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“When treason prospers, none dare call it treason”


Why every decent American should become
an anti-Semite: Third reason

Why Americans have no clue about Israel’s terrorist attacks on Americans? In his YouTube channel Dave Duke has dozens of videos that purport to function as a redpill for those who are sleeping in the Matrix. The key to understand the Matrix is the question that Duke has repeated over and over in his videos: “Who controls the American media?”

Here I’ll use a single example of those videos, the attack on the USS Liberty:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvItZ2GS88A&w=560&h=349]

In the last century many people have disbelieved the cover-up explanation, that the Israeli attack was an unintentional blunder, but have been unable to rebut it. However, in the present century the BBC documentary Dead in the Water uses new evidence to reveal the truth behind the attack.

It now seems that Israel’s strike against USS Liberty was intended to draw the US in a war against Egypt by making the US government believe that the Egyptians, not the Israelis, were the perpetrators of the attack.

President Lyndon Johnson’s cover-up of the incident was obvious treason. And Duke must be certainly right that to support a state that militarily has attacked Americans, as most congressmen do today, is itself treason against the American people.


Against Fjordman II

Jihadist Muslims in Europe are the invading Orcs. But the real enemy is Sauron (the subversive Jew).

–C. T.

Fjordman is a blogger who became notable in the conservative sites that focus on how massive immigration, especially Muslim, is destroying the West. In my previous post on Fjordman I failed to mention one of the sites that originally became impressed with Fjordman’s journalist talents.

So impressed that the admin chose naming his site with the penname of his fan, http://fjordman.wordpress.com/. Alas for Fjordman, the fact is that the German-speaking bloggers of that site are now openly repudiating Jew-blind counter-jihad, of which Fjordman is one of its most recognized intellectuals. A recent entry at As der Schwerter for instance contains this sentence—:

Und wenn man sich ansieht, zu welchem Scheuklappenverein die sogenannte „Counterjihad“-Szene umgeformt wurde, dann wurde es höchste Zeit, daß wir uns in „As der Schwerter“ umbenannt haben.

—which translated to English means:

And if you look at what has been transformed into the blinders club called “counter-jihad” scene, it was high time that we have changed our name to Ace of Swords.

A proverbial example of the “blinders club” in the counter-jihad scene is Ned May’s blogsite Gates of Vienna (GoV), which most recent article features Fjordman’s “When Treason Becomes The Norm.” In that essay Fjordman wrote:

If we make a list of groups or institutions that are promoting the dispossession and destruction of Europeans it would look something like this, starting from the top down: (1) The United States government, (2) the European Union, (3) Muslims, (4) The anti-white Leftists controlling Western academia and mass media. (5) Multinational corporations and their lobbyists plus a business class hungry for open borders with unrestricted access to global markets and cheap labor. (6) The anti-white bias and genetic Communism aggressively promoted by Hollywood and the American entertainment industry.

To which I promptly responded:

Why did you leave out an important culprit Fjordman, the Jewish involvement in shaping American immigration policy? As to immigration in Europe, see this video where Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre, who runs a government-funded Jewish study group in Sweden, makes the following remarkable statement:

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we [the Jews] are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”

Obviously, since both Fjordman and regular GOV-ers are willfully blind about the Jewish Question, their opinion about the only modern state who awoke to the realities of the JQ is as inverted as a photographic negative where black is white and white black. The following sentence of the same article by Fjordman is so stupid that it is not even worth of a reply:

I would be tempted to declare the Nazis the most anti-white movement that ever existed, considering the incalculable damage they did to Europeans and people of European origins.

If intellectuals such as Fjordman are considered the best defenders of Western civilization we must be in good shape!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM8zOBOFFHw]

Israel / Palestine Videos

A Jew criticizing Jewishness

There’s no question about it. The Western world has been horribly lied with its historical narrative after World War 2. But cracks on the current paradigm are already visible if we only dare to listen the dissidents.

Pay special attention when Gilad Atzmon, an ex Jew, says that Jews simply “don’t understand how out of the blue the people turned against them” in Germany, and why it is not a conspiracy but an assertion of historical realities to state that his co-ethnic Jews are bent on world domination. Also, after watching this video I feel I finally understand why on earth the United Kingdom allowed such a thing as the creation of the state of Israel.

Below I embedded an edited video that features Atzmon among three other speakers (the full version of this May 2011 event can be seen at the link at the bottom of this post).

Panel event- ‘Zionizm, Jewishness and Israel’ from Tali Atzmon on Vimeo.


Note of October 8, 2011

Despite the above Atzmon is no friend of us. See MacDonald’s recent exposé of him (here).