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Civil war

Trainspotter comment

His latest comment at Majority Rights


Apologies for the length, but I got carried away.

Leon Haller: “The problem of white survival is rapidly passing from a philosophical to a military one.”

Well put. Indeed, it is already a military problem, in the sense that it is impossible to imagine our current system and form of government taking the steps necessary to cleanse our lands. As a practical matter, things have progressed well beyond that. I believe that Powell understood as much back then, that if things weren’t nipped in the bud very quickly, it would be too late. Too late, that is, for a peaceful electoral solution. Not too late for other approaches.

While not advocating anything, if we could skip into direct cleansing of our lands (the “military” solution), that would have obvious benefits. But without the necessary philosophical foundation, it’s simply not going to happen. There has to be a significant segment (it won’t require a majority, or even close) of the white population that becomes convinced that force is both moral and necessary in order to restore their ancestral homelands. Right now, we aren’t there yet. We don’t even have a proper sense of ourselves, of what we are, much less a firm conviction that it is proper to use force in order to secure our existence. Until that changes, our fortunes will not improve, at least not outwardly.

In fact, the anti-white philosophical revolution is still making progress in some areas, though atrophying in others. For example, the highest-ranking military officers are now incredibly politically correct, often shockingly so. (I don’t mention that to imply that the “military” solution must necessarily come from a formal, currently constituted military force). I doubt they are even faking it anymore. Our enemies have long feared a rogue military, and this fear has been evident for generations—see Dr. Strangelove as discussed by Yggdrasil. They have acted upon their fears and turned the military into pathetic, docile and subservient dogs. Goodbye old paint, and tradition and honor while you’re at it.

Point is that the philosophical foundational work cannot be skipped. There is no way around it. I’d love to be proven wrong on that, but I won’t be. Our enemies worked on spreading their ideas in the first half of the twentieth century, and by the latter half they had altered the worldview of a significant portion of the white population. They then were able to reap the benefits. Of course, we have to do our job with far fewer resources, and we will not be allowed to march through the institutions. But we have emerging technologies to work with, a cause that is just, and a little thing called truth on our side. In any event, we’re not gods capable of producing manna from heaven, so we must work with what is available.

As an example that I’ve written about quite a bit, I’ve personally observed the spread of libertarian ideas in our society, and while not nearly as suppressed as white nationalism, they accomplished much of it online or using other means that are available to us. There was no massive march through the institutions, etc., so there is more than one way to skin a cat. Point is that ideas can in fact spread with fairly minimal money and institutional support. You need some, but not as much as most would think.

I think one problem with white nationalists is that they have never really experienced the successful spreading of an idea with only limited means. As a former libertarian, I have experienced this. I understand how it is done, and as esoteric as some of our conversations are, I’m telling you that we’re doing it right here, right now. The usual suspects can snicker all they like, but this is one way that it works—and it does work.

As to White Zion, I’m interested in learning more. Once you guys get a site up, I’ll check it out. It’s good to have out of the box thinking, and on a related note I must admit that I’ve become more sympathetic to the Northwest idea as time has gone on (I realize your WZ concept is very different). But at the end of the day, unless whites regain a worldview in which they are willing to fight for their survival, I don’t expect much to come of anything.

Yet I have optimism on this point: I believe regaining a sense of ourselves is in fact going to happen. In fact, I believe it to be happening as we speak, though like other ideas that do not meet system approval, much of the progress is unseen, and will only manifest itself later—and then very quickly (the Ron Paul phenom was the result of decades of foundational work, in which most libertarians were viewed as weirdos, something from Mars, or a Larouchie). White nationalism is in fact coming along, though this won’t be obvious for some time. I’ve said it again and again: the ideas are progressing, and other than obvious system suppression, the biggest thing holding us back is the tolerance of kooks and liars—but even they can only slow, not stop the progress.

Of course, none of this changes the fact that a peaceful solution, within the bounds of the present system rules, is now impossible. But then again, it has been so for decades, it’s just that most of us hadn’t realized it yet (enemy ideas snuck up on us too, spreading over the course of decades, but with their full evil only apparent fairly recently, except to the far sighted few).

So, in a sense, the Rubicon has already been crossed. On one level at least, does it really matter whether the non-white percentage in one of our lands is ten percent, as opposed to twenty or thirty? Well before they reached ten percent, it became damn near impossible for our present system to eject them peacefully. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t try to stem the incoming tide as much as we can. We should, and it may be possible to do that to a limited extent with the present system and mainstream parties. But at the end of the day, it will still take force to remove the alien colonizers. Slowing the tide only gives us some extra breathing space (and not much of that), it does not solve the fundamental problem.

The tragedy of it all is that the longer it takes for the conflict to come to a head in the form of a civil war in Europe (or elsewhere), the greater the suffering and loss of life will be—on both sides. The faster our ideas spread, on the other hand, the less costly the ultimate conflict.

The conflict could take many forms, but I now believe it to be inevitable. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, it is out of this crucible that a new world will be born, assuming that we win, and I firmly believe that we will.

For now it is the battle of the mind, not the sword. For everything a season.

Civil war Currency crash Eschatology Peter Schiff Videos

Weimar US

A few entries ago I embedded a video by Peter Schiff but today, which is my birthday, I indulged myself in watching lots of YouTube videos on the coming financial Armageddon:

The US dollar will be like wall paper

The day the dollar died

Schiff explains magnificently the dollar collapse

Even for those prepared this is the scenario after the collapse

Of the white nationalist intellectuals of today, none has influenced me more than the editing tastes of Greg Johnson, who recently said in a Tom Sunic radio interview that the metapolitical work should have started fifty years ago.

Alas, if Schiff and several other economists are right, it looks like the US will enter the convergence of catastrophes predicted by Guillaume Faye —financial, ethnic, nationalist and a civil wars— sooner than expected, which means that there will be no time for metapolitical structures as planned by Johnson and others.

I have no friends in the Third World country where I am living for the moment. And at my relatively advanced age of 53 I even allowed myself the luxury of rejecting a recent marriage proposal because the lady… is not sufficiently white. Furthermore, since those whom I am biologically related to have betrayed me and my ideals I’ll soon say good-bye to them forever.

But this is a day to celebrate my birthday in the gloomy solitude of my bedroom.


P.S. A little piece of advice:

Become self sufficient

Get a gun

Grow food

Get survival gear

Get out the cities

Get gold and silver now

Blacks Civil war London Neanderthalism

The UK race riots

(A most embarrasing scene in the recent London riots…)

“In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”
—Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood speech.

Enoch Powell was right. But the System killed the messenger. The Labour government with its insane immigration policies is guilty of a colossal crime against its own people. In the most recent thread about the UK race riots at The Occidental Observer:

Mark said…

@ “The events we see in the UK and in Wisconsin will continue until White men defy the laws of the land and start conducting guerrilla warfare against our enemies. No amount of blogging or book review writing is going to change a thing.”

Jon Wood said…

Mark: Thank God! Someone finally said it!

The reason we are all stuck in this blog to intellectualise about this crisis, is because that is what we have allowed ourselves to be reduced to. We are allowed to ‘talk’, but even then, blogs such as this are compelled by law to impose limits on what people can say. In particular there is a widespread prohibition in most Western countries against any statement which could be construed as inciting hatred against a particular race, ethnic group or ‘people’, unless it’s about whites.

So, we are really stuffed unless people can break free of what is clearly a determination to prevent white people from forming a ‘meeting of minds’ with the purpose of getting our act together.

On the issue of the media coverage of the UK race riots (yes, that’s what they are!), it has been quiet amazing to watch the lunatic left internationalists going into verbal overdrive on every media outlet. It’s almost funny, if it were not so serious, to watch these morons prattle on with one social theory after the other. And, and, and! Not once has the racial element been acknowledged.

The racial element to these riots is right at the core of the issue, and everyone knows about it, but no one in the media will speak its name.

I said…

Mark and Jon: you just nailed it. Time to order The Brigade from Amazon and start to think seriously…

Civil war Videos

“The only way to be heard” according to Breivik

The full quotation from Breivik’s manifesto reads:

“Unfortunately, spectacular actions like these are the only way to be heard.”

Breivik’s action can be understood in a nutshell, as he himself quotes JFK: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”, as shown in this video by David Wood:


Breivik’s manifesto, page 792:

An increasing number of Europeans are opening their eyes to the reality that the democratic struggle through dialogue has been lost.

Page 826:

It is counterproductive, even lethal to waste another five decades on meaningless dialogue while we are continuously losing our demographical advantage.

Still another quote:

Around year 2000 I realised that the democratic struggle against the Islamisation of Europe, European multiculturalism was lost. It had gone too far. It is simply not possible to compete democratically with regimes who import millions of voters.

I may not pull the trigger on unarmed teenagers to make a point, but these are not the words of a mentally unbalanced man.

Audios Civil war

How should white revolutionaries behave after the Breivik affaire?

Just listen to the first 10 ½ minutes, and then the last 8 ½ minutes of today’s podcast by Harold Covington (here).

Yes: we had read thousands of words on the Breivik affaire. But in his recent podcasts Covington is the first nationalist I actually listen on the subject. He offers sound advice to potential revolutionaries, and it is always good for our morale to listen to his Radio Free Northwest.

Civil war

Beyond the Norway incident: Matt Parrott

It is always wise to listen the Christian and temperate voice of Matt Parrott (photo). Below I collected some of Parrott’s responses in the most recent thread about the Norway incident at The Occidental Observer, “Letter from Sweden: Fallout from Breivik.” It throws some light into the ultimate issues of White and Western preservation:

From a crude tactical perspective, I believe the biggest victory for Jew-wise explicit racialists is that the cultural nationalists and neocon imperialists have lost the credibility of their moral argument for defining a distinction between cultural and ethnic nationalism.

What’s the point of playing the “cultural nationalist” angle if you’re still going to be stained by association with violent radicalism? The anti-immigration sentiment and growing anxiety over ethnic displacement isn’t going to simply go away because of this, but this deeply problematic quasi-Zionist “anti-racist” cultural nationalism may no longer prove suitable as a vehicle for its expression.

My suspicion (one shared by the left) is that an infinitesimal fraction of cultural nationalists actually believe their prattle about the millions of aliens peacefully assimilating into traditional Western society. It’s a vehicle, one driven by pragmatic racialists seeking bourgeoisie legitimacy and Jews looking to usefully channel the West’s sublimated racial anxiety.

It would be a tragic defeat for our interests if racial tensions boiled over in the West, only to be misdirected by Christian Zionists, “cultural nationalists”, and Likudnik infiltrators into exhausting itself in more land wars in Asia. Breivik’s manifesto betrays a complete failure to recognize this very real threat, even indulging in the dangerous scope creep of framing the Middle East itself as occupied territory due for a new Crusade.

Sticking to explicit racial and ethnic nationalism is necessary, as our competitors are waiting to leap into the gap between what we say and what we mean. As Kevin MacDonald suggests, to recoil is to forfeit the moral argument. When you concede that White folks have no legitimate interests, you’re forfeiting an argument we’ll eventually win as people become more radicalized by social and economic trends.

Islamic immigration is merely one dimension of the problem. Even if it were reversed tomorrow and the 90% who’ve failed to effectively integrate are deported, the declining birth rates, decadence, and non-Islamic immigrants would still be there. A man’s truly intent on committing suicide will find a way to do so, even if you’ve managed to hide the scimitar from him. Breivik’s focus on leftist political leaders instead of the immigrants indicated a degree of awareness of that, but targeting the leftists promoting unchecked immigration still amounts to hacking at the branches.

He kind of reminds me of a problem I see in America, of racialists falling into a pattern of thinking that the problem is really all about illegal immigration. Some vilify the illegal immigrants as wife-beating gang-bangers hellbent on Reconquista, appealing to law and order… as if desperate foreigners are to be faulted for breaking laws our leaders beg them to break.

It’s a fine angle, and a scab which definitely ought to be picked. Just don’t mistake the scabs and fungal infections for the underlying auto-immune defect.

Media censorship drives men to a desperate mind set. And desperate men do desperate things. – Tadzio

It’s not just media censorship. It’s direct attacks on our means of supporting our families. It’s death threats on ourselves and our family members. It’s bricks thrown through the windows of the restaurants we’re meeting at, pepper spray and fist punches at our supporters, and law enforcement officers conspiring with antifa terrorists to cancel our events.

It’s more than a mere tactic to ask them this question. It’s a damn good question that I, for one, would like to have answered. The answer, of course, is that they wish to cow us into cowering and conceding defeat.

The Norwegian leftists succeeded with their ham-fisted tactics in drumming ABB [Anders B. Breivik] out of conventional political activism. I believe the technical term for the predictable result of what they did and what they’ve redoubled their efforts to do in response to this is “blowback”.

Julian Curtis Lee said…

“Sticking to explicit racial and ethnic nationalism is necessary, as our competitors are waiting to leap into the gap between what we say and what we mean.” –Parrott

Tremendous statement. (The whole post, though I brought out that vital line.) Bravo!

Let’s get explicit, folks! Come what may.

Kevin MacDonald said…

We at TOO [The Occidental Observer] are going to continue to be explicit about race and Jewish issues. Someone has to do it. But politicians have to think about getting elected in a particular context and they may be right. If we could end non-White immigration without being explicit, I’d be all for it. I think the jury is still out on that one.

Matt Parrott said…

Why is an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism necessary to put an end to unchecked immigration. There are many, many other good arguments for why mass immigration is insane and suicidal. – Anon2

In theory, an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism is not necessary to put an end to unchecked immigration. In theory, it’s not even necessary to preserve the racial and ethnic nation.

Our advocacy team actively collaborates with groups across the political spectrum (all of which are explicitly against preserving our ethnic identity) to help reduce immigration.

But this isn’t really about the Muslim invaders. It’s not really about the Mexican invaders. It’s not really about the Black youth mobs. What it’s really about is a lack of a will of a people to live. As long as America and Europe are spiritually and ideologically hellbent on suicide, they’ll find new ways to keep hurting themselves. Even if ABB’s anti-Islamic crusade scenario were actualized throughout Europe, they would still be slaughtering their own offspring by the millions. They would still be barren. They would still be decadent and nihilistic. They would still be allowing Afro-Caribbean and myriad other populations to elbow in on their homeland.

Removing Islamic immigration from Europe is akin to hiding the gun from a man who’s suicidal. It may buy some time, but if a guy’s really set on killing himself, he’ll figure out some other way to do it.

I do believe that only an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism will be sufficient to steel Europeans to take the bold action necessary. After all, stopping illegal immigration and asylum fraud is insufficient. Reducing legal immigration to reasonable levels isn’t sufficient. Stopping legal immigration cold isn’t sufficient. Offering cash prizes for emigration isn’t sufficient. Deporting most of them isn’t sufficient. Only deporting each and every last non-White community from Europe is sufficient.

The sorts of mild arguments that operate within the mainstream paradigms and respectable bourgeoisie talking points are well and good for slowing the acceleration of the rate of our demise. But the radical steps necessary to actually reverse our course require the widespread acceptance of these radical ideas.

But let’s grant that one can find some clever angle to convince voters to deport all the non-Whites without requiring White Americans and Europeans to embrace their right to survive. That only solves the immigration dimension of our multifaceted problem. The mainstream paradigms and respectable bourgeoisie talking points would spell doom for the West if it were a fortified island continent.

Civil war Hate William Pierce

Only in the movies…

In “Already Dead: The Manifesto of a Blonde Beast,” Andy Nowicki, who has been tempted by the dark side and passed the test, as can be guessed in his novella The Columbine Pilgrim, writes that Breivik “committed an abominable act, and to regard him a hero since he was on ‘our’ side puts on the same level as the type of idiot leftist who idolizes a thug like Che Guevara…”

In the coming Holy Racial War in Western Europe, what would the “dark side” would be? Nowicki explains what he read in Breivik’s manifesto:

Breivik also counsels the commission of “deadly and strategic attacks” against unarmed groups of Muslim women, as he thinks that this will have the benefit of enraging and radicalizing the men, “inciting them to choose the path of Jihad prematurely” and thus assuring a quicker victory for indigenous Europeans. He regrets the necessity of taking so cold-blooded an approach, but reconciles it with his notion of justice by that age-old formula for justifying atrocities: to make an omelet, you have to crack some eggs.

In the comments section I immediately took issue with Nowicki’s “Harry Potter” approach:

* * *

Do you know that through the novels Harry never uses “Avara Kadavra”, the killing spell against the bad guys? He merely uses the disarming charm, “Expelliarmus.” But only in the movies for children the Harry characters win. In real life you have to make a transition to the dark side to become a good soldier.

I have read The Turner Diaries twice. When I read it for the first time I didn’t like the Breivik-like cruelties: for example the killing of an innocent black—the first killing of the novel—or an entire group of nationalist white warriors in Toronto for not taking care of the Jewish Problem almost at the end of the Holy Racial War. And in the Day of the Rope many innocent young women (and men) also die. Then I read Covington’s Quartet. I sensed a moral difference. Covington’s characters are not so cruel, in the sense of so many innocents dying too, as Pierce’s characters. I imagine myself doing the things in Covington’s novels. But some passages of the Diaries make me wonder…

But you know? Pierce was ultimately right. As soldiers of The Order, we must be like the warriors of yore. The difference with the Quartet (Uncle Harold hasn’t finished the fifth novel) and the Diaries is that in Pierce’s world not only an ethno-state is born: in the final pages it’s described that only the white race shall inherit the Earth.

This final item of the Diaries is too strong meat to digest in a mere blog comment and I won’t go further with that, save saying that if completely heartless people followed the cruel script you quoted above, the chances of setting fire on Europe by provoking the Muslim population that way would be infinitely greater than the Expelliarmus charm that this blogsite seems to promote.

Civil war Kevin MacDonald

Through White eyes, not Jewish

Addressing some criticism of Anders Breivik and Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s articles on Breivik at The Occidental Observer, Julian Lee (photo) has addressed three commenters thus:

“My point being, how can we even take you [Prof. MacDonald] seriously now that you have basically admitted that you do not have a moral position, only a strategic or tactical one?” (First Commenter)

White people have done enough moral universalism, to the point of suicide. Strategy and tactics are indeed what we need.

“Breivik is a stick with which to beat nationalists.” (Second Commenter)

But that could backfire on them. Guns can be pointed in many directions, and sometimes warriors do hit wrong targets. However, before now no White man was seen caring enough about his people to actually use a gun.

We don’t know yet if they’ll make him a stick to beat nationalists. Some Jewish writers worry that his extreme act will make Norwegians start paying attention. But we do know that Breivik made himself a stick that beat multiculturalists who are working to give away Norway, betray their own people, and destroy the Norwegian way of life and genotype.

Does anybody care about what’s happening to Norway?
“Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway.”
Or that sweet Norwegian girl who committed suicide recently after a brutal gang rape by Muslims? Anybody give a damn? Maybe Breivik just cared more about his people and the women of Norway than he cares about the leftist Norwegians who want to bring more of that; more of that until the point comes where all Norwegian youth are nothing but a hunted minority, street game, heading for extinction.

It seems he made the right choice about who to care about. War is hell, people.

“Kevin MacDonald is a remarkable man as much for his moral courage… When others ducked and hid, he refused to take this as a ‘sensitive topic… gave his opinions plainly…” (Third Commenter)

What Kevin did was dared to view Breivik as having legitimate issues; dared to look for a moment through a warrior’s eyes; and to see the event through White eyes, not Jewish.

Aryan beauty Civil war Hate

“That the beauty…”


“That the beauty
of the white Aryan woman
will not perish
from the Earth”

Two days ago this blog received a lovely comment from the anti-hate squad:

I hope counterterrorism police locate you and execute you upon raiding your apartment. You are a waist of oxygen and food. You are evil and misguided. You shall discover whether eternal damnation is real. You shall suffer forever as you are suffering now unless you let go of the hate within you.

Of course, I didn’t dignify the guy with any reply, but I did answer the insults from a former Swedish friend. In words, our brief exchange is symptomatic of the Holy Racial War that we will be facing soon:

César, you have become a despicable human being. I regret once financing your so-called “intellectual” labour. First, check if “race” is not just another flawed scientific concept, like “parapsychology”.


I believe that some immigrant groups have a higher frequency of people who have completed all stages of the process of violentization, as identified by Lonnie Athens. But violence is conduct, not race. With government programs to educate immigrant parents not to hit their children, we in the Scandinavian countries and elsewhere could turn around the process of violentization in a generation.

The etiology is twofold: genetic and environmental. This is real science, not the pseudoscience with which your government brainwashed you.

Look at the human faces of the Collateral Damage produced in that war which you cheer on from the sidelines, you disgusting little insect; you empathy-challenged desktop murderer! Look them in the eyes – [here]

[Interpolated note: Andreas is clueless about what war is. Scroll down and hit Armor’s phrase “That point of view would mean that every war is immoral” here. In a second comment my former friend said…]

When did your armchair activism for abused kids fade over into armchair cheering on of genocide?

You must have missed another of my blogs! [Also, this “cheering on of genocide” is pure projection in Andreas’ mind—see my second comment below]

And what contortions does your mind have to do to admire the work of Alice Miller at the same time as you admire the work of Adolf Hitler?

What you said way above was the fifth, and last, time you come here to insult me, Andreas. Instead of responding I could simply delete all of your coming posts (I don’t know what moves me to reply this last time).

This is not a blog for you to see. I love your Nordic race infinitely more than you do and will continue to fight with all my might against your government that seeks to obliterate the gene pool of the Nordish people from Earth.

Keep with your child studies Andreas. Don’t be the silly masochist that every other day peeks on my blog and then tears his garments deludingly presuming a moral superiority which obviously you cannot claim against me, or my comrades.

If you want to discuss the issues, go elsewhere. Go with those nationalists who are willing to respond. We will hate each other for the next decades with all our being and that cannot lead to any civil debate.

In the discussion threads Occidental Dissent (e.g., this one) has just responded to people of your age from Norway with civility.

Go there Andreas!

Never come back here.

Spill your bile and insults there if you wish. Unlike me they won’t delete your comments, however insulting they may be.

Never come here again. You won’t like any single comma of what I’ll post in my next entries. Trust me…

Civil war Energy / peak oil Justice / revenge

Ronin on Breivik

The best piece on the Norway event I’ve read so far: Sebastian Ernst Ronin’s “The Breivik Action: The First Archeofuturist Victory”:

As of this date, July 27, 2011, the military action carried out by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway has altered and shifted drastically the socio-political and cultural struggle of Occidental White Europids (WE™) to retake their ancestral territories, heritage and future history from Globalist-sponsored incursion, colonization and possible genocide. There will be serious setbacks. There will be serious blowback. There will also be considerable and, what was unimaginable opportunity prior to July 22, 2011, to exploit, at a sophisticated and dangerous level, for those White Ethno Nationalists with the political imagination, courage and resolve to do so.

As of this date, the initial burst of media coverage and all related conspiracy theories, second-guessing, conjecture, projection, etc. circulating in cyberspace are superfluous and, all things considered, useless. WE™ are left with an event that is now part of the political and historical fabric and discourse. The event exists only because of the action which birthed the event. Nationalists are left with fielding and dealing with the action itself, a host of both negative and positive consequences, and a flock of political Black Swans that are busy hatching as this is being read.

As was brought into public discourse by Rahm Emanuel when he was the White House Chief of Staff, the political maxim of “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” cuts both ways. For the cut to benefit the struggle of WE™ activists, this will require a certain degree of political sophistication and a clear perception of what can be done…and what cannot be done, and should not be done. The political leadership of global nationalist organizations and parties will be challenged to blunt an onslaught of institutional, media and political demonization, while at the same time probing for and implementing the opportunities that simply did not exist prior to July 22, 2011.

Much of the global nationalist political leadership, especially in NAmerika, will be severely challenged to make the shift to this next plateau. Some will not be challenged. This essay is addressed to the latter, those prepared to take the struggle of White liberation to the next level as forced by the Breivik action while simultaneously putting the goose-stepping and reactionary imposters out to pasture once and for all.

One of the first positive consequences (as opposed to the many negative consequences) that Breivik’s action will generate is that it will flush out the neo-con and Bible-thumping political illiterates and light-weights in the NAmerikan Nationalist community. This is already happening; it is to be welcomed. As pointed out by my Russian colleague, Alexander Mezentsev, “The Oslo ‘massacre’ is a harsh blow against all these malicious Trojan Horses, all these Geert Wilders.” Via their own statements to distance themselves from Breivik, this self-induced purge is already underway.

Much as with the stunted NAmerikan interpretation of European National Socialism, the NAmerikan interpretation of European New Right is a philosophical abortion. The Breivik action opens the door for all Occidental Whites to fully explore and begin to implement the political map as has been laid out by Guillaume Faye with his identification of Archeofuturism.[1]

In simplest terms, Faye believes that the future of White Europids requires a transcendence of the division between those who wish for a restoration of the traditions of the past, and those who are calling for new political, social and technological forms, creating a synthesis which will amplify the strengths and restrain the excesses of both. (Observant readers will readily recognize the notion of philosophical and political Vesica Piscis, as identified by the Renaissance Vanguard International.)

Inherent in the metapolitical and general blueprint of Archeofuturism, is the specific need to uncover/re-discover/re-identify our own archaic spiritual and psychic motivators to fight, with both mind and fist (if and when called upon to do so). As Faye states, this is of extreme importance because all of the foot soldiers of our Globalist enemies, i.e. Muslim, African, Mexican, already fight with such clarity and desperation; by never having shed these types of motivations, the Globalist foot soldiers already inhabit the Archeofuturist world! Unless Whites discover and adopt same motivators, we are at their mercy.

Within the European context, Faye states:

The problem for us Europeans is not having these values imposed upon us, on account of our cowardliness, by Islam – as is already happening – but rather of being capable of asserting these values ourselves by drawing them from our historical memory.[2]

For this reason is Breivik’s action the first Archeofuturist military engagement and victory. If one agrees or not with his identification of “Templar Knight” is beside the point. There are other pre-liberal/modernist, pagan-heathen identities to choose from. What matters is that Breivik has laid claim to an Archeofuturist identity and has attached a courageous political decision and action onto this identity. WE™ have been jolted and pulled into this Archeofuturist world and its political struggle. There is now no turning back. Breivik’s action has, kicking and screaming, pushed us across our own political Rubicon. Intended or not, this is the genius of Breivik’s action. The action is either isolated from motive or it is related to motive, this much is self-evident. But even minus a pure and honourable motive, the action itself stands. If the action was engineered by a lone wolf Breivik or by conspiratorial black operatives is secondary to the fact that it is now in the world; that is the opportunity.

WE™ find ourselves now entered onto Sun Tzu’s “Death Ground”; the cultural and political battle has been brought to us and WE™ have now only two options: succeed or perish. Rest assured, our enemies know full well what the Breivik action implies, and a nationalist political elite is about to discover the knowing of it. WE™ have been injected into a Gramscian universe of uncharted territory, remembering that the map is never the territory, not even the Archeofuturist map supplied by Faye. Rightly or wrongly, regardless of intent or non-intent, patsy or not, Mason-Zionist or not, regardless of possible hidden agendas and shady political affiliations, the Breivik action has now framed the discourse and political trajectory of the White Ethno Nationalist movement for years to come. Until proven otherwise via independent research and/or the proceedings/discoveries via his trial, the only evidence at hand are Breivik’s own manifesto, “2083 – A European Declaration of Independence” and the accompanying video “Knights Templar 2083”, both released just prior to the action.[3]

If our enemies have placed “the Breivik action” into the world, then they have made a mistake and the haunting diktat of Talleyrand rings true: “It was worse than a crime; it was a mistake.”

All nationalist armchair and keyboard revolutionaries, myself included, have been put on notice and in proper place. The performance bar has been raised. The gauntlet that has been dropped is simple: either rise to the challenge upon this Archeofuturist Death Ground, or cut bait towards reformist and feel-good twaddle that will not so much as warrant a footnote upon the writing of White Europid history.

WE™ are confronted with a swirling kaleidoscope of opinions, guesses and analyses. It is the fog of war. However, at the center of this swirling kaleidoscope, regardless of who has created it, is the bloody and archaic event itself and the published manuscript of motives and rationale for. The center of any storm is calm, still; it does not revolve in a blur of confusion.

The route from perceived catastrophic setback to actual opportunity is merely one of perception. Direct positives that the Breivik action delivers within this new political universe are as follows:

1 the mass positioning of the Islamization/colonization of “Eurabia” in the public psyche; if these notions are immediately understood and/or comprehended or not is beside the point; what matters is that, relative to the public psyche, they have now been positioned (NAmerikan legal and illegal immigration is analogous)

2 the mass positioning of multiculturalism and so-called “Cultural Marxism” as state-sponsored adjuncts to the latter colonization of the Occident by non-Occidentals in the public psyche; if these notions are immediately understood and/or comprehended or not is beside the point; what matters is that, relative to the public psyche, they have now been positioned (NAmerikan situation is analogous)

3 via the conscious target selection of “innocent” young Whites (and also the future generation of the Norwegian ruling Labour Party) by the Breivik action, the mass positioning of “betrayal from the top” in the public psyche, i.e. non-Occidental immigration and multiculturalism are tools of the Globalist economic and political elites; if this notion is immediately understood and/or comprehended or not (it will not be) is beside the point; what matters is that, relative to the public psyche, it has now been positioned (NAmerikan situation is analogous)

If the Breivik action was carried out solely by Breivik, then the action speaks for itself. If the Breivik action was some sort of false flag or black op orchestrated by forces far beyond Breivik, then the action and its benefits are maintained minus the mention of who may have engineered it. Either way, the psychological memes of the action remain the same. Either way, WE™ have been handed on a silver platter a tactical Knight Fork of opportunity to be scrutinized, analyzed and acted upon.

Over the short term, possibly for as long as several years, there will most likely be serious blowback and sacrifice for nationalist organizations and political parties. At the most these setbacks can be successfully countered, and at the least, neutralized, by a mature marshalling and coordination of the latter benefits on the new political and propaganda terrain. That there will be a media onslaught against the White Ethno Nationalist movement goes without saying. Some dominant individuals and organizations will no doubt fall; others will survive. If the movement can regroup within two to three years, it will be doing well. It may be prudent to remember that tactical and necessary concessions, sacrifices and retreat do not equal surrender.

It is anticipated that the demonization of Whites and the playing on White guilt will morph into nauseous overtures, spearheaded by all forms of corporate print and electronic media. As such campaigns proceed innocent Whites on the receiving ends may well question their cognitive dissonance to the best of their abilities and relative to the “Breivikian” memes that have been lodged in their psyches. What is this Islamization? What is this Eurabia? What is this colonization of our homelands? What is this hidden and ulterior motive/agenda of multiculturalism? Who benefits from having these strangers in our homes? Are we really at war? Nationalist political organizations and parties need be prepared to field these questions.

Lastly, and in passing, the descent towards a Post-Peak Oil world must be addressed for two reasons.

Firstly, save for a seven-word, toss-away comment on p. 1,222 of the Breivik Manifesto, there is no mention made of Peak Oil, yet this descent will run in parallel to an awakening global Ethno Nationalism and related consequences of political devolution and nation-state fracture/secession. Energy devolution, ecological tipping point, and Ethno Nationalism will be the three major socio-political drivers of the 21st Century. The economic maxim of “competition for scarce resources” is part of the racial strife that lays latent in the Occident.

Secondly, it is imperative that Peak Oilers, 95 percent of whom are White, question and preferably distance themselves from their predominantly liberal underpinnings. This is no more evident than with the false path they are being lead down by Michael C. Ruppert. Courageous street cop and brilliant investigative journalist do not necessarily translate into political wisdom for this age. Agree with it or not, like it or not, the world as identified and outlined by the Breivik action is real; it cannot be downplayed; it cannot be swept under the carpet in exchange for roasting weenies over campfires in the false nirvana of Post-Peak Oil humanitarianism and redundant equalities. This world must be accepted. A CollapseNet cash flow of $50,000 per month, no matter how many weenies it can buy, can not and will not deflect the racial/ethnic conflict (to what exact degree will be a challenge of political statesmanship) that is part-and-parcel of a Post-Peak Oil world.

In conclusion, the Breivik action has punched a hole into the public’s wall of limited perception, i.e. denial/fractured political cognitive dissonance. The White Beast may not yet be fully awake, but at the very least it finally stirs in its sleep that has been pushed from deep and unconscious to restless. There is now a breach in the wall, and even though it is as limited as it is, for White activists it signals a shift from cultural RaHoWa [Racial Holy War] to the opening skirmish of actual RaHoWa. WE™ now embark on claiming our own archaic sensibilities, an asset that up to July 22, 2011 had been the sole possession of our enemies. The accompanying political cultural landscape has experienced a significant tremor, a rip in its fabric, much to the advantage of these opening skirmishes and latent propaganda.

The Breivik action is now part of history. Oppressed, gagged and brutalized Whites worldwide, the victims and their families of the Breivik action, and the races that would challenge Whites for eventual survival during this century of pending technocratic cull and ecological purge have been sent a clear and brutal signal. It is that industrial, Globalist civilization is as fragile and as passing as the paper it is written upon. That all peoples have been carried to this new place by possibly the limited self-goal of a delusional, religious conservative is neither here nor there. History will gaze and make its judgment while his action and its consequences remain unhinged and isolated from such judgment.

The Death Ground of the opening phase of Archeofuturism has been breached; there is no turning back. The boats and the cooking utensils have been smashed. WE™ now spiritually, culturally and politically begin to feed and prosper upon the enemy or eventually perish. These are the only two options. Our genocide is simply not acceptable. RaHoWa has arrived with all the political wisdom and responsibility that come with it. The horrible incentive to see clearly becomes tantamount.

Such is now our world as of July 22, 2011. However one may understand a God(s) of their choosing, may God’s speed be with us all. WE™ shall need it.

(Note: The opinions expressed in this essay are those of Sebastian Ernst Ronin as an individual. No political opinion and/or sentiment expressed herein is related to Mr. Ronin’s position as the Chairman of the Renaissance Vanguard International.)


[1] Guillaume Faye, Archeofuturism (European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age), Arktos Media Ltd., 2010.

[2] Archeofuturism, p. 76: “The mindset of Muslims and immigrants from the South, as well as that of the sons of the immigrants who, in expanding and increasingly aggressive masses, are inhabiting European cities, as well as that of the leaders of the emerging Muslim and modern gloss, has remained archaic: it is based on the primacy of force, the legitimacy of conquest, exacerbated ethnic exclusivity, aggressive religiosity, tribalism, machismo, and a worship of leaders and hierarchic order.”

[3] Full disclosure requires me to relay that I was one of the 5,700 people who did receive an advance email attachment of Mr. Breivik’s manifesto.