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Audios Civil war James Mason

Linder reads Siege

Virtually everything you hear on the radio while you lose hours on the way to work is trash. But it is possible to do something useful at that time, like listening to James Mason’s audiobook, Siege, available on YouTube.

I have listened to the first three audios and it seems to me that the Covingtonistas should do the same. Mason in the voice of Linder says it is no time for a direct orchestrated struggle, like a frontal combat. Gathering all the racists of the world in one place would expose themselves to Uncle Sam bombarding them as sitting ducks, even if women and children die.

If there is to be urban guerrilla, things are not as simple as taking the novels of the late Covington as a script for our film (the blogger Severus Niflson, who retired his blog from the Internet years ago, wrote an article along these lines criticising Covington’s plan). I think Mason is right in saying, seek ye first the eradication of Uncle Sam and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. The Covingtonistas do the opposite: they put the chariot ahead of the horse. Their strategy is to first form the ethnostate by humiliating Sam with their little guerrilla wars—and then crossing their fingers so that he does not behave as he did in 1861 and 1945!

But going back to Siege. While it is true that the printed book is boring (it was not boring in the 1980s because then the articles appeared from time to time in Mason’s newsletter), with the voice of Linder it ceases to be boring in the journey to work.

If the thoughtpolice were to remove those YouTube audios, do not forget that Linder has a backup of all his spoken books on his website.

James Mason Third Reich Tom Sunic

Siege, 49

The German mystique

Since this writer has not a drop of German blood in his veins, it gives me good qualifications to write on the following issue. So fundamental is it to what we’re doing and the way we’re doing it that without fail it hits us squarely in the face each time we are either attacked by the ignorant or are approached by the unfamiliar for membership, etc. Unless we ourselves come to understand it fully, we can hardly hope to convey the proper impression of it to the people we are out to win.
Detractors will attack us as “Krauts”, somehow agents for a foreign power, while a great many sheepish sympathizers will open with lines like, “Do you have to be German to join your group?” Generations of war hysteria propagated by Hollywood: anyone who uses the Swastika must be German, or so they imagine. Part of the kernel of ignorance and misinformation which is our people to this very day.
Neither Marx nor Stalin were Russians. Napoleon Bonaparte was not French. Jesus of Nazareth was neither a Jew nor a Christian.


[Editor’s interpolated note: It is precisely here where Mason errs. Just see the previous series of posts on why ‘All Christians are cucks’.]


National Socialists in America today are not Germans. National Socialism is a philosophy first codified and brought to power by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Today a Catholic need not be an Italian simply because it was in Italy that his religion first became the official one of the State. Philosophies and philosophers—or prophets—are largely interchangeable within the framework of our blood. The most recent, and certainly the greatest yet to appear in the world, happened to materialize first in Germany.
Any philosophy must adapt itself to a large degree to the customs and traditions of the people among which its proselytes must move and work. The Christians are undoubtedly the greatest masters of that art to date. Having stolen or latched onto most of the important Pagan holidays, they came to dominate the entire White world as “Christendom”. As successful as those extreme tactics were for the Christians, I can hardly visualize our bending the birthdate of Hitler to match some existing, popular feast day. But then what is the importance of a date on a calendar as compared to power over men’s minds and “souls”?
Hitler made the philosophy work for his people in the context of the time and place and, in turn, the philosophy made the people greater. Hitler made National Socialism in Germany the epitome of everything German and, by that, he was the first and thus far the only man to forge a truly united Germany—even the Kaisers had been unable to fully accomplish this. By making some superficial concessions to the everyday whims of the people. Hitler’s philosophy, together with its greater meaning, was able to “creep up” painlessly on the common man in his simplicity, who otherwise could have been expected to rebel against such sudden changes in his world and in his picture of things. Hitler’s was the world’s first truly peaceful revolution.
Such a super-human job was done by Hitler and his German National Socialists in the twenty-five year history of the NSDAP, that the image has stuck and probably always shall stick. This is in no way a bad thing. Without it today the White Race—and particularly the very young—would have no means to any knowledge at all of the greatness of their people in the recent pastor the brilliant promise ahead if we are only able to gain White unity. All of the White nations of the earth—from antiquity to the recent past—possess the most magnificent histories, customs, and traditions of their own equal to the best that Germany has. All branches of the White Race have great cause to be proud of their own heritage… so long as that great heritage is made known to them.


[Editor’s interpolated note: What does Mason exactly mean by ‘all branches’? Is Mason one of those white nationalists who, out of PC, is unwilling to distinguish Meds from Nords?]


The deriders of Germany, and the authors of “quickie” world history for the busy man, love to harp away on Germany’s two sensational tries at conquering the world. People remember this sort of thing as there is nothing else around to quite compare with it. It captures the imagination. The plain truth no one is interested in is that not only was ‘world enslavement’ never even contemplated by the Germans, it was never within their capability. European unity dominated and maintained by Europe ‘s heartland was the furthest goal at any time.
The Coca-Cola Culture isn’t told that the nation having come the closest to complete world domination was England who, by the turn of the last century, held one-fourth of the surface of the world’s continents and controlled the oceans between. In spite, Germany gets the credit/blame. But the important thing is that at least there stands the example of the White Man’s incomparable, irresistible military prowess in glaring, almost incomprehensible contrast to “democratic” actions in Korea, Vietnam, and lately Iran.
Inextricably intertwined with this is the charge of the Liberals about “German militarism”. Victorious nations have historically taken turn-about at setting the military style and pace for the other leading armies of the world. Prior to 1871, the pace-setter was France (one needs only to glimpse at the design of the uniforms of both sides of the U.S. Civil War for confirmation). After 1871 it was the turn of Germany and spiked helmets appeared in the United States, England, and Russia. The “German” goose-step was and still is utilized in East Europe, Russia, and large parts of South America. The unique German stahlhelm is still today worn by armies in places such as Spain, Egypt, and again throughout South America. One place neither the goose-step nor the stahlhelm is practiced or worn is West Germany. Yet without Nazi Germany catching the hell today, these fine examples would be unknown to Aryan youth.
The liberal pacifists and humanitarians, with their momentary power of the press and dollar, hate all symbols of strength and masculinity and they therefore seize upon all the strongest, most outstanding of these very things and hold them up to ridicule. And that nation which has most lately demonstrated the greatest strength of masculine willpower and self-assertion (without which not much is ever accomplished) gets the full “treatment” from these impotent liberal democratic types. When those of our own revisionist historians claim that Germany was a crucifixion, they are right. But if this is a cross we as National Socialists in America today must bear, we do so willingly.
As much as by all this name-calling on the part of philosophical and intellectual pansies, also by the fact that the great German tradition is now locked forever in time, unchanged and unchangeable, does all of this stand out to the lost White masses of today as peculiarly “German” and not generally White or Aryan. National Socialist Germany went down in a blaze of glory and it will forever be remembered that way. All of the other nations of the West—those that “won” the war—have died or are now dying slow, painful, lingering deaths as they are infected and eaten alive by liberal democracy and Jews.
When one thinks of a German, one envisions a helmeted, goose-stepping Stormtrooper. When one thinks of an American, a Briton, or a Frenchman he sees only a degenerated, “beat”, pot-blowing slob, one indistinguishable from the other. They don’t know that forty years ago every American, Englishman, or Frenchman was as disciplined, squared away, and patriotic as any German of that day. Neither do they grasp that in West Germany today the people are for the most part as liberalized and degenerate as the worst in America.
It’s all a matter of imagery. If we are called “Germans” because we have as our ideal all the very best traditions of the White Man, then I suppose that’s as good and convenient a name as any other. (The same people would stand back in disbelief when informed that Hitler designed the Stormtrooper uniform, patterning it largely after the British World War One model originally designed by one Sam Browne for service in British India.)
There’s nothing wrong in taking pride in one’s German ancestry or mentioning with pride a proportion of German blood in one’s veins. But we still are faced with one of our Enemy’s more deadly fabricated lies designed to throw a split within the White Race: that Hitler, the Germans, and National Socialism in general regard the other branches of the White Race as untermenschen. (Germany never had anything to compare with the British slogan that, “The niggers begin at Calais”.) If anything cost Germany the last War, it was the number of narrow-minded, chauvinistic bureaucrats who did stupidly feel and operate this way.


[Editor’s interpolated note: It is precisely because Mason is a Christian that he was blind to see what Tom Sunic saw: the greatest crime the US committed (WW2) is related to its Christianity.]


But they are found in every nation and have a lot to do with the ease which the deceitful Jews have been able to get the White Man killing one another in the past. But it wasn’t part of Hitler’s program and it isn’t part of ours.
Another danger is fantasizing that the situation today is that of Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s; that we must somehow find or create a “Fuhrer”; that we should act the part of Hollywood Nazis; in short that we can expect to do an exact replay of 1933 here in the United States. It is a danger because it just won’t work. In Southern Europe, Christianity came to power slowly, via more subtle means, while in Northern Europe it was brought to power largely by the use of the sword.


[Editor’s interpolated note: Mason wrote this article the year of my first visit to the US. There was no internet and Mason was completely unaware that Southern Europe had suffered an ISIS-like takeover by fanatic Christians after Constantine empowered them (just as today the System allows the antifa). Remember: the real history of early Christianity has only been revealed in the latest years to the general public thanks to the efforts of Karlheinz Deschner in German, Vlassis Rassias’ book Demolish Them in Greek, and more recently Catherine Nixey in English. At the time that Mason wrote his article only ivory-tower academics knew about the apocalypse that southern whites had suffered in the 4th and 5th centuries.]


Many of the rites, etc., remained the same but the methodology was vastly different and was suited to do the job at hand in the setting that existed.
We—thanks to Adolf Hitler and his great German compatriots—also have our rites, rituals, and holy days on the calendar and I expect they’ll not change. Hitler and his movement in Germany have given us traditions, martyrs to honor, and great battles to commemorate, but it does not mean that we should try to live in the past or be that which we are not. The Christian Church has its age-old customs but they do not go around as Jesus did two thousand years ago in beard, robe and sandals, trying to walk on water. (Those that do are written off as nuts; a thing which we must avoid at all costs.)
Yet we do have a valuable and powerful weapon to use in that, whereas our Enemy has been able to gradually do away with much of the rich heritage (and thereby, identity) of the nations of the West, they, by their very paranoid hatred of Germany, have actually preserved for us all the very finest of the White Man’s way of life. Mention Nazi and you think of German; mention German and you think of an ordered, strong and healthy way of life. You think of a people who are united and proud of their race and able to accomplish things together in a big way. Commander Rockwell bet everything on the theory that when the White Man got sick and tired of the alien, hothouse atmosphere artificially created by the Jews, he’d instinctively know where to expect the opposite—which will always be represented by no one but us.
So when a good, white brother or sister comes up to you with the rather timid and awkward question as to whether he or she must be German to be part of this Movement, don’t deny the great German contribution to Western Civilization but rather point out to them that, if you are White, you belong with us. And emphasize that you’re either White or you are not!

Vol. X, #2 – February, 1981

James Mason

Siege, 48

National Socialism

He who wants to live must fight, therefore he who does not want to live in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive.

—Adolf Hitler

We are the new “barbarians”, forged in iron hardness in the fires of their hate and persecution. All over the world, we wait to pounce.

—George Lincoln Rockwell

And even our present acres of death will someday bloom again…

—Alfred Rosenberg

We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.

—Joseph Goebbels
We agree that unless something equal or better exists with which to replace something, it is damn best to leave it alone. We feel it would be a mistake, a retreat, to return to the dim, distant past for an answer, though I agree we must rediscover our ancient heritage as there is much to be learned from it. Another reason for not seeking an “alternative” religion in the classic sense is because it is utterly foolish to postulate anything one cannot see, touch, and examine. Just as the Aryan Race is the highest order of being yet produced by nature on this planet, so too is National Socialism the highest, most sophisticated, and advanced creed yet formulated by the White Man for his own betterment. Nothing more than that today exists, nothing more is required. It represents all of our needs.
The message of SIEGE is not a negative one. It is, however, important and that is why we cannot afford any longer the stupid mistake of mixing or confusing our goals and priorities like so many traditional Right Wing types have done in the past. The slogan, “For God, Race and Nation” is an example. We cannot allow any foreign, alien moral code or dogma to cramp our revolutionary style and, when the big clean-up begins, no criminal will enjoy any “hands-off privilege” just because he may be some religious master of hocus-pocus or mumbo-jumbo. Our march toward revolution will not be blocked by any rules of the Establishment and our revolutionary New Order will be absolutely free of any trace whatsoever of the old.

Vol. X, #7 – July, 1981

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

James Mason

Siege, 47

When to shoot

Talk of weapons aside, this has to do with shooting the enemy. You don’t need an arsenal for that. All you need is a zip gun and, most of all, the balls to use it. As I said earlier, if you’re thinking about going on the war path in the literal sense, you’d better take the time and planning to quietly drop underground first. Get yourself as comfortable and secure as you can and only then start taking your actions against the System. Your chances of success and survival will go way up as opposed to those who shoot first and try to think afterward.
But now we’re talking future tense. Our revolution will depend on someone or something else kicking events off the edge and into general chaos so as to loosen up some elbow room for the rest of us. It could be the Blacks, it could be anything from a sudden depression to an earthquake. Just anything to get the Pigs of the Big Brother System tied down and off balance. But just as we can’t expect to accept the full brunt of a System counter-attack starting things off by ourselves, neither can we expect, as avowed revolutionaries, to be left alone by the System once somebody else has started the ball rolling. We must assume they are going to take certain measures to guard their rear.
Those already underground or in prison will find this one to be a moot issue, but the rest of us still at liberty and particularly those maintaining homes, etc., will probably have a unique set of difficulties to face when the time comes for general action. It’s a matter best given a lot of thought now, as there’ll be no time for thought when it presents itself.
Three contingencies we can look for will be the following: (a) once major and widespread revolutionary violence starts—no matter from what quarter—the System can be expected to detain all known revolutionists as a matter of precaution; (b) once the economy starts to fall rapidly, the System can be expected to begin mass foreclosures and confiscations while it feels it still can; (c) just like what’s predicted to happen when the sun itself is about to burn out, the System, when it senses its time is about up, can be expected to begin taking a great many extraordinary steps and, in general to really begin overstepping its bounds as they are vaguely defined today. Or hadn’t you thought of any of this?
The whole point to our being constrained to taking a backseat to someone else’s opening gambit with regard to violent revolution is that we simply cannot stand to take on the full weight of the System’s Pigs, now or in the foreseeable future. It will be rather a judgment call for the individual, once large-scale actions have begun, as to whether he thinks he can get away with his own line of extraordinary measures when confronted by the System in a threatening manner. How much you think you’re worth to them or just how many back-ups they have to send after you will be something that each in his own area will have to decide, and decide intelligently, before he acts.
You must remember that they are still used to having people—especially Whites “drop over dead” at their mere approach. Unfortunately—but quite likely—they’ll still be thinking that way when they come after us once someone else has started the shooting. Otherwise, they’d either not come at all or else come with a small army behind them. This unquestionably would then leave the ball in our half of the court as to how to react when only a few of them show up for what they expect to be a routine “roust”.
Your choice will be either to let them take you into custody, away from your family, and possibly take your home and possessions too, or to take a chance on stopping them at that point and burying their bodies in the hills or being killed yourself. As I said, it’ll be a judgment call but one that takes some consideration, if not a considerable bit of preparation, in the present.

Vol. XV, #2 – February, 1986

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

James Mason

Siege, 46

Fury unfelt

Through a former associate’s job contacts, I once wound up invited to a meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Party. This particular cell was organized in a major factory here in Ohio and this special meeting was being called as a result of one RCP member having been shot after the RCP had abandoned labor union discipline in fighting management rip-offs. They wanted to try and decide “what to do” and they broke down and invited us, two known Nazis, to their gathering.
It was convened in the home of the local organizer, Seth Goldberg. Included were Goldberg’s Jewish girlfriend—showing plenty of thigh throughout—plus a handful of Blacks and a handful of washed-out Whites. The history leading up to the shooting as well as the details of the shooting itself were duly gone over for the sake of newcomers. My partner at the time, an old Right Wing organizer who worked at the same plant, gave the young Reds some sound advice on how to get their act together but nothing was actually resolved.
Flabbergasted, I had to speak up and tell Goldberg that, were Trotsky present at this meeting, he’d puke his guts out. A general strike would go for openers. Then the bosses would be shot and the plant itself blown up. Seth had no comment. (Ironically, and by accident, within the week my partner, who had been illicitly using the company Xerox [photocopy machine], left an original copy of Joseph Tommasi’s famous Political Terror leaflet in the machine. The next day there were double armed guards at all factory gates.)
Point being that everybody is just blowing smoke, just pussy-footing around— even the Communists! The riots of the Sixties barely scratched the surface in the amount of direct coordinated violence and terror that’s going to be required to intimidate and melt the System.

Vol. XV, #1 – January, 1986

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

James Mason

Siege, 45

In reverse, again

Not long ago I took a close look at the way the Movement has been in the habit of doing things, everything, from the lowliest task to the most critical one, and discovered that they tended to do it in a “bass ackwards” way every time. As I said, this can be applied to just about all aspects of activity but it is still necessary to take a look at each one, individually, in order to see the significance of this.
One of the areas is that of the overtly illegal, violent attacks against the System. “Hit and run”, so to speak. Wouldn’t it make better sense to turn that concept around to “run and hit”? It only means that you should first drop out of sight, go underground, and stay that way for however long is required for you to learn to exist comfortably at it. At that point you can go ahead and do—and probably get away with—any damned thing you’d choose to pull.
Striking in hot passion and then running blindly is no more than glorified suicide.

Vol. XV, #1 – January, 1986

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

American civil war Civil war Currency crash James Mason Mainstream media

Annapolis shooting – novelist wanted

Siege’s most recent entry is important. Let’s take a look at Mason’s words:

At present the worst enemies of a revolution happening in America are: the unbroken sway of the System’s thought-control, i.e. the mass media; and the continued existence of this economy, as agonizing as it is protracted (and miraculous).

Regarding Mason’s second point, Mike Maloney, like millions of normies, may be a perfect western idiot. But it is worth watching his first four videos of why the American dollar is going to suffer a great setback in our lifetime.
Regarding Mason’s first point, there are limits to what one can say online. Perhaps a talented writer could write a series of novels in which the revolutionaries silenced the media by means of dozens of assassinations of anchors after the revolutionary front had warned: ‘An anti-white message in MSM leads to certain death’.
Strategically, those novels would be quite different from the quintet of Harold Covington. I’ve recently seen, on Twitter, that the Covingtonista who appeared on the last WDH podcast believes it’s possible to hostilely take over a piece of territory from the US and that, unlike what Uncle Sam did in Atlanta during the Civil War in the 19th century, and unlike the genocidal bombing of cities in Germany in the 20th century, this time Uncle Sam is going to behave and respect a neo-Nazi state!
The Covingtonistas are dreaming. Mason is down to earth. Again, regarding his second point above, the System itself will do us the favour of collapsing its own economy (those who have not yet seen the first four videos of Maloney’s course should watch them today).
Regarding silencing the media, we need a novelist with the talent of Covington who elaborates, in a fictional saga, the question of settling accounts with the media (as yesterday happened, in real life, in the Annapolis shooting).

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 44

Readying for revolution

The mood of much of the population and the state of the economy both indicate that everyone could have a surprise in store for them at practically any time. Belief in the rottenness of the System coupled with the belief in ourselves and in our power to make revolution will guarantee that, even if we are surprised by any suddenness of events, we will not be found unprepared and helpless, to become victims rather than masters.
At present the worst enemies of a revolution happening in America are: the unbroken sway of the System’s thought-control, i.e. the mass media; and the continued existence of this economy, as agonizing as it is protracted (and miraculous). In short, the System survives and functions so people are not allowed to think, to know. Plus they can still be alternately rocked to slumber or subtlety coerced into inaction.
Our agenda at present then, as indicated by the prevailing conditions, would include: focusing all our concentration on the ideological swing from reaction all the way over to total revolution.
In other words, effecting a revolution within our existing Movement first; learning rapidly to live outside of the economy and live off of the System in order to help hasten its demise and to insure our own survival—whether there remains a month or twenty years left to this state of affairs; getting away from metropolitan areas and quickly establishing solid, independent enclaves for ourselves and our families; practicing both the subtle and overt undermining of naive faith in the existing government or System on the part of the people around us, not as “radicals” but as friends and leaders for the future; and having prudent stocks of weapons and sufficient stores of ammunition. Going “overboard” in quantities or in grossly exotic and illegal weaponry is a serious blunder.
Concentrate on safe refuge and let all words and actions go toward undermining the System and toward strengthening the Revolution.
In the future, at any time, the best friends of a revolution in this country will be any worsening or collapse of the economy along with any large-scale disaster, disruption, or upheaval from any source. We want, first, for the System to “crap out” before one and all so that the evil Jinni, the illusion that’s been holding it together for these past decades, will be once and for all dispelled. We want its pimps to be deprived of their entire purpose, their entire excuse for living (as well as their protection)—which depends completely on this economy’s survival.
And we especially want to see the System and its hired hoods under attack by the identical forces they created and unleashed upon our segment of the population as part of their “master plan” of control. We want to see the System’s strength and structure largely destroyed, initially by forces independent of our own. Only at that time will we be able to begin undertaking bold and sweeping actions toward assuming open control for ourselves.
By that time, and it could come much sooner than anyone expects, we will absolutely need to have a strong and well-functioning revolutionary organization already operational and with a full spectrum of direct experience under its belt. It is in this area and nowhere else that the breakthrough must be made: the area of revolutionary organization. Without it, the revolution must go to someone else who does possess the strength of discipline and the will necessary to move and achieve it.
First and last, the responsibility is entirely ours.

Vol. XIV, #12 – December, 1985

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

James Mason

Siege, 43


I don’t pretend to be an expert on the art of surviving under very primitive or hostile conditions. Yet, aren’t we all doing that very thing when you really consider it, and more so all the time as this civilization continues to rot away? Despite the erroneous image some have in their minds of what the NSLF is, or is supposed to be, few of us in fact could qualify as guerrillas.
But probably the biggest difference between one of us and a “real” guerrilla is all the Hollywood-style phony image-making plus the fact that we aren’t little boys out to play army, but instead revolutionaries who must pick and choose our means as the case warrants. Primarily we’re not off on any trip and as real and valuable as survival preparations and techniques are, when made into a hobby or an obsession, they become an actual trip.
We are realists and as such we view these things merely as part of the weapons arsenal, not as central to the issue much less the issue itself. We are the first to tell you to be prepared but we are also the first to tell you never to get sidetracked.
The talk of survivalism is now everywhere. It’s not a bad thought. But I see that the profiteers have moved in, including those non-political, non-racialist, and even many who are part of the Establishment. Whenever this phenomenon occurs, you can be sure the thing is deliberately being overdone and is well on its way to being run straight into the ground. It is today’s fad. And whenever the Establishment feels secure enough to dabble around in something, you can be pretty sure that it is in no way very valuable to the struggle we must fight.
What about all those bomb shelters of the 1950’s? And what of those hidden weapons caches of the 1960’s? No Russian bombs, no Federal swoops. What about even all the tremendous harum-scarum of the Red-inspired marches and demonstrations of the 60’s and 70’s? No Red revolution in the streets of the U.S. Merely the latest thing to get spooky Right Wingers vibrating and shucking out vast amounts of loot.
But then the NSLF and Siege hammer away about the impending collapse and even the necessity of such a collapse before anything good can be accomplished. A contradiction? Not really. It has been stated before that very few things in this world are in plain black and white and this includes any sort of national collapse. We are in fact in a state of collapse now. We are indebted to a real slime-dripper, former New York City mayor John Lindsay, for providing us with this beautiful and accurate simile: the crime rate alone in this country is equal to a nation-wide, non-stop “riot in slow motion”.
If it hasn’t already passed the point of total ridiculousness, it will any second now. But that is beside the point. The Right, and people in general, think only in terms of the melodramatic, the stereotypical. This, however, has been proven enough times to be what the expected case will not be, that we in the Movement should know better. They can’t seem to see a Leader, they’re scared to death whenever one of us pulls a revolutionary act, and yet they think in these grandiose patterns of things happening in a big, overwhelming way. They cannot seem to think and see in terms of stages and degrees which is precisely how the Enemy advances.
Survivalism for the realist can be bound up in only a few very basic, commonsense principles.
First, remove yourself from what I call the “Death Zones” which are simply the metropolitan areas of the country. In these places not only is Big Brother’s grip the tightest, but the lowest-common-denominator genetic miasma has you badly out-numbered. The air and water are going fast, many of the so-called “Whites” still there are totally gone to degeneracy, and life itself is already abnormal, a mutation of what it once was. There is no hope for these places whatsoever, under any circumstances, so get the hell out now while the getting is still good.
Second, get located in an area where self-support can be possible. An area where you can successfully survive—and survive white—as a separate region in the event of a complete national break-down and protracted chaos. Let the cities go to hell, right where they came from! If the Russians don’t get ’em and if crime, famine, and disease don’t get ’em, then we’ll have to later on.
Third, on an individual level, you must have all set-up and ready-to-go independent sources of water, food, and heat. At the same time you must have weapons and sufficient stores of ammunition with which to defend yourself. All of the above is basic essential. None of it is wild or exotic.
The above is simply a way to live, a habit to get into. At the same time it doesn’t interfere with one’s daily business or daily living. It doesn’t make you “weird”. But you’d be amazed at the number of those who fall flat in all three of these categories. They are not going to survive. More than what I’ve outlined is optional.
For example, some advanced essentials would have to include medical supplies and independent communication sources. The actual organizing of neighbors into tight-knit communities and defense units is a tough one to accomplish. To go any further here would be to depart from reality because I know human nature and the laziness and “Never-Never Land” mentality of the Right Wing. They won’t do it because they don’t have the scope of imagination or the long-range gumption. I speak only about what you can and should do.
The danger in survivalism lies in the fallacy of the hobbyist-escapist’s own, private dreamworld. Most imagine that blowing exorbitant sums on the supposed trappings of the “professionals”, or the accumulation of a library of doom-say manuals, or even the acquisition of a monstrous personal armory, means survivalism. But are they living in a metro area? Are there hundreds of thousands of undesirable humans only blocks away? Do they have a good well? Wood-burning heat and adequate fuel? Can they grow or hunt food? Are they a likely target in the event of a nuclear war?
To me, survival and reality are the same. Phony, faddish “survivalism” is nothing more than a hobby and hobbyism is nothing more than escapism. But, admittedly, escapism appears to be part-and-parcel of the “Movement” as it stands.
Useless and expensive hobbies won’t make it. It’s all the same if you remain hooked up to Big Brother’s life-support system. If you are, you will get disconnected with the rest and sink with the ship. This phony survivalism appears to be the most elaborate yet of all the dished-up excuses for inaction and retreat. It’s another way to build yourself an expensive sandcastle. There is a clear path to survival just as there is a clear path to victory. Both involve being in touch with reality and in taking action, in going forward.

Vol. X, #10 – October, 1981

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

James Mason

Siege, 42

Off my case

Don’t confuse this with the spectacle of the Right Wing joker who stages a press conference to announce the formation of a secret, underground guerrilla army. This only involves you and nobody else but you.
I’ve never been accused of being a paranoid individual, of imagining things which aren’t there. My desire to be aware of what the hell I’m doing and what’s going on around me precludes that. Earlier I wrote a segment entitled “Leaks” in which I partially delved into what I’m about to discuss, except then it was to demonstrate a different point. At that time I was concerned with the range and the limits of the System surveillance of ourselves.
This time, however, I want to discuss definite ways in which we can actually control and turn to our own use the things I revealed in “Leaks”. Every time I pick up one of those exposes of the Movement done by the ADL, etc., it appears to me as though they are invariably about three years behind the times as far as who’s who and what’s what. There can be no doubt that this constitutes for us an advantage in itself, however accidental it may be or unintentional on our part. Clearly it would seem that the desirable thing to do would be to take it upon ourselves, individually, to make sure that the gap in current, accurate information gets even wider.
Unless you are a publicity hound or an exposure freak, it shouldn’t prove too hard at all to leave an icy cold trail.
The point being that you can do a hell of a lot more in anonymity by way of things which count, than you could ever hope to do under any kind of official, or semi-official, scrutiny. It is never necessary to foolishly attempt to deny or otherwise disown the Movement or any part of it. Far from putting distance between it and yourself, that only amounts to another kind of “grandstanding” and draws more attention—the wrong kind of attention. Morally, politically, ethically, who gives a damn? Rather, it is in whether or not you are a person who bears a lot of watching. And too, whether or not you’re the type of person who demands to be watched.
The best example of this is the legal demonstration. There you are, in the middle of the spotlight in the middle of a country full of people who not only don’t give a damn but who also hate shit-disturbers. You might prove some kind of point which says something about yourself but you’ve done nothing which effects them… except to put them on notice, giving them something to wag their tongues about in bottomless ignorance. Morally, you may have accomplished something very significant but if it had been at any time a question of morals, we’d have won the Second World War.
Perhaps, at bottom, the sad fact is that it’s dangerous and counter-productive, as well as futile, for us to attempt to communicate in any way with the people of this country. When has it gained anything for us? Those who have come to us have done so because of some inner calling of their own. So it shall continue, I suspect.
Joseph Tommasi in 1975 declared the closing of the strategy of a mass movement and opened the way for the armed struggle. Have things been developing this way ever since or have they not? I merely propose to increase this division and intensify its development for the good of us all.
No stunts, no handstands, no fanfare. Instead, care and caution. Long range planning. When you strike, strike hard and strike deep. Play for keeps. But, always in the end, it’s a matter of greater steady mileage over intense but short bursts. Don’t attract needless attention.

Vol. XIV, #10 – October, 1985

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.