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Martin Kerr Psychology

Honey on flakes

Martin Kerr’s introduction to National Socialism that we published yesterday is so didactic that I have included it at the top of one of the pages of this site, ‘On the need to undemonize Hitler’ (‘pages’ = the items that appear in red when you click on the Menu).

I confess that I discovered this introduction to NS thanks to the booklet whose image appears on the left, which Kerr kindly sent me recently with some words of his inscribed on the first page. Thank you Comrade Kerr for mailing me this booklet!

Hitler has been demonised because Allied propaganda, largely in the hands of Jewry, has been playing on the Aryan’s feelings of compassion—but perverted feelings through Christian ethics which commands us to love the enemy. Because of the psyop from 1945 onwards with which the System has been trying to destroy the Aryan, hardly anyone in the West knows what National Socialism is. Although Kerr’s booklet explains it admirably, we should know that the hypnosis Westerners suffer from today is due to having transferred their Christian guilt feelings for the Sacrificial Lamb to the Jew after the so-called Holocaust (even anti-Nazi historians like Tom Holland recognise this psychological phenomenon).

That is why I still believe that the best way to awaken the Aryan from this hypnosis is to bring to public light the Holocausts perpetrated against us, the Gentiles, in the 20th century. I am referring to the Gulag and the Hellstorm Holocaust, where Jews played an pivotal role. And what is happening in Gaza these days, a genocide of a different kind of gentiles, is splendid for the masses of Whites to begin to wake up from a hypnosis that has been going on for more than eighty years.

Before the Allied propaganda people weren’t hypnotised. I will never forget my uncle Beto (1921-1983), an admirer of Hitler, and even some occasional comments by my grandmother Leonor (1914-2008) in favour of Third Reich Germany. Being a boomer myself, I was able to interact with people untainted by Allied propaganda. It is clear that people from another era could see things much more clearly than today’s hypnotised Westerners.

This is why I will continue to recommend Tom Goodrich’s book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany as number one on my list, even more than my books written in my mother tongue! Whoever reads Goodrich’s book from cover to cover will become de-hypnotised after such a bitter reading. At last, he will be ready to assimilate the truth of Kerr’s introduction to National Socialism. Once the disturbing information from Hellstorm has sunk in, Kerr’s article will become miel sobre hojuelas. (Literally, ‘honey on flakes’ there is no exact translation of this Spanish expression but it roughly means something like bed of roses, hunky-dory, a walk in the park, or as sweet as honey.)