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Trifold sheet

In my post on Tuesday, I linked to a leaflet, ‘Introducing the New Order,’ from which I barely quoted a few words. But other words are so accurate, concerning the new religion that should cover the whole West, that I can’t resist quoting them. In the first paragraphs, we read:

The New Order is a unique and unusual concept.

It is a National Socialist vanguard organization that is simultaneously a revolutionary idea, a spiritual faith, and a great historic movement.

The program of the New Order is summarized in its name. Our goal is nothing less than a whole new dispensation on Earth—a regenerate New Order—to replace the present Old Order, which stands for everything corrupt, decadent, degenerate, unnatural and diseased in this world.

As its antithesis, the New Order represents a call for a great awakening in the spirit of our Race, a rebirth of natural values in human affairs, and for nothing less than a whole new way of life, a whole new folk, a whole new culture, and a new type of man.

In the central part of the triptych, we can read:

A Community of Faith. We are first of all a spiritual community, a community of belief representing the most sacred Cause of all time—a Cause consecrated by the blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of heroes and martyrs as well as that of the author of the faith himself. It is the first task of this community to furnish the spiritual foundations for the coming New Order and for a great new age on Earth.

And on the other side of the page, we read that the New Order represents a continuation of the struggle for a new world that began in 1919, referring to Adolf Hitler’s initial efforts. After a few sentences, George Lincoln Rockwell is mentioned and also the year 1959 (when, by the way, I was already in this world). Then it is mentioned that Matt Koehl took up the torch in 1967 after Rockwell was assassinated; and after more explanatory words the date 1983 is mentioned, when the New Order replaced the old name of the organisation. This is followed by a sentence that I liked:

Participation in the activities of the New Order is through invitation only… The road to membership is not easy. It begins with a personal decision to devote one’s life and one’s destiny to the sacred cause of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist struggle for our Race above every other consideration.

Finally, almost at the conclusion we can read:

You can start to build the New Order of Adolf Hitler in your own life today.

The first step is to sever all emotional ties to the Old Order and all of its corruption. The second step lies in embracing the vision and ideals of the New Order. The third step is to commit yourself to live in accordance with your National Socialist convictions today.

Not only do will you experience a personal renewal which gives your life real purpose, meaning and value, but you discover your identity as a “fragment of the future”…

The printed material, including this trifold sheet, can be requested by mail (I think only on payment of the postal charge). After what happened to Eduardo Velasco, the Spaniard who disappeared together with his site Evropa Soberana, it seems to me that those who have National Socialism as their religion should belong to this organisation.

4 replies on “Trifold sheet”

The NEW ORDER will send a copy of this brochure for free to anyone who writes to us referencing this website (West’s Darkest Hour).

Write to:

PO Box 270486
Milwaukee, WI 53227

Really interesting but still… I think it is weird to have a renamed all those christian dates to a NatSoc POV. I tend to a pantheistic/naturalist freeway. Butin the other hand I’m eager to see militar/religious parades and religious social events like in Wotan’s Germany. I desire the best to any pro-White organisation and its members. Greetings

Just so you know, the New Order Gab account referenced the West’s Darkest Hour and put a link to the site.

Yes, this is the link.

What I like about the New Order is what it says: that the National Socialist subscribes to a lifestyle, which we could summarise as devoting one’s life to working for the ideals of the Führer. Although he is no longer with us he is with us spiritually, and the competition—those who subscribe to white nationalism—are schizophrenic in sympathising with Judeo-Christianity while perceiving themselves as Jew-wise.

When are they going to understand what we have said a million times on this site, that you cannot serve two masters? Should we leave this post for a week without adding new ones to see if they understand?

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