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Judeo-reductionism Mein Kampf (book)

Esoteric v. exoteric

Did it bother the host of The West’s Darkest Hour that I was quoting the Führer (the last time I did so was this one)? Jamie’s last comment got me thinking a bit. If it is true that they are playing mind games with me, I am forced not to publish the rest of the twelve entries I had planned quoting Mein Kampf (which can be read, anyway, on this other website). However, about what was to be the eighth entry in that Mein Kampf series, ‘The Enemy’ referring to Jewry, I would like to say something.

As I have said countless times, Hitler’s worldview had both an exoteric side—prolefeed for the Christian Germans, exemplified in Mein Kampf and his public speeches—and an esoteric side—anti-Christian statements to a select group of friends—. What was to be the eighth entry, ‘The Enemy’, is indistinguishable from the worldview currently held by white nationalists!

For new visitors to this site, my post from the day before yesterday, ‘Christian Cup’ is so compact and didactic that yesterday I edited it slightly and promoted it to what is known in WordPress as a ‘page’ to distinguish it from ordinary ‘posts’. I’m referring to the articles that appear in red letters at the top of this page by clicking ‘Menu’. As can be seen, there is a new entry with a long title, ‘My difference with white nationalism in a nutshell’, which applies both to American white nationalism in this century and to the exoteric facet of German NS in the last century.

It is curious that none of the white nationalist Americans who have devoted themselves to studying NS, such as Mark Weber and Carolyn Yeager, are well-versed in the esoteric side of NS. I guess that they still have ties to many Christians in the movement and that they don’t want to rock the boat with these disturbing revelations. And to be completely honest, even compared to the esoteric part of the NS we have taken a step further than Uncle Adolf did in the previous century, as can be seen from what I say on pages 159-160 of this PDF.

Mein Kampf (book)

The words of Adolf Hitler, 3


The instinct to preserve one’s own kind is the first cause for the formation of human communities . . .


The question of instilling national pride in a people is, among other things, primarily a question of creating healthy social conditions as a basis for the possibility of educating the individual.  For only those who through school and upbringing learn to know the cultural, economic, but above all the political greatness of their own fatherland can and will acquire inner pride in the privilege of belonging to such a people. I:2

Social activity must never and on no account see its task in inane welfare schemes, as ridiculous as they are useless, but rather in the elimination of basic deficiencies in the organization of our economic and cultural life that must—or in any event can—lead to the debasement of the individual. I:2

Social endeavor . . . can raise no claim whatsoever to gratitude, since its function is not to dispense favors but to restore rights. I:2

Indeed, the possibility of preserving a healthy farming community as a foundation for the whole nation can never be valued highly enough.  Many of our present-day woes are simply the result of an unhealthy relationship between our rural and city population.  A solid stock of small and moderate-size farmers has at all times been the best defense against social ills such as we possess today. I:4

. . . The racial state will have to arrive at a basically different attitude toward the concept of work.  It will if necessary—even by education extending over centuries—have to break with the nonsense of despising physical activity.  On principle it will have to evaluate the individual man not by the kind of work he does, but by the form and quality of his achievement. II:2

The evaluation of a man must be based on the manner in which he fulfills the task entrusted to him by the community.  For the activity which an individual performs is not the purpose of his existence, but merely a means towards it.  It is more important that he develop and ennoble himself as a man; but this he can only do within the framework of his cultural community, which must always rest upon the foundation of a state.  He must make his contribution to the preservation of this foundation.  The form of this contribution is determined by Nature; his duty is simply to return to the racial community with honest effort what it has given him.  He who does this deserves the highest esteem and the highest respect. II:2

. . . Honest work, no matter of what kind, is never a disgrace. I:2

The dedication of every National Socialist is demonstrated first of all by his readiness to work and by his diligence and ability in accomplishing the work entrusted to him by the racial community. II:11
Mein Kampf (book)

The words of Adolf Hitler, 2



All occurrences in world history are merely an expression of the racial instinct for self-preservation, in a good or bad sense.


The inner nature of peoples always determines the way in which outward influences will have an effect.  What leads one to starvation will train others for hard work.


That which is not of good race in this world is chaff.


. . . The racialist world view finds the importance of mankind in its basic racial elements.  On principle it views the state as but a means to an end and conceives that end to be the racial existence of man.  Thus, by no means does it believe in the equality of the races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher and lesser value and feels itself obligated, through this knowledge, to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal Will that dominates this universe.  Thus, on principle, it embraces the basic aristocratic idea of Nature and believes in the validity of this law down to the last individual.  . . . It believes in the necessity of an idealization of mankind, which in turn it sees the sole premise for the existence of mankind.  But it cannot grant the right to existence even to an ethical idea if this idea represents a danger for the racial life of the bearers of a higher ethic; for in a bastardized and negrified world all concepts of the humanly beautiful and sublime, as well as all ideas of an idealized future for mankind, would be lost forever.


All great questions of the day are questions of the moment and represent merely the effects of definite causes.  Only one among them all, however, possesses casual importance: the question of the racial preservation of the nation.


Everything on this Earth is capable of improvement.  Every defeat can become the father of a subsequent victory, every lost war the cause of a later resurgence, every hardship the fertilization of human energy; and from every oppression the forces for a new spiritual rebirth can come—as long as the blood is kept pure.


The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to become master of the same; he will remain master as long as he does not fall victim to defilement of the blood.


Sin against the blood and against the race is the original sin in this world and the end of a humanity which surrenders to it.


No, there is only one holiest human right, and this right is at the same time the holiest obligation, namely: to make sure that the blood is kept pure and, by preserving the best humanity, to create the possibility of a nobler development of these beings.


A racial state must therefore begin by raising marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape.


For the will of God gave men their form, their being and their abilities.  He who destroys His work declares war upon the creation of the Lord and upon the divine Will.


He who dares to lay hands upon the highest image of the Lord blasphemes against the benevolent creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise.


Matt Koehl Mein Kampf (book)

The words of Adolf Hitler, 1

In the foreword to the booklet The Words of Adolf Hitler, published by New Order in 1990 and reprinted in 2002, Matt Koehl told us:

Every age on Earth is represented by a name, by an extraordinary figure who appears but once in thousands of years to give mankind a new symbol, a new law to guide and inform its destiny.

The great figure and archetype of our age is Adolf Hitler. At a time of greatest danger to our race, this immortal being was sent to remind us of the eternal laws of life.

The words which this man spoke are the words of life for our race. Without them, there is no hope. Without them, our kind has no future on this planet. Without them, our race is doomed to extinction…

To make the teachings of Adolf Hitler more accessible to the adherents of our Movement, as well as others, we offer this selection of some of the most relevant and poignant quotations contained in that monumental work.

Koehl was referring to Mein Kampf. After I finished reading the below passages, I thought that what Hitler wrote is very true. Arguably, the whole zeitgeist of the West today is to try to violate the laws of Nature and believe that it is possible to get away with it!:


Ultimate wisdom always consists in understanding the instinctive causes—that is:  a man must never fall into the madness of believing that he has really risen to be lord and master over Nature—which is so easily induced by the conceit of half-education—but must understand the fundamental necessity of Nature’s rule, and realize how much his existence is subject to these laws of eternal combat and upward struggle. Then he will sense that in a universe where planets revolve around suns, and moons turn about planets, where force alone forever masters weakness, compelling it to be an obedient servant or else crushing it, there can be no special laws for man. For him, too, the eternal principles of this ultimate wisdom hold sway. He can try to grasp them; but escape them, never.

When man tries to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, he comes into conflict with principles to which he himself owes his existence as man. And so his action against Nature must lead to his own downfall. I:11
Here too, of course, Nature can be mocked for a certain time, but her revenge will not fail to appear.  It just takes time to manifest itself, or rather, it is often recognized too late by man. I:10
Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands. I:2
. . . This planet once moved through space for millions of years without human beings, and it can do so again some day if men forget that they owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologues, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s iron-clad laws. I:11
. . . It is life alone that all things must serve. I:8
Roger Penrose

AI and NS

Interacting with a computer with a voice doesn’t mean that we are looking at a generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is taking steps towards becoming a conscious entity, say, like HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s film (I recently saw again 2001: A Space Odyssey on Blu-ray).

I recently said that Alfredo Jalife is the only one talking on Mexican social media about the JQ. Yesterday I watched a programme by Jalife, who speaks Arabic, where he mentioned how much the pro-Zionist media in Mexico hides about the Gaza conflict. In the same way, the System constantly bombards us with false information about science. Those who are under the impression that what the System calls AI is similar to HAL 9000 or the boy David of the Spielberg-Kubrick production film A.I., should watch the videos of Roger Penrose, of whom I have already spoken more than once on this site and even read one of his books. Having cleared that up, I would like to comment on a few things in Gaedhal’s recent communiqué:

Someone posted on Linkedin concerning AI diversity. That person had a number of grievances against AI. One of the grievances was that AI was too atheistic. AI should be representative of ‘all humanity’. If only 23% of the planet is atheistic, then AI should reflect this. However, in my view, AI is simply practising Methodological Naturalism. The non-theistic answer, as per Ockham’s razor, is always more parsimonious than any theistic answer. This is why Hitchens is correct in saying that to understand Ockham’s razor is to end religion.

But it is here that we see the tremendous power of total autobiography and a one hundred percent Aryan religion, with its injunction to know thyself in order to know the universe and the Gods (something that today’s Christian commenter on this site still fails to understand).

The point is that when one gets into the depths of one’s psyche through decades of introspection, retrospection and sorting through all the rough autobiographical material in ordered books, it becomes more than clear that religion, and the notion of a personal god, are parental introjects.

We are not like the fictional HAL 9000. The human is not a Homo sapiens sapiens but Homo sapiens fidelius, as is more than clear from the mutually exclusive worldviews held by man in so many different cultures. Even atheists are not sapiens sapiens but sapiens fidelius because their psyche is imbued with a religious egalitarianism that is nothing but malware inherited from Christianity. Only he who really knows himself can be said to be Homo sapiens sapiens. The rest of humanity is at the stage of blind faith in the face of parental and social programming: something that atheists like Hitchens never realised. Gaedhal continues lecturing us about Occam’s razor:

Why don’t the dead visit us after they die? One can multiply entities to explain why our loved ones would move heaven and earth to communicate with us on Earth, and why, after they die, and move on to post-mortem felicity, all we get is radio silence. In the words of William Lane Craig ‘moves can be made’ to explain both an afterlife and the total silence of our loved ones after death. However, the explanation with the least moves made is simply that there is no afterlife. And again, I am not a pure atheist. I am not a strict materialist. I hope against human hope that there might be some sort of afterlife. However, I can hope for whatever I want. Hope is an evolved survival mechanism. What I hope for, and what is evident are two separate things. The fact is that the most parsimonious explanation for why we don’t hear from our loved ones after death is because there is no afterlife.

And so when AI is asked a question, the most parsimonious answer will always be non-theistic. This might be ‘warmed over Humeanism’, however, once we begin to multiply entities then there is no logical stopping point to this. I was on Wikipedia, and I got the sense that it is an epistemic mystery why the simplest explanation is the most probable explanation. However, one way to demystify this a little is, if we add one explanatory entity needlessly… then why not two? Does the warpage of space-time explain gravity best or do the noodly appendages of the Flying Spaghetti Monster pressing everything down best explain it—the ‘theory’ of intelligent falling. Once we begin to ‘make…’ needless Craig-ian ‘moves’ then there is no logical stopping point between adding one needless explanatory entity and The-Flying-Spaghetti-Monster-dunnit.

And besides: this isn’t even true. I was asking Bing AI about the Trinity, and it informed me that certain ideas about the Trinity are ‘heretical’. An atheistic AI would not say such a thing. An atheistic AI would laugh at the nonsensical notion of a Trinity of gods. There are no ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ views of the Trinity. ‘Trinity’ is an Orwellian word. Trinitas in Latin means ‘three-one-ness’. However, if something is three then it cannot be one. If something is one, then it cannot be three. ‘Trinity’ is as Orwellian a concept as ‘black-whiteness’ or positive-negativity’ etc.

Once again: precisely because what the deceptive System calls AI has no more conscience than a washing machine, but is a sort of encyclopaedia of accepted knowledge, it can only regurgitate what humans programmed into it. It’s true that Penrose’s seminal book on this subject, The Emperor’s New Mind (i.e., it’s a collective illusion that computers have minds), contains a lot of mathematics but I am surprised that a Nobel laureate like him can explain his ideas in such a didactic and comprehensible way in his YouTube videos.

However, as I said before, wokeness such as this is atheistic hyperchristianity. There are always more and more lowly specimens of humanity to exalt. There are always ‘oppressors’ out there who must be humbled. That Marxist Hymn, the Magnificat, has simply been secularised. Even the thoughts of AI must be policed. Even AI must not commit adultery of the heart. Even AI must treat the first as last and the last as first. But does wringing one’s hands about the lack of diversity in AI really make the lives of the disadvantaged any more tolerable? The perceived lack of diversity in AI seems like a very boutique thing to be ‘sore vexed’ in one’s spirit, about.

And again: there are real issues with things like predatory capitalism and there are real dangers to AI. There are people being exploited and abused out there. However, in my view, the perceived bias towards atheism in AI is neither a problem nor a danger. Bing AI, at present, just seems to be a glorified search engine, and search engines, as we well know, are way way way too skewed and biased towards theism and apologetics. When I was asking AI about what the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost were each a third of God called, AI listed its sources. Apologetics websites, and even a Fatima-extremist Catholic website were its sources. If anything, AI is way too biased in favour of theism and Christianity in particular.

One of the reasons why, although Hitler endowed us with the best worldview ever devised, I do not use the term National Socialism to describe myself is because National Socialism had two facets: the exoteric, in which Providence was spoken of in a Christian sense, and the esoteric, where Hitler manifested his pantheistic ideas to his inner circle.

This double facet of National Socialism, necessary in the Germany of the last century, is no longer necessary now since, although many whites remain Christians, none of us has political power as Hitler did. In other words, it is time to talk about the esoteric facet of Hitler’s legacy repudiating the exoteric one since if the Aryan doesn’t wake up to the truth about Christianity (which includes the egalitarian scale of values that atheists like the late Hitchens have maintained), he will become extinct.

I call myself a priest of sacred words because it is time to dismiss the exoteric facet (say, American white nationalism) and promulgate the esoteric side of Hitler’s legacy. If I used the term ‘National Socialist’, a reader of Mein Kampf or the Führer’s public speeches could point out to me quite a few quotes in which Hitler appears to be a Christian. In fact, some years ago Mark Weber made a collection of those religious quotes, omitting what Hitler told to his inner circle of his friends.

Daybreak (book) Racial right

Dead end

‘The reason most white nationalists aren’t all that interested in Hitler and despise him or prefer not to invoke his name except when and where it’s convenient (at times), is because they don’t identify with the pagan spirituality of Hitler and the National Socialist movement, especially where it violates their Christian beliefs.’ —A commenter

My post last week, ‘Not so lonely!’, includes two photographs from a little leaflet I received in the mail from the New Order: on one side we see the face of the Führer and on the other the holy days of our new calendar (an explanation of each holy day can be found here).

As I have said on this site, creating a new religion requires ritual. And creating a ritual requires that some National Socialists live, at most, fifteen minutes away by car. In fact, I would venture to rectify that: fifteen minutes of walking distance as this century will see the energy devolution that will make car travel a luxury.

To the list of days to commemorate what can be seen on the back of the little leaflet I laminated, I could add a few more dates in the remaining months: May, June and July remembering the memory of the victims of the Hellstorm Holocaust.

With a minimum of three NS men it would already be possible to start honouring these dates. But as I said, we have to live in the same town for that to be possible. Without the new religion we aren’t going to get anywhere. Unlike NS, white nationalism is a dead end as I have shown in some of my Daybreak essays.

I would suggest looking up the words ‘white national’ in the PDF of that book and reading the paragraphs containing those words to see why I say WN is a dead end (one of them includes the epigraph with which I start this post).

Matt Koehl Real men

Litmus test

As I said in my last comment, what I liked most about the New Order is the assertion that the true National Socialist devotes himself body and soul to the sacred words (words that are sometimes coded with the number 88). This couldn’t be further removed from, say, the conservative commenters at The Unz Review, who believe that just by posting a couple of comments a day they have done their job!

Being a true National Socialist involves being as active as the Germans of the 1930s, chasing the holy words, and if that is currently illegal in Germany and Austria, it would still involve being extremely active (say, emigrating to a Third World country and blogging from here in the German language!).

Incidentally, I continue to read the New Order printed material that I got in the mail and would like to say something about NS Bulletin number 361. What I liked most about this issue were the words of Kerr, ‘National Socialism is a dynamic, living entity, and not merely the fossilized remains of…’ in the article ‘One-Hundred Years of NS’ which, online, can be read here. NS Bulletin 361 also contains an English translation of Hitler’s first political document. In 1982 Matt Koehl had the translation made from German into English, and it can be read here.

So, from now on, we know the litmus test of who is really a National Socialist, as opposed to a mere sympathiser. Someone might reply that there are white nationalists who work all day long for the cause. But the huge difference is that, unlike Hitler and the NS power elite of the last century, they have not transvalued Xtian values back to Aryan values. What the movement needs is transvalued people who want to dedicate themselves body and soul to the cause. Otherwise, they will be incapable of behaving like Kalki when the historic opportunity comes our way.


Trifold sheet

In my post on Tuesday, I linked to a leaflet, ‘Introducing the New Order,’ from which I barely quoted a few words. But other words are so accurate, concerning the new religion that should cover the whole West, that I can’t resist quoting them. In the first paragraphs, we read:

The New Order is a unique and unusual concept.

It is a National Socialist vanguard organization that is simultaneously a revolutionary idea, a spiritual faith, and a great historic movement.

The program of the New Order is summarized in its name. Our goal is nothing less than a whole new dispensation on Earth—a regenerate New Order—to replace the present Old Order, which stands for everything corrupt, decadent, degenerate, unnatural and diseased in this world.

As its antithesis, the New Order represents a call for a great awakening in the spirit of our Race, a rebirth of natural values in human affairs, and for nothing less than a whole new way of life, a whole new folk, a whole new culture, and a new type of man.

In the central part of the triptych, we can read:

A Community of Faith. We are first of all a spiritual community, a community of belief representing the most sacred Cause of all time—a Cause consecrated by the blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of heroes and martyrs as well as that of the author of the faith himself. It is the first task of this community to furnish the spiritual foundations for the coming New Order and for a great new age on Earth.

And on the other side of the page, we read that the New Order represents a continuation of the struggle for a new world that began in 1919, referring to Adolf Hitler’s initial efforts. After a few sentences, George Lincoln Rockwell is mentioned and also the year 1959 (when, by the way, I was already in this world). Then it is mentioned that Matt Koehl took up the torch in 1967 after Rockwell was assassinated; and after more explanatory words the date 1983 is mentioned, when the New Order replaced the old name of the organisation. This is followed by a sentence that I liked:

Participation in the activities of the New Order is through invitation only… The road to membership is not easy. It begins with a personal decision to devote one’s life and one’s destiny to the sacred cause of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist struggle for our Race above every other consideration.

Finally, almost at the conclusion we can read:

You can start to build the New Order of Adolf Hitler in your own life today.

The first step is to sever all emotional ties to the Old Order and all of its corruption. The second step lies in embracing the vision and ideals of the New Order. The third step is to commit yourself to live in accordance with your National Socialist convictions today.

Not only do will you experience a personal renewal which gives your life real purpose, meaning and value, but you discover your identity as a “fragment of the future”…

The printed material, including this trifold sheet, can be requested by mail (I think only on payment of the postal charge). After what happened to Eduardo Velasco, the Spaniard who disappeared together with his site Evropa Soberana, it seems to me that those who have National Socialism as their religion should belong to this organisation.

Autobiography Martin Kerr Real men


I would like to offer my comments on the Kerr article I reproduced this morning, ‘The National Socialist lifestyle’:

But to be a true National Socialist in a profound sense means living an NS lifestyle, not just to agree with NS ideas in an abstract manner, or to admire historical National Socialism from a distance. Hermann Göring once noted that one does not become a National Socialist simply as a matter of intellectual endorsement, but rather that one is born a National Socialist.

This is so true that I cannot resist the temptation to translate some passages of El Grial into English. The words in square brackets mean words that replace the original text to avoid explanatory notes (as these decontextualised passages already appear on pages 99-100 of my third autobiographical book). I will use blue to distinguish it from the indented quotes in Kerr’s article:

It should not be speculated that my mistreatment at home is the primary cause of my now wanting to wipe Neanderthals off the face of the earth. Many years ago [my sister] told us the anecdote of something that I don’t remember well but which, I am sure, her memory is genuine. She said that, when I was eleven years old, I had made [exterminationist pronouncements from the racial POV].

Although I barely remember it, I do remember that as a child the spectacle of visiting the centre of the metropolis caused me such horror that I wanted to sweep it all away. And even younger, perhaps nine or ten years old when Japanese Godzilla films became fashionable, I imagined, lying in bed at bedtime, my favourite monster destroying the street billboards because they degraded my sense of aesthetics. Once I told cousin Julio about this fantasy, which was more ethical than anything else, in the sense of destructive justice, with ‘Godzilla’ being the judge of the degraded society.

Later, in my puberty, I wondered why there were still other races if it was so obvious that the white race was so superior. It was an inner feeling that told me something like: why are they still here? I didn’t understand why the non-white lands hadn’t already been conquered.

One of the most beautiful memories I have, because it dates back to the time when my life was still innocent, [already in my teens], was when I once went to get my hair cut at the hairdresser’s closest to my house, on Doctor Vértiz Avenue, with one of my younger brothers. It was a very serene afternoon while I was waiting my turn when I saw, in the illustrated stories on the hairdresser’s table, one that presented in pictures the goals of Germany a few decades ago. What stuck very clearly in my mind was the information that it was about producing a line of beautiful blond Aryans with blue eyes. It felt very good to me because those were things I wanted, even though I had never seen them enacted in the written word, even if it was in the drawings of a comic book. In retrospect, I suppose that story had not been illustrated or written by a fan of National Socialism, but to my adolescent mind, what mattered was that someone expressed an ideal that seemed to me so lofty and noble: something I hadn’t heard articulated as openly as on that gentle afternoon, which I still recall with nostalgia today.

The above happened in Mexico City, which is hardly an Aryan town! Kerr’s text continues:

As Adolf Hitler wrote, “Obstacles exist to be broken, not to be surrendered to.” Lincoln Rockwell said that “Life is struggle,” and that the secret to having a happy and successful life was, “to enjoy the struggle.” This is the fundamental NS attitude towards life in general.We welcome struggle, not as a necessary evil, but as a great gift and opportunity that allows us to strengthen ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. Again quoting Hitler: “Mankind has grown great in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace will it perish.”

This is what the defeatists and pessimists don’t understand and why I no longer take nationalist forums seriously. It is about fighting morning, noon and evening for the sacred words (as far as I am concerned, to change the paradigm from JQ to CQ, because if the problem lies with us, that would empower us immensely). Kerr continues:

[A] National Socialist gets out and engages in the real world. This may take the form of participating in a public activity to build the Movement, or it may simply be going for a hike in the forest. Citing an old Aryan adage, the Führer noted that, “he who rests—rusts” (Wer raset, der rostet). Do you take the escalator or the stairs? Said Mussolini, “The fascist distains the easy life.” The Duce was not a National Socialist, but in this instance his words are consistent with an NS lifestyle.

Without dropping names, reading this passage brought to mind one of the main promoters of white nationalism in the neighbouring country to the north, who has chosen the bourgeois life.

Every National Socialist accepts the SS saying, “Know the laws of life and live accordingly,” as his or her personal motto.

As a teenager I was enchanted by Seneca’s words, ‘Live according to Nature’!

Consequently, exercise, healthy eating, and nourishing the spirit are key features of an NS lifestyle. Just as laziness is un-National Socialist, so is a diet that consists of processed food, nutritionless (or even harmful) snacks, all washed down with some form of alcohol or a sugar-laden soft drink. Instead, a National Socialist lifestyle includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, with as little meat as possible, along with plenty of water and sunshine. He nourishes his soul with Aryan music and art.

For some time now I have chosen the whole food plant based diet as my diet, and I refine it more every day.

Likewise, the National Socialist shuns polluting himself with the degenerate byproducts of an un-Aryan popular culture. These include films that insult the history of the White race, that promote race-mixing, that degrade women or that glorify crime, as well as so-called “music” that offends the Aryan spirit. Likewise, the National Socialist does not contaminate his body and weaken his spirit with drugs and intoxicants.

Again, without dropping names, this reminds me of the huge number of non-NS racialists who talk about movies, pop music, who recommend eating meat or who don’t love Nature to the extent of deifying it, as I have felt since I was a child to the extent that, when I discovered the painter Maxfield Parrish, I knew that this was exactly what I had had inside me for a long time!

The National Socialist lifestyle includes the love of animals, and kindness towards them. Nothing is so foreign to the Aryan spirit than the sadistic slaughter of animals for food practiced by the Semitic peoples.

This is one of the reasons why those who endorse cruelty to animals (or children) are no longer allowed to comment on this forum.

So even when it is difficult—indeed, even dangerous—he lives his outer life in accordance with his inner being. Yet whatever the cost, he has the great recompense of living his on his own terms. Even in the midst of racial decay and social decline, he lives in the New Order.

And this is exactly what Savitri, my ‘river nymph’ called the Religion of the Strong in the first chapter of her memoirs.

August Kubizek Martin Kerr

The NS lifestyle

by Martin Kerr

What does it mean to be a National Socialist?

Certainly, we can say that someone who is in general agreement with the National Socialist worldview, as he or she understands it, is a National Socialist in a formal sense of the term. There are also those who appreciate the NS period in European history, although they may not have a comprehensive ideological understanding of National Socialism. They may be described as being sympathetic to National Socialism, even if their theoretical knowledge of the NS worldview is incomplete.

But to be a true National Socialist in a profound sense means living an NS lifestyle, not just to agree with NS ideas in an abstract manner, or to admire historical National Socialism from a distance.

Hermann Göring once noted that one does not become a National Socialist simply as a matter of intellectual endorsement, but rather that one is born a National Socialist. The NS philosopher Savitri Devi further expanded on this idea:

One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one—that, by nature, one could not possibly be anything else. For this is not a mere political label; not an ‘opinion’ that one can accept or dismiss according to circumstances, but a faith, involving one’s whole being, physical and psychological, mental and spiritual: ‘not a new election cry, but a new conception of the world’—a way of life—as our Führer himself has said.

It follows that if being a National Socialist is more than just a political belief, it should condition the way one lives one’s life—that is, that there is a characteristic NS lifestyle. Colin Jordan wrote than a person, “acts as a National Socialist, if he is really and entirely one.”

The first thing that we should point out is that a National Socialist has a positive, “can-do” state of mind. He focuses on the solution to a problem, rather than on the problem itself or on the roadblocks that stand in the way to solving the problem. As Adolf Hitler wrote, “Obstacles exist to be broken, not to be surrendered to.” Lincoln Rockwell said that “Life is struggle,” and that the secret to having a happy and successful life was, “to enjoy the struggle.” This is the fundamental NS attitude towards life in general.

We welcome struggle, not as a necessary evil, but as a great gift and opportunity that allows us to strengthen ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. Again quoting Hitler: “Mankind has grown great in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace will it perish.” Fritz Kuhn, leader of the German-American Bund in the 1930s, said, “We must welcome every fight!”

Embracing the struggle-ethic to the fullest has two corollaries. The first of these is that the National Socialist enthusiastically leads an active life. Idle complaint is not National Socialist, nor is sitting around and watching television or fiddling with electronic gadgets hour after hour, day after day. Rather, a National Socialist gets out and engages in the real world. This may take the form of participating in a public activity to build the Movement, or it may simply be going for a hike in the forest. Citing an old Aryan adage, the Führer noted that, “he who rests—rusts” (Wer raset, der rostet).

Do you take the escalator or the stairs? Said Mussolini, “The fascist distains the easy life.” The Duce was not a National Socialist, but in this instance his words are consistent with an NS lifestyle.

The second corollary to embracing an active life is that one accepts a heroic, courageous attitude towards existence and death. A National Socialist knows that there are dangers and hardships in the world, that there is pain, and that someday we all die. Rather than becoming depressed by such a realization, or retreating from the world in a cowardly manner, the National Socialist greets life with joyous fortitude. He steels himself mentally, physically and spiritually against the hardships that he may encounter, with absolute determination to fight through them with manly defiance. The National Socialist resolves to die with a cry of triumph on his lips, not to pass away cowering and whimpering like a beaten dog.

Every National Socialist accepts the SS saying, “Know the laws of life and live accordingly,” as his or her personal motto.

Consequently, exercise, healthy eating, and nourishing the spirit are key features of an NS lifestyle. Just as laziness is un-National Socialist, so is a diet that consists of processed food, nutritionless (or even harmful) snacks, all washed down with some form of alcohol or a sugar-laden soft drink.

Instead, a National Socialist lifestyle includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, with as little meat as possible, along with plenty of water and sunshine. He nourishes his soul with Aryan music and art.

Likewise, the National Socialist shuns polluting himself with the degenerate byproducts of an un-Aryan popular culture. These include films that insult the history of the White race, that promote race-mixing, that degrade women or that glorify crime, as well as so-called “music” that offends the Aryan spirit. Likewise, the National Socialist does not contaminate his body and weaken his spirit with drugs and intoxicants.

A while back someone posting on Stormfront claimed that his favorite music was “National Socialist rap.” Let us get this straight once and for all: there is no “National Socialist rap,” nor is there “NS hip-hop” or “Aryan jazz.” We do not insist that 14-year-old Aryan girls forego silly love songs and listen only to Luftwaffe assault marches or German opera—only that Aryans of both sexes and all ages nourish their spirits with musical forms that are produced by, and consistent with, their racial souls.

In so far as possible, the National Socialist lifestyle is family oriented. Just as he views his race as a gigantic extension of his family, so he views his family as his race in miniature. The National Socialist man treats the women and children of his race with respect, dignity and affection. His fundamental attitude towards them is protective and supportive, not hostile and aggressive.

Sadly, many teenage National Socialists living in a non-NS household alienate themselves from their families by attempting to convert their parents to the Hitlerian worldview over Sunday dinner. Tensions between National Socialists and non-National Socialists within a given family are inevitable, but it is the duty of the National Socialist not to let these tensions rend the family apart. Save your efforts at spreading the Good Word to those outside your family. Explain your beliefs if asked, but do not push them on family members.

National Socialists spend as much time outdoors as they can. They garden, go for walks in the woods, and generally enjoy the splendor of living Nature. They feel that they themselves are a part of the natural world, not that it is a foreign environment they visit on rare occasion.

The National Socialist lifestyle includes the love of animals, and kindness towards them. Nothing is so foreign to the Aryan spirit than the sadistic slaughter of animals for food practiced by the Semitic peoples.

A true National Socialist interacts with the non-Aryans he encounters in his daily life in a courteous manner, to the degree that they treat him the same. Whatever hostility that we may feel towards other peoples is not personal, and it should not be taken out on random non-Whites whom we may encounter. The depiction of National Socialists as being rude, mean or insulting to ordinary non-Whites, who have done nothing offensive, is right out of the Jewish playbook. Despite what our enemies may say about us, the National Socialist is not a mindless thug.

It is not always easy to live an NS lifestyle in today’s world. Certainly, it is easier in all-White rural areas than it is in the soulless racial cesspools which our cities have become.

In the first decades of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler found himself in a situation similar to that which we encounter today while living in Vienna. Still a teenager or a young man, he was confronted with degeneracy on all sides. His friend August Kubizek reports how the young Hitler dealt with it:

In the midst of that corrupt city, my friend surrounded himself with a wall of unshakeable principles which enabled him to build up an inner freedom, in spite of the dangers around him. He was afraid of infection, as he often said. Now I understand that he meant, not only venereal infection, but a more general infection, namely, the danger of being caught up in the prevailing conditions and finally being dragged down into a vortex of corruption. It is not surprising that no one understood him, that they took him for an eccentric, and that those few who came in contact with him called him presumptuous and arrogant.

But he went his way, untouched by what went on around him…

Sound familiar?

Ultimately, a National Socialist must live a National Socialist lifestyle. To do otherwise would mean being false to whom he or she is. So even when it is difficult—indeed, even dangerous—he lives his outer life in accordance with his inner being. Yet whatever the cost, he has the great recompense of living his on his own terms. Even in the midst of racial decay and social decline, he lives in the New Order.


About the author: Martin Kerr is the Chief of Staff of the NEW ORDER, the North American affiliate of the World Union of National Socialists.