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Racial right

The Gatekeepers

—White Nationalists—

‘The refusal to talk about violence, ever,
and not even ironically, metaphorically, or
theoretically is White Nationalism 101…’
—Travis LeBlanc (Counter-Currents author)

‘Nearly every White Nationalist info source
is cleverly scripted towards re-pacifying Whites
into the Christian, pro “justice system” fold.’
—An old tweet by Young White Family.

Thinking about the metaphor of ‘The Wall’, the current featured post on this site, a revelation came to me today.

All Aryans south of the Wall are committing ethnic suicide, including white nationalists, whose role has been to act as gatekeepers to keep whites from crossing to the other side. These kinds of radical revelations I only developed over the years.

Tyrone Patten-Walsh is one of two Englishmen who this month were jailed in the UK for thoughtcrime, as we alluded to in my other post this day.

It had been right in his flat in London when Tyrone told me things I had never read on American racial right forums. For example, I was flabbergasted when Tyrone told me that virtually all whites have an unconscious ethnosuicidal wish. I didn’t know what to say back then, but back in my home country, I kept thinking for years about those words, especially since what I saw on racialist forums seemed too degenerate compared to Hitlerism.

I was in Tyrone’s flat almost ten years ago: the same flat that the UK thoughtpolice stormed, breaking down the door, the day they arrested him.

Let’s follow the metaphor of my featured post about white nationalists not having transvalued their values but being stuck south of the Wall. Following Tyrone, no matter how close they are to the Wall, they are still committing ethnic suicide. Failure to cross it to the ideals of National Socialism is tantamount to a mortal sin since such behaviour leads to their extinction. A single example will suffice for me to illustrate this.

Jared Taylor, whom Greg Johnson once called ‘the granddaddy of the Alt-Right’, was raised by parents so fanatical that they emigrated to Japan to convert the heathen to the gospel written by Jews, the New Testament. Taylor has repeatedly said that every race deserves its nation, its homeland and its culture; its human rights—not just whites (David Duke, a white nationalist Christian, used to say the same thing). That cannot contrast more with what William Pierce, who unlike Taylor repudiated Christian morality, tells us in Who We Are: that for the conquest of a territory to work there must be either extermination or expulsion of non-whites.

Pierce came to these conclusions because he made a good reading of the history of his race, and how it failed in India; failed with the Asian conquests of Alexander the Great, and failed after the catastrophic Peloponnesian War and the Punic Wars as the Greeks and Romans consented, after those wars, to interbreeding. And it failed again with the Spanish and Portuguese because they did the same but this time throughout the newly discovered continent. In the case of blacks imported to Lisbon when Christianity hadn’t yet been ‘subverted by Jewry’—the myth of the white nationalists!—, Portugal suffered miscegenation with blacks (see ‘The black man’s gift to Portugal’ in The Fair Race).

If we compare the love for all featherless bipeds that Jared Taylor professes, a love that in Hitlerism should be exclusive to Aryans, we will understand what the metaphor of stagnating on the south side of the Wall means. As I have already said—and visitors who haven’t read the articles on Greece and Rome in The Fair Race should now read them—, whites in the Ancient World didn’t give a damn that Titus and Hadrian were perpetrating real holocausts of Semites during Rome’s wars against Judea. It was only after the New Testament transvalued classical values to the values the Jews wanted to inculcate in us that these genocides were viewed with moralizing scruples.

English historian Tom Holland is right: all whites, whether Christian or neo-Christian, find themselves worshipping the Cross. Christians worship it with the image of the crucified rabbi (Jesus). Atheist neo-Christians worship it with the outcast Coloured or the outcast Transsexual—that which is equivalent to the crucified Jews of other times! Taylor may have abandoned his parental worship of the crucified rabbi. Alas, by axiological inertia, he still loves non-whites to the degree that he doesn’t long to expel them in terrible wars of ethnic cleansing—or even exterminate them in new Auschwitz concentration camps on this side of the Atlantic. And the rest of the white nationalists think like him. Or am I wrong?

Who thinks in terms of The Turner Diaries? In no nationalist forum do I see a prominent author openly talking about Pierce’s prescription in Who We Are: either extermination or expulsion.

Tyrone, now serving a seven-year sentence for thoughtcrime (and I think it’s more since he didn’t respond to my last emails of 2023—would he have already been imprisoned even before hearing the sentence?), was right. All whites, racialists included, suffer from an unconscious death wish. Otherwise, and here comes my metaphor, they would try to cross the fucking Wall: to think as the Greeks, Romans and Vikings thought before the greatest catastrophe of all time: the imposition of the Cross on the Aryan psyche.

The West’s Darkest Hour invites those who have reached the foot of the Wall to cross it. Only those who cross it will have a chance of saving their little race from extinction. Incredible as it may seem, the gatekeepers, the white nationalists, are now my enemies in that, because of their Judaeo-Christian programming, they are now preventing the Aryan adventurer who has reached the Wall from crossing it.

Following one of the first paragraphs of my featured post, one might think that I should be grateful to the racialists who, a dozen years ago, found my own way to the North and I was able to reach the Wall. But it’s just that years after I ventured across it I realised that they weren’t going to make it. Now I see that by their reluctance to abandon Christian morality these racialists have become a liability, not an asset, to the fourteen words.

14 replies on “The Gatekeepers”

Travis LeBlanc’s epigraph at the top of this article can be read, within LeBlanc’s article, here. In the same piece he also wrote: ‘The dissident Right has spent years trying to convince people that White Nationalism is not inherently violent.’

LeBlanc’s article was published this same day by Greg Johnson in his webzine. Just contrast it with the final chapter of the first book Johnson published in Counter-Currents. Michael O’Meara titled it ‘A Call to Arms’!

I think Taylor is only saying this because he wouldn’t have a career otherwise. It’s obligatory to say Africa for the Africans and Asia for the Asians, or else the media will eat you alive. It’s just a platitude. It should obvious that we can’t be open and honest about the urgent need for extermination. Germans weren’t ready to hear that in the 1930s, so it had to be kept quiet. In 90 years, this hasn’t changed. They still can’t stomach it.

The big difference is that the Nazis didn’t preach Xtian nonsense like ‘Asia for Asians’, etc. And if you remember David Duke’s YouTube videos, it was funny to see this pure Nordic talking about the rights of all peoples, as if saying that white people, now marginalised by the System, should have the same rights.

What do you think about my solution to overcrowded prisons? If such an operation was undertaken with utmost discretion and unwavering commitment by all those involved, we could kill millions of criminals around the world in a matter of days. Would you say it’s the Aryan thing to do?

“…love for all featherless bipeds that Jared Taylor professes…”

I’ve seen plenty of modern White Nationalists who adhere to the Nationalism-For-All tenets, and I think the reason for it is either for optics or genuinely appealing to universalistic morality instead of a particularist one (they don’t close their hearts to pity). Either way, they may or may not—usually, it’s the latter—help our cause.

I understand with those who care for optics. Most White people who are healthy and intelligent (people that we should recruit for our cause) still staunchly adhere to universalistic morality, and they just can’t stomach the idea of violence. Thus, those who have to tone down their genuine views for optics believe that intelligent—but universalist—White people need to be guided step-by-step, little by little, to our side. And I think Jared Taylor is one of those who care for optics instead of being an Ethnopluralist, i.e., belief in Nationalism-For-All. I believe if a Turner Diaries-style war broke out, he’d instantly bat for White people and become one of the most prominent figures in that kind of situation.

Figures who I think believe in and adhere to universalistic morality are people like Nick Fuentes, Keith Woods, Mark Collet, and Mike Peinovich, among others. These people are not helping our cause at all, especially with their support of Palestine. Although they might identify as WN, they are actually Third Worldist agents of subversion.

…and they just can’t stomach the idea of violence.

But that’s not exact. Remember when Bill O’Reilly was on Fox? He constantly interviewed a patriotard colonel who talked about his country’s right to incinerate entire families of Germans, women and children included, in World War II. And I never knew that conservatives who watched Fox were shocked. It’s obvious that this double standard reaches Pluto, and I’m also talking about the so-called pacifist racialists.

Bill O’Reilly

Apologies, but I’m not aware of this figure. I don’t watch TV that much.

Double standard

I think you’re right. Now that I think about it, normies can actually stomach the thought of violence; I just remembered this one concept called “normie sadism.” It’s a matter of brainwashing…

So-called pacifist racialists.

Yeah, those are the people that I mentioned in my initial comment. Funnily enough, their worldview, i.e., the Wholesome Chungus, Nationalism-For-All, disproportionately attracts more browns than White people into their movement. And the ones who believe in TND and TNWD (Total Nigger Death and Total Non-White Death) are filled with intelligent, healthy, and young White people instead.

Apologies, but I’m not aware of this figure.

Bill O’Reilly was a major figure in conservative American television news. His opponents even said he was Fox News.

Christian Apologist, William Lane Craig, has said repeatedly that, had the allies got a missive from Yahweh—such things being facile to fabricate—then the Allies would have been just in completely exterminating the Germans. This is why, in the words of Urban Jungle Girl: Boomers like Craig must take their vile cult with them when they die. When the Boomers die, “White Christianity”, demographically speaking, will die with it. In my view, a subconscious reason as to why so many Christians race-mix and adopt negro children, is because they know that the future of the Christian cult is brown. Apologist Timothy Keller spoke often about how the browning of America was a great opportunity for the Christian cult.

I see things differently. Following what Tyrone told me, that white people have a death wish, it seems to me that this wish is due—as Tyrone told us on this site after I left the UK—to the story that the Aryan has been telling himself after WW2. Have you read another of our featured posts, ‘Foundation myth / Worst generation since prehistory’ (link here)?

“He constantly interviewed a patriotard colonel who talked about his country’s right to incinerate entire families of Germans, women and children included, in World War II. And I never knew that conservatives who watched Fox were shocked. It’s obvious that this double standard reaches Pluto…”


Is not that these people are incapable of violence, is just that they are extremely hypocritical, morally inconsistent and dishonest.

“can’t stomach the idea of violence”


Those people need a crude experience to the “wonders” of diversity by first hand.

It is easier to preach and worship for universal morality when you live with peace of mind in an all white neighborhood. White racialist like Taylor aren’t really different.

They are all sheltered from diversity, and well fed.

Lugubrious & Jamie,

I hope you don’t mind that I’ve indented the quotes you make above. This post seems so important to me that, in the single comment on the sticky post, I have put a link to it.

Unfortunately for present day National Socialists, like the Dutch who settled and built South Africa and Rhodeshia, and were then overrun by the liberals and christians, there is the ugly reality of being way outnumbered by ones’ opponents. Hard to win when the odds are greatly against you.

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