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Civil war Racial right Real men


‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.

—John F. Kennedy

This month will be one year after the event in Charlottesville, which incidentally happened on my birthday: an ambush on the white nationalists of the United States in which the government of the state of Virginia colluded with the antifa and the media. If there is one thing that emerges from that day, it is that the System has decided to make a peaceful revolution impossible. They were able to violate their own laws and decree a state of emergency in order to sabotage the right of peaceful assembly of those protesting against the government’s decision to remove a Confederate statue.
With the hindsight of a year later it should be increasingly obvious that the System itself is telling us that there is no other way but violent revolution. I have spoken with Norman Spear and Joseph Walsh about this matter via Skype. Although I disagree with Spear that the federal government of the USA would never allow, in my opinion, a Neo-Nazi state as Covington dreamed in the Northwest, his Twitter account is a treasure trove of FAQs on how to make a Revolution.
Using chess terms I would say that I disagree with Spear’s ultimate strategy. In my humble opinion, the strategy should be to checkmate Uncle Sam à la Turner Diaries. But we completely agree on tactics about what guerrilla fighters should start learning right now.

Racial right

Typical Greggy

I try to be a serious blogger, devoting this site to the Christian problem (‘Christian love is murdering the white race’). I wish to stay away from infighting. But sometimes some notable white nationalists say things that I consider a duty to respond.
Last Friday, for example, Greg Johnson, editor-in-chief of Counter-Currents, defended one of his commenters: an Orthodox Jew whose father is an Orthodox rabbi. In his article ‘Dov Bechhofer Did Nothing Wrong’ Johnson wrote:

I thought Dov’s views on many issues that divide White Nationalists were quite sound: He saw Hailgate and Unite the Right for the disasters they were; he opposed Nazi LARPing and the more juvenile and vulgar reaches of the Alt-Right; he disdained crude misogyny and attacks on women who tried to help the cause; and so on. He also made it clear that he rejected race-war fantasies and sympathized with my desire to find paths to racial separation that are maximally peaceful and humane, respecting the basic human rights of all involved.

So the good guy in Johnson’s book is an orthodox Jew and the bad guys are people like Unite the Right whom the System ambushed a year ago at Charlottesville (‘disasters’ here means blaming the victim); the late Covington and Mason (‘Nazi LARPing’), Devlin and Anglin (‘misogyny’) and the best mind that America has ever produced, Pierce (‘race-war fantasies’)?
Johnson sides the kike who insists that we must behave in ways that are considered ‘humane, respecting the basic human rights’ (remember: love is murdering the white race)?
Really? With such brave white nationalists, who needs the rabbi’s son?
Some of you may think that my laser-focusing on Christianity is an excess. Others may even raise doubts about my ‘true motivations’. But think about it: Johnson used to deliver very pious Christian homilies at his Swedenborg Church in San Francisco as recently as 2010. Do you think that the Neo-Christian ethics he presently subscribes, so similar to those of the rabbi’s son, have nothing to do with his Xtian upbringing?

Americanism Friedrich Nietzsche Martin Luther Moses (fictional Hebrew lawgiver) Racial right

On the 1st proposed US seal‎

Why the Jews have so much power over the West?
• Because the United States, the most powerful nation on Earth, has empowered them.
Why they empowered them?
• Because of what on this site we have been calling ‘the Christian problem’.
Judge it by yourself. The next post of Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History, a long one that I’ll probably reproduce next Monday, will be about the figure of Moses. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress asked Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin to design a seal that would represent a symbol for the new United States. They chose the symbol of Moses leading the Israelites!
Isn’t the Canadian Sebas Ronin right that in order for the race to survive Murka must burn? The big truth is that Jews and Israel are admired in America, especially by evangelical Christians because, as a nation, the US got up from its very start on the wrong side of the bed.
Covingtonistas for example are dreaming. They want to use a Christian hymn written by Martin Luther, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God as the national anthem of the Northwest American Republic; that is, a newly founded white ethnostate. Like Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and also those pilgrims who previously had fancied themselves as the new Israelites who would found a city upon a hill, even revolutionary secularists still cannot break away from Judeo-Christian tutelage. (The new national anthem still has the god of the Jews as the god to worship!)
What American racists need is the exact opposite: Nietzsche’s Law Against Christianity. Full apostasy is the only to see the Jewish problem from an eagle’s point of view, starting with the history of Christianity that is being reproduced, step by step, in this most humble site.
If you Americans fail to become apostates like Julian, you can kiss your race goodbye.

Racial right

Anglin’s playground

‘History is the mighty Tower of Experience, which Time has built amidst the endless fields of bygone ages. It is no easy task to reach the top of this ancient structure and get the benefit of the full view. There is no elevator, but young feet are strong and it can be done’, wrote Hendrik Willem van Loon in The Story of Mankind.
In theory, if there is anything that should matter those who want an Aryan nation, it is the facts. History should be considered the most important of the humanities, yes: the tower of experience. But I do not see much interest in the white nationalism forums for ancient historical facts in Europe, especially those facts that explain why the white race is going extinct. (What we see in most of the forums are opinions and news comments; these days for example, Trump meeting with Putin.)
When are they going to be interested in their roots, the old history of their race? What is it that prevents them from reading William Pierce’s only non-fiction book (and let’s not talk about heavy treatises like Deschner’s)? Could it be that both Pierce and Deschner were anti-Christians? Could it be that they are clinging to their parents’ religion like a baby with a pacifier? Are not yet prepared to digest strong meat? Will I continue to be talking to myself with these Deschner translations because they’re still in Anglin’s playground, like kids living in the present?

Deranged altruism New Testament Racial right

All Christians are Cucks, 2

Time for another portion of Biblical verses and their cute relationship to reality. In general this article will be for those who weren’t convinced by the first part and simply needed more evidence to finally wake up and get over to the edge of Truth. If you still insist on remaining a Christian after this additional analysis, then you should really question your loyalty to the White Racial movement. Or, at the very least—you shouldn’t be promoting anything, as you will only be misleading people…
We are being poisoned by the venom which the Jew Paul has brought to us. We have been duped into believing that Christianity is to be taken Universal. Let us take a look at just few examples:
Resist not evil, Love your enemy — Anti-semite, Islamophobe, Xenophobe, Nazi, Racist.
Give to him that asketh thee, and from him what would borrow of thee turn not thou away — All the charities, all the demands of non-Whites, all the equality nonsense.
Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you — I mean come on? Isn’t this happening right now? They kill us – we don’t react. They rape our women and children – they dindu nuffin. They kill our people – we pray.
Be meek, poor in spirit, mourn — Our people have become exactly that.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus — This is the Globalist, Universal, Egalitarian, Liberal propaganda. Is. It. Not? No Races, no Hierarchy, no Gender, no Sexes, all are just One.
I mean we could go on and on through every and all words of Jesus and the Jew Paul and see how they have been re-applied throughout history in order to further the goals of the Jews. All they do is change the terminology—the narrative is always the same: it is merely hidden by different words…
To make sure that they truly look like some kind of “spiritual” tribe, they will dumb down the entire planet, to the point where everyone is so fucking stupid that they will believe anything the Jews say. They are God’s Chosen and that’s it. They will have control over the remaining technology and therefore look as if they are truly blessed by something higher. Since any type of Creativity or actual Thinking threatens their position—Whites must be genocided. There is no other solution for the Creative and Good soul of the White race.
Finally, what better slaves can you have than a merged Christian + Muslim society which is hellbent on submission, martyrdom and enjoys to suffer in the name of Jesus and God? All our Freedoms will be gone. We will all become eternal Slaves to the Jews, living under a Semitic dictatorship of darkness and decay. The world will become a cage.
Read it all: here.

Free speech / association Racial right Tom Sunic

Renegade Tribune censorship

The series in four instalments, ‘All Christians are Cucks’ authored by Axe of Perun a couple of years ago, that appeared in Renegade Tribune with many comments, has been deleted (here, here, here and here).
I was using the most interesting aggregations from the comments sections of those articles for the series on ‘anti-Galilean quotes’ in this site. I have been able to save some of the content through the cache but not all. This means that I still can quote at least some of the comments that piqued my interest, but won’t be able to reference them properly unless the series ‘All Christians are Cucks’ is restored on its original site.
‘No subject is so dangerous to address among White nationalists as the Christian religion’ said Tom Sunic. I am afraid he’s right.

Autobiography Christendom Evil Matthias Grünewald Racial right

Christianity is pure evil

– and white nationalists are evil too –

I had changed the status to ‘private’ of the Friday post for fear that my relatives who see my Facebook page would find out what I wrote about the family tragedy (after a Mass, yesterday was the burial of my cousin in a cemetery). But today something happened that I cannot ignore.
Murder and suicide in the family have devastated many. I even had to come for a few days to the house of my octogenarian mother, who still lives. This day my brother talked on the phone with her and I did something I never do: listen to a conversation from the other speaker.
In another recent post I said that, for the medieval mind, demons were a very living and very real psychological reality. I also said that, nowadays, demonological paranoia can only be observed in the most traditional Christian families.
Well: in the conversation I just heard my mother said regarding the acts of my cousin (my translation from Spanish into English): ‘There the Evil One intervened’. My brother replied: ‘Sure!’
But the worst was not that.
Then the subject of the salvation of the soul of my late cousin came up. My mother burst into anguished tears because she fears that he will go to eternal fire. My very Catholic brother, who goes to Mass every day, consoled her with reasons within Catholic theology: saying that if at the last minute my cousin would have thought this or that thing, he could be saved.
Yesterday my mother expressed with me the same fear for the soul of my cousin: her very dear first nephew. But when I heard about her fears I got angry and with a quick ‘It does not exist!’ referring to hell I turned around, away from her.
It is not clear what will happen to my mother or the surviving siblings of my cousin. Here I only came to say that an ideology of Semitic origin that has deceived the white man for millennia, with its doctrine of eternal torture, is infinitely perverse. And this includes white nationalists who, like schizophrenic imbeciles, cling to their Jewish drug.
It is not possible to save the white race by surrendering your will to evil. It is not possible to save the white race by swallowing the infinite lies of the Jews and the Judaised gentiles who invented Christianity; the torture by eternal fire being the most conspicuous doctrine of all. When the Aryan race finishes extinguishing, I hope that this bottle thrown into the sea—this humble blog that very few read—serves so that the coloured may explain the inexplicable: that not even in the darkest hour for the fair race did whites give up their Semitic drug.
This month I have gone so far as to quote an ethnic enemy in the previous entries, Heisman, to see if that would provoke more visitors to debate the central claim of this site, that indiscriminate love is killing the West: the new subtitle of The West’s Darkest Hour. But very few read this site to the extent of using, or merely linking, these arguments publicly in the Christian and neo-Christian forums of white nationalism.
My cousin was very emotionally attached to my mother. Today I heard her howling in pain, in the homely chapel that keeps the image of the Virgin of Lourdes; praying to her god, and with enormous anguish asking for answers to explain what happened. The fear of the eternal torment for his soul that she now suffers is an agony caused solely and exclusively by the wickedness of whites’ having accepted a worldview of clearly Jewish origin. Although the Jew Heisman was our ideological enemy, and I am glad he committed suicide eight years ago, his book shows that the current liberalism that inverted Roman values clearly was nourished by the very fertile soil that Christian ethics provided.
When will white nationalists give up their evil ways? When will they stop having Jews as saints or overmen (Jesus, Paul, etc.)? When will they stop taking seriously Church Fathers who were not even white (Ambrose, Augustine)? When will they face the history we have been collecting recently about the destruction of the classical (white) world by Christians (mostly non-whites)? Can’t they even face what a woman (!) says in a book published this year in the United States?
Keep committing suicide, white nationalists. I only hope that the coloured historian of the future, the one who writes the epitaph of your race, one day finds the texts of this blog-bottle thrown into the sea…

Ancient Rome Christendom Deranged altruism Friedrich Nietzsche Patriarchy Racial right

Heisman’s suicide note, 9

Judaism for the Gentiles?

When Christian social conservatives reach for their cultural roots, they embrace the uprooting force of Christianity. Christianity began a long process of uprooting gentiles from their pagan past. Monotheism substituted an alternate past and an alternate view of themselves as heirs of Hebrew ancestors. In some sense, Christianity brought non-Jews to serve in what was originally a Jewish mission. Has Christianity molded Christians in a Jewish moral image?
In The Anti-Christ, Nietzsche declared:

Jews are the most catastrophic people of world history: by their aftereffect they have made mankind so thoroughly false that even today the Christian can feel anti-Jewish without realizing that he himself is the ultimate Jewish consequence.

Christian antisemitism is a kind of Jewish self-hatred. In worshipping a Jew named Jesus as their God, and dedicating themselves to essential Jewish values, Christians have dedicated themselves to a form of Judaism.
Because Jesus’s preaching of hatred for the family must be subverted in order for Christianity to function as a normative, societal religion, there must be cases where the ambiguity between the alpha altruism and omega altruism becomes so obscured and perverted that Christianity becomes a vehicle of racism.
Take, for example, white American Christian racists. They hate blacks. They hate Mexicans. They hate Jews. And, incidentally, they worship a Jew as the son of God. It is only natural that such Christian racists should pray to Jesus to save them from the Jews.
The fact that modern Christians tend to be associated with the conservative values of the family is a product of Christianity as a societal tradition, not Christianity as an implementation of the words of Jesus. What would happen if a Christian took Jesus’s message seriously? The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, in Attack Upon “Christendom”, wrote:

And this in my opinion is the falsification of which official Christianity is guilty: it does not frankly and unreservedly make known the Christian requirement—perhaps because it is afraid people would shudder to see at what a distance from it we are living… when Christ requires us to save our life eternally (and that surely is what we propose to attain as Christians) and to hate our own life in this world, is there then a single one among us whose life in the remotest degree could be called even the weakest effort in this direction?… let us not wish to gloss over the Christian requirement, so that by suppression or by falsification we may bring about an appearance of decorum which is in the very highest degree demoralizing and is a sly death-blow to Christianity.

American politician Patrick Buchanan, by contrast, has attempted to resurrect Jesus just enough to achieve his racist, politically Darwinistic goals. It would appear that the conventional Christian virtue Buchanan admires most is hypocrisy. He laments the loss of the good old-fashioned Christian hypocrisy in which a thinly veiled pagan morality edified the slaughter of a Christian’s fellow men under the banner of Christian love.
If Buchanan were to examine himself with Kierkegaard’s eye, it might dawn upon him that he is attacking the Christian churches for being Christian: “We were wrong to accompany the old conquistadors, wrong to impose our faith on native peoples, wrong to be handmaidens of empire. We confess, we beg forgiveness from those against whom we and our fathers have sinned.” He then points out, “Now this may be the way to heaven, but it can lead to hell on earth.” Buchanan and other likeminded Christian racists made it their mission to ensure that the meek do not inherit the earth.
Much of what Christian conservatives are trying to conserve is actually pagan, not Christian. Christianity did not invent the family. Christianity became guilty by association with that kind of social conservatism.
An authentic Christian conservatism would amount to the conservation of the subversion of family patriarchy. Christianity fundamentally redefined the horizons of what became “conservatism”, closing the extreme horizons of the gentile political right represented by Rome, and thus pushing normative Christian ethical horizons towards Jewish norms. A real conservative can be witnessed in the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate (c. 331-363 AD), the enemy of Christianity who converted to the paganism of his ancestors in 361.
Every single accusation of the defamation and dethroning of gods and heroes that Buchanan hurls at secular leftists can be slinged with more profound justice at Christianity. Buchanan himself portends what he calls the “death of the West” precisely because the solution he posits is Christian. His solution to the “problem” is the cause of the “problem”. What Buchanan criticizes is ultimately rooted in Christianity’s spiritual revolution over Rome.
Christianity inspired gentiles to deracinate themselves from their original pagan gods, naturalistic values, and ancestral traditions. Liberalism continues this deracination. The political left casts out those final surviving remains of politically pagan sentiment in the name of radicalism almost akin to Jesus’s attack on normative Pharisaic Judaism.
Christianity decontextualized and recontextualized patriarchy and altruism, subverting the pre-Christian assumptions and social conditions they evolved and originated in. Jesus’s influence effected a softening of the kinship core of patriarchy. From this softened core, liberal social dismantling took administrative control over the hypocrisy industry that Christianity launched. Pat Buchanan himself demonstrates the great reaping of what Christianity has sown: neutralization. Buchanan’s racist cause was effectively neutralized by the victory of Christianity’s melting of racism’s kinship core.
Christianity disempowers and disenfranchises kinship relations. It does this by radicalizing the logic of altruism beyond its sociobiological foundation in kinship, subversively making kinship appear inferior in comparison with its higher, more “universalistic” concerns. In secularized terms, this makes kin selective values, which can include racist values, appear inferior in value.
The Christian moral attack against hereditary social relations is at the root of the modern Western social project of systematic kin selective insanity, i.e. the modern idea of leftward social progress. It was liberalism’s Christian inheritance that made a virtue of kin selective insanity. Genetic self-preservation is immorality when genetic suicide is morality. To literally follow Jesus’s example is to follow the example of celibate priests and implement the extinction of the biological human race.
Mixed marriages between Christianity and racism persist nonetheless. Perhaps the most famous product of the union of Christianity and racism is the bastard child known as the Ku Klux Klan. Caught between white supremacism and Christ supremacism, the Ku Klux Klan has solved the problem of incompatible ethical commitments through a hybrid creed that offers the worst of both worlds. Their greatest feat of all has been to corrupt both the Christianity that they profess to believe in and their own racist cause in one stumbling stroke.

Racial right

Why I disagree

w/ Greg Johnson on Tommy Robinson

Listen, after about the first seven minutes that this
Southerner quoted from Greggy’s recent article.

Audio on The Right Stuff: here.

Racial right

Comfortable panopticon

Something can be learned after my rants of yesterday. Perhaps commenter Spahn Ranch (aka, Jack Frost) hit the nail with these words:

As you may recall, Hunter was loosely based on the career of serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin. The fact that Franklin is neither revered nor imitated in WN circles (and indeed, is hardly remembered at all) is proof that they aren’t serious.

The sad truth is that a large fraction of the right consists of badgelickers who worship the police and recoil instinctively from lawbreakers like Franklin, Manson, Roof, Breivik, and the rest. Such people are very proud that it’s whites who obey the law, which embodies the rules of the civilization whites have built, and they disparage lawbreaking as nigger-like behavior.
“Why whites did nothing?” you ask. Because the inmates are very proud of their prison, which they have built themselves, brick by brick. It’s a panopticon in which they double as guards, keeping each other in line. Even on the right, they value this prison/civilization more than their own racial life.

Also from yesterday’s comments, just see who are living outside the panopticon:


I am going to confess something that I had not said on the internet.

When I lived in Manchester in 1999, I met a short pardo from Puerto Rico who traveled with an American passport. He used to boast about his adventures to abduct and rape American girls within the US itself; and that sometimes he had to kill them because they were screaming. He fled to the UK to avoid being caught in the US after so many offenses.

I had a problem in the UK and he even lent me a hundred pounds to purchase my plane ticket. But before that, he told me about his plans to rob a jewelry store in London, and I even accompanied him to a secret place in Manchester where real men bought guns.

I am telling you this just to let you know that even within a single year of experience in your country I met people that are capable to fight like real men, even when this guy deserves immediate termination for what he did with white women.
This is a world for those who are willing to risk their lives, not for the fags so common in white nationalism. Remember, if whites would be behaving like ISIS instead of complaining about them, the West would be in a much better shape right now.

I must clarify that this guy was never my friend. I lived in the YWCA of Whalley Range and had to share the kitchen and TV room with this pardo. Nor was a friend of this guy:

I have met worse than the Puerto Rican!

Back in 1985, I had as a roommate in San Rafael, California, USA, a former soldier from El Salvador. He boasted stories of his killings, and even assassinations (as a paid assassin after the war). He also told me how he had watched, when combating the guerrilla fighters in El Salvador, other soldiers skinning alive a guerrilla fighter, and another plucking out another fighter’s eye with a spoon.

When you treat people of the Third World directly you meet quite an interesting fauna, believe me…

The bourgeois WNsts don’t realize that they live in a greenhouse like orchids reading essays about Batman on Counter-Currents: a greenhouse’s glass that’s about to be shattered and they’ll have to deal with the wild vegetation outside.

I have had experience with wild veg. Do they?

But the crux is what Spahn Ranch says: white nationalists are not to be taken seriously. They want to mix water and oil: law-abiding and racial preservation. Remember the recent quote by Linder: What makes a difference is one side uses lies and violence, the other side “keeps it legal.”