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Martin Kerr Newspeak Racial studies


is the correct and proper name of our race by Martin Kerr   Before 1940 or so, the term ‘Aryan’ and the name ‘Aryan race’ were part of the ordinary vocabulary of every moderately-educated person in the English-speaking world. Following the Second World War, ‘Aryan’ fell into forced disuse and disrepute because of its association […]

George Lincoln Rockwell Martin Kerr Matt Koehl


with NEW ORDER Chief of Staff Martin Kerr The goal is to apply basic National Socialist principles in an American context, taking into account America’s history, its racial and ethnic demographics, and its geography. The following is an abbreviated and revised transcript of an interview between New Order Chief of Staff Martin Kerr and Rosmarie […]

Friedrich Nietzsche George Lincoln Rockwell Jesus Martin Kerr Savitri Devi

Hitler made us holy again

Address given at the 2016 JdF 127 Hitler Festival in Detroit, Michigan by NEW ORDER Chief of Staff Martin Kerr In the Table Talk, Adolf Hitler accepts as a matter of course that the figure commonly known as Jesus Christ was an actual historical person. He describes him as the leader of a popular revolt […]

Axiology Tom Holland


Michael Jones and Tom Holland Almost at the beginning of this interview, Tom Holland said: ‘Christianity has so kind of saturated the meaning of words in English that it was incredibly difficult to use them’ in his books, ‘and get back to a pre-Christian world’. So saturated that ‘even being opposed to Christianity has Christian […]

Daybreak Publishing Tree

Under the Redwoods

In the footnote to the PDF American Racialism I said: ‘After publishing this book I will put together a couple of shorter PDFs: one that collects some passages from Richard Weikart’s Hitler’s Religion, and a new translation of the Introduction to the German edition of Hitler’s after-dinner talks.’(*) The first of these PDFs, Weikart’s Hitler’s […]

Daybreak Publishing Martin Kerr Matt Koehl

Another book in PDF

In the featured post I said: This is the migrant’s seventh and final step. He has finished crossing the river and is finally on dry land, albeit with his feet still wet in the damp, dark sand of the beach, even if he has a few more steps [emphasis added] to go before he touches […]

Child abuse Correspondence

The Unz Review

Dear Cesar, Recently you recommended that I could utilize The Unz Review to offload some of my written thoughts. I’m afraid I still haven’t really engaged with that, although haven’t ruled it out. I browse it every few days, along with scanning Zero Hedge, the latter for occasional economics stubs. Counter-Currents is too much for […]

New Testament Videos

For Christians

Or: The literary rosetta stone that explains the gospels ‘Christianity is just one participant in a broader set of phenomenology that needed to be understood across the board, and not just studied in some kind of isolationism.’ —Richard Miller Derek Lambert and Dr Richard C. Miller This site is dedicated to those who want to […]

Mainstream media Sexual "liberation"


The purge of hundreds of YouTube accounts from its origins to the present day is incredible. Recall, from a racialist point of view, the purge of Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer on the same day. But over the years even conservatives who are not even alt-lite or alt-right have been purged, to the […]

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Psychohistory

Caligula, 3

The West’s Darkest Hour isn’t a news site. But it is still difficult not to say at least a word about what has happened in the last few hours regarding Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mutiny in Russia. Media misinformation is such that it is as difficult to know exactly what is happening this very day as it […]