After more than a year of publishing the original version of this compilation, and my continuing research on the whys of white decline, I have only modified my views about what I wrote in my interim report about the word “racism” on page 29. Thanks to the input of Hadding Scott, Jack Frost and Vance Stubbs on this issue, and a rereading of Nietzsche, I now believe that “racism” is not necessarily Newspeak in the sense of a “control word for whites”—more or less what the Metapedia definition also says. I now see that it’s our Christian-inspired sense morality what spawned an axiological inversion that is destroying whites around the globe. According to Metapedia:
Racism is a term usually only used by critics. Official definitions of racism often state that the term should only be applied on the belief that some races are superior and on negative actions due to this. In practice it is often applied as a form of ad hominem on anyone believing in the existence of races or even on persons advocating restricting immigration, persons criticizing another culture or multiculturalism, persons supporting their own country/ethnicity, etc.
Metapedia is a Christian-friendly online encyclopedia. However, potentially “racism” could be a term mostly used not by our enemies but by us! Had values not been inverted by Christianity and its bastard son, liberalism, racist attitudes would be considered a virtue, as Nietzsche saw:
Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against “race”: the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.
I repeat: presently we should see racism as a great virtue, not as a despicable vice.
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20 December 126 (Anno Hitleris)
20 December 2015 (Anno Domini)