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Time Unveiling Truth is a painting c. 1745
–1750 by the Italian painter Tiepolo.

I like what Nick Fuentes recently said about Hitler and Jews. However, my long-standing disagreement with white nationalists like Fuentes is that they ignore the historical truth about Christianity, which reminds me of our friend Gaedhal’s most recent email:

As the Latin saying goes: Veritas est filia temporis. Truth is the daughter of time. There is a painting of Chronos, the god of time, digging up Verity/Alethia, or Truth, who was buried in the earth. Bury the truth in the midst of the earth, all you want to: Chronos, the grim time-lord, will dig it up.

Veritas est Filia Temporis et ea non est filia auctoritatis —Francis Bacon [1]

In another of his emails, Gaedhal added:

If a billion Catholics woke up—say, by reading Carrier, Letaster and Miller—and discovered that Jesus Christ is simply yet another mythical ‘borne away’ or ‘translated’ demigod, then could you imagine what this would do to Israel?


[1]Truth is the daughter of time, and not of authority’.

6 replies on “Proverb”

Raphael Lataster.

Christopher Hitchens defined liberalism as ‘not taking one’s one side in an argument’, and this is the essence of Christianity. The essence of the Sermon on the Mount is not taking one’s one side in disputes about justice, resources, land/nationhood etc. I was reminded of this listening to Fuentes. Ragnar Redbeard called the author of the Sermon on the Mount: ‘the true crown prince of evil’.

May I quote your most recent email?

Somebody wrote a peer review of Carrier’s book and the attempted responses to it. Letaster concluded that the Mythicist position has not been refuted and still stands academically. I think that that is his name. I am not 100% certain.

Yeah sure. I think that it was Raphael Lataster who wrote that review of Richard Carrier’s book and historicists’ responses to it.

Thanks for this proverb.

You could check the painting of François Lemoyne. I think that’s the painting Gaedhal is referring to.

If you are a normie of noble sentiments, even if the System has hidden these facts from you to control your mind, you should dip your feet in the river water reading

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