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Racial studies Richard Wagner Videos Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Two subjects


At last William Pierce’s last book, the very one which could not reach the printers because he died, has been published. It is available from Lulu.

On the Addenda I’ve added images to my abridgement of Who We Are. If you don’t have time to read the printed book, or even my abridgement, skip the first eight prehistoric chapters if you wish—but don’t, don’t miss the history of the white race!

Changing subjects, I have just added a Donate button [Note of April 2013: Presently at the bottom of the page]. Join the Knights of the Grail! Help Parsifal to heal Amfortas (the average German) from his overbearing sense of guilt:

(Note of 2014: The YouTube clip that used to be embedded here has now been deleted)

Axiology St Paul Tom Sunic Videos

Tomislav Sunić

“The role that the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity plays in your culture is well known. At depth, they are Christian ideas.”

—John Paul II

After watching the videos embedded below, “The Monotheist Mindset and its Secular Modalities,” with both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald attending the conference, I reached the conclusion that, presently, Tom Sunic (in Croatian, Tomislav Sunić) is our intellectual #1.

At that conference in Denmark celebrated in May 2011, Sunić said:

“Basically, my main thesis is that before we tackle our problems of immigration—in fact before we even tackle the problem of Jews and Judaism—, we have to tackle the major issue, which is egalitarianism.” [emphasis in Sunić’s voice]

It was Western egalitarianism what caused the catastrophic emancipation of Jewry in the first place. Sunić also mentioned St Paul’s epistles and the European revolutions of the modern age that created the Euro-Semitic Zeitgeist that is killing us.

Sunić is saying, basically, that Western egalitarianism is even worse than what we might call “a virus for the white mind.” Worse because, although Sunić doesn’t use my computer analogy, the “Operating System” of whites—which is a more fundamental problem than a mere virus infection—has been the altogether intolerant Judeo-Christian monotheism since the fourth century. And it is precisely this theological / axiological mindset that, in its secular form, is at the very core of the current mess. (This includes the American military interventions defending Jewry and Israel in this and the last centuries.)



Over the boards I have said more than once that the prize for saving the white race from extinction is apostasy. But by “apostasy” I don’t only have in mind the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed that I used to listen during the Mass every Sunday. I refer especially to the axiological side of Judeo-Christianity (incidentally, the first days of this month my axiological entry on Nietzsche’s quote received most of the hits).

After watching the above videos I realized that I must purchase Sunić’s books as soon as I can afford them. They will surely enrich my view, already stated at WDH, that “the Christian problem encompasses the Jewish problem”: a hypothesis that some American white nationalists are still extremely reluctant to consider.

Free speech / association Videos

Orwellian Canada

Ezra Levant on Section 13 (part 1)

Ezra Levant on Section 13 (part 2)

Ezra Levant and guest on Big Sister

Beauty Videos

The Banishment of Beauty

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Here is an amazing four-part video series (43 minutes total and well worth the time) by the painter Scott Burdick. Don’t be put off by the fact that Burdick goes out of his way—way, way out of his way—to show traditional Western art, some of it his own, that depicts non-Whites. It’s as if he’s saying “see how non-racist I am,” to deflect attention from the fact the rising Art Underground he depicts is substantially Whiter than rural New Hampshire. He nevertheless masterfully skewers the modern art establishment and their hatred for beauty—and their literal banishment of it from their galleries, museums, and literature. With calm logic he analyzes the common characteristics of the paintings that are sought out by these culture-distorters, and those that they reject.

It isn’t abstract versus representational art—it isn’t nudity, or the human form or its absence—it isn’t fine-grained versus rough materials; none of these determine what is accepted and what is rejected. In the “intellectual” theories (with Jewish / Frankfurt School roots, though Burdick doesn’t say so) that must be internalized by anyone wishing to rise in the modern art world today, it is beauty itself that must be rejected and ugliness or nothingness which must be praised, especially if the artist pays obeisance to the “intellectuals” and their “theories.”





Currency crash Peter Schiff Videos


Keynesian trap


See conference: here.

Civil war Videos

Greece, the cradle of our civilization!


Currency crash Peter Schiff Videos

“The dollar collapse will unfold very rapidly”

Demography Energy / peak oil Eschatology Justice / revenge Liberalism Videos

Peak Liberalism

In the comments section of that YouTube video you can read “Google Chechar The Red Giant for an enlightening read on peak liberalism.”


Nostalgia for traditional Britain

Yesterday, always nostalgic of the movies I saw as a child on the big screen, I watched all the Edinburgh scenes of the 1959 film Journey to the Center of the Earth, of which I just uploaded a single scene:

And today I was infinitely shocked that this week many young white Britons uploaded YouTube clips hating Emma West and repeating all of the doubleplusgood, antiracist duckspeech that they have learned in Orwellian Britain. One of these teenagers, a female by the way, said sincerely: “The United Kingdom is a multicultural country.”

There’s no question about it. The West, and particularly the Anglo-Saxon countries that horribly betrayed the white race during the Second World War, must be set aflame and destroyed before the surviving whites wake up from the catalepsy that has been burying us semi-alive for seventy years.

Civil war Currency crash Eschatology Peter Schiff Videos

Weimar US

A few entries ago I embedded a video by Peter Schiff but today, which is my birthday, I indulged myself in watching lots of YouTube videos on the coming financial Armageddon:

The US dollar will be like wall paper

The day the dollar died

Schiff explains magnificently the dollar collapse

Even for those prepared this is the scenario after the collapse

Of the white nationalist intellectuals of today, none has influenced me more than the editing tastes of Greg Johnson, who recently said in a Tom Sunic radio interview that the metapolitical work should have started fifty years ago.

Alas, if Schiff and several other economists are right, it looks like the US will enter the convergence of catastrophes predicted by Guillaume Faye —financial, ethnic, nationalist and a civil wars— sooner than expected, which means that there will be no time for metapolitical structures as planned by Johnson and others.

I have no friends in the Third World country where I am living for the moment. And at my relatively advanced age of 53 I even allowed myself the luxury of rejecting a recent marriage proposal because the lady… is not sufficiently white. Furthermore, since those whom I am biologically related to have betrayed me and my ideals I’ll soon say good-bye to them forever.

But this is a day to celebrate my birthday in the gloomy solitude of my bedroom.


P.S. A little piece of advice:

Become self sufficient

Get a gun

Grow food

Get survival gear

Get out the cities

Get gold and silver now