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Conspiracy theories Pandemics

McSpencer and conspiracies

The Eye of Providence, or the all-seeing eye of God,
seen here on the US$1 bill, has been taken by some
to be evidence of a conspiracy involving the founders
of the United States and the Illuminati.

It is generally boring to listen to the McSpencer Group. But in their podcast yesterday, starting here, they talked about the mental illness that has been plaguing the dissident right. What Richard Spencer says about Rush Limbaugh we could apply to Ramzpaul as well.

Speaking about the covid-19 conspiracy theories, after the 21st minute Morgoth and Spencer observed how the most obvious contradictions among theorists don’t seem to cause in them any doubt. For example, they are not bothered by the discrepancy of some of them saying that no one is infected with the coronavirus with the other theory, that twenty million Chinese have already died. What they cannot tolerate is what is said in the media (see this quote from Hunter Wallace).

This reminds me of the controlled demolition theorists on 9/11. They are not at all bothered by the other theory that competes with theirs: that the twin towers were toppled by lightning bolts fired from the stratosphere from machines. Likewise, those who promote this nutty theory are not bothered by the competitive theory of controlled demolition. Laser beams from space that look like a science-fiction tale are acceptable. Osama bin Laden as the most parsimonious explanation? God forbid!

After the 24th minute Spencer observed something typical of conspiracy theories: the belief that the elites are omnipotent and almighty (this is common in what we call paleologic thinking). The message from the McSpencer Group podcast appears to be that the libertarians’ allergy to the state clouds their view of the facts. But then they started answering the superchat and the discussion got boring.

There was an exception. After the 55th minute Spencer once again talked about conspiracy theories and said that people like Alex Jones overestimate the elites, as if they were perfect chess players who have everything under control. After the 57th minute Keith mentioned the conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Morgoth also mentioned theories about the JFK assassination. They, along with Spencer, also scoffed at the conspiracy theories about the aliens controlling us.

But after 1:19 Spencer is ignorant about the coming economic crisis. He is right that what happens in his country will affect the rest of the West. He is also right, as he said after 1:25, that the power of the American hegemony lies in NATO, the interventions in the Middle East, and having the dollar as the reserve currency. But he ignores that, after the recent events, the days of his reserve currency are numbered.

Ten years ago Spencer used to listen to Austrian economists. He no longer does.

Conspiracy theories Pandemics

Quote about covid-19

‘As for the Dissident Right, it seems that some people have adopted the irrational position of always taking the exact opposite position of anything the media says, which is just as dumb as believing the sun is brightly shining outside because the news says that it is raining’.

—Hunter Wallace

Chris Martenson Conservatism Currency crash Pandemics

Greg Johnson on the coronavirus

Ferdinand Bardamu’s long and important essay on Christianity appears in The Fair Race. On the coronavirus as a subject, of the in-depth articles that have been published to date in the racialist forums, I only recommend the article by Bardamu on The Occidental Observer, and the one that Greg Johnson published today in Counter-Currents. Johnson wrote:

Extreme classical liberals don’t believe it is legitimate for the government to do anything for the common good, because they don’t believe that collectives exist or have interests that are legitimately pursued by the state. Thus their reaction to the globalvirus is the same as their reaction to any other collective problem: simple denial. Denialism comes in two flavors: vanilla economism and tutti frutti conspiracy theories.

Since we have a Republican administration, when intelligence reports about the globalvirus outbreak in China started coming in as early as November, they fell on deaf ears. Apparently there was not a single populist who cared about the American people anywhere to be found in the Trump administration, just business boosters who wanted to protect the economy from people who feared drowning in their own bodily fluids. And, because Republicans are not just greedy and stupid but also cowardly, they were well aware that any attempt to restrict travel from China would be decried as “racism” by the Left. Hence they decided to go with the “It’s just the flu, bro” narrative.

If Hillary Clinton were in office, the result would have been exactly the same, because she is 100% owned by the oligarchy. Her rationalizations would simply have put greater emphasis on anti-racism.

However, the criticism I made of Bardamu can be made to Johnson as well. Bardamu and Johnson are well aware of what the virus earthquake means, but neither is aware of the economic tsunami approaching their beaches: the real killer, as unlike the virus it will affect the hundred percent of westerners.

This is unsurprising. Hardly anyone in the racialist forums has followed Austrian economists closely, whose message I have been promoting since 2011 on this blog, and more so now that their predictions have finally begun to come true.

The only content creator I know who masters both topics—the coronavirus and why cash will become trash—is Chris Martenson. While Martenson’s latest videos are all about the coronavirus, there is also the older ‘crash course’ videos on his channel. For a brief intro to the course see, e.g., here.


A Chinese Dr. Peters?

Update of April 9:

I’m relocating this post today because, in the end, I’ve added a couple of sentences about the Chinese bitch who, according to Institute researcher Chen Quanjiao, released the virus. Yesterday I wrote:

______ 卐 ______

Further to my April 1 post, ‘How did the coronavirus originate?’

I only laugh with black humour, especially black humour that mocks mankind. In 2018 I had been joking around with the Dr. Peters story from the movie 12 Monkeys—a virologist who leaked a virus that dispatched almost all of mankind—; that only someone like him could make a difference in today’s totalitarian West. I even called him ‘One man, one army’.

Lo and behold… Now there is a possibility that, in the real world, a Chinese virologist came up with not only to joking with the figure of Dr. Peters, but to put it into practice with the coronavirus!

While this image deserves to be contemplated on the desktop of your PCs or Macs, the actual leaker seems to have been a woman. Feminism has surpassed itself, along with the deranged West sharing all its virus secrets with the Chinese, according to the above-linked video.

This is Wang Yanyi, the suspected Chinese version of Dr. Peters.

This virus is indeed diabolical. According to Chris Martenson’s video yesterday, more recent studies now indicate that a certain percentage (possibly a third?) of ‘recovered’ patients have so few antibodies to covid-19 that they’re able to get re-infected at a later date.

Martenson adds that, if this is the case globally, it would dampen hopes by substantially retarding progress to herd immunity and increase the public health risk as the severity of the infection seems notably worse the second time around.

This is what I find disturbing: So few antibodies against covid-19 after becoming re-infected? Is this due to the HIV segment found in the virus’ receptors? Was it manufactured as a biological weapon? Was Yanyi’s leak just an accident? These troubling questions motivated me today to move this post.

Currency crash Pandemics

Cash is going to be trash!

As bad as the fact that a Chinese government agency has likely created the virus, that’s nothing compared to how the US Federal Reserve will destroy cash.

As Milton Friedman sarcastically put it, ‘Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program’. Let’s go back and listen to President Nixon’s hypocritical announcement to ‘temporarily’ cut the link between the dollar and gold in 1971.

Temporarily? That was forty-nine years ago! Mike Maloney observes about Nixon’s announcement: ‘We were supposed to go back to gold some time or another… It might be coming soon’.

Yes: it will come right after American cash becomes trash.

Conservatism Conspiracy theories Pandemics Racial right

On flu truthers

In an article on Counter-Currents, yesterday, John Wilkinson said:

Libertarians often stretch incredulity to such limits that they lose all credibility for the valid beliefs they hold. This nonsense is rooted in the same ill-conceived selfish individualism as the mask issue…

Modern conservatism is defined by libertarianism taken to the extreme, where every event is a hoax that threatens individual liberty and every participant a crisis actor engaged in a plot to subvert the Constitution. It wouldn’t shock me at all to hear someone claim that [coronavirus] masks are being laced with viral contamination in order to get us all sick. The current madness is one of the many reasons why Right-wing political ideas are mired in a muck of our own creation.

Update of 21:45 pm: See my first comment below.

Conspiracy theories Day of Wrath (book) Pandemics

Dissident right insanity

The Ferdinand Bardamu article I was mentioning yesterday, published on The Occidental Observer, reflects a sane approach to what the coronavirus represents. But a considerable percentage of the dissident-right folk are, literally, insane.

Unlike one of my old friends with whom I spoke about the trauma model of mental disorders in the previous decade, among my racialist readers no one has thoroughly considered what I say in Day of Wrath where I use terms like ‘psychogenesis’, ‘psychoclasses’ and ‘paleologic thought’. If the Day of Wrath content were popular among racialists, the conceptual bases for understanding cognitive distortions in humans in general, including the dissident right, would be better understood.

Today, for example, Hunter Wallace complains about the insults he received from a recalcitrant coronavirus sceptic:

There are people who are “dissidents” in the sense that they believe things like the earth is flat, the moon landing was a hoax, the victims of mass shootings are “crisis actors,” viruses are not real, microchips are being implanted in our brains to create “a worldwide slave grid,” SARS is the flu, women are the enemy of men, Harvey Weinstein is a hero, and so on. It makes no sense to continue to use a term that lumps together people who have such radically different values, perspectives and temperaments. Many of these people tend to overlap with the fringes of conservatism and libertarianism.

I just shake my head in disbelief…

In a recent Occidental Dissent discussion thread, another irrational coronavirus sceptic challenged Wallace to tell him if he believed in ‘the official story’ about the 9/11 attacks. To avoid another shitstorm, Wallace avoided a frank and direct response, but he may very well have included 9/11 in his list above.

For believing in the ‘official story’ abut the coronavirus, Wallace was told yesterday: ‘I bet niggers fuck your wife and you probably jack off while watching’. Worse things have been said to me. For not believing the 9/11 conspiracy theory, in a Majority Rights article—not in the trolling comments section—an author of that webzine called me ‘jew’.

Since then I’ve decided not to discuss with them again for the reasons stated in ‘On paleologic nationalism’, nor will I discuss with them below in the comments section (I won’t even approve their comments). Wallace is more patient with these types of people than I am.

Currency crash Pandemics Racial right

The two Occidentals

Update of April 5: Yesterday, The Occidental Observer published two articles: the one by Sunic I mention below and another that I just read today, ‘The Coronavirus and Galileo: An Interview with Italian Nano-pathologist Dr. Stefano Montanari’. I wrote the text below the swastika without noticing the latter, which seems extraordinary to me.

In the racialist forums, Andrew Anglin and some commenters of other forums are in denial (these images debunk the notion that ‘It’s just the flu’). But now we see one of the most respected racialist webzines, The Occidental Observer, posting an article that says, in more educated prose, what flu truthers have been saying. To boot, The Occidental Observer commenters, at least till now that I read the article (five in the morning), praise the Montanari article in the comments section. I have always had a very poor opinion of The Occidental Observer commentariat, but what happened yesterday confirms it big time.

Kevin MacDonald is the editor of The Occidental Observer and in this regard Hunter Wallace, editor Occidental Dissent, has much more contact with reality, as we see in Wallace’s constant criticism of those who advance irrational sceptical views about the coronavirus.

The first article on the Chinese virus that I added on this site recommended Chris Martenson’s YouTube channel as the most reliable source of what has been happening with the pandemic. I still recommend it as an antidote to those who join the voices of Anglin and now the commenters of MacDonald’s webzine.

Yesterday I wrote:

______ 卐 ______


In chess it is known that when an inexperienced player makes a mistake and panics, when trying to correct the position on the board he makes another move: a losing blunder.

Following the Austrian economists, since 2011 I have been alerting my readers about the economic crisis that only until now is going to unfold. January’s policies on the coronavirus, the curve which could have been flattened if the West had acted as Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea did, were that original mistake in world chess. But the measures, spearheaded by the US, that western governments are plotting—inflating their currency to hyperinflation—is the fatal blunder that will mark the beginning of the end of the System.

Curiously, among racialist forums very few are aware of what Austrian economists have been telling us since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold in 1971. But the Cassandras had known this for a long time. We must not forget how Revilo Oliver complained about the very existence of the Federal Reserve, founded more than a hundred years ago.

I recently praised Croatian Tom Sunic for his understanding of the CQ, the Christian Question that most Americans still don’t get. Perhaps now I could say something similar just for a paragraph from a Sunic article that was published today on The Occidental Observer, where we can read:

The economic crisis will last much longer than the current epidemic; it will do far more damage and kill far more people. If it goes hand in hand with a global financial crisis, we will be witnessing then a tsunami: an economic crisis and therefore a social crisis, financial crisis, health crisis, ecological crisis, migration crisis. In 2011 I published a book called Au bord du gouffre (On the Brink of the Abyss). It seems to me that we have arrived there now.

Sunic seems to know that the virus was just an earthquake and that the real killer is going to be the looming financial tsunami. Compare the paragraph above with what Hunter Wallace has been saying these days. Neither Wallace nor the Occidental Dissent commenters seem to have any idea that it is only a matter of time before the tsunami hits their beaches. They are, as I said recently, living the calm before the storm. Mixing metaphors, Wallace doesn’t seem to realise that the actions the Fed is taking are like that chess blunder that will end in a tsunami.

Although I have announced the Chris Martenson channel for a long time, Wallace has recently popularised Martenson’s videos about the coronavirus on Occidental Dissent. I would recommend that every visitor watch Martenson’s crash course. Originally uploaded on YouTube in 2008, it was updated in 2014 and Martenson is planning to update it once again. The audiovisual course explains the looming economic tsunami in a very didactic way.


How did the coronavirus originate?

Until today, I imagined that the coronavirus had originated in the horrible markets of Wuhan, where animals suffer tortuous captivity until they are slaughtered in front of the Chinese who go shopping in the wet markets. But I just watched a video that presents persuasive information that the virus currently plaguing the West may have originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, though not with the intention to create a biological weapon.

The author of the video speaks fluent Mandarin and had lived in China for many years. I’ve already linked him on this site but it’s worth listening to what he tells us in his video today, ‘I Found the Source of the Coronavirus’.

Postscript. See also today’s video by another YouTube vlogger, ‘China Hiding Massive Death Toll from Coronavirus’.


Millions of Chinese could have died

Further to my post ‘Western suckers’.

Recently twenty-one million cell phone subscriptions disappeared in China. Why did this happen? My educated guess is that the official number of Chinese deaths from coronavirus to date—3281—is BS. The actual number could reach millions of gook deaths.

In other words, what’s happening in China, and throughout the stupid West that believes that only 3281 Chinese have died, reminds me that Chernobyl scene: ‘It’s not 3 roentgen, it’s 15000’.