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Dublin, Ireland

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Translation of the final paragraphs of ‘Descendants of the Aryans – remnants of Indo-European blood in Asia (III of IV)’ and the caption of a photograph chosen by the author:

We must start from the assumption that any kind of ‘policy’ towards these people seems utopian and redundant at a time when we have enough to do with Europe, with the West, with preserving European biodiversity and with the serious ethnic conflicts that are looming in our society due to the implantation of Third World societies in our midst. However, if the situation were to turn around and a regenerated Eurasia could afford it, it would not be a bad thing to consider ‘sponsoring’ these people to protect them and prevent the extinction of their genetic legacy, which after all is a cutting from the European tree growing on Asian soil.

It is simply amazing that specimens
like this still exist in deep Asia.

History (or a walk down the street) shows that multiculturalism does not work and that multiracial societies fall into Third Worldism or succumb to ethnic wars. In the upheavals of the times to come, it will be time to break with all the egalitarian, perverse and anti-evolutionary creeds that have been poisoning humanity for the last 2,000 years, to credit the idea of human inequality and to return to the natural idea of highly trusted, genetically linked, popular communities. From this perspective, it would be most desirable to learn the lessons that these people can offer us. A new pan-European doctrine must emerge to bring these peoples back into the European geopolitical sphere of influence, spearheaded by genetic, linguistic, esoteric, archaeological and anthropological studies on the ground.

European beauty

Visby City Wall is a medieval defensive wall with watchtowers surrounding the Swedish town of Visby on the island of Gotland, Sweden.

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Translation of one of the final paragraphs:

The Indo-Aryans, coming into violent contact with aboriginal populations, immediately acquired an instinct of purity and a reflex of protection against non-Aryan races, which is also embodied in the Rigveda, a truly racist book that has surprisingly not already been censured by the System as ‘apologia for genocide’ and ‘incitement to racial hatred’.

European beauty

The Walls of Tallinn are the medieval defensive walls constructed around the city of Tallinn in Estonia
in the 13th century.

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Translation of the first paragraph of the article ‘Descendants of the Aryans—remains of Indo-European blood in Asia (I of IV)’:

Everyone has heard of that National Geographic cover of a white, green-eyed Afghan refugee. That cover caused a sensation. Countless people offered to adopt the girl in question, and became interested in the issue of ethnic groups in the East. Today, practically anyone knows that even in the most unknown corners of deep Asia, there are remnants of European genetics.

Since the image of the Afghan refugee is broken in the PDF that I link to, I am adding that image here.

European beauty

Statue of King Peter IV
in Praça da Liberdade
Porto, Portugal.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

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Translation of the final words of ‘Were the Egyptians white?’:

What happened to Egypt, why did it fall after millennia of splendour? As with the fall of all civilisations, the answer lies in biology in general and genetics in particular.

In 1296 BCE, the Egyptians conquered Nubia (South, Negroid inhabitants), building a series of forts to protect the borders and control insurrections. At one point, it was forbidden for any Nubians to cross the border into Egypt. Eventually, and as is obvious in Egyptian art, black slaves were imported. As always, a low birth rate among the Egyptian nobility, a high birth rate among the black and Semitic slaves, and the miscegenation produced by the relaxation of the warrior, aristocratic and dominant mentality, was the curse of Egypt. Finally, in 200 years, Egypt went from being a great civilisation to disappearing from the map of civilised nations, at the mercy of stronger foreign powers.

Until 1050 BCE, all pharaohs had been predominantly white or Nordic. With the advent of the 25th Dynasty and the “black pharaohs”, who had a brief and decadent reign of 75 years, during which they built rickety pyramids 20 metres high (the great pyramid of Kheops, from the good old days of the true pharaohs, was 146 metres high), the original genetic and biological substrate that had created, from nothing, the Egyptian spirit, was drowned forever in the dense thicket of dark blood.

European beauty

Gjógv is the most northern village on the island of Eysturoy