any such thing as academic freedom, free speech, freedom of association, privacy, due process. People are fired from their jobs and sentenced to economic peril for merely expressing their opinions or attending the wrong rally or using disapproved pronouns’.

But it must be noted that these limits are most often enforced not by the government, but by the people themselves against each other. Big Tech censorship is done by private companies. Boycotts of offending companies who employ politically incorrect people are organised by private citizens in order to get them fired. Thus the people keep themselves in line, spouting platitudes about race being only skin colour, and how racism is immoral.

These are the logical consequences of the Christian belief system upon which the country was founded, as expressed in the writings of Christian theologian John Locke. So there has been no Revolution, only a working out of these consequences. Your right to discriminate on the basis of race, or to utter ‘hate speech’, is limited because in a Christian culture, such acts can be condemned as immoral. But it would be incorrect to think that without Christianity, these rights would automatically be taken seriously. Without the moral justification Christianity provides, ‘the people’, hypocrites that they are, would merely have to find another excuse. But that’s easy enough. How about sedition?

In fact, one would have to go all the way back to at least the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 to find the beginnings of the abandonment of the principles expressed in the Bill of Rights. Certainly there’s been a long tradition of disregarding these high-sounding principles whenever it became convenient.

Lincoln disregarded them during the Civil War when he suspended habeas corpus, smashed printing presses, and jailed his opponents. That the people themselves approved of this was shown by his election and then reelection. During WWI and WWII worries about sedition limited free speech, and during WWII justified the internment of Japanese, German, and Italian citizens. Similar worries about terrorism, drive similar restrictions today.

All empires must strive for power against enemies both foreign and domestic, and so all emperors, including Joe ‘Razor Wire’ Biden, must call for unity. That they will attempt to use the law to enforce it and once again disregard the Bill of Rights isn’t anything new; it’s not a Revolution. The New Boss is the same as the Old Boss. The People have built their own prison, and will defend their incarceration in it with patriotic fervour.