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The new enemies of science

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYe_jcmY7QE&w=325&h=249 Below, “The New Enemies of Evolutionary Science,” an article by Dr Phil Rushton (pic above): On January 19, 1989, in the Sausalito Room of the San Francisco Hilton Hotel, my life changed forever. I stood before a lectern speaking to a symposium of scientists belonging to the American Association for the Advancement of Science […]

Hans F. K. Günther


Some passages and quotes from Hans F.K. Günther in his book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans reminded me of what we said on March 21 about the impossibility of ‘denazifying the Gods’: what today’s crazy Westerners want most, their new religion: Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae. Translation: If the world were broken, […]

Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy Theology


against the Cross, 15 Of French origin, although German was the family language, Lou Salomé’s Huguenot ancestors arrived in St Petersburg in 1810. Her father Gustav Salomé had a successful military career and was appointed inspector of the army by Tsar Alexander II. He later married Louise Wilm, of Danish descent, nineteen years younger. The […]

Friedrich Nietzsche Richard Wagner


against the Cross, 11 Cosima Wagner was already a determined Christian. In Bayreuth, during the quiet winter evenings of 1875, she and her husband Richard immersed themselves in August Gfrörer’s Geschichte des Urchristenthums (History of Early Christianity). Although the Wagners were wise on the Jewish question, like today’s white nationalists, the couple simply ignored David […]

Exterminationism God Kali Yuga

Moloch = Yahweh

In the seminal essay ‘The Red Giant’ a Swede said: Secular Christianity has thrown out god and Christ, but keeps the Christian ethics (inversion of values etc.). And the Christian ethics actually gets heightened and unfettered in Secular Christianity (I have written much about that in my blog). With Christ as part of the equation, […]

Daybreak (book) Racial right

Dead end

‘The reason most white nationalists aren’t all that interested in Hitler and despise him or prefer not to invoke his name except when and where it’s convenient (at times), is because they don’t identify with the pagan spirituality of Hitler and the National Socialist movement, especially where it violates their Christian beliefs.’ —A commenter My […]


Trifold sheet

In my post on Tuesday, I linked to a leaflet, ‘Introducing the New Order,’ from which I barely quoted a few words. But other words are so accurate, concerning the new religion that should cover the whole West, that I can’t resist quoting them. In the first paragraphs, we read: The New Order is a […]


Not so lonely!

In ‘Under the Redwoods’ I described the loneliness of crossing what I call the psychological Rubicon: from Normieland to the lands of NS. But today I received some printed material from the mailman, including a paper leaflet ‘Introducing the New Order’. Following my metaphor, I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that we are not […]

Daybreak Publishing

The river nymph

This will be the new featured post, where I will suggest how to cross the psychological Rubicon from Normieland to the lands of National Socialism. Needless to say, only normies with honour—that is, valour and honesty—will be able to cross it. Politically, I was a normie until my forties. In 2010 I learned of a […]

Savitri Devi

The Secret Fire

‘He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.’ (Mark 4:34) In my entry last Tuesday, I had said that I wouldn’t post anything for the rest of the year, but a thought came to me that urgently needs to be […]