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Catholic Church Eugenics

Great personalities defend eugenics, 9

by Evropa Soberana

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946), member of the Thule Gesellschaft, National Socialist ideologue, head of the NSDAP Foreign Affairs Service, and head of the Reich Ministry for the occupied Eastern territories, was hanged at the Nuremberg trials of 1946.

The Vatican has once again become known as the bitterest enemy of the improved reproduction of biologically valuable ones, and as the protector of the preservation and propagation of the inferior…

[It] does not represent anything other than the necessary drainage of that racially chaotic system forged by the Syrian-African-Roman dogma.[1]

Therefore, every European who would like to see his people physically and spiritually healthy, and who defends the position that idiots and incurable patients infect his nation, must allow himself to be represented, according to Roman teachings, as anti-Catholic: an enemy of Christian moral doctrine. And he must choose whether he is the antichrist, or if the founder of Christianity really could have conceived—as dogma—the unlimited reproduction of all kinds of lower types.

This is what His representative [refers to the Pope of the time, Pius XI] boldly demands. (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, Book Three, chapter 4).


Walther Darré (1895-1953), Minister of Food, Agriculture and Supplies of the Reich, Chief of German Peasants, Director of the SS Office of Race and Resettlement, notorious Nordicist, co-founder of Ahnenerbe and promoter of the racial idea and geopolitics of Blut und Boden (blood and soil), warned about the fallacy of the so-called race of the spirit:

It is unforgivable to want to numb the nascent attention of the public, telling them that it is only the ‘spirit’ that counts and not the body. Where do we find the historical proof that regardless of the body of the race, the spirit can form history? (‘New Nobility of Blood and Soil’, chapter 8).


[1] Note of the Editor: Few know the connection of Syria and Africa in the formation of Roman Catholic theology. See the chapters on ‘Persia, Armenia and Christianity’ and St. Augustine in Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History. Even Catholic historian of Christianity Paul Johnson recognises that Augustine’s theology ‘was Punic’.

Eduardo Velasco Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 5

by Evropa Soberana

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown woman.

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a National Socialist ideologue, head of the Service of Foreign Affairs of the NSDAP and head of the Reich Ministry for the occupied Eastern territories—the most important ideologue of National Socialism after Hitler.

The ‘sense of history’ has not gone in any way from East to West, but has changed rhythmically. In the past Nordic Europe sent fruitful waves of peoples, who in India, Persia, Hellas and Rome, created states and cultures. Then they penetrated by infiltration in Europe the Eastern races from the East. Furthermore, Asia Minor sent a human species that reached the present Europe.

Not a ‘Central Europe’ without race or people, as announced by a Naumann, not a Franco-Jewish Pan-Europe, but a Nordic Europe, is the slogan of the future, with a German Central Europe. Germany as a racial and national state, as the central power of the continent, as an assurance of the South and the Southeast; the Scandinavian States with Finland as a second league, for the assurance of the Northeast, and Great Britain as assurance of the West and of the regions beyond the sea where that is necessary in the interest of the Nordic human being. 

This also demands a foundation of greater scope.


Today I received this mail:

Hi Cesar,

I saw your message on Twitter in response to Our German Ancestry’s tweet and was going to reply but decided I’d email you instead as I had too much to say for the Twitter space.

I’ve been thinking about how Nordic blood is really the most precious treasure this planet possesses at this point in time. Certainly of all creatures on earth, the Nordic is the natural aristocrat, but I emphasize Nordic blood rather than Nordic Man because men are born and die but the bloodline that gave them their greatness existed before them and will continue after them. Plus, you need Nordic women to continue the bloodline as well, not just Nordic Men.

Alfred_RosenbergI understand better now Alfred Rosenberg’s ‘Religion of the Blood’. It is not a religion in the conventional sense of faith in a god/gods, but rather a rational religion that recognizes ‘only in pure blood does God abide’. Nordic blood is truly holy and as Rosenberg himself said ‘Nordic blood represents the mystery which has replaced and overcome the old Sacraments’.

Biology precedes truth, and science even because without his inheritance of good blood, Nordic Man would never have evolved away from primitive superstition and developed Science (which was then learnt/copied by the East Asians, Jews etc.). So in order to preserve Science and Technology, mankind needs to recognize the importance of preserving Nordic blood which precedes everything. The Jews seem to have realized all this before Aryan Man because Judaism is very much their own ‘religion of the blood’ though Jews are of course of impure mongrelized blood and they strive to maintain their impurity in opposition to the Aryan who strives to keep his blood pure.

The bottom line is, survival of pure Nordic blood is the most important task at this moment in time. That is more important than any meta-physical ‘God’. Nordic blood will save the world, not Jesus.


Axiology Catholic Church Christendom



Too young was this community to face this millenary Monster. As a young Hero he failed in his first attempt to defeat it. Too old and cunning such monstrosity. He gobbled up the boy, and the young Aryan community, in a few years.

Manu Rodríguez

Alfred Rosenberg argued for a new “religion of the blood” based on the innate promptings of the Nordic soul to defend its noble character against racial and cultural degeneration. He rejected Christianity for its universality, for its doctrine of original sin (at least for Germans whom he declared on one occasion were born noble), and for its teachings on the immortality of the soul. Absorbing Christianity enfeebled a people. Rosenberg stated: “The general ideas of the Roman and of the Protestant churches are negative Christianity and do not, therefore, accord with our [German] soul.”

In January 1934 Hitler appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich. The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg’s Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum for scorning and rejecting “all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion.”

During the Second World War Rosenberg outlined the future envisioned by the Hitler government for religion in Germany, with a thirty-point program for the future of the German churches. Among its articles:

• The National Reich Church of Germany would claim exclusive control over all churches

• publication of the Bible would cease

• crucifixes, Bibles and saints were to be removed from altars

Mein Kampf would be placed on altars as “to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book”

• the Christian Cross would be removed from all churches and replaced with the swastika.

Many consider Rosenberg the main author of key National Socialist ideological creeds. But after the war the Allies, under the lead of American and English Christians, executed him.

Charlemagne Table talks

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 104

31st March 1942, at dinner

German eastern policy—Charlemagne “slayer of Saxons” and Hitler “slayer of Austrians”—The work of Charlemagne.
I’ve drawn Rosenberg’s attention to the fact that one mustn’t let the great German Emperors be relegated to the background, to the benefit of perjurers, and that it was improper to call a hero like Charlemagne by the name “killer of Saxons.” History must be interpreted in terms of the necessities of the time.

It’s possible that, in a thousand years—supposing that, for one reason or another, the Reich is again obliged to pursue a policy directed against the South—some pedagogue may be found who will claim that “Hitler’s Eastern policy was certainly well-intentioned,” but that it was nevertheless crack-brained, since “he should have aimed at the South.” Perhaps even some caviller of this type will go so far as to call me “the killer of Austrians” on the grounds that, on my return from Austria to Germany, I locked up all those who had tried to thwart the enterprise!

Without compulsion, we would never have united all the various German families with these thick-headed, parochially minded fellows—either in Charlemagne’s time or to-day.

If the German people is the child of ancient philosophy and Christianity, it is so less by reason of a free choice than by reason of a compulsion exercised upon it by these triumphant forces. In the same way, in Imperial times, it was under the empire of compulsion that the German people engineered its fusion beneath a Christianity represented by a universal church—in the image of ancient Rome, which also inclined to universality.

It is certain that a man like Charlemagne was not inspired merely by a desire for political power, but sought, in faithfulness to the ancient idea, for an expression of civilisation.

Now, the example of the ancient world proves that civilisation can flourish only in States that are solidly organised. What would happen to a factory given over to anarchy, in which the employees came to their work only when the fancy took them? Without organisation—that is to say, without compulsion—and, consequently, without sacrifice on the part of individuals, nothing can work properly. Organised life offers the spectacle of a perpetual renunciation by individuals of a part of their liberty.

Guided by these rules, which are quite simple and quite natural, Charlemagne gathered the Germans into a well-cemented community and created an empire that continued to deserve the name long after his death. The fact was that this empire was made of the best stuff of the ancient Roman Empire—so much so that for centuries the peoples of Europe have regarded it as the successor to the universal empire of the Caesars. The fact that this German empire was named “the Holy Roman Empire” has nothing whatsoever to do with the Church, and has no religious significance.

Table talks

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 115

11th April 1942, at dinner

I must insist that Rosenberg’s The Myth of the Twentieth Century is not to be regarded as an expression of the official doctrine of the Party. The moment the book appeared, I deliberately refrained from recognising it as any such thing… It is in any case written in much too abstruse a style, in my opinion.

Table talks

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 172



1st August 1942, midday

Events have shown that journalism demands a style of its own. Real journalistic jargon came into being, I think, in the Völkischer Beobachter during our electoral campaign in 1932. Rosenberg feared a landslide. I am quite sure that at the time he despaired of humanity, and his contempt for mankind was only increased when he found that the more he lowered the intellectual level of the journal, the more sales increased! He ought really to have called the paper “Münchner Beobachter—Baltic Edition”!

At the beginning, the Völkischer Beobachter sailed on so high an intellectual plane that I myself had difficulty in understanding it, and I certainly know no woman who could make head or tail of it! Rosenberg insisted on this extremely high level.

Helmut Stellrecht Hitler Youth Liberalism Mainstream media Swastika

NS replaces WN

cartel nazi


(Tod der lüge = death of the lie; Hochfinanz = high finances.)


I am afraid that from this post on I’ll try to avoid the term “White Nationalist” to describe myself. I’d rather use the old term, National Socialist.

Reason: Virtually all bloggers that subscribe White Nationalism love what the Nazis called “degenerate music,” and quite a few among them despise the heroic efforts of the Germans to protect their race from Marxism, and also from the world of high finances, the subsequent degeneracy, and the brainwashing of whites by the Judaization of the West (including Christianity).

Even those Americans in Dixie who currently reject the term White Nationalism and prefer to call themselves “Southern Nationalists” love to watch the thoroughgoing Judaized television and the Hollywood movies of today, including nigger sports; and some of them even boast their pre-marital “games” in the comments section of their blogsites.

Other White Nationalists go so far as okaying “gay marriage” while, at the same time, follow the most abject form of political correctness by prohibiting a frank debate on this issue within their sites. Still other racialists are reluctant to approach the Jewish Question and some openly advocate libertarianism (see the “Marxismus/Hochfinanz” serpent above) as well as the liberal use of drugs…

The above is only the tip of the iceberg but enough to make a point: I have little to do with this people. Yes: the name “National Socialist” may sound bad to many ears but I still will use it to mark a distance between me and the current degeneracy that is engulfing the West, including racialist circles.

After all, the NS principles have already been introduced in this blog with the full citations of Helmut Stellrecht’s Faith and Action, originally written for the Hitler Youth in 1938. Always keep in mind that Alfred Rosenberg said that the swastika was the symbol of a White rebirth which must someday save the entire West, including North America.

Rather than keep swallowing the gross caricature of the mainstream media, breath the true spirit of National Socialism by reading the booklet by Stellrecht here.

Ancient Greece Aryan beauty Eduardo Velasco Friedrich Nietzsche Homer Indo-European heritage Marriage Metaphysics of race / sex Patriarchy Pedagogy Rape of the Sabine Women Sparta (Lacedaemon) Women

Sparta – X

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